Uninvited Visitors_A Riverton Crossing Novel

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Uninvited Visitors_A Riverton Crossing Novel Page 10

by Savannah Maris

  “Would I be safer at your house?”

  “I don’t live in the town limits. Nathan can’t watch over you there.”


  “I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you in a little while. Love ya.”

  “Love you too.”


  A warm body molded to her back, and a heavy arm wrapped around her waist. “You should be up already,” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I need sleep,” Cat whined.

  “It’s my fault you didn’t get any because I was worried sick last night. I felt fucking helpless, Cat.” He slipped his hand over her breast and massaged. “I need our connection.” He pressed his forehead to the back of hers and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Maybe I should call in sick today.”

  Thomas kissed the back of her head before he rose from the bed. “As much as I’d love sleeping in this bed with you all day, you need to see if there’s anything else you can give Buck so he can get the hell out of our lives. I’ll start your shower and fix your coffee.”

  Cat barely opened her eyes with the sun shining through her window shades. “I don’t know what else I can give him. He’s got to connect the dots, but I’ll watch the accounts this week, meet with him this weekend, and hopefully, I’ll be done unless he has a specific question.”

  “Get up. We can talk while you dress.” Thomas left her in the bed and walked toward the bathroom. The water was running when he walked into her room and found her with her eyes closed, so he flipped the covers off her as he walked toward her bedroom door.

  “I’m going to get your coffee. Don’t make me come back and steal the covers off the bed.”

  Cat moved to get up. “I’m going,” she mumbled.

  When Cat stepped out of the shower, she saw Thomas leaning against the doorjamb with a mug of steaming coffee. “God, I love you.” She walked straight to him reaching out her hands.

  Thomas pulled the mug away. “Kiss me first,” he said with a sexy grin on his face.

  “So we’ve stooped to bribery now?”

  “Whatever it takes, honey.”

  Cat rose to her tiptoes and kissed him. “Good morning,” she whispered when she broke the kiss.

  “It’s better now.” He winked and gave her the mug. “What did Buck say at lunch yesterday?”

  Cat filled him in on the conversation and the creepy feeling she got in the elevator. “Now with what you told me last night, I’m getting more concerned. If they’ve linked us together…”

  “Cat, everyone in this town knows we’ve been together.”

  Cat’s brows furrowed then raised as a thought popped into her head. “Yesterday, when I told Mr. Jones I was hurrying to a lunch date, he specifically asked if it was with you, and I told him that it was with an old college boyfriend. From the expression on his face, I don’t think he was expecting that.” Cat’s eyes grew wide. “Then the look on his face when he walked into the diner. Oh my God, we’ve thrown him a curveball that he doesn’t know what to do with now. Do you think he’s hired someone to scare me away from the Redline account?”

  “Someone has, either him or an unknown party, but you need to get away from that account as quickly as possible, Cat. So he saw you with Buck?”

  “Yes, and Buck made it look like we were together.” Cat’s face got hot.

  “How exactly did he do that?” Thomas raised his eyebrows.

  “Um, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I reminded him I was still with you,” she hurriedly said.

  “Is that all?”

  “Well, he gave me a peck on the lips, and I told him to stop. For the benefit of the waitress, he said that he was here to take me back to Atlanta with him.” Cat shook her head at the thought. “The waitress gave me such an angry look when she heard him. She and several others looked at me as if I were cheating on you. Their looks turned my stomach.”

  Thomas laid his lips on Cat’s forehead before he pulled her in for a hug as he rubbed her back. “We’ll get through this, I swear.” He reluctantly released her then cupped her face and gave her the gentlest of kisses. “I’m going to leave so you can finish getting ready for work.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “Watch your surroundings and let me know when you’re safely in your office. We’ll find a way to see each other this weekend.” One last peck on the lips and Thomas left her to prepare for work.

  Thirty minutes later she arrived at the bank a couple minutes late and blamed it on the available parking. As she walked past Mr. Jones office, he called to her, “Catherine, do you have a minute?”

  Cat closed her eyes before she turned around. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry I was late, but I didn’t sleep well last night, and the only available parking space was in the back corner of the lot.”

  “I see. Well, go put your things away and come back. We need to discuss a few things.” His tone was cordial enough, but his expression made Cat a bit nervous.

  “Yes sir.” He knows I went back into the Redline account. Shit, shit, shit. Cat hurried into her office and sent Thomas a quick text, before returning to Mr. Jones’ office and tapping on the door.

  “I’m here and in with Mr. Jones.”

  “Come in, Catherine, and close the door please.”

  Cat swallowed hard as she turned to close the door and sent up a little prayer that she wouldn’t be fired.

  “Take a seat.”

  She sat in a most pristine manner—back straight, knees together, notepad and pen on her lap with her hands resting on top. Any southern lady who attended a finishing school would be proud.

  Mr. Jones cleared his throat but didn’t give Cat reason to relax in the slightest. “There are some accounts that I’m assigned to for a reason. The clients are, shall we say, a little rough around the edges. They don’t like other people messing in their accounts, and since you filed your suspicion report, they aren’t happy. For your own safety, and the safety of those you care about, Catherine, stay out of Redline Trucking’s account. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” They know I sent the report.

