Naughty Spanking Two

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Naughty Spanking Two Page 18

by Miranda Forbes

  “I can see that you are a very attractive lady. You’ve got lovely red hair there, haven’t you? Oh, and a little further down there’s some on your pussy. Hmm, it’s a nice pussy isn’t it? Come and let me see the rest of you,” he said, moving his hands under her blouse.

  She undid each button, teasing him as she went, pouting her lips and looking up at him through her lashes. Her blouse dropped to the floor and she stood there in only a white bra.

  She certainly wasn’t pretending not to like what he was doing now. Was she?

  Michael ran his fingers over the lace on the bra and forced her breasts up so they hung out over the top.

  “Such lovely breasts,” he said fondling them and giving the nipples a quick suck.

  Giggling she ran her hands down her stomach, touching her pussy, separating the lips and slipping her fingers inside. She leaned back against the desk, opening her legs, so her pussy was more visible for him.

  He knelt down running his tongue over her pussy giving her a long lick.

  “Good girl,” Michael said, standing again, tweaking her nipples. “You like being a good girl. Don’t you?” he said un-clipping her bra and letting it fall to the floor with the rest of her clothes. All she was wearing now were her high-heeled shoes.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “Lean over the desk so I can spank you some more.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Totally nude she leaned on the desk with her bum twitching in the air, her feet slightly apart. She shook her hair seductively and looked long and hard into the camera. I felt as though she knew I was there, watching.

  Michael stood and out of his drawer he produced a switch. It looked like it was made of bamboo. Gently he started to whip her.

  “Oh, Sir, don’t,” she said, looking at him with her tongue running along her top lip.

  She didn’t sound too convincing to me.

  Smirking, Michael spread her legs wider so he could see her pussy and started whipping a bit harder. She must have gotten a shock that he hit her so hard because she put her hands behind, to protect herself again.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to do that?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir but you’re really hurting me.”

  “It’s supposed to hurt, but I think you like it. You like me smacking you, don’t you?”

  “No, I don’t,” she said in a silly childlike voice.

  “Yes, you do. I can see your pussy and it’s getting wet,” he said rubbing his hand over it. “Hmm, yes it is. You are enjoying this Mary.”

  “No, Sir, I’m not. Honestly.”

  “Well that’s not what your pussy’s telling me. Look, it’s getting really juicy now,” he said slipping in his finger. “Oh, yeah, really juicy. You are enjoying it.”

  “I’m not,” she said holding his hand there.

  Her bum was moving towards his crotch as he withdrew his fingers, smearing her juices over the crack of her bum. She moaned, lifting it even higher towards him.

  Michael continued to smack her. I watched as he fell to his knees, lowering his head to lick the welts. He ran his tongue over them, then her hole, stopping just before her pussy.

  She was up on her elbows now, pulling at her breasts, teasing the nipples to make them erect, pushing her bum into Michael’s face, lifting it higher, trying to get his tongue inside her.

  He stood then and looked down at her.

  “That’s one hot bum,” he said laughing, pinching each cheek.

  Disgusted, but unable to tear my eyes away I continued to watch. She was enjoying it all right and I could see Michael’s bulge in his trousers. I wondered how much longer he was going to do this.

  He told her to stand, helping her up on the desk. She knelt and bent over so her pussy was level with his face.

  Michael started to smack her thighs with his hand, and as her legs were wide open he smacked her pussy as well. She squealed with delight. He alternated between smacking her and giving her pussy a long lick, from her clit all the way up to her hole. It was driving her wild. She was gyrating her pussy into his face, encouraging him for more.

  With his free hand he undid his trousers and they fell to his ankles. He stood there looking ridiculous with his cock hanging out. He covered her pussy with his mouth nuzzling and sucking. With his free hand he removed his shirt. Now they were both naked.

  I felt my own pussy stirring and moved uncomfortably on the couch. I was shocked at my reaction to this sort of humiliation.

  Michael had his face smothered in her and she was bent over moaning and grabbing her breasts. Her head flung upwards, her breathing coming in gasps.

  Grabbing her hips he pulled her back over the edge of the desk and pushed her roughly, face down, onto it. Papers and pencils flew onto the floor.

  He held her firmly in this position, his cock resting between her cheeks. He started smacking her thighs again and I could see how red her bum was. It looked like he’d broken the skin but she seemed oblivious. She was really getting off and Michael was in his element. Total control. His favourite position.

  “Spread your legs and do what I tell you,” he said.

  “Oh, yes, Sir. Anything. I’ll do anything you say. I’ll be a good girl, I promise,” Mary said, her passion obvious.

  He parted her cheeks, rubbing his cock over her hole and pussy. He was wetting his cock, teasing her pussy by just putting it in a fraction and then pulling back.

  “Fuck me, Sir. Oh please, fuck me now,” she begged.

  I squirmed on the couch, my own pussy was throbbing, wanting some attention. I crossed my legs, but that only made it pulsate more.

  He continued to tease her with his cock and she was trying desperately to grab it and put it inside her.

  “I want your pussy wetter, do you hear me?” he demanded.

