My Fake Wedding: A Best Friends to Lovers Romance: A Soulmate Romance Novel (Medical Heart Throb Series Book 4)

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My Fake Wedding: A Best Friends to Lovers Romance: A Soulmate Romance Novel (Medical Heart Throb Series Book 4) Page 5

by Andrea L. Smith

  I can’t take this.

  Turning to her side, she swung her legs from the bed and got out. The time on the clock showed just past midnight. Gabriel was probably still out on his date. His text message hadn’t given that detail, but she had no doubt. And she didn’t want to think about it, not when every inch of her screamed for him.

  She used a robe to cover her nakedness and padded to the kitchen. Tomorrow she would head to the doctor for a prescription to get her to sleep. Tonight, a glass of milk should do the trick. If it didn’t, then a zombie-like mode awaited her in the morning. At least she didn’t have to report to work.

  She reached into the fridge for the carton of milk and as she closed the door, a silhouette appeared at the doorway, the living room light casting an eerie glow. She screamed, and the box almost fell from her lax fingers. Luckily, she caught it in time.

  “You scared me,” she said, as Gabriel stepped into the room, wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. She averted her eyes from his chest, though the temptation to drink him in was so great. Thankfully, the kitchen lights were off so she couldn’t see much, just his frame.

  But he made things worse by flicking the switch and illuminating the room. “My bad. But what were you doing in the dark?”

  Callie opened her mouth to answer, but seeing him in his half-naked glory, it muddled her brain. This wasn’t her first time seeing Gabriel without a shirt on. But her hormones had gone awry, and there was an extra awareness tonight that brought to notice every inch of his gorgeous body; the sculpted chest, thick arms, flat, sleek abs that she wanted to caress so much.

  So, so much…



  “I said, what are you doing up?”

  “Oh. Can’t sleep.” She gave a wry smile while shaking the box. “Thought some milk would help.” Her movement caused the robe to part a little, just as she remembered she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Desire flooded her as his eyes swept her body. She placed the milk box on the counter and tightened the belt. “I thought you were out.”

  He shook his head. “Not for long. It was… I wasn’t up to it after all.” He took a cup from the cupboard and held it to her. “Pour me one, too.”

  She handed him the half-filled cup, looking at his face closely for the first time since he came into the room. He looked just as tired as she felt, with the hint of dark circles around his eyes. “Can’t sleep either?”

  “Not really.” He emptied the cup, sighing as he placed it in the sink. “Got a lot on my mind.”

  “Like what?”

  Gabriel paused at the sink; his head bowed before turning to face her. A heated glare lashed her before it disappeared, so quick she didn’t know if it was real.

  “You,” he said.


  Don’t do it, Gabriel. Leave her alone.

  Callie stared at him, her eyes wide open, her lips slightly parted. His response had taken her by surprise, no doubt.

  “You were thinking about me? Why?”

  Now he would have to explain what he meant. Should he tell the truth, that he didn’t sleep a wink because he wanted her so much? That having her under the same roof was more suffering than he could handle? Or should he recover with a lie?

  He decided on the latter. It wasn’t wise, coming clean about his love for her. He’d hate to ruin what they had. With a shrug, he tried to appear as nonchalant as possible. “Because you went through hell with Matthew, and I wasn’t around to kick his ass.” It was partly true. He’d decided not to push her for details on Matthew’s treatment and wait until she was ready to share. But he couldn’t stop thinking about the little she’d told him, wishing he hadn’t let his pride get in the way when she stopped coming around. If he’d pushed it aside and reached out to her, he probably would have seen the signs of her abuse. But the horse had already left the barn. All he could do was help her move forward.

  “I’m sorry,” Callie said, softly, her eyes brimming with sadness. “For shutting you out. I should have tried harder to keep our friendship intact. But Matthew, he was always a little insecure about our friendship and I wanted to make things work. A mistake, I know.”

  “Hey…” He walked to her, glad for a reason to take her in his arms. He’d wanted to do it the minute he entered the kitchen, but resisted the urge until now. Callie felt so amazing against him, her softness so right. “It’s all good now. You’re here, where you belong.”

