The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4) Page 22

by Jessie Donovan

  Faye wished she could ease Grant’s pain, but life as a Protector was never easy. “Few males would have the strength to resist. And let me assure you that your honesty is another thing I love about you, Grant. Don’t ever change that.”

  “Even if it means I call you a chubby dragon when you’re five months pregnant?”

  She flipped him off. “Cheeky bastard. Maybe I should make a list for you of which things are okay to tell little white lies.”

  Some of the strain eased from Grant’s face and he grinned. “I like the idea of knowing how to stay out of trouble. That means I can spend more time in our bed.”

  “Our bed, huh? We haven’t even made it into my bed.”

  Her dragon chimed in. We’ll see if he earns the privilege long term.

  Still? What else do you want? Him to get on his knees and kiss our feet? You’re being bloody ridiculous, dragon.

  No, I’m protecting us. I approve of the human half, but his dragon half is having trouble controlling himself. Maybe he’s weaker than me. That won’t do.

  For the first time, Faye started to understand her beast’s reluctance. I have faith that his dragon is just as alpha as you, if not more.

  We shall see.

  Grant’s voice filled the room. “We’ll have to discuss bed and all that it entails in detail, lass. How about we finish our duties so we can hopefully have the frenzy for my dragon’s sake.”

  “Your dragon’s sake?”

  “Fine, for all of our sakes.”

  Faye nodded. “That’s the right answer. And while we’re working, just remember that my mouth is good for more than just talking.”

  With a wink, she exited the room and she heard Grant groan. It was fun torturing him. He’d be thinking of her hot mouth around his cock for an hour. The tricky part would be in keeping her own fantasies of what Grant would do to her out of her head while they worked.

  As they walked down the corridor, Faye couldn’t stop smiling. Grant was turning out to be everything she wanted. It was strange to think he’d been in front of her all this time and she’d never noticed.

  Her dragon spoke up. I said before, we weren’t ready.

  Faye believed her beast. Grant from two years ago never would’ve shared clan responsibilities so easily, let alone teased her.

  Now all they had to do was ensure they had a long future to live for. The first step was seeing if the DDA’s security team had a mole. While the DDA had been cleaned up after the recent arrest of the former director, it seemed there was still some lax security. Maybe one day the DDA and Lochguard could have a better working relationship. Just imagining a future when they didn’t have to plead for help made her pick up her pace.

  Aye, she would work with Finn and Grant to build better relations. After all, she soon would have a child of her own to look out for.

  Faye waited for panic or doubt to set in, but only anticipation flooded her body. Not just for how their child would be created—she looked forward to that bit—but also to raising a wee one to be strong and safe. Faye may not have thought herself mother material until recently, but she wasn’t about to be anything but the best at it.

  Her dragon sighed. Why be competitive about this? There are many great parents. I bet even Fraser will make a great one.

  He will, but we’ll be better.

  Rather than argue, her dragon merely turned her back and laid down. Her beast might be hiding it, but the strain of resisting the frenzy was sapping her energy. She said softly to her beast, Just a bit longer.

  Grant finally matched her stride and a sense of ease came over her at his solid presence at her side. Together they would tackle any problem that arose and solve it, be it for clan or their own families. If anyone could change Lochguard’s spate of bad luck over the last year, it was the two of them.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Grant sat with Faye inside Finn’s office as they waited for their clan leader to arrive. As much as he wanted to drag Faye into his lap and hold her close, they sat in separate chairs about a foot apart.

  It was hard to believe they’d both declared their love a few hours ago.

  The distance is necessary, his dragon muttered.

  Even so, I haven’t made any public claim on Faye. I don’t want the other males to think they have a chance with her.

  Someone is sounding like me, aren’t they? But don’t worry. Finn is mated with bairns. He’s no threat.

  I know that. But just walking here was torture with all the males smiling at Faye.

  Faye’s voice interrupted his conversation. “Maybe we should just head to Finn’s house. I’m sure something came up. He’s a new dad after all.”

