Fire In Her Eyes

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Fire In Her Eyes Page 13

by Amanda Heath

  Chapter 23


  All I see is a dark figure standing over Spencer with a shotgun. At first I was sure it was Dylan, but now I’m not. The sun has gone down even more since Spencer and I started making out, but now it’s hard to see anything at all but shadows. Dylan would have been gloating by now; this person is silent as a ghost.

  Spencer has moved to sit beside me with his hands up. I’m staring up at the figure just wishing they would get it over with. Or for them to lower that gun so I can stab them with the knife I have in my hand under the pillow. “Harley, why are you letting this piece of shit touch you like that?”

  “Dad?” What the fuck? Okay, now I’m totally freaked the hell out.

  “Yes, it’s your dad. Did you not get the message? Why didn’t you come home?” He bends down and turns on the lantern that’s sitting in the corner. I don’t even want to know how he knew where that was.

  “Because, there is nothing to worry about. Dylan isn’t going to pull anything out here in front of everyone. He doesn’t have the balls. The guy had to drug me to rape me. He’s a fucking coward.” I’m really pissed my dad thought he needed to come out here with a gun to protect me. I’m not the scared and broken little girl I had been the past couple of months.

  My dad huffs in frustration. “I don’t care what you think, Harley. You’re coming with me, now. That is final.” He grabs my arm before trying to pull me up.

  I fight him off. “I don’t want to leave, Dad. I don’t even understand why you are making me go!” I’m starting to get really pissed off. He has no right to come here, point a gun at me, and tell me to leave; Let alone, say such terrible shit about Spencer.

  “God, you are just like your mother! Never listening to anything I say. You’re starting to become a whore just like she was!” He screams this at me and I can’t do anything but gape at him.

  “She is anything but a whore, Richard,” Spencer pipes in from beside me with his hands still in a “there’s-a-gun-in-my-face” position.

  “You shut your fucking mouth, boy. I knew you were trouble the day your mother and you moved in across the street. I just thought you had grown up. You’re fucking crazy if you think I’m going to let you be with my daughter after everything you put her through. It’s your fault she got raped in the first place!” dads face turns purple, he is so mad. I don’t think I have ever seen him this mad before.

  “What the fuck, Dad! It’s not his fault! What has gotten into you? Just go home and calm down,” I say, but he doesn’t like that. He grabs my arm again. I try to fight him off, but he’s too strong this time.

  Spencer grabs my other arm and looks down at the knife. His eyes met mine and I shake my head “no.” I don’t care what crazy shit my dad is saying, I’m not using my knife on him. I feel like I’m the rope in a game of tug-of-war. I’m seriously tired of it. Dad finally lets me go and I fall back onto Spencer. He sets me up right and we both look back at Dad.

  Well, I figured out why he let me go.

  Mason has a 9 mm pointed at my dad’s head. The really odd thing about it is, Mason looks really pissed off, like dad killed his puppy or something. “I suggest you leave, Richard. Wouldn’t want the cops to get called now would you?” Mason’s voice is deadly quiet and I feel chills go down my spine.

  Dad visibly pales. I wonder what that is about. “Mason, put the gun down. He’s not going to hurt anyone.” I get up off the tent floor and pull Spencer up with me.

  “It doesn’t matter what he is going to do now; it’s what he has done before.” If looks could kill, my dad would be six feet under right now. Somehow, Dad’s face gets even whiter than the paper shade it was to begin with.

  “What did you do, Dad?” I ask softly. He had to have done something really awful for Mason to react to him this way. My dad looks from me to Mason and back again.

  “I didn’t do anything. I have no idea what he is talking about.” His eyes plead with me to believe him, but I don’t. I may have only known Mason for a couple of months, but he wouldn’t pull a gun on my dad for no reason.

  “Liar, you know what you did. I know what you did. Funny how I didn’t figure it out until Harley started hanging around me.” Mason lowers his gun before speaking again. “You tell her or I will. You won’t leave anything out either.”

