My Fake Wedding: A Best Friends to Lovers Romance: A Soulmate Romance Novel (Medical Heart Throb Series Book 4)

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My Fake Wedding: A Best Friends to Lovers Romance: A Soulmate Romance Novel (Medical Heart Throb Series Book 4) Page 9

by Andrea L. Smith

  Their future kids…

  She touched her stomach with a smile, thinking about the surprise she had in store for Gabriel. A positive pregnancy test and a visit to the doctor last week confirmed she was already a month along. She pictured the look on his face when she told him tonight. No doubt he would be over the moon just as she was.

  A sharp squeal broke her happy musing. She opened her arms just in time for Isabel Abrahams’ embrace. She met Dana’s best friend almost a year ago and she and the Latin beauty hit it off like family.

  “You look absolutely amazing… congrats!” Isabel gave her a hard squeeze before releasing her.

  “Thanks, Iz.” The fit-and-flare wedding gown with the semi-sheer bodice had been a last-minute choice, but she’d been pleased with it. Especially after seeing Gabriel’s face when she walked down the aisle. “Where’s Carina?” she asked, looking around.

  Carina Morales-Cole was the fourth member of their group. Another woman who’d become more family than friend. A year ago, she couldn’t have imagined having these women in her corner. Now, they’d become a permanent fixture in her life.

  “Resting her legs, I hope,” Dana said. “My nephew’s due any day now.” Almost ready to pop with her second child with Dana’s brother, Carina had insisted on not missing the wedding today, despite Dylan’s attempts to get her to rest. Callie had never met a more strong-willed person.

  “Speaking of kids, I probably should end Luke’s misery and take Connor off his hands.” Connor was her three-year-old son. Across the way, Callie saw Isabel’s husband Luke leap to catch Connor before he took off and place him on his shoulders.

  “He seems fine to me,” Callie said.

  “For now,” Isabel replied. “Let’s take advantage of this freedom to make a toast, huh?”

  Crap. She couldn’t tell the girls about her pregnancy. Not yet. Gabriel had to be the first to know. But how could she get past a toast without them noticing?

  Isabel beckoned to a server with a tray of champagne. Passing flutes to Callie and Dana, she raised her own. “To happy endings.”

  “Cheers.” Callie raised the glass but didn’t drink, waiting for one of them to notice. She almost jumped when warm lips grazed her neck. Gabriel. Thank God.

  “Ladies, if you don’t mind, I’d like to steal my wife for the rest of the night.”

  Dana grinned while Isabel said, “she’s all yours. Just leave her in one piece, ok?”

  “I’ll try!” He laughed, extending his hand to Callie. “Ready, Mrs. DeLuca?”

  “I was born ready, Mr. DeLuca.” She returned the simmering stare he gave her while slipping her palm in his. The elevator ride to their honeymoon suite couldn’t end fast enough. They were practically naked before reaching the bedroom.

  Gabriel was like a drug. After a year, she still couldn’t get enough of him. He made love with such skill and passion that left her breathless but still craving more. Tonight was even better than most. Tonight, his hot, thick length connected in ways like never before, bathing her walls with ecstasy, taking her to heaven and hell then back to earth.

  Curling into his arms afterwards, she purred with contentment as his fingers stroked her stomach. “Gabe?”

  “Mhmm?” His tone held the same measure of bliss she felt inside.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Gabriel chuckled, pulling her closer. “I already know.” He palmed her belly. “We’re having a baby.”

  Frowning, Callie turned to face him. “How did you know?”

  He drew a line between her breasts before cupping one and drawing his thumb over the nipple. Callie hissed, amazed that the simple touch aroused her so much. Maybe it was the hormones…

  “Your breasts are fuller and your nipples have gotten way more sensitive than before. And for the first time since you moved in, you left my rocky road ice cream in peace. Oh, and I noticed you didn’t touch a drop of alcohol tonight.”