  Finn’s voice carried from behind them. “No to going to my cottage since the triplets have finally fallen asleep. Anyone who wakes them will suffer Ara’s wrath.”

  Grant looked over his shoulder. “If you better soundproof your small home office, video conferences will make your life easier over the next few months.”

  “Aye, once things calm down, I’ll set up a more permanent base at home.” Finn moved to behind his desk and sat. “I did manage to get ahold of the DDA director, Rosalind Abbott from my cottage. Bram and I are going to meet with her in the coming months to address some of the holes in their security and staff.”

  “So Evie’s contacts found out something with regards to George Smith?” Faye asked.

  Faye and Grant had tried to locate the man, but he’d disappeared. No one had seen him since Glasgow.

  “Aye,” Finn said. “His National Insurance number turned out to be a fake. A good one, mind you, as it took several hours to determine it belonged to a man who’d gone missing years ago but never officially reported.”

  “In other words, George Smith wasn’t his real name,” Grant stated.

  Finn nodded. “Exactly. Arjun has assured us that any future events will have a thoroughly vetted security team. Not only has he offered to vet them together, he’ll resign if anything like this ever happens again.”

  Grant liked Arjun’s dedication. He’d have to talk with the male in person again soon.

  “So the DDA plans to have more exhibitions?” Faye asked.

  “It seems so,” Finn answered. “Although I told them we need a wee break to get a few things in order here.”

  Grant grunted in approval. “I agree with that.”

  There was a knock on the door and Finn said, “Come in.”

  The tall, dark-haired, and bespectacled form of Dr. Trahern Lewis, the Welsh dragon doctor who currently lived on Stonefire, appeared in the doorway. He said without preamble, “I know what they were planning to do.” Finn waved him in. The male shut the door and continued, “They wanted to silence our inner dragons.”

  Finn raised his brows. “Pardon?”

  “The key in identifying the substance and its effects was the water link. Emily and I ran several tests to ensure our results were correct, but when the mystery ingredient is exposed to water it multiplies. It then can penetrate dragon hide and interact with the dragon-shifter hormones in our bodies.”

  Despite the fact triumph flashed in Trahern’s eyes, Grant still wasn’t sure what the bloke was talking about. “How about you explain it to us as if we weren’t doctors.”

  Trahern cleared his throat. “In short, it’s a type of poison. Once it’s released in water, the bacteria grows. Take a swim in the infected water and your inner dragon may never talk to you again.”

  “You’re positive about this?” Finn prompted.

  Trahern adjusted his glasses. “I can’t be 100 percent positive since I’m not about to ask any dragon-shifter to take a swim in a body of infected water. But all of our tests show a negative interaction with dragon-shifter hormones. To be blunt, most of them are eradicated after a short while.”

  Faye whistled. “The Dragon Knights have upped their game. It’s more than war now—they’re willing to use biological weapons on a massive scale. That must violate some sort of world law or
agreement. I sure hope you tested the loch to make sure it’s clean.”

  Trahern bobbed his head. “Yes, I did. It appears to be free of the bacteria. However, to ensure it stays that way, I suggest asking the DDA if we can fence off any water near a dragon clan as well as ask for their help to search the area a bit more thoroughly to find if there are any other devices lurking about.”

  “The fence is only a short-term solution, Doctor.” Finn sighed. “But I’ll see what I can do. Until then, I’ll place a ban on using the loch for now and have the Protectors do another sweep of the surrounding areas.”

  Grant spoke up. “What about our drinking water?”

  Trahern shook his head. “Since it comes from the same source as the local human population, we should be safe. While I need more blood samples from the humans living here to test the effects, my professional opinion is that it can harm humans too if ingested, possibly even kill them, but not if it merely touches the skin. I still need to pinpoint the exact reason, but I believe it’s something to do with the chemical makeup of skin versus dragon hide.”

  “Is there anything else we should know about right this second?” Finn asked.