  Dad doesn’t look like he is going to say anything, but Mason takes a step toward me. “Fine, I’ll tell her.”

  Dad looks at me and his eyes are sad. I start to get the feeling that this is going to be truly awful. “Your mom was in love with someone else. She was packing up her things and all of you and your brothers’ things. I couldn’t let her do that. She wasn’t going to leave me for another man. So, I knocked her out and drove her and her car up to the woods. I…I shot her in the head. I knew that I could pull off the look of a suicide, just had to get the shot right.”

  Spencer catches me as I fall. I was on the verge of losing it before he caught me. I feel safe in his arms. Nothing can touch me here. He is whispering soothing words in my ear and I take comfort in the fact that he is here with me. He truly is an angel.

  “Tell her the rest,” comes Mason’s calm voice.

  My dad’s hands are shaking and I almost move to comfort him, but how can I when he just told me he killed my mother? I have gone most of my life thinking she didn’t love me enough to stick around. “That other man she tried to leave me for was your biological father.”

  “WHAT?!?!” My voice startles me as I realize I just screamed this at my father. My heart feels as if it just got put through a meat grinder. Who is this man that raised me, that loved me? He is a killer and a liar.

  My dad falls to his knees and sobs. He deserves to be there. “My mom and dad were never married. I was an accident after a one-night stand, but my mom was always my dad’s best friend. She told me about the love of my dad’s life. A woman so scared to leave her husband. She even had my father’s child and pretended that that little girl belonged to her husband. My father died the same day as your mom. He was a good man, but had a bad past. When they found him with a bullet hole in his forehead, they just assumed that his past came to bite him in the ass.” Mason’s eyes leave their chilling stare from me to my father. “My mom always suspected that your dad killed him. I never had any proof until now. In my opinion, even if he only gets put away for the rest of his life for the death of your mother, it’s still a victory. He deserves to waste away in a prison cell for breaking up a happy home, a loving couple...” He looks back at me and my breathing gets erratic because I know what he is going to say before he says it. I just don’t want to hear it.

  “...and a brother and sister.”

  Chapter 24


  “How...” I trail off in a whisper. Spencer has a strong hold on me. I don’t ever want him to let me go, but I have to get closer to Mason. I have to hear him explain this to me. So I gently get out of his arms and cross the short distance to Mason. I take in his features, but I don’t see myself anywhere in his face.

  After what seems like hours, I realize I see things that I have only seen in mirrors. Our noses are the same. The shape of his eyes is just like mine. Even our lips match. They are subtle, but they are there. “I can’t fucking believe it.” Then I punch him in the arm. I keep on punching him. He doesn’t try to stop me and I don’t care if I am hurting him. He just hurt me with what he made my father tell me; hurt me with everything that just came out of his mouth.

  Spencer finally takes a hold of my arms so I will stop punching Mason. That is when Mason starts to talk some more. “We share the same father. That day you went the graveyard, I wasn’t there to find you. I was there because our father is buried there. When I said you reminded me of someone I knew, I wasn’t lying. I just didn’t know then that you were the sister I was thinking of.”

  He picks up my hand and places it over his heart. It is beating real fast and I find it matches my own. “We used to play together when we were little.
I knew that you were my sister, but I wasn’t allowed to tell you. When my dad died, those visits stopped. I guess that they thought me knowing your first name would be too much, so they had me call you Catherine: your middle name. We weren’t in the same school at the time. I didn’t even move to Duke until about five years ago.

  Then I only had eyes for Lucy, so I didn’t pay any attention to you until that day in the graveyard. You had that same stubborn attitude, hair, and eyes that I remembered from way back when we were just kids. I didn’t put two and two together until I heard you call him ‘Dad.’” He points back at Dad who is still on the ground sobbing.

  “You knew? You knew this whole time that I had a brother somewhere out there?” He only nods and I have to look away. “That’s not even the worst thing that you did. You are a sick man and I hope you rot in hell.”