  “That’ll be all.” Mr. Jones turned his attention back to the spreadsheet on his computer.

  Cat stood and quietly left his office. By the time she closed her door and sat behind her desk, she was shaking. Mr. Jones had effectively scared the shit out of her. Did he just issue a warning or a threat? Cat was deep in thought when the ping from her cell phone startled her. She looked at her screen to see a text from Kayla:

  Let’s go horseback riding Saturday.

  Cat: Sounds good. What time?

  Kayla: Noon.

  Cat: See you then.

  She quickly sent a text to Buck:

  Here’s your confirmation. Mr. Jones just told me that someone at Redline isn’t happy that I filled out the suspicion report. No client should have that information. He’s leaked confidential bank information.

  Buck: Great job! Thank you.

  Cat finally turned her attention to work, and the rest of the day flew by without incident.


  Thomas spent Thursday afternoon and night adjusting to his days off. He was never good the day he came off rotation in the best of circumstances, and the fact that he only saw Cat for a few minutes only added to his frustrations. Now he only had twenty-four hours to get everything ready for Saturday.

  He found his phone to make a quick call as he sipped his coffee. Staring out the kitchen window into the woods out back, he listened to the phone ring. Just as he was pulling the phone from his head, he heard, “Mitchell.”

  “Dude, I was about to hang up.” Thomas chuckled. “Is that any way to treat your brother-in-law?”

  “Sorry, man. I didn’t even look at the screen. What are you up to this fine morning? Kayla said you were gonna call.”

  “I need a favor,” Thomas said.

  “Name it.”

  “Kayla is inviting Cat out to ride tomorrow for me. I need two horses ready. Will that be po

  “Sure, what time?”

  “I’ll get there around eleven, and Cat’s needs to be ready at noon.”

  “Are you proposing?” Mitchell asked.

  “What is with you people?” Thomas sighed. “Not right now. I just want to surprise her is all. I haven’t seen her much lately.”

  “So is the grapevine true?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I heard she had lunch with an old college boyfriend. Are y’all seeing other people?”

  “Fuck!” Thomas ran his hand over his head. “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Mitchell burst out laughing. “What does that even mean?”

  “For the time being, I can’t tell you anything. Think of it as doctor/patient privileges,” Thomas said.

  “Are you shitting me right now? Dude, I’m your brother-in-law.”

  “If you want to know what’s going on then ask your brother. It’s his fucking fault anyway.”

  “Is that why you called me?”

  “Partially, but mainly because you run the ranch.”

  “I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Thomas disconnected the call with a heavy sigh. That was one box checked off his to-do list today.

  It was mid-morning before Thomas left his house with a list of things he needed and places to go. First stop was the independent grocery store. He placed an order that he’d pick up the following morning: small gourmet sandwiches, a bottle of a light, crisp wine that was appropriate to serve for lunch, a vegetable and fruit tray, and chocolate covered strawberries. Cat’s favorite. He requested for it to all be placed in a nice picnic basket that could travel on horseback and include anything else they’d need.

  When Thomas left there, he went to the florist. He was greeted by a young lady as soon as he walked in. “Hey, may I help you?” the young lady asked.

  “Do you have three dozen tulips?”

  The lady’s eyes widened. “No, sir. Tulips aren’t I season right now. I mean, we get some in, but not that quantity.”

  “I see.” Thomas looked around the floral shop. “What about roses? Do you have three dozen of those, long stem?”

  “Let me check in the back. One moment, please.” The lady walked toward the back of the store while Thomas opened the refrigerated doors to see what was in there. A few minutes later, he turned to the sound of approaching footsteps.

  “I have two dozen, but we’re supposed to get a shipment later today. They won’t be all the same color, is that’s okay?”

  “That’s perfect. Can I pick them up in the morning, say around ten?”

  “You don’t want them delivered?”

  “No, thank you.”

  Thomas followed the lady to the register and pulled out his credit card. She walked with a bounce in her step, and he figured it was because this was probably the biggest sale she’d made in a month.

  It was around lunchtime, so he picked up sandwiches from the Main Street Café and headed toward his parents’ house.

  As soon as he walked in, his mom hugged him tightly. “Hey, is Cat joining us today? I haven’t seen her in weeks.”

  “Not today, Mom.”

  His mother started her typical inquisition. “Is something wrong? Are you not seeing her anymore? Thomas, y’all are perfect for each other. Don’t screw this up, son.”

  Thomas shook his head. “Not you, too? I can’t discuss Cat and me right now. As far as I know, everything is good, just please don’t push the subject, not today. Okay?”

  “Well, I don’t like the sound of that, but I’ll back off—for today.” His mom narrowed her eyes.

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “He was feeding the fish. He should be back any minute,” she said.

  Thomas looked out the front windows and saw his dad on the other side of the pond. “If you don’t mind, I’ll go walk back with him while you fix the drinks.”

