The night she got lucky sfdg-2

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The night she got lucky sfdg-2 Page 27

by Susan Donovan

  Please marry me, Lucio. She held the ring at the tip of his finger. Please be my husband.

  Of course! Yes, I will! he said.

  She slid the ring down his finger.

  Mrs. Needleman asked them to face her. Now, I know how it is with this crowdyou're going to want to kiss the bride ASAP, so I'll make it snappy.

  The bride and groom exchanged smiles.

  Lucio and Genevieve, you are blessed. You are chosen. You were offered and you accepted the mysterious gift of love. It is now your job to make the world a better place with the light of that love. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may

  Lucio had already grabbed Genevieve by the shoulders and pulled her mouth to his. He laughed, he cried, he kissed. He turned to see everyone on their feet, laughing and clapping and smiling.

  It was real. It was done. He squeezed Genevieve's hand and they walked through the room as Mr. and Mrs. Lucio Montevez.

  Indeed, he was the luckiest man on earth.

  Roxanne, would you mind getting me to my room so I can rest?

  Roxie's eyes went huge. She looked at Bea across the room, who was talking to Teeny and nursing another beer. Roxie waved her arms to get Bea's attention. Hey! Mrs. Needleman is ready to go to her room, she said, rather loudly. Bea only shrugged, as though it weren't her responsibility.

  But I want you to walk me there, dear. Mrs. Needleman grabbed onto Roxanne's arm for support as she pulled herself from the armchair. A two-hour party is two hours too many for me these days.

  Roxanne sighed. She helped the woman through the kitchen and out the back door. They walked down the length of the covered rear patio in silence.

  So what did you think of the ceremony this evening? Mrs. Needleman asked when they were close to her guest-room door.

  A smile slipped by Roxie's guarded expression. It was really sweet.

  It was, wasn't it? Mrs. Needleman sighed. That Lucio is a real hottie. He makes me wish I were forty years younger.

  Roxie nearly choked.

  Think about it, Roxanne, the old woman said. Josie goes out and finds Rick, who is one of the handsomest men I've seen in my eighty-four years. And Ginger comes up with a sexier version of Antonio Banderas, which I didn't even think was possible.

  By then, Roxanne was the one who needed help walking. She couldn't believe this old broad! She didn't think little old ladies went around thinking things like that! It was disturbing.

  Do you have your room key? Roxie asked, trying to change the subject.

  There are no keys here. It's a private home.

  Oh. Right.

  Now, what I was getting at is, I wonder about the man you'll fall for. If he's anything like Rick and Lucio, then, woo-hoo! We'd better put on our seat belts!

  Here you are! Roxie flung open the door to Mrs. Needleman's room and nearly dragged her across the threshold. Hurry now. It's pretty cold out here. I wouldn't want you to get chilled.

  Mrs. Needleman chuckled. You're trying to get rid of me.

  Not at all. Good night now. Feel free to call Bea if you need anything.


  She'd already turned her back to Mrs. Needleman. She stood still, wrapping her arms around herself to stay warm. Roxie looked up to see a few stray snowflakes still falling from the sky.

  She turned back toward Mrs. Needleman. I think we should just be honest, here, Gloria.

  The old woman smiled. You do, do you?


  Fine by me.

  Roxie laughed a little, surprised by the piss and vinegar in this old lady. Here it is. I'll lay it all out for you. Now listen closely. I do not want a man.

  Mrs. Needleman said nothing. She looked almost bored.

  I will not be ‘falling for' anyone, as you say. I will never again change my life and myself to please some guy. My life is mine to live. My terms. My dreams. And my dreams do not include a man.

  Mrs. Needleman shrugged. Are you finished?

  Roxie's mouth fell open. This woman was unbelievable! No. As a matter of fact, I'm not done.

  Mrs. Needleman gestured broadly. Then please continue.

  Okay. Fine. I will. Roxie shifted her weight from foot to foot. All I'm saying is that I think you're a sweet lady and you mean well, but I won't be sticking around for the mumbo-jumbo lecture about fate and destiny that you used to psych out Josie and Ginger. That kind of crap isn't my thing, okay? I'm thrilled for them, but this is where your fortune-teller gig comes to a screeching halt. I won't be participating. Got it?

  The old woman blinked at her.

  Sorry, but that's how I feel. Roxie crossed her arms over her chest.

  Now are you done? Mrs. Needleman asked.

  Uh, sure.

  Lovely. The old lady smiled briefly. Then she frowned. You want honesty, my dear girl? I've got some honesty for you. She wagged a finger. You are the angriest young woman I have ever met. That anger is going to eat you alive unless you face the source of it, name it, and let it go.

  Roxie felt as if she'd been punched in the stomach. She could hardly get enough air in her lungs.

  But you will never be able to do that if you continue to run away.

  I've never run away from a damn thing in my life, Roxie said, livid. You don't know anything about me.

  Mrs. Needleman sighed. I know that you have been badly hurt. I know you are a hard worker and a loyal friend. I know that you are kind and patient, keeping that damaged puppy the way you have. What is her name again?

  Roxie let her arms fall to her sides. Lilith.

  Mrs. Needleman smiled. Let Lilith show you the way, my dear. I think that if you help Lilith with her anger, you might discover the origin of your own. It's just a suggestion.

  I'm already helping Lilith.

  Then keep at it.


  Now, was that so terrible? Was my advicemy mumbo jumbo as you call itso difficult to swallow?

  I suppose not.

  Mrs. Needleman reached for Roxie's hand. Do you know the one thing you can never run from, Roxanne?

  She shrugged. Sure. I took Psych 101.


  Myself. The one thing I can never run from is myself.

  The old lady smiled and gave Roxie's hand a squeeze. Well, then, Mrs. Needleman said. My work here is done. Good night.

  Then she closed the door in Roxanne's face.

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