  That’s when I hear sirens in the background and look over at Mason.

  “Dean’s cousin is a cop. He’s off duty this weekend, but we got him to listen outside. They are going to arrest him, Harley. They have his confession on tape.”

  I glare down at Dad. Well, I guess he isn’t really my dad. He’s just some man that raised me and pretended to love me. “I want to know why you pretended to be my father.” I walk over to him and he looks up with at me with pleading eyes.

  “The day your mother died, she told me I wasn’t your real father. It didn’t matter to me then, I had raised you, loved you all your life. I wasn’t going to give you up to your mother’s lover. So, I took that option away.” The sirens are getting closer and I know what he is going to say before it even comes out of his mouth. “Please, just help me get out of here. I won’t bother you ever again.”

  “No. You’re going to get what you deserve. I’m going to let them come in here and take you away. I never want to see you again.” I turn away from him and immediately meet Spencer’s eyes. They are sad for me, but I love that there isn’t any pity. I walk over to him and snuggle into his arms. Turning away from my dad has drained the last of my strength.


  We have to answer a ton of questions about what happened: first to the cops, and then to our group of friends. Apparently they had no idea what was going on till the cops showed up. Spencer filled in what happened in the tent because I didn’t have the energy to talk about it. Dean filled in what happened outside the tent.

  Mason wasn’t far away when he heard me scream. When he made it to the tent, Dad had already turned the light on and Mason got a look at his face. He said that my mom was already moving into their house and he found old pictures of us as a family.

  Thinking fast, he pulled Dean and his brother over to the tent and told him to record what was said once he entered the tent. After my dad confessed to my mother’s murder, Dean’s cousin phoned in his buddies.

  Four hours later, after they had listened to the tape and loaded up my dad, who called out to me the whole time, Spencer and I are on our way back to my house. I told Mason that I would talk to him later. We shared an awkward hug and went our separate ways. Spencer held me the whole way home. I guess I never really noticed how much I needed him around. How much I would always need him around.

  Polly is asleep when we walk in and I cringe at the thought of what we are going to tell her in the morning. I don’t even want to think about it. We walk through the living room and down the hallway towards our rooms holding hands the whole way. When we get to his room, he kisses my cheek and steps inside. I don’t let go of his hand and he turns back around to look at me. I don’t waste any time in pulling him back to me. “Make me forget,” I whisper.


  I don’t even stop to ask if she really means that. I want to forget, too. I want to forget that a gun was pointed at her or me. I want to forget that Harley and my mother were living in this house with that psycho. It’s all too much. I just want to feel her against me; to know that she is safe.

  I slam my mouth down onto hers. Our tongues meet almost instantly, curling together. I put my hands around her waist to pull her flush against me. Her arms go around my neck and up into my hair, pulling lightly. I love it when she does that. My fingers go up under her shirt to get a feel of her soft skin. I pull us backward not breaking the intense kiss we are locked in. I reach back behind me to open the door to my room. My free hand automatically goes back to where it was under Harley’s shirt. Harley kicks the door shut when we finally stumble through the doorway.

  I break away for just a second to pull her shirt over her head. I suck in air when I catch sight of her black bra against all that alabaster skin. She returns the favor by pulling my tank top over my head and throwing it on the floor. She starts placing little kisses over my jaw. Those kisses turn into licks and nibbles that go to my neck, over my chest and down my stomach. When she gets to my khaki shorts, it takes no time at all for her to get them undone and around my ankles. My boxers are next, and then her mouth is on my hard dick.

  “You do not have to do that...I’m already set to go, baby girl.” I strain to get those words out. The feel of her hot mouth on there is almost too much. I peek down to watch her auburn head go up and down my length. Dammit if that’s not the hottest thing I have ever seen.

  She lets go with a pop and her dark blues look up into mine. “I know...I just...want to,” she says while her teeth come out and play with her bottom lip. She doesn’t wait for me to answer before she goes back to giving me head.