  “Those are the basics. I’ll know more after additional testing. I’m sure you can persuade Bram to let us stay a little longer.”

  “Aye, although shouldn’t you be asking me first if you can stay?” Finn drawled.

  “Why? You need our help. I know you want us to stay.”

  Grant resisted smiling at the doctor’s matter-of-fact reply.

  “Right, then how about you go back to work? Keep us apprised of anything else that comes up.” As soon as Trahern left, Finn looked back to Grant and Faye. “Go lock yourselves in a cottage and get shagging whilst you still can.”

  Grant blinked. “Pardon?”

  “You heard me. Right this second, there’s nothing you can do to help. Trahern will do the research. Bram and I will talk to the DDA and hopefully notify world governing bodies about the threat of chemical weapons. Iris and Cooper can enforce my new loch ban and anything else that comes up. You’ve earned a frenzy.” He winked. “Enjoy yourselves.”

  “Finn talking about my sex life is weird, but I’m not going to turn down the offer.” Faye stood. “Are you coming, Grant?”

  His inner beast roared. Finally. She can be ours. Claim her. Now.

  Not until we’re away from prying eyes. No one else should see her naked body.


  Faye’s voice cut through his conversation. “Grant? Are you with me? I can tell your dragon is on board from your flashing eyes. Hurry before bombs start dropping from the sky or some other such rubbish and your dragon loses his mind.”

  His beast growled. I wouldn’t lose my mind.

  Grant gave one last look at Finn. His clan leader made a shooing motion. “You’ve earned it, lad. Go. We can handle the clan for a week or two. I’ll even try to calm down the MacKenzies when they learn their youngest is being defiled.”

  “Finn,” Grant and Faye growled in unison.

  Finn chuckled. “I promise to phrase it more delicately.” His face sobered. “Go. You two deserve some downtime because we all know it won’t last long. Our clan has a penchant for attracting trouble.”

  His dragon nearly yelled inside his mind. Stop resisting. You want Faye as much as me. Let’s go before another catastrophe needs our attention.

  Grant stood and moved to Faye’s side. After taking her hand, he said to Finn, “Thank you.”

  “Don’t go getting all soft on me, McFarland. We had our chat about what would happen if you hurt my cousin. I hope you remember it.”

  “Finn, mind your own bloody business,” Faye growled.

  Not wanting to waste any more time, especially since Faye and Finn could go at it for a while once they started an argument, Grant tugged Faye to the door. “We’ll let you know when we finish.”

  Without another word, he took them out of Finn’s office and toward the exit of central command. He was overly aware of Faye’s warm hand in his. If his heart thudded any harder, he swore it might explode.

  Still, despite his dragon’s impatience and Grant’s instinct urging him to whisk Faye into a corner and take her, there was one choice he wanted to give her, to prove what he meant about working together always. The instant they exited the building, he whispered, “Do you want to go to your place or mine?”


  Faye’s heart pounded inside her chest. After so many hours and days of anticipation and wondering, she was finally going to kiss Grant McFarland and initiate the frenzy.

  Her dragon was oddly silent on the subject, but Faye now knew why. If Grant’s dragon couldn’t handle hers, her beast would be miserable. Faye said gently, It will work out.

  We shall see.

  Faye almost didn’t catch Grant’s question. “Do you want to go to your place or mine?”

  Her dragon spoke up. I like that he asked.

  Faye smiled up at Grant, determined to lighten the situation for the both of them. She didn’t want her first memory of being with Grant to be filled with anxiety. “That depends. Can you see the floor in your cottage? Or is it strewn about with clothes, dirty dishes, and bits of food?”

  “Not all males live in a tip.”

  “Are you sure about that? Fraser would live in a rubbish heap if he didn’t have someone reminding him to do laundry and wash dishes.”

  Grant grunted. “I assure you I’m not your brother.”

  She winked. “And I’m quite happy about that fact.”

