Blood Lust and The Slayer

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Blood Lust and The Slayer Page 2

by Vanessa Lockley

  "Oh, I really hope this dress isn't too flashy." Jaqulin said as she smiled and took Drakes arm and walked with him down the rest of the stairs.

  "Of course not my dear. It makes you look exceptionally ravishing." Drake replied as he lead her over to a chair next to where he had, kissed her hand as she sat down, then sat in the chair he had only moments before got up from.

  She smiled at how kind he was and then looked over to Sequin; she gave him a curious look and asked "Did I miss anything?"

  "No." Drake offered immediately, not allowing Sequin to answer. "I and your brother were just discussing some things. Nothing to worry about."

  She took Drakes word for it and settled back down saying "You have a very lovely castle Drake. I really wouldn't mind living in something like this." She looked over to Sequin, hinting about finally settling down after such a journey as they had.

  "Thank you Jaqulin. I try to keep up with it. Since it is such a large castle, I could use the help of someone to live in it with me." Drake replied to her comment. He, too, was hinting around, only about her settling down with him and forget her brother.

  She blushed once again and smiled as she sat there. "Well, I think it's just about time for bet, what about you sis?" Sequin asked.

  She yawned and said "yes, in fact I am quite tired."

  Drake smiled and said "Very well, good night all, I shall see you in the morning during breakfast." Drake looked over to Jaqulin, smiled and said "and good night to you my princess." She waved goodnight to him as he blew a kiss to her. She blushed harder and made her way to her room. Followed by her brother.

  "Master Drake, Jaqulin's brother, Sequin, seems to be presenting a problem between you and her." James said as he walked over to the fire place beside Drake.

  "Yes I know that James, tomorrow after noon, I shall offer to take Jaqulin on a small tour of my castle, and the surrounding gardens. While you see to her brother. I'll give her an explanation for his absents, but this way he won't be able to get in the way any longer." Drake replied, looking down into the fire, as if looking there to plan it all out.

  "Yes Master Drake, but do you think you should be going out into the sun like that?" James asked.

  "There is one thing different about me from all the others in the line before me. Is that I have a soul. I can stand to be out in sunlight where as others can't" Drake replied closing his eyes."

  "Yes Master Drake. It shall be done." James said with a bow and left his master to plan, and relax for the rest of the night.

  "But for Miss Jaqulin to follow me and accept the offer tomorrow, I must invade her dreams giving her ones about her and I." Drake said to himself. "And I have just the ones in mind." He retorted and moved his cape over him, and faded into the darkness of the shadows around the fireplace.

  "Sequin, I am old enough to do what I please, I'm not a little kid anymore." Jaqulin yelled as she got ready for bed.

  "I know that, but didn't you see how Drake was flirting with you. I have a feeling there is more to our host then meats the eye." Sequin retorted.

  "Sequin, for the first time in my life I've found a man that is treating me well. And is as handsome as hell. I'm not going to give it up just because your stupid gut feeling." Jaqulin said to his face as she got down in bed. "Now good night Sequin Frank. I shall see you in the morning."

  "But sister, he may be…" was as far as he got

  "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD ABOUT VAMPIRES! OR ABOUT VAN HELPING OR WHAT EVER HIS NAME WAS!" that time she was so loud even Drake could have heard her.

  "But sis?"

  "Good night Sequin 'Van Helsing' Frank." Jaqulin said firmly "I don't want you driving this one way with your stupid batty vampire crud."

  "But he could be a Vampire, all vampires need a female Vampire, and the women they choose to be that must comply with them. So that means that they must charm the women. This is what Drake is doing to you." Sequin explained, he knew that he couldn't do anything about or to Drake without his sister's consent.

  "Sequin, I don't care about your theories or what you think Drake is. Unless you give me proof of this then he is normal, clear?" She said, laying down the line from him.

  "Crystal sis." He said "Fine, as long as I don't have any evidence then I'll leave it alone. But if you get bitten in the night from Drake, then don't come crying to me."

  "Good, now good night." Jaqulin said, determined for it to be the last time and covered her head trying to go to sleep. Sequin sighed and left for his own room.

  Once there, he got out a book called 'The Deadly Kiss of a Vampire' and started reading it. It was primarily about a vampires fangs and what one must do to keep a victim of the bite from coming back to life. And also how to keep the bite from happening.

  He sighed as he started looking though it to see if there was any kind of evidence he could come up with for his sister, alas, he didn't find any. At least not that night.

  Meanwhile, in the room down the hall, Jaqulin slept peacefully. There was a sudden gust of wind that ruffled the sheets, and a human form shadow walked in from the balcony, over to the bed and sat down gently, as to not wake the sleeping beauty up.

  "Have sweet peaceful dreams my Princess of Darkness to be." Then the mysterious Shadowed figure disappeared all together and Jaqulin began tossing and turning, seemingly having a bad or half way bad dream.

  She began dreaming about her and Drake walking together in a peaceful forest, and they were about to kiss and a mysterious feeling and dark shadow overtook the whole dream, replacing it with its presences. She could feel the figure holding her close, so close that its lips and hers were almost touching.