  “And here I thought I was carrying a surprise.”

  “You’re carrying way more than that.” The awesome look on his face, the love in his eyes, stole her breath. “A family, Callie. Our beautiful family. God… I didn’t think I could love you more than I did before, but I was wrong.”

  “Oh, Gabe…” Was this level of happiness legal? If it wasn’t, she would gladly assume her role as an outlaw. Life couldn’t get any better than this. “I love you, so much.”

  Her best friend, now her lover, husband, the father of her unborn child. And to think they’d taken so long to get here. But she wouldn’t dwell in regret, just embrace gratitude for the fake wedding that led to the real thing.


  Thank you so much for reading MY FAKE WEDDING! I hope you loved Callie and Gabriel’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know what you think of it by leaving a review. I would appreciate it so much!

  If you haven’t read the rest of the MEDICAL HEART THROB series, check out the bonus scenes next.

  THE SECRET BABY- Isabel and Luke’s love story

  THE SEDUCTIVE VIRGIN- Carina and Dylan’s sexy romance

  TEMPTING THE ENEMY- Dana and Nicholas’ intriguing love affair


  Andrea L. Smith


  “Wonder of wonders, you’re actually here.” Sam greeted Luke with a grin and a bottle of scotch in his hand. “About time.”

  “Yeah, I almost didn’t.” The drive across town seemed to take forever, with just his thoughts and playlist to keep him company. He tried to hype up his vibes along the way, but to no avail. Still, he knew that once he hit the club, there would be a constant change.

  But he’d been so wrong.

  He looked around him as the crowd swirled, dancing into a frenzy. The music was at a fever pitch, and from the outside it seemed to push them towards insanity. He wanted no part of this, the revelry, the wild abandon. But he’d promised Sam, and he was a man of his word.

  A short, bald-headed man nearby swayed, veering into him with a glazed expression and a dumb grin. “Hey, man, howzit?”

  Luke rolled his eyes with a sigh. In half an hour he would find an excuse to leave. That was all he could take.

  Sam led him to a seated area where his girlfriend, Kelsie sat, bouncing to the music. She smiled as Luke approached, and he gave her a hug and took a seat, just as a woman with a blonde pixie cut slipped in beside him. He shot her a frown just as Sam leaned over and said, “this is Carrie; I brought her to meet you.”

  Luke groaned inwardly. He needed no help from Sam to score women. He’d done real fine on his own for years. Besides, she wasn’t his type. Pretty, yes, but she had a wild look that hinted at a side of crazy. He’d had enough of crazy in his younger years. Now, he preferred the girl-next-door type. A calm, sophisticated woman with her emotions intact.

  He shot Sam a sharp look and hoped his friend had gotten the silent message. True to their connection, Sam touched the woman’s shoulder and beckoned for her to stand. “I think me and my friend had our wires crossed, sorry about that. You can head back to your friends.”

  The woman looked over her shoulder at Luke. “Mhmm. His loss.” She strolled away, swinging her hips as she went.

  Sam took her place, giving Luke a rough shove. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Have you? Since when do I need a wingman?”

  “I’m just helping with getting your feet wet, that’s it. All you needed to do was talk to her, get your groove back.”

  “My groove has never left.” Luke reached for a tumbler and spooned a few ice cubes in. He poured a generous round of scotch and stood. “Get out of my way. I’ll show you.”

  “My man.” Sam clapped him on the back as he passed. “Go get ‘em.”

  Luke eased into the crowd, searching, looking for a woman that would trigger a connection; nothing deep, just the right level of lust to make him approach. Tonight was all about scoring a lay, nothing else. More than anything, he wanted Sam off his

  Women reached for him as he moved through, but he just gave them a smile and carried on. None of them appealed to him; none brought the feeling he was looking for. He reached the edge of the crowd and considered doing another walk-through, then thought, to hell with this. I’m going home.