  Some of the tension around Grant’s jaw eased. “Can you just make a decision, Faye? There’s a fork up here and we live on opposite ends of it.”

  “Not for long.”


  While she had never been inside Grant’s cottage, she knew where it was. “Mine. It’s a bit bigger and we’ll need the space eventually.”

  Faye might be casually mentioning how they’d have a child soon enough, it wasn’t driving her to hives the way it once did.

  Grant bobbed his head. “Aye, good point. Besides, your place is new and we’ve been spending our time there already. I like that nearly all of your memories there will be of us together.”

  “If you’re trying to butter me up to get into my pants, there’s no need. I’m a sure thing at this point.”

  “Believe me, when I’m buttering you up, you’ll know. I’m merely being honest.”

  “I do love you, Grant.”

  He smiled at her. Faye shivered and he murmured, “Good.”

  “Good? That’s all you have to say?”

  Amusement danced in his eyes. “Aye. I need to save those three words for the right moment.”

  She stopped walking. “When is the right moment? If you’re only going to dole out your feelings, then I’m rethinking this situation. Your status of ‘sure thing’ has morphed into ‘maybe if you’re lucky’ at this point.”

  He stared at her a second and Faye’s jaw hurt from clenching it hard. Grant finally burst out laughing and she demanded, “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m just teasing you, lass. I bet you’re not as nervous as before.”

  She placed a hand on her hip. “No. But now I just want to toss you into the loch and let you take your chances.”

  “That I can live with.” In the blink of an eye, he scooped her up and Faye squeaked. Grant added, “Of course I bloody love you. And you’re soon going to find out just how much.”

  As Grant dashed off in the direction of Faye’s cottage, her temper cooled and she leaned against her male. “Sometimes, you’re infuriating.”

  “Aye, well, you’ll never be bored. And believe me, I know you hate being bored.”

  She would try to deny it, but the thought of sitting in a room with nothing to do made her want to run away screaming. “Just remember to take your time because once the frenzy is over, you’re going to have dinner with my family. If you don’t survive that, you’ll never see me naked again.�

  “Spending time with your family isn’t much of a threat any more. Your mum likes me, and I can handle your brothers, especially since Finn seems to be on my side.”

  She smiled. “Those are going to be famous last words, McFarland.”

  As he approached her cottage, Grant said, “I’ll remember that.” He opened the door and entered. After quickly locking the front door, no doubt to keep her family away even though a lock meant nothing to Fraser or Fergus, he raced up the stairs. Once inside her bedroom, he sat her down on the bed.

  His pupils turned to slits and his voice was husky as he ordered, “Take off your clothes.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Grant’s dragon snarled and paced inside his mind. Why waste time taking them off? Just rip them. I’ve waited long enough. I need her. Now.

  Before Grant could reply, Faye tore off her top and then her trousers. In another second, her undergarments were gone too.

  He blinked. “That was fast.”

  She shrugged, and it took every bit of strength he possessed not to stare at her breasts as they undoubtedly bounced. Just the knowledge she was naked and waiting sent more blood rushing to his cock.

  “Clothes can be replaced. Speaking of which….”

  Her voice trailed off as she extended a few talons and sliced off Grant’s clothes. As the cool air caressed his skin, his body temperature rose a few degrees.

  His dragon hummed. Yes, she knows what to do. Now, claim her. She is waiting.

  Stepping out of his pile of clothes, Grant pushed Faye to the bed and covered her body with his. The heat of her skin against his sent more blood to his cock and made it even harder.

  Why are you waiting? His beast growled. Don’t dare make up any excuses.

  I still have my honor.

  He stopped his lips a fraction away from hers. “Are you ready, lass?”

  Wrapping her arms around him and lightly digging her nails in his back, she answered, “Show me what you have, McFarland.”

  He crushed his lips against hers and she instantly opened to allow him entry. As his tongue swept inside her hot mouth, he groaned at the same time his beast roared. The need to claim their mate coursed through Grant’s body. He spoke to his dragon. Give me a minute.


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