  She tried to scream, or something. But it stopped her, trying to calm her down. "Who or what are you?" She asked. It didn't replied, it just stayed dark and mysterious. "Who are you?" She asked again. This time she got some what of a response.

  "You'll find out soon enough my dear. I have information about Drake, the young man who you are in love with, correct?" The dark figure asked

  "Yes, what is it?" she asked back.

  "I have a feeling he will ask for your presence on a gentle horse ride though the orchard tomorrow afternoon." The dark figure replied.

  "Oh? But how would you know?" Jaqulin asked with wide eyes.

  "Say yes to him. You two belong together." Was all that the dark shadow offered, after kissing her once, twice, then receding from her mind all together. Making her feel alone again.

  Jaqulin woke up all of a sudden in a cold sweat and screeched a little, for some reason Drake was right there by her side to calm her down. That made her a little curious. But for as much as she knew, he could have been walked down the hall and heard her tossing and turning and came in to see her. So she shrugged it off.

  "What's wrong my dear." He asked as he held her.

  "Oh, I just had a bad dream that's all." She replied

  "Really? Feeling better now?" he asked as he held her.

  "Yes, thank you. I think I'll be fine now." She replied and then moved back down to the bed. Drake smiled and kissed her forehead and left her to rest.

  Just as he opened the door Sequin was right there asking "What's going on?"

  "Your sister had a bad dream." Drake replied. "But she's alright now." He continued with a slight smirk. Sequin couldn't help but dislike that smirk, but all he could do for then was to come in, and see how his sister was doing.

  Chapter Four: A Journey Though the Orchids

  The next morning, Jaqulin woke up and stretched. She hadn't had another nightmare that night after the one she had. She got up and picked a dress out that matched her radiant icy blue eyes. It wasn't like the dress she wore yesterday. It was powder blue.

  After taking care of a few morning chores she needed to take care of, she gracefully walked down the stairs and made her way to the dining room where Drake and her brother were already seated having their breakfast. "Good to see everyone up bright and early." She commented as she came into the door wa

  Drake looked up, saw the absolute vision of beauty he'd ever seen, then got up and came over to her "You look absolutely exquisite this morning my dear." He said as he kissed her knuckles and led her over to hear seat next to him and across from her brother. He pulled it out for her, allowed her to set down and pushed her chair in for her. "James, get another plate for Miss Jaqulin please." He called out to the butler.

  In no time at all, James appeared with a plate of eggs, sausage, and gravy for her. She accepted it generously for her roaring stomach and began to eat, making sure to remember her manners. She looked up to her brother, then his practically untouched plate, and asked "Aren't you going to eat?"

  "Not really hungry" Sequin replied out of the blue. He did seem hungry. But it was up to him to eat, Jaqulin decided.

  "Oh, dear. I thought that maybe we could take a ride though the orchid. Will you please join me?" Drake asked as he came a little closer to her as she ate.

  Jaqulin then remembered the dream she had and wondered if she should take the dark shadows advice. She shook her head and then looked up at Drake, smiled and said "Of course I will. I'd love to."

  Drake smiled, looked over to James and said "Get my horse ready. I and Jaqulin are going out soon." Drake turned back Jaqulin and asked "what kind of horse would you like?"

  "Hmm, how about a white stallion, that is if you have one." She smiled as she replied.

  "Of course we do." Drake replied. And before Sequin could argue the point Drake turned to James and said "Hitch up the white stallion Wolf's bane. We'll take him out."

  "One horse? What about Jaqulin don't tell me they are going to ride double." Sequin thought to himself. "What about Jaqulin? Which horse is she going to ride on?" He asked, before he could think about his words.

  "Why, she is going to ride on Wolf's Bane with me. No need to take two horses when only one is needed." Drake replied as he finished up his breakfast. Then gulped down a red liquid that he said earlier was Red Wine. But Sequin thought other wise.

  "And what is that you are drinking?" Sequin asked in an accusing voice.

  Jaqulin looked at him with a look of warning, but asked "yes what is it?"

  Drake smiled and said "Why it's Red Wine. Would you like some dear? I always drink Red Wine with my meals."

  "Yes, I would like some, thank you." Jaqulin replied as she looked over at Sequin, giving him his last warning with her eyes. He just sighed and behaved from then on out. Jaqulin smiled as James brought out a glass of Red Wine for her and sipped at it. It was very good, just as good looking as her host. But she didn't let her feeling show just yet.

  Later that day, as the sun rose higher, Jaqulin and Drake took Wolf's Bane out to start their journey through the orchids. Drake sat startled across the saddle as his cape draped down over him, concealing most of his body, while Jaqulin rode sidesaddle in front of him and some of his cape covering her.

  Drake's arms encircled her as they gripped the reigns and showed the horse in which way to move. "Oh, it's already so pretty out here."

  "Wait till we get to the actual orchids. They are gorgeous this time of year. Just like you." Drake said, hugging Jaqulin closer.