  In response, Callie pressed closer to him. Her breasts grazed his chest, stirring him. His instincts screamed at him to let her go. But he ignored it, breathing in the scent of her shampoo mixed with whatever cream she applied to her body earlier. She smelled divine, like a flower field, giving him a massive head trip. The urge to give in to a rising lust grew stronger by the minute.

  And when she looked up at him, with big green eyes filled with an unmistakable need, he lost it. There was no holding back. Not anymore. He cupped the back of her head and devoured her mouth with a hunger that never existed until now.

  One kiss, and he would get his fill. But one wasn’t enough. He’d never get enough, not in this lifetime. He would always crave more of this; her sweet taste, her roaming hands, and more of the moans that came from the depths of her soul. God, he was so hot for her, on the verge of bursting into flames.

  A sharp sound escaped before Callie ended the kiss. She staggered as she backed away, her chest rising and falling with rapid beats. Gabriel met her fiery stare, his breaths coming in hard and fast, tension running through his body like a waterfall. He was so horny he could hardly think straight. All he wanted to do was bury his cock within Callie’s warm place.

  But he wouldn’t. He respected her too much to cross the line. He took deep breaths, trying to temper his arousal. Best to leave now before he changed his mind.

  “Gabe.” The erotic sound of his name was like a bucket of pleasure, dousing him, threatening the tiny bit of remaining control. He turned to face her, his hands fisted at his sides to keep from holding her again.

  She came at him, her scorching gaze rooting him to the spot, her swinging hips raising his arousal. But her fingers did more damage, caressing his torso with deliberate, languid movements, setting his body on fire once more. “Make love to me, Gabe,” she whispered. “Please.”

  Oh, fuck.

  Every inch of his body wanted to say yes, to rip the robe from her and take her right there on the kitchen floor. Nothing would give him more satisfaction than to possess her, all of her, and take her on a mind-blowing ride.

  But their friendship remained a barrier. He had to walk away.

  He eased her from him, already regretting his decision, not because he’d get no sleep tonight—that was a given—but that it caused the hurt that graced her face. He’d never seen her so disappointed, and it was his doing.

  “I’m sorry, Callie.” He had to say it, to drive it home. “This… the kiss was a mistake. I can’t—we can’t—”

  Callie raised her hands, the smile on her face as empty as the pit in his stomach. “Say no more. I get it.” Without waiting for a response, she stormed past him and through the door.

  Gabe made to chase her, to explain, but thought better of it. He was still on a high. Getting anywhere near her bedroom was the worst idea. He’d wait until morning, when the heat simmered and they were both in their right minds again.

  He tried to convince himself they weren’t, that insomnia had somehow gotten to them both. There was no other explanation for the craziness that just happened. Callie had never shown interest in him, not until tonight. It had to be a lapse in judgement caused by a lack of sleep.

  Still, as he slipped under the covers, he hoped he was wrong. It wasn’t too much to ask that Callie’s response to him ran deep, was it?


  “Callie. Look at me, please.”

  “I’m busy, Gabe.” Callie reached for a clean plate from the drying rack and ran it under the sink. Reaching for a tow
el, she dried the plate with vigor while biting her lower lip.

  “You can’t ignore me forever. It’s been two days.” Since the night he rejected her—he still kicked himself for how he went about it—she kept her distance, stuck in her room most of the time. He’d given her space, thinking she needed time to process whatever she needed to. But two days were enough. He hated them not talking. “About the other night…”

  “It’s already forgotten, ok? You said it, it was a mistake. And it would have been even worse if we took things further.” She chucked the plate within a groove of the rack with a harsh sigh. “I wasn’t thinking straight, obviously.”

  Gabriel moved to her side, noticing her stiffness. It confirmed he’d been right to pull the plug that night. A single kiss had created a never-before-seen tension between them. Making love would do more damage.

  “I’m sorry. And I should have explained. Listen—”

  The pager on his phone beeped and he checked it with a curse. He had to go. Whatever the emergency, it couldn’t wait. “Can we talk about this later? I’ll be back around eight.”