  His mother smiled and nodded her approval. As Thomas walked toward his dad, he sent a quick text to Cat:

  What are you doing tonight?

  Immediately his phone pinged.

  Cat: Helping Buck. Something about getting pictures to run through a database.

  Thomas: Be careful.

  Cat: Am I going to see you this weekend?

  Thomas didn’t want to give his surprise away, so he hesitated before he returned the text:


  By the time he put his phone in his pocket, his dad had walked up. “Hey, I brought lunch. You ready to eat?”

  “Yeah, just throwing out the last of the fish food. I haven’t seen Cat’s car drive up, yet.”

  “She’s not coming today.”

  “Why not?”

  “Dad, please don’t. I’ll explain everything when I can. Right now, I just need you and mom to trust me.”

  “Alright, son. But if you need to talk, you know where to find me.”

  “Thanks, Dad. Let’s go eat.”

  They ate lunch, and Thomas stayed to help around the farm some before he went home because his dad was getting too old to handle everything on his own. It was close to five o’clock before Thomas left with promises he’d see them before he went back to work Monday night.

  It was after eight when he parked behind the River Bar. Since it was Friday night, the place was packed. As soon as he cleared the bar and stepped into the open area, his eyes locked on Cat. She and Buck were sitting on the far side of the room across from each other holding hands.

  It’s a show. A fucking show.

  It was a gut punch is what it was.

  Thomas could hardly breathe. He hadn’t taken his gaze off Cat when someone touched his arm. He reluctantly turned his head to see Jamison smiling up at him with a come-hither look that couldn’t be disguised. Fuck! This was the last thing he needed because Cat was watching. Hell, the whole bar was watching. He smiled.

  “Jamison, I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “It’s Friday, Thomas. Time to let off some steam.” She jerked her head in the direction of Cat. “Seems your ex is out having some fun too. Why don’t we give her something to regret? I’ve requested a song and tipped the DJ to make sure it’s played next.” Her smile widened when “Ex To See” by Sam Hunt started playing. “Perfect, don’t you think?”

  “Sorry, Jamison. I don’t dance.” Thomas tried not to look at Cat.

  “No one said anything about dancing.” Jamison slid closer to Thomas. She rose on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Thomas’s neck then whispered into his ear, “It’s okay if you put your hand on my ass and pull me close.”

  Thomas’s eyes widened because that was the last thing he wanted to do. When he cut his eyes to Cat, he could see the tear rolling down her cheek. Someone may as well have hit him in the head as fast as it was spinning. He had to get out of there. Had to breathe. He removed Jamison’s arms from around him.

  “I’m sorry. This wasn’t a good idea, but thanks for the offer.” Thomas turned on his heels and walked back out the way he’d come in.

  As soon as he made it outside, he doubled over and retched what little contents were in his stomach. A few minutes later, it was nothing but dry heaves, and he was able to walk to his car. He pulled out of the parking lot and saw Jamison with a couple of girls laughing in his rearview mirror. It didn’t matter that they left a few minutes apart. He knew what Cat was thinking.

  With anger at Jamison, Cat, Buck, and Evan pumping through his veins, Thomas walked straight for the liquor cabinet when his feet hit the back door. He was angry at Jamison for trying to make Cat think there was something between them.

  Gulp—one shot down.

  He was mad at Cat for agreeing to this stupid arrangement.

  Gulp—two shots down.

  He was pissed off Buck ever showed up. Why couldn’t they send a woman?

  Gulp—three shots down.

  And all of this was Evan’s fucking idea. He hoped to God he woul
dn’t have to kick Evan’s ass.

  Gulp—shot number four.

  Most of all he was mad at himself for going against his own judgment. Dammit, he didn’t need to be hungover in the morning, so he went to the kitchen and chugged a glass of water then snatched some food from the fridge. It was almost eleven, and before he could talk himself out of it, he called Cat.

  “Thomas?” she answered.

  “Where are you?”



  “Of course, alone. Are you?”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Doesn’t sound like you should be driving,” she quietly said.

  “You’re mine, Cat.” He disconnected the call before he even left his driveway.

  He knew he shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car, but he drove the back roads in hopes no one would recognize his car or where he was going. The music was set on a country station, and when he realized what was playing, he burst out laughing. “I’m Comin’ Over” by Chris Young was on. He turned it up because the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. He was going to Cat with a fire still burning between them that he wasn’t about to let go out.

  Thomas parked in Cat’s garage and barreled through her back door. “Catherine Livingston, where the hell are you?” Thomas called with his words slurring a little.

  “Thomas, did anyone see you?”

  “I don’t know or care.”

  “You can’t stay here all night.”

  “Since when?” he asked with a little sway.

  “What have you done? You don’t get drunk.”

  With slurred speech, Thomas was ready to state his case. “I’m drunk because I watched the love of my life make goo-goo eyes with another man. I watched him kiss your hand. I’m drunk because I’ve had enough of this shit, Cat!” He cut his hand through the air. “You are done working with him. I’m not playing this fucking game anymore.”


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