  She smiled at the warm feeling and took Drake's word for it. They made it to the orchid and said "Oh, it is beautiful" Jaqulin gasped as she saw all the wonderful trees around her. As well as all the other vegetation.

  Drake smiled and said "Yes, I told you." He then got off and helped Jaqulin off and said "now, before I take you any farther, I want to give you something."

  "Oh, what?" she asked, Drake smiled and pulled a small black box out of his tuxedo jacket. He opened it in front of her and it was a beautiful gold pendent with a Bat and Dragon holding a Blood Red Ruby between them. "Oh, it's so sweet Drake. Thank you."

  "Turn around and I'll put it on you." He said, she complied and he swung the necklace around her neck and clipped it in the back. Then while she was facing that way he led her over to the edge of the orchids where she saw a beautiful water fall that ran down into a sparkling lake.

  "Oh, it is beautiful." She smiled as she commented. Drake had his arms around her as her attention stayed locked on the waterfall. He looked down at her uncovered neck; the milky white skin was just beckoning him to take a taste of her right then and there.

  He tried to keep himself occupied with the water fall, but his eyes kept diverting back to the milky white skin that was her neck. He then leaned over a little, risking taking a taste of her skin, just to see what it would taste like. He slowly let his smooth tongue caress the sweet milky exterior and smiled. "Just as sweet as I thought it would be"

  She felt the caress and turned to him asking "what was that?"

  "Oh no, busted" he thought but said "Oh, it must have been a drop of water coming off of one of the leafs from last nights rain." He explained. It was a terrible excuse, but it worked. She smiled and turned back around to watch the water fall. "Will I be able to survive another night without tasting her again?" he asked himself as he watched her neck move and wanted to taste it again.

  He leaned down again and started softly touching his lips to her neck. "She tastes soooooo good." He thought as his lips went down and up over her neck, then to the back of it.

  "What are you doing?" she asked quickly, a little scared that her brother may have been right.

  "Kissing your neck. That isn't a crime is it?" he softly asked in an innocent tone.

  "Well, no. Not at all." She smiled as she turned to face him.

  "Damn, she had to turn around." He cursed to himself. But when he saw her intention he felt better. She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him and give him a good taste of her mouth, when Sequin yelled "Oh! There you are!" He came up closer, unsuspecting of what was going on and said "Sis, I got the buggy fixed and we can go when ever we want." He came in between her and Drake; and Drake just wanted to wrap his hands around Sequin's neck and squeeze tightly.

  "That's great. But for some reason, I don't know if I want to go yet." Jaqulin said. That set Drake aback. Most of his victims, whether they knew they were victims or not, would want to leave as soon as possible.

  "Well, if you feel like you want to stay a little longer, then I think we can." Sequin replied as he put his arm around his little sister.

  Just to be sure that they didn't leave yet, Drake decided that a little surprise storm would do just fine. Before Sequin could have a chance to try to convince his sister that leaving would be best. They heard a sudden clash of thunder, and rain started poring down. "AHH! I'm getting soaked!" Jaqulin yelled. Drake was quick to use his cape to help shield her from the thundering rain.

  All three of them took shelter under a tree and Sequin was the first to speak "I don't think we will be able to leave now. At least not during the storm." Jaqulin nodded in agreement. She wasn't too wet. But she was wet enough to make her look absolutely scrumptious to Drake.

  "Why don't we hurry and get back to the castle?" Drake asked. Sequin nodded and Drake said "I'll help Jaqulin back to the castle; you can go ahead of us. We'll get there in one peace."

  Sequin was unsure of it all, but looked to his sister and asked "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

  She nodded and said "Of course. I'll be fine." He sighed and nodded then ran for his horse and started back to the castle.

  "How are we going to reach Wolf's Bane?" Jaqulin asked.

  "Easy, we don't go to him, he comes to us." Drake replied, as if he had said it over and over again with out flaw. With that, he snapped his fingers and Wolf's Bane was there beside them, ready to be mounted.

  Jaqulin smiled and said "you are a wonderful man."

  Drake smiled and said "Only for you my dear." And helped her up onto the horse. He joined her and before they started off, he wrapped his cape around them both, to keep them both dry and warm. "Cozy?" he asked as he pulled the wrapping tight.

  "Very." She replied as she leaned back against him and closed her eyes. "She is really starting to trust me.
And I don't know if I just want her for a meal anymore." Drake thought to himself as he started the animal off toward the castle. To keep her head dry, Drake put his head down over hers as they rode though the rain.

  The horse ran into the stable and Drake took his cape off from around them and dismounted, then grabbed Jaqulin, and carried her to the castle where it met the stable. Then rain though what rain they had to and made it inside.

  When inside Drake sat her down and said "I'm sorry if I got you a little wet in that last dash for the castle."

  She smiled and said "oh I don't mind it." Then kissed him on the cheek for what he did for her. When she passed by Sequin she gave him a drop dead look of he had better not interfere with her and Drake.


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