  I let her suck up and down my length for a little while longer before I just can’t take it anymore. I reach down and pull her up with my hands under her arms. I slant my mouth over hers and softly kiss her while I unbutton her shorts and reach inside. I find her cotton panties and run my fingers under the elastic band. I push them down to her wet heat and rub through her sex, getting her excited nub slick.

  I sink two fingers into her and thrust them slowly while rubbing her spot. Her lips leave mine as she throws her head back to let out a deep moan. I lean forward to kiss and bite on her exposed neck. She moans even deeper.

  “I love it when you make that noise,” I whisper into her ear. Her hips are grinding on my hand and I know that she on the verge of cumming. “Come, baby girl. I want to see you go wild.”

  I rub and thrust a little more before she is clutching on to my shoulders, crying out. Her eyes meet mine and they are aflame. I have never seen anything hotter. I slip my hand out of her shorts and step out of my own shorts which are still around my ankles.

  My dick is throbbing it’s so hard. I can’t wait to sink it into her.

  I walk over to my bed, lie down onto my back, and motion her over. She stops next to the bed so I can pull her shorts and underwear all the way off. I pull a condom out of the night stand and slowly slip it on. She watches the movement with hungry eyes as I watch her with the same hunger.

  “Climb on top, baby girl. I want you in control.”

  She shivers before climbing on the bed and then over me. She rubs herself against my hardness for several seconds and we both groan. Then she finally slides down on me and I groan again at her tightness, closing my eyes. She starts a slow rocking and its pure torture, but it fits with the mood we have set.

  It started all crazy and hot in the hallway, but now it has slowed to a tender and warm motion. Almost as if we are making love. God that was seriously cheesy. I open my eyes back up and almost chuckle at the fact that I didn’t take her bra off. Harley is moving in this slow rhythm with her arms crossed behind her head. Her eyes are closed and her bottom lip is trembling. She is so fucking gorgeous it almost hurts to look at her.

  My hands are lying next to my body when she opens her eyes and looks down at me. She grabs my hands and yanks my upper body up to her level. She looks deep into my eyes when she says, “You feel so good, Spencer.”

  I let out a groan at her softly spoken words and cup her face, bringing her lips to mine. Our tongues meet in a slow dance as my hands leave her face and go to her ass. I continue to kiss her as I make
her rock faster with my hands. Her arms are around my neck, now, holding me to her as if I would leave at this moment. Never.

  “Spencer...” She moans around my lips. I swallow it down, relishing in the fact that she even wants me.

  “Cum, baby girl,” I whisper around kisses. I take my hands off her ass and put them on her hips, lifting her up and down my dick. “I love you...” Now she is throwing her head back and crying out. Her inner walls clutch around me bringing on my own release.

  We fall back on to the bed where she curls in my arms. She whispers “I love you too, Spencer,” before I fall asleep.

  Chapter 25


  When I wake up in the morning the first thing I notice is the heavy weight on top of me. I take in the weight’s musky outdoor smell and smile: Spencer.

  “Good morning, baby girl,” he whispers against my lips. I can feel one of his hands in my hair and I open my eyes to see that he is holding his weight with the other one.

  His face is really close to mine and I chuckle at the black stubble along his jaw. I don’t think I have ever seen the boy without a smooth shave. “Good morning,” I whisper back. I throw one arm over his neck and put the other at his waist. He keeps giving me sweet little kisses that make my toes curl. I feel things that I have never felt before. I never knew that love could be like this, especially with Spencer Grady. This though...this is perfect.

  He pulls away from my lips and looks down at me with a serious expression. “Why did you forgive me?” He asks it softly, almost like he doesn’t want to hear the answer.

  “When it came down to it, what you did wasn’t nearly as bad as what my dad or Dylan did. You showed remorse for it and I believe you when you say it won’t ever happen again.” He beams at me and I can’t help but beam back.


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