  Callie gave a sharp shrug in response, still fidgeting with the sponge she used to clean the dishes. He wanted to say more, but her closed off expression advised him to wait. Later would improve her mood, he hoped.


  Gabriel slung the work bag over his shoulder and exited the apartment. As he closed the front door, the sound of incoming footsteps made him glance up. Adrienne sauntered towards him and her deep scowl put him on the alert. She had been calling him non-stop since returning from her trip yesterday. But he was still between two minds on how to proceed with their relationship.

  “I don’t believe this. You’re actually alive.” She stopped before him with arms akimbo. “Which means, you’ve been deliberately ignoring me.”

  His phone beeped again. Damnit. Adrienne had the worst timing ever. “I gotta go, Adrienne. Duty calls.” He tucked the keys in the side of his bag with his left hand, forgetting, for an instant, the wedding ring on his finger.

  “Wait a minute—” Adrienne clutched his hand as he walked by. “What’s this?”

  Gabriel didn’t miss a beat, pulling her along as he walked to the lift. He should have told Adrienne of his plans to get married. Putting her possessive antics aside, she deserved to know. But he wasn’t sure how to explain such an unexpected move. What he and Callie had done wasn’t exactly legal. Committing marriage fraud could land them both in prison.


  “Adrienne, I can’t talk right now.”

  “You’re married?” She released his hand as quickly as she’d grabbed it. “When?”

  The elevator doors opened. Thankfully, there was no one inside. He stepped in, bracing the doors with his hands so they didn’t close. “I’ll see you later, ok?”

  “That’s it? You left me high and dry then show up with a goddamn wedding ring, and that’s all you have to say?” She stepped forward, pushing past him and into the lift. “You owe me an explanation, mister.”

  Gabriel groaned inside. One woman’s grouse was enough for a day. Having to deal with two was a headache he didn’t want. But Adrienne’s was an easy fix, for they weren’t exclusive. “Yes, I’m married. Did the deed a couple days ago.”

  Adrienne folded her arms. “You were engaged all this time and didn’t tell me?”

  “I wasn’t. And I didn’t plan this. It’s… complicated.” At her questioning stare, he exhaled sharply. How far should he let her in? Adrienne’s line of business required confidentiality, so she would keep her mouth shut. He doubted she would snitch to the authorities. Still, he didn’t know how Callie would feel knowing he’d told someone else of the sham.

  Well… what Callie didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

  “This stays between us, ok?” At her wide-eyed nod he continued. “I’m helping a friend. She’s in an immigration bind.”

  Adrienne’s expression froze. “Your friend, as in, the same woman I saw you with?”

  Gabriel nodded.

  “And that’s it, you’re just helping her out?”

  He paused for a beat, not sure how to answer. He wasn’t just helping her out. At least, that wasn’t all he wanted to do. But Adrienne didn’t need to know all that. “That’s it,” he said.

  Adrienne released an audible sigh and her shoulders relaxed. “That’s what I like about you, Gabriel. Always sticking your neck out to help the people you care about. Though this one is a bit of a stretch.”

  “Tell me about it.” He was a married man, tied to a woman he couldn’t have. It was the craziest thing he’d ever done, and all in the name of love.

  “Well…” she moved closer, her tone dropping, her fingers hooking the loop in his pants. “I hope this doesn’t affect our little arrangement.”

  Gabriel’s mouth opened to tell her it wouldn’t, but the words refused to come out. The spark between them was dying a fast battle, even more now since he kissed Callie. It was as if she killed his desire for other women. He wanted no one else but her.

  Thankfully, the doors opened and he eased Adrienne to the side and dashed through.

  “I’m still waiting on that date!” she called after him.

  Gabriel waved in response. To ease the guilt, he would take her out. There was no harm in doing so, right?


  “It’s a bad idea, bro. I think you should cut all ties to Adrienne.”

  Gabriel regarded his best friend with a thoughtful frown. “Why?”