  “Yes, Sir, yes,” she squealed, thrashing her head from side to side.

  He stood back and started hitting her cheeks hard. She cried out for him to stop and this only excited him more.

  She turned her face around and I saw tears flowing freely but still continued to push her bum up to greet each new smack.

  He grabbed her pussy hard, “Oh, yeah, Mary. You are so wet.” He was pulling at her pubic hair and sticking his fingers inside, “Hmm, you like me punishing you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir, yes,” she said in between sobs.

  He grabbed her hips firmly, pulling her hard towards him, plunging his cock straight into her pussy, the force of it throwing her forward on the desk. He thrust in deeper and harder, making her scream and cry out for more. He was holding her hips, pounding into her ferociously.

  “Quickly,” he commanded. “Turn around and sit on the desk with your legs open wide.”

  She did as she was told and I knew why he’d asked her. From this angle I could see her pussy completely. He certainly knew how to work the camera. I wondered how many other times he’d done this.

  With her legs spread wide he stood back and pulled at his cock, making it even bigger. She was whimpering, begging for it. He stood beside her, roughly pushing and prodding her pussy, telling her it wasn’t wet enough. He started to smack it with his hand. She bucked her hips up wildly, throwing her legs further apart so that they were hanging off the side of the desk.

  I could feel myself getting more and more excited too. I moved my hand down inside my panties and felt my pussy. It was wet. Really wet. I slipped a finger in, then another as I opened my legs on the couch to find my clit. It was already hard. I rubbed it quickly enjoying the sensation.

  I watched, fascinated now with what was going on, even giving my own pussy a smack to see what it feet like. I felt myself starting to swell as the blood rushed into my pussy. I slipped my fingers inside and noticed that I too was definitely wetter.

  “Good girl,” he said. “Now open your mouth. Wider,” he commanded, as he pushed his cock in.

  This threw her into a frenzy. She squirmed and bucked on that desk as he rammed his fingers inside her, finger fuc
king her while she sucked his cock, loudly slurping and choking on it as he pushed himself further into her mouth.

  I quickly moved my panties down as they were constricting my hand and rubbed my clit harder, getting hotter and hotter. I finger fucked myself, reaching a high I hadn’t felt for a long time, as I watched them on the screen.

  It went on forever before he turned her around, slamming her face down on the desk again, grabbing both legs, pulling them wide apart and ramming his cock into her hole. She was delirious with passion, pulling him into her, matching his thrusts as he plunged into her over and over.

  I frantically rubbed myself, my fingers massaging my clit, bringing me to a powerful orgasm.

  I saw him yank her backwards, grabbing her breasts roughly, pinching her nipples so hard she actually yelled out for him to stop. There was no way he’d stop. I knew that. I touched my own breasts, fondling them, teasing the nipples until they stood erect like two penises.

  Finally, he pulled his cock out of her and sprayed his come over her face and breasts. She loved it. I watched her smear it into her mouth, licking and sucking her fingers.

  He moved off, out of range, while she lay there, battered and bruised, legs still wide open.

  “Here,” he said, handing her, her crumpled clothes. “Get dressed. The session’s over.”

  “What …”

  She looked a little bit shocked at his attitude, and with her legs visibly shaking, she got up and slowly put her clothes on.

  My legs were shaking too as this brought me back to reality. I quickly pulled my panties up covering my saturated pussy. I couldn’t believe what I’d just done. Masturbated in front of a video in the middle of the day.

  I looked back at the screen and saw Michael dressed, sitting behind his desk. He pulled out a file, and scribbled notes in it. When she was dressed she moved over to where he was and put her arms around his neck, bending her head to kiss him. He pulled away and I saw the look on her face.

  “Mary, please. I only did this for you to show you how it feels to be submissive to authority. Do you think it helped?”

  “What ...” she mumbled. “I thought that maybe ...” she left the rest unsaid.

  “You thought what? That I loved you? I told you before this session started that I was doing this purely to help you. For you to get a perspective of how it feels when you’re vulnerable to another person. I’m sure we’ve succeeded in that. If not come back and see me in a month and we’ll discuss it again.”

  She left his office as he sat there still writing notes.

  I sat there disgusted that he would be doing this sort of thing to his patients and I was shocked that she allowed him. What was going on?

  He’d taught me so much, experimenting with all different types of sexual positions and fantasies since we’d married. But seeing this, my own husband …

  “Having fun?” Michael asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  I jumped, embarrassed at having been caught out. I realised from his casual stance he’d been watching me.

  “Me having fun. What about you?” I said, angrily turning on him.

  “You look so sexy when you’re mad, Melissa,” he said coming close to me. “I’ll bet your pussy’s on fire.”

  It was, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “You owe me an explanation, Michael?” I demanded.

  “No, you owe me the explanation,” he said. “I told you my office was off limits when we first got married.”

  “Yes, and now I know why, you bastard,” I screamed. “You promised you’d be faithful to me.”

  “Keep your voice down,” he ordered. “I have been faithful to you. This tape was done years ago. Purely for research. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I demand