  He made a quick pivot and his hand with the drink connected to a woman’s chest. Her soft cry rang out as it spilled all over her front. She took a step back, glaring at him. “Hey! Watch it!”

  “I’m so sorry.” Luke reached into his pocket for his handkerchief and used it to wipe the wet spots on her chest.

  She snatched it from him and took over, dabbing it down her front. “You’re a little too ambitious, mister.”

  “My bad.” He stood by, feeling like a complete idiot, watching as she tried to erase his damage. She looked a head shorter than he was, with long dark hair that had highlights running through it. A tiny red dress covered her curves, ending at mid-thigh.

  She raised her head and handed him the handkerchief. “You owe me a new dress, sir.” Her sharp gaze lashed him.


  Her frown disappeared, replaced by a mischievous grin. “I’m just messing with you. The dress is fine.”

  “Great.” Her smile warmed him. Or maybe it was the alcohol; he had no clue. But for the first time since he got to the club, he felt no urgency to leave.

  “Next time, watch where you’re going.” The woman turned and slipped into the crowd. On an impulse, he followed her. He wasn’t sure why, but there was a need to get to know her. He’d never had that feeling before.

  He caught her at the bar as she waved to the bartender for a drink. “It’s on me,” he said, slipping onto the stool next to her.

  “Are you stalking me?” Her tone carried a teasing lilt. His pulse tripped.

  “And if I am?”

  “Mhmm…” She gave him a once-over with a slight smile on her full lips. “You’re cute, so I don’t mind.”

  He extended his hand. “Luke Abrahams.”

  She slipped her hand in his, giving it a small squeeze. “Isabel Delgado.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. And again, I’m sorry for the mess.”

  “You don’t have to keep apologizing, Luke. It’s all good.” She took a huge drink from the tumbler and signaled to the bartender again. “But the next round’s on you too. And the next one…”


  Twenty minutes and three shots later, Luke stood and offered his hand. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  She allowed him to pull her up and together they walked to the dance floor, where he drew her into his arms and they swayed to the R&B track that filled the room.

  The music intoxicated him. He pulled her closer, loving how well her body fit with his. Her body had a softness to it, but firm in all the right areas. His hands grazed her ass before coming to rest at the center of her back.

  Isabel looped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder. “This is nice,” she whispered against his ear, sending shivers down his spine. His cock stirred, hardening.

  He dared to kick things up a notch, running his hands down her back again and cupping her ass. It was high and firm, filling his hands and then some. He gave it a gentle squeeze, relieved when she did not pull his hands away.

  “You’re a naughty boy,” was all she said as she rolled against him, her body fusing with his. His hard-on soon became unbearable. His hand traveled upwards and into her hair, combing through before he gently gripped a handful. He tilted her head up to his and took her mouth for a kiss.

  Isabel opened to him at once, her lips gently massaging his own. He tasted the sharp taste of the alcohol and a sweetness that seemed to be naturally hers. He delved further, licking her mouth, moaning as her tongue jousted with his. The noise disappeared. The room slipped away. Nothing else mattered but the taste of Isabel.

  With a long whimper, she pulled away from him, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He too was out of breath, with a painful erection. Reaching for her again, he decided to take a plunge. “Spend the night with me.”

  There was something about Isabel that thawed the cold that surrounded him. He wanted more of her; more of the heat she brought.

  Isabel smiled. “I’m sorry, Luke, I can’t.”

  Luke’s heart dropped. “Why not? I thought we were having a moment.”

  “That’s what it was; a moment. Now it’s gone.” She turned her back to him and returned to the bar.

  He was close behind. “I don’t believe you.”

  Isabel sighed and reached for her purse. “I had a good time tonight, Luke. Truly.”

  “That’s it?”

  “It was nice meeting you.” She left him standing there, feeling like a ton of lead had settled on his chest.

  Want more this steamy romance? One-click THE SECRET BABY now!

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  Carina glanced at the time on her cell and groaned. It was almost seven, and she had a dinner date with her father and Raphael. For the entire day she searched her mind for a solid excuse to cancel, but found none. Not that it mattered; Mateo would just reschedule for another day.

  It was high time she put her foot down and tell Mateo to stop controlling her life. But she couldn’t bear his disappointment, not when he’d done so much to take care of her after her mom died. She just wished he’d chosen another man to court her…someone like Dylan.

  Raphael was the total opposite of the man she wanted to be with. Loud and brutish, with an annoying habit of slapping her butt when Mateo wasn’t looking. In her father’s presence he tried to act decent, but someday his true colors would show. She prayed it would happen sooner than later.

  Her cell phone rang and she saw Mateo’s name flashing on the screen. A weary sigh preceded her answering the call. “Hey, daddy.”

  “Please tell me you’re almost here.”

  “I’m sorry. Work ran a little late.”


  “I’m leaving now, daddy. Raphael can wait, can’t he?”

  “Now, that’s no way to talk about your future—”

  “He’s not my future anything.” The words left her mouth before she could think. She sighed, bracing for Mateo’s outburst.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing, daddy. I’m on my way, ok?” She cut the call before he answered and palmed her face. You have to do it, Carina. Tell him you’re not interested in Raphael.

  She shut down her computer and reached for her purse. The place seemed deserted as she stepped from her office, as most of the staff had already left for the day. Usually, a doctor or two remained after hours doing follow-up calls with patients. But not Dylan. At least, not tonight. She glanced at the darkened space in passing and wondered where he was. Usually, he worked up to nine each night. She could tell by the attendance reports they submitted to her each week.

  Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the darkened hallway. Maybe he was out on a date, which was probably the only thing that could tear him away from his work. The thought did not rest well, not one bit. A rising jealousy added to her irritation at being summoned to dine with a man she disliked.

  Wrapped in her thoughts, she rounded the corner without looking and ran smack into a hard body.

  With sharp reflexes, he reached out to grab her before she stumbled and pulled her to him. She breathed in the familiar aroma. Whether in darkness or light, she would know Dylan’s scent anywhere. It wasn’t just the sweet and spicy cologne that he wore, it was the lingering smell of his aftershave and the shampoo he used. It was all present, giving her a heady feeling as she pressed against him.

  His body felt so damn good…just how she imagined. She took advantage of the moment and ran her palm over his pecs and down his abs. Oh, yes, this was everything she imagined. She stroked his belly and her han
d dipped further, past his belt and—

  Dylan grabbed her wrist with a firm, “don’t.”

  “What?” she whispered, twisting her wrist from his grasp. She grabbed his crotch and kneaded his growing erection. “Don’t what?”

  She could hear his gasp as he sucked in a breath. He grabbed her wrist again, more forceful this time. “Carina, stop.” He backed away from her, fast, with that signature tortured look. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Something I’ve been wanting to do for years. Something that I can see you want to do, too.” She looked down at his bulging erection. “You want me.”


  “Just admit it.”

  “Carina, you know better. Your father—”

  “Oh, screw whatever he thinks!” Her annoyance returned two-fold. “We’re grown, aren’t we? How about we make our own decisions?”

  Dylan vigorously shook his head. “No. You don’t get to say that. Do you know what will happen if your dad finds out? I might lose a limb, or worse. You get a slap on the wrist. I’m not interested in putting my life at risk, despite how enticing you may be. And fuck, you’re beyond tempting, driving me insane with those tight skirts and popsicles and—” he paused on a breath pivoted away from her. “Just stay the hell away from me, Carina.”

  Carina balled her hands into fists and her eyes welled with tears as he walked away. A flood of shame filled her. Is this what I’ve come to? Throwing myself at a man who doesn’t want to be with me?

  To hell with him, she decided, stomping to the front door. No more would she try to seduce him. From now on, she would keep her distance and focus on what he hired her to do.

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