Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection

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Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection Page 49

by Anya Merchant


  “Is the AI girl that you see everywhere in the limo with us right now?”

  Ella appeared on cue, sitting across from Victor and looking frustrated and flustered. She glared at him and shook her head vigorously.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Victor, after what was probably slightly too long of a pause.

  “Fine, I won’t press you,” said Annette. “Everyone’s allowed to have secrets, Victor. I respect you for setting the boundary.”

  “I take back what I said before about her,” whispered Ella. “She’s dangerous, Victor. Be on guard.”

  The conversation died off, and Victor was a little surprised by how tired he was. He closed his eyes and spent the next hour or so half asleep, listening to the sound of the limo’s progress. A loud thump jerked him back to alertness.

  “Jason.” Annette tapped on the thick tinted divider, which lowered, revealing the guard and the driver in the far front of the limo. “What was that?”

  “It appears as though we have a flat tire, Ms. Lockwood,” said the driver.

  Annette nodded slowly and looked over at Victor.

  “We have a spare in the back,” she said. “This will cost us an hour, maybe, but it’s no trouble overall. Let’s go for a walk, Victor.”

  She climbed out of the car, and he did likewise. They were pulled over to the side of a long, desolate stretch of highway. Green grass stretched into the distance on either side of them, with a few far off houses and barns serving as the only notable landmarks. Undercliff City was long since out of view behind them. They could have just as easily been in another state, or another country, given how little there was to differentiate the area.

  Annette began to walk to the south, back the way they’d came. The wind blew from the east, scattering her hair to the side and ruffling her sweater shawl. Victor took a few quick steps to catch up to her and then slowed his pace to match her speed.

  “Come on,” she said. “Maybe we can find an abandoned barn to frolic in?”

  “Uh, what?”

  “You didn’t grow up in a rural area, did you?” Annette licked her lips, mischief gleaming in her eyes.

  “No,” said Victor. “Unfortunately not.”

  Annette started to answer when something caught both of their attention in the sky overhead. It was a tiny, almost indistinct speck. Victor would have mistaken it for a bird, or even some kind of drone, if not for the way it was moving.

  The speck drew closer until Victor could just barely make out a body and head. It hovered there, waiting, watching.

  “Is that a friend of yours?” asked Annette.

  “More of a stalker, to be honest,” said Victor. He took a step away from her and prepared to take off.

  “Victor, don’t get into a fight,” said Annette. “There’s no need. It doesn’t matter if we’re being followed.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow at her, but could see the point to her words.


  He launched into the air, feeling his clothes flapping ruthlessly in the wind, and getting the same initial sense of freefall vertigo that he always did. Jade was hovering upright about a half mile away from him, posed as though she was standing on solid ground.

  She didn’t move until Victor was within a few dozen feet of her. The two of them fell into pace around each other, slowly circling at almost matching speeds. Victor dove under, Jade went over. When he fell back, she followed, and when Victor pushed forward, she fell back.

  It was like a dance, neither of them getting within proper striking range of each other’s auras. Victor, true to his word, had no intention of starting a fight. He suspected that Jade has been given similar orders by Eli. But each of them was still aware of the other, aware of what their effective striking ranges were.

  “This is a waste of time.” Ella appeared in front of Victor during one of the pauses in the flight. “Either attack her or give it up.”

  Victor scowled.

  I want to figure her out. Why is she working for Eli?

  “It doesn’t make sense,” he muttered.

  “It doesn’t have to,” said Ella.

  He looked back down at Annette and the limo. Her guard and driver were putting the finishing touches on changing the spare. After giving Jade one last, fleeting look, Victor swooped in toward the ground.

  His feet hit, and this time, he managed to limit his fall to a single roll, which brought him back to his feet with his momentum. Victor dusted himself off and smiled as though it had been intentional. He turned to see Annette holding back laughter. She broke as she met his eye, and shockingly, Ella joined in, materializing beside her to share in the humor of the moment.


  The last half of the trip went by smoothly. Victor drank a little more champagne, and Annette put a movie on the flat screen. Some of the tension returned, and he felt strangely aware of her presence, sitting next to him, sipping on champagne.

  Maxworthy was a small city. It’d never been a center of industry in the same way Undercliff had. If anything, it was more of a gathering of former farmers that’d decided to settle down and take up white-collar occupations.

  The limo steered its way down the street, drawing more than a couple of looks from pedestrians as it did. It was just after sunset when they pulled up to one of the taller buildings in town, the Hotel Maxworthy. The driver dropped Victor, Annette, and her guard off at the front door, and then continued on to find a place to park.

  “We’ll stay here for tonight,” said Annette.

  “I thought the plan was to find this facility and then get back to Undercliff?” asked Victor.

  “It is,” she replied. “But there is no harm in taking our time. And it will also serve to frustrate your alleged stalker.”

  They walked into the lobby and up to the front desk. Annette smiled at the receptionist, who seemed to come to full attention when he recognized her.

  “Ms. Lockwood!” said the man. “We had the service staff prepare your suite for you. How many rooms will you need in addition to that?”