  “Because she’s into you way more than you think.” He turned the cap off the energy drink he’d bought for lunch and took a gulp before adding, “And I think she’s trouble.”

  Nicholas was always one for speaking his mind, though Gabriel didn’t always like it. “Dude, you met her once. How can you tell?”

  As Nicholas opened his mouth to answer, a brunette stopped by, directing a sweet smile to Gabriel before slipping into the seat next to him. Hannah Rodriquez. The new pediatric surgeon who did not hide her attraction to him. At some other time, he would have taken the plunge—and her, but the thrill of chasing tail had disappeared. He returned a small smile to her while wishing he could have eaten out like he usually did. The hospital cafeteria wasn’t the ideal place to have an uninterrupted lunch but his team needed him close by.

  “What’s up, Hannah?”

  “Sorry for cutting in, but I was wondering… do you want to grab a couple drinks after work? There’s a new bar down the street where we can go.”

  “Uh…” Why was it so hard to say yes? He would have jumped at the chance a month ago.

  “I mean, if you have other plans, then—” her eyes dropped to his hand before her words cut. “Is that a wedding ring?”

  Gabriel wiggled his left hand with a nod. So many times, he thought of removing the ring when he left for work, but he couldn’t bear detaching the physical connection to Callie. It was a reminder that, real or not, he had ties to the love of his life. Whether he’d find the nerve to tell her or not.

  “Oh, my God.” Hannah’s chair made a scraping sound as she got up. “I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.” Her cheeks reddened. “Can we forget this conversation ever happened?”

  “Already forgotten.” And it was. There was a great relief that he didn’t have to let her down.

  She beat a hasty retreat as Nicholas scoffed.


  “The writing’s on the wall, my friend. The old Gabriel would have left that ring at home. He would have jumped at the chance to get some new ass.” He stroked his chin with his forefinger. “What’s changed, I wonder?”

  Gabriel shook his head vigorously. “We’re not having that discussion. Let’s get back to Adrienne. How can you mark her as trouble when you’ve met her once?”

  Nicholas shrugged. “That’s all it takes. I saw how she looked at you. She acts as if she’s cool with the fuck-buddy arrangement you got going on, but I’m telling you, she isn’t. And she’s definit
ely not cool with that ring on your finger.”

  Silence lapsed while Gabriel thought. If Nicholas’ reasoning rang true, then he should call it a wrap with Adrienne. The signs were all there. They’d both promised to end things if it got too complicated, but he didn’t want to wait until it did. Adrienne didn’t deserve to get strung along. No woman did.

  “You may think I’m wrong, but she’s a woman, Gabe. They are masters at hiding their emotions when they want to.”

  “You’re probably right…”

  “Besides, you have unfinished business with Callie.”

  Gabriel growled. “I told you, we’re not having that discussion.”

  “You and Callie are made for each other. A blind man can see it.”

  “It won’t happen and you know it.”

  “Right… because you’re a bigger fool than I thought. You missed out once, remember? Do you really want to risk it again?” Nicholas rapped his knuckle on the table, the impatience stamped on his face too. “Bro, she’s free. Free. All yours for the taking. What the hell are you waiting for?”

  “And if it doesn’t work out? What happens to our friendship then?”

  “You won’t know unless you try. And I have a feeling it will.”

  “I don’t know…” Despite his recent struggle with desiring other women, his promiscuous instincts still lingered, battling against monogamy. He wasn’t yet sure of his conviction to settle down. Until then, he couldn’t risk pulling Callie into his messed-up life. “I think it’s best to keep things as they are.”

  “Your loss,” Nicholas said, raising his palms. “But take my advice and end it with Adrienne. And do it gently. As I said, she might cause more trouble than you can handle.”

  Gabriel folded his arms while thinking of his friend’s words. Adrienne had become an emotional time bomb for sure, but she wouldn’t hurt him… would she?


  Callie cursed while suppressing the urge to smash her laptop to the floor. This was her third time trying to access the website for the work permit application form. But it kept buffering before timing out, and she had to start all over again. She needed to get it done, before she lost her mind in this goddamn apartment.


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