The Doctor's Family Reunion

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by Mindy Obenhaus

  His Instant Family

  Family means everything to Dr. Trent Lockridge. Growing up without a father, he always yearned for a family of his own. One long-ago summer in Ouray, Colorado, he thought he might build a future with beautiful Blakely Daniels. But when he abruptly fled town, he broke her heart and left behind more than memories. Years later, Trent is shocked—and overjoyed—to learn he’s a father. He’d like to earn back Blakely’s love and trust—but it won’t be easy. And the clock is ticking. He’s got only a few weeks to prove that, this time, he’s here to stay…forever.

  Trent followed Blakely to the kitchen, eager to ease the tension between them.

  He found her frantically wiping the stovetop when he entered. “Anything I can do to help?”

  Halting midwipe, she hesitated before finally turning around. “Um…” Eyes wide, she bit her bottom lip. Something he found sweet.

  She looked away. “Actually, it’s Austin’s job to set the table.”

  Unwilling to let the moment go, he stepped closer, eliminating what little space remained between them.

  “He’s a great kid, Blakely. You’ve done a fantastic job.”

  She glanced up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Thanks.”

  At the table, he clasped Austin’s hand, then offered Blakely his other. The softness of her touch sent a wave of awareness through him. And, for a split second, it was as though they were a family.

  Dreams he’d tucked away long ago drifted to the surface. Could he still have the one thing that had eluded him all his life?


  always dreamed of being a wife and mother. Yet as her youngest of five children started kindergarten, a new dream emerged—to write stories of true love that would glorify God.

  Mindy grew up in Michigan, but got to Texas just as fast as she could. Nowadays, she finds herself trapped in the city, longing for ranch life or the mountains. When she’s not penning her latest romance, she likes cooking, reading, traveling and spending time with her grandkids. Learn more about her at

  The Doctor’s Family Reunion

  Mindy Obenhaus

  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

  —Romans 8:28


  Becky Yauger, writing partner extraordinaire. Girlfriend, I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you for understanding how my brain works

  and for putting up with countless phone calls,

  emails, texts and IMs. We did it!

  Many thanks to Ted and Betty Wolfe, owners of the Ouray Comfort Inn, for your friendship, hospitality and for answering a multitude of questions.

  To Bob and Brandy Ross, owners of

  Switzerland of America, aka the little blue building

  on Seventh Avenue. You were my inspiration.

  Thanks for letting me hang with you guys.

  Your attention to detail shines through in all you do.

  Thank you to all my writer friends who helped me

  along the way—Lisa, Lindi, Lena, Patty, Julie, Lynne, Kellie, Ruthy, Missy, Christy, Marilyn, Lee,

  Betty and Jackie. Your input, no matter how large or small, helped get this story where it is today.

  Thank you to my mother-in-law, Helen Obenhaus,

  for introducing me to Ouray.

  Melissa Endlich, you are the editor of my dreams.

  Thank you for believing in me.

  And to the agent of my dreams, Tamela Hancock Murray, thank you for your support and encouragement.

  For my family. Thank you.

  Richard, you gave me the courage to follow my dream and cheered me on every step of the way. You are my best friend, my rock, and I will love you forever.

  Amy, Rachel, Danielle, Ryan and Michael,

  I love you all more than you will ever know.

  Never give up on your dreams.

  Jesus, my Lord and Savior, without You, I wouldn’t have had a dream to chase. May it be for Your glory.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Dear Reader

  Questions for Discussion

  Chapter One

  Blakely Daniels’ world had turned upside down.


  Her gaze darted throughout the cab of her tour vehicle, her breath ragged. Three tons of metal groaned around her, protesting against the copse of aspens that had stopped their free fall. The splintered windshield resembled a complex spider web and the indented driver’s door pressed against her leg.

  Head throbbing, Blakely squeezed her eyes shut, trying to get her bearings. She’d been driving these mountain roads since she was a teenager. Yet here she sat—rather, hung—who knows how far below the cliff’s edge, her pickup in ruins.

  How could she have made such a dangerous miscalculation? Praise God she was alone. She didn’t even want to think about the outcome if she’d had a truckload of guests.

  A pungent odor touched her nostrils. Her eyes flew open.


  She had to get out of here.


  Thanks to the seatbelt’s taut hold, she dangled precariously. Her ponytail swayed in front of her like the pendulum of the clock in Gran’s living room. Traffic on these old mine roads this time of year was few and far between. So unless someone happened along...

  God, I really need Your help. I know You already know that, but if You could please show me what to do.

  Slipping a thumb under the satiny webbed fabric that held her captive, she moved her hand upward until she reached the harness. Her grip tightened as she wiggled, willing her back against the seat, trying to make herself as small as possible. Then, bracing one hand against the roof, she fingered the red button.

  One. Two.


  Pushing up on all fours, she crawled across the soft gray fabric that lined the top of the cab and took hold of the latch on the passenger door. Because the truck rested on an incline, opening the door vertically would take all the effort she could muster. Pulling on the handle, she pushed with her shoulder but the door refused to budge.

  She peered through the window. The sight of crumpled metal made her heart sink. She could only pray the damage wouldn’t impede the window’s descent. If so, she’d have to break the glass.

  With the odor of gas growing stronger by the second, she hit the switch and the window disappeared into the door.

  Thank You, Lord.

  Blakely pushed through the opening.

  Grasping at roots and spindly limbs, she clawed her way back up the steep slope. Cold
mud seeped through her jeans, chilling her to the core.

  Thirty feet later, she hoisted herself over the edge and stumbled across the narrow strip of road. The late morning sun warmed her face as she drooped against the wall of rock and filled her lungs with mass quantities of fresh spring air.

  The untouched beauty of Colorado’s San Juan Mountains spread in every direction. Still adorned with their winter white, the jagged summits splayed across a pristine blue sky.

  She rinsed her hands in a steady stream of run-off that rained down the face of the mountain before retrieving her phone from the pocket of her denim jacket. She unlocked the screen to see her favorite nine-year-old smiling up at her from the device, his big brown eyes alight with excitement.

  For nearly ten years her greatest fear had been losing her son. At this moment she couldn’t help wondering, what if Austin had lost her?

  She glanced down at her bright pink tour vehicle, unable to stop the tears trailing down her cheeks. Who would take care of Austin if something happened to her?

  Using the sleeve of her jacket, she wiped her tears away as she dialed Dan Carthage. Her mechanic and part-time guide would know what to do. “Please, please be there.”

  One ring. Two. Th—


  “This is Blakely. I need your help.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Dan’s Toyota SUV rounded the bend. But he wasn’t alone.

  Surely he hadn’t brought her grandmother. The old girl would be beside herself if she saw the wreckage.

  Dan, who was more family friend than employee, bolted from the SUV and hurried to meet her. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah.” She gestured toward her 4x4 pickup that had been specially outfitted to carry up to nine passengers in open-air comfort. “It’s the truck I’m worried about.” Memorial Day weekend was just a little over a week away. The kickoff of the high season. The loss of a vehicle would mean fewer tours. Fewer tours generated less income. Income she counted on to pay the bills.

  Ross Chapman would have a field day with this. Only a couple of hours ago, her rival had offered to buy Adventures in Pink.

  Talk about nerve. Granddad started this company thirty-five years ago with a dream. A passion for sharing the splendor of these mountains with others. And he left Adventures in Pink to her. She couldn’t imagine selling.

  Dan let go a low whistle, distracting her from thoughts of Ross Chapman. “You walked away from that?”

  “Piece of cake.” Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as the other person—tall, dark and definitely not Gran—rounded Dan’s vehicle.

  Oh. My.

  She blinked twice, her pulse racing once again.

  His dark brown hair was shorter than she remembered, but those root beer eyes that had haunted her dreams for longer than she cared to admit hadn’t changed one bit.

  Tugging at her jacket, she crossed her arms over her chest. “What are you doing here?”

  “Blakely....” Dan dragged out her name as though she’d embarrassed him. If he only knew. “I’d like you to meet Dr. Lockridge. I was at the doctor’s office in Ridgway when you called. He offered to come along and help.”

  Of course, he did.

  “Hello, Blakely.”

  She visually traced the outline of his face, the high cheekbones, his lazy smile. The last time she heard from Trent Lockridge he was in Albuquerque, riding off into the sunset with someone else. So he’d made it through medical school after all.

  “You two know each other?” Dan’s gaze flitted between them.

  “It’s been a while, but yes.” Trent’s scrutiny had her feeling like a disfigured bug under a microscope.

  No telling how many kids he and his wife had now. Probably a whole houseful. Aside from becoming a doctor, Trent’s greatest dream had been to have a family.

  Looked like he’d gotten everything he ever wanted.

  Jutting her chin out, she said, “I’ll ask you again. What are you doing here?”

  His stare faltered as he toed an embedded rock. “I thought Dan explained that. I work at the clinic.”

  “Since when?”

  He looked at her now. “Since Monday.” Was it her imagination or did Trent’s shoulders drop a notch?

  “Well, you’re not working on me.” Simmering anger and more what-ifs than she could count propelled her toward the SUV. A few swift steps into her escape, though, her head swam. Flashes of white light darted through her vision. She tripped.

  “Easy.” Strong hands grabbed her by the arms and kept her steady until she regained her wits. When she did, she quickly extricated herself from Trent’s grasp.

  “Looks like somebody’s had a little too much excitement.” He turned to Dan. “Let’s get her to your truck.”

  To her dismay, they flanked her, wet gravel crunching in surround sound. Her mud-covered jeans had begun to dry and were slapping against her legs like a sandwich board. Miserable. And oh so unattractive.

  Dan opened the door and Trent offered his hand to help her inside. She ignored the gesture. The last thing she needed was help from Trent Lockridge.

  “You probably ought to give her a once-over, Doc.” Dan adjusted the brim of his faded Broncos cap. “Rose Daniels would have my head if I let anything happen to her granddaughter.”

  Great. Trapped between two wannabe heroes.

  She settled sideways in the backseat, keeping her filthy duck boots on the threshold. “I’m fine.”

  “What were you doing up here anyway?”

  “Checking out the four-wheel drive.” Not to mention venting after Ross Chapman’s visit. Still, with all the rain they had yesterday, she should have been on the lookout for rock slides.


  “Works just fine.” She glanced over the edge. “Or did, anyway.”

  “Let’s just be grateful you’re okay.” The sincerity in Trent’s expression sparked something deep inside of her, but she stomped it out like a wayward ember on parched grass. After all, he was a married man. Along with a multitude of other things.

  “He’s right.” Dan visually scaled the face of the mountain. “Things could have been a lot worse, regardless of how well you know these roads.”

  Focusing on her grubby hands, she picked at the dirt imbedded under what little fingernails she had. “How long do you think the truck will be out of commission?”

  Dan shrugged. “Can’t say until we get it back to the shop.”

  While Trent disappeared around the back of the vehicle, she slid the elastic band from her ponytail. “Were you able to call the wrecker?”

  Dan nodded. “Promised to get up here as soon as possible.”

  “Good.” She worked her fingers through the tangled tresses. “What do you think the odds are of us keeping this little faux pas under wraps?” In a town as small as Ouray, news like this spread faster than butter on a hot griddle. Damage control would be imperative.

  “I’ll certainly do my part.”

  Blakely grimaced and sucked in a sharp breath. Pain radiated from a hefty lump on the left side of her head. Regrettably, Dan caught her pained expression, too.

  He inched closer, his hazel eyes narrowing. “Uh, Doc, I think we’ve got a problem.”

  “It’s nothing. Really. Just a little bump.”

  Trent pushed in front of Dan and set a small bag on the floorboard. “Why don’t I have a look? Just to be safe.”

  “She’s all yours, Doc. I’m gonna go check on the truck.”

  “Be careful,” she said as Dan turned away. “The gas smell was pretty strong.”

  “Did you shut off the ignition?”

  She cringed. That should have been her first instinct. She shook her head. “Guess I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Gee, I can’t i
magine why.” With a quick smile, Dan disappeared over the ledge, leaving her alone with the one person she never wanted, or expected, to see again.

  Trent’s broad-shouldered physique hovered over her now, so close she caught a whiff of his aftershave.

  “Where does it hurt?”

  She pointed to the side of her head, eager to be anywhere but in Trent’s presence.

  His fingers ran along her scalp, unleashing a flood of emotions.

  “Ow!” She thrust a protective hand over the sore spot. But as Trent’s deep-brown gaze collided with hers, long-suppressed memories escaped the darkened corners of her heart.

  The heady rush of first love. The crushing blow of betrayal.

  * * *

  They say time heals all wounds. Evidently, eleven years wasn’t long enough.

  Trent recognized the hurt and trepidation in Blakely’s blue eyes. Pain that had nothing to do with her head.

  “You’ve got a goose egg the size of Mount Sneffels.”

  “Oh, it’s not that bad.” She waved a dismissive hand through the air.

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” He pulled a penlight from his breast pocket. “Look straight ahead.”

  As much as he’d tried, Trent had never forgotten Blakely or that summer. When they finally said goodbye, they were counting the days until they could be together again.

  Unfortunately, that never happened.

  Instead, she got a phone call and news that he was marrying his ex-girlfriend.

  The memory clamped around his heart.

  If only it had been Blakely who carried his child instead of Lauren.

  He flicked the tiny beam in and out of her line of vision. “Dan tells me you have The Jeep Company now.”

  “You mean Adventures in Pink.”

  He chuckled. “That’s...interesting.”

  Her gaze remained fixed somewhere over his shoulder. “More than interesting. We’re Ouray’s premier adventure destination. And we’ve got the best maintained vehicles in town. Besides, real men aren’t afraid of pink.”

  He pocketed the light again, his gaze drifting toward the ledge. “I don’t expect you’ll be using that one anytime soon.”


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