  Annette glanced over her shoulder at Victor and the guard.

  “Two,” she said. “Thank you.”

  The man brought her three room keycards. Annette kept one for herself, and handed one to Victor and one to the guard. The three of them climbed into the elevator together. Victor’s room was on the seventh floor, the same as the guard’s. When the elevator arrived and the doors opened, he moved to follow the guard off, only to have Annette grab his hand.

  “Why don’t you come up and check over my suite once?” she asked, in a soft voice. Victor blinked and stared at her blankly. The guard’s reaction was even more pronounced, his mouth dropping open and his entire body flinching slightly, as though he’d been struck.

  “Ms. Lockwood,” said the guard. “If you need someone to look over our room, I would be more than happy to-“

  “That’s quite alright, Jason,” said Annette. “Why don’t you take tonight off? Relax down at the hotel bar once you get yourself settled.”

  The guard nodded. Annette turned to Victor.

  “Well?” she asked, her voice soft and sensual. “Are you going to get off here, Victor?”

  “You’re my boss.” He smiled. “If you need someone to look over your room, I can get the job done.”

  The elevator doors slid closed, and Victor felt an overwhelming urge to push Annette up against the back of it and spread her thighs. She met his eye, as though daring him to. The elevator beeped once, and then the doors opened on the eighth floor, allowing a large family, all of them chatting with each other noisily, to step on.

  Annette’s suite was on the 15th floor. The two of them walked down the hall silently. There were only a couple of doors on the entire level, and hers was easy to find. She opened the door and didn’t look back at Victor as she walked inside. Victor hesitated for a second and then following her in, softly closing the door behind them.

I get you some wine, Victor?”

  “We’ve been drinking all day, Annette.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  The suite was huge, and included a full kitchen, a hot tub, a large, centrally located bed, and a minibar. Annette walked over to him with two wine glasses and a bottle, and poured both of them halfway up to the brim before passing one over.

  “Cheers,” she said. They clinked their glasses together and drank.

  “You can relax, you know, Victor,” said Annette. Victor frowned slightly, realizing that he was feeling more than a little tense.

  “It’s hard to when I don’t know what your game is,” he replied. Annette shrugged her shoulders and walked over to a screened off section of the main room.

  “It’s not always about games,” she said. “Sometimes it’s just about what happens.”

  “What are you doing?” Victor asked, watching as she slipped behind the screen.

  “They let me keep a spare wardrobe here,” said Annette. “You don’t mind if I change into something more comfortable, do you?”

  “Go for it.” Victor looked away, walking over to the couch to sit down. Annette didn’t say anything, and he felt his eyes slowly meandering back toward the screen.

  He could see her silhouette clearly, and he watched as she slipped out of her sweater shawl, and then slowly wiggled out of her tights. Her top came last, and as she pulled it up and over her head, her breasts bounced into view. The screen left very little to the imagination, and Victor felt his cock hardening almost immediately.

  “For such a small city,” said Annette. “They certainly know how to be quite accommodating.”

  She bent over to take something out of a dresser behind the screen. Victor wanted to go up behind her and, well, he didn’t let himself think any further forward than that before he cut the thought off.

  I know what she’s doing, and she knows what she’s doing.

  “Don’t you think, Victor?” Annette poked her head and the edge of one of her breasts out from behind the screen.

  “Uh, yeah,” he said. “Sure.”

  Annette giggled. She found what she was looking for in the dresser and pulled it on over her head. When she came back out from behind the screen, she was wearing a thin, purple night gown, one that barely stretched down to mid-thigh. It was cut low on top, and framed her cleavage perfectly. Victor gawked at her, and felt his erection pointing at her as though it were a heat seeking missile.

  “Now,” said Annette, padding across the carpet on bare feet. “Why don’t we watch a movie?”

  She walked by him with slow, hip swaying steps, letting her hair and breasts bounce with every movement.

  “Hmmm…” She tapped a finger against her lips. ‘Now where did I leave the remote?”

  She bent over slowly, her butt facing Victor as the fabric of her nightgown pulled up further, and further. Victor felt himself standing to his feet before he could do anything about it. He pressed his crotch against her butt, and felt her softness against his hard cock.

  “Ooh,” cooed Annette. “Are you going to help me find it?”

  Victor pulled her upright, running his hands up her stomach and across her breasts. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d wanted to, and he didn’t want to.

  “Annette.” He said her name almost angrily. She was a tease, plain and simple.

  If she wants it that bad, than I’m going to let her have it.

  Victor ground his cock into her butt, groping her more aggressively and dry fucking her through his jeans. Annette made short work of the button and zipper, and slid them down to the floor without moving out of position.

  “I think you should look harder,” whispered Annette. Victor kicked his pants to the side and grabbed Annette’s waist. He pushed her down against the couch roughly, and all but ripped his boxers down and out of the way of his cock.

  “Oh, you’re going to get it hard, alright.” Victor slid his hands between her thighs, pulling them apart. He slid her nightgown up and then probed in between her legs with his cock from behind. Annette was dripping wet and ready for him. He slipped the tip of his cock inside her and felt her shiver.

  “Oh…” moaned Annette. “You’re…”

  “What’s that, Annette?” Victor grinned as he pushed further into, feeling the older woman’s reaction through her cunt.

  “You talk a big game,” she managed, her voice a whisper. “But can you deliver?”

  Victor slammed his hips forward, hard. His cock went into her as deep as it would go and Annette’s back arched up in response. She made a tiny, surprised noise, and then another one as Victor pulled back and repeated the thrust.

  “You’re a tease, Annette,” said Victor. He took her by the waist and pumped into her hard, feeling his body falling into automatic rhythm.

  “Oh god!” cried Annette.

  “And every tease…” Victor took a fistful of hair and pulled back, bringing her head in close to his. “Needs a little bit of punishment every now and then.”

  “Oh god!” she repeated, louder this time.

  Victor pushed her head down into the couch cushions and began fucking her ruthlessly. He was angry, as much at her as with the world, and his old circumstances. She was playing a game, treating him like a pawn under her control. Even the sex was a way for her to get what she wanted. But not this time. Now, it was Victor’s turn to get what he wanted.

  “Hold on!” cried Annette. “I…I…”

  Her words were lost as Victor slammed his cock into her, a bit harder each time. He leaned forward over her, pinching one of her nipples and pausing for a moment.

  “Is there something you want to say, Annette?” he asked, voice a whisper.

  “Your cock is…” She was breathing heavily, and forcing the words out. “It’s too…”

  Victor pulled back slowly, causing her to moan involuntarily. Then, he slammed forward again, and again. Annette shuddered and went limp, completely overwhelmed by her apparent orgasm.

  I’m not done yet.

  Victor picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her to the bed. He placed her on her back and then climbed on after her, moving in between her legs.

  “Victor,” Annette managed to whisper. It was as though she was seeing him for the first time. She hadn’t reacted this way when she’d seen him fly, or watched his simulation, or even when he’d talked about his nanites and what he was capable of. But now, he was taking her as a man takes a whore, and she finally understood.

  He slid her thighs aside and positioned his cock at the entrance to her cunt. Meeting Annette’s eye, he slowly pushed his throbbing member into her, watching as she bit her lip and writhed from the size of it.

  Victor all but pinned her down to the bed, groping at her breasts as he began to fuck her even harder than he had before. His body slapped against hers, making a loud, lewd rhythm in the air. He was sweaty, and the sheets were damp underneath them.

  “Do you like being fucked like this, Annette?”

  “…Yes,” she whispered.


  “Yes!” she shouted. “Oh god, yes!”

  Annette continued shouting, moaning, and it was only another few seconds before her body quivered and melted a second time. Victor thrust into her a few more times, as if disappointed by her performance, and then pulled his cock out.

  He took a fist full of Annette’s hair and guided her mouth onto his cock. She shot him a single, almost offended look as his cock rubbed across her lips. When it became clear that Victor wasn’t backing down, she began to suck.

  “Oh yeah,” he whispered. “That’s right.”

  Annette worked her tongue around the shaft of Victor’s cock tenderly. In return, he took hold of her head and lifted himself up to his knees. He began thrusting into her mouth, fucking Annette’s face as though it was just another dedicated sex hole, for him to use as he pleased.

  “Oh yeah, Annette!” he shouted. Annette s
quealed and went limp. Victor thrust again, and again, and again, and then finally felt the pleasure he’d been chasing come within reach.

  He pulled out right as the moment arrived, his cock exploding and spraying white hot, sticky cum all over the pretty CEO’s face. Exhausted, Victor collapsed back on the bed and enjoyed the moment.

  Annette slid up the bed to the spot next to him. Victor was ready for anger, or shock, or even outrage. Instead she met his eye and smiled softly.

  “The scars on your chest.” She slowly traced a finger over them. “Do they hurt?”


  Victor shook his head.

  “Not anymore,” he said. “Not physically, at least.”


  Annette got up after a few minutes, pulled her nightgown back on, and disappeared into the bathroom. A new presence materialized into the room less than a second after she’d shut the door.

  “It’s not easy for me to watch you have sex with other women, you know.”

  Victor turned his head to the side and saw Ella lying on the bed next to him. She was completely naked, as though it had been her and not Annette that he’d been intimate with.

  “Sorry,” whispered Victor. “Though honestly, I would think you’d get used to at after a little while.”

  Ella glared at him.

  “You really don’t know the first thing about women, do you?”

  “Apparently not.”

  Victor heard the sound of the shower turning on in the bathroom. He sat up on the bed, fetched his boxers, and then walked over to the couch. Ella followed him, choosing to remain naked, as though trying to showcase the contrast of her young body against the older Annette.

  “I think you made the right call, though,” she said.

  “You do?” Victor raised an eyebrow at her, and Ella’s expression softened.

  “It wasn’t fun for me to watch, but I think you handled yourself perfectly,” said Ella. “You made it very clear to her who is really in charge.”

  Victor chuckled.

  “As far as sex goes, maybe,” he said. “I could tell that was what she wanted, though. She practically goaded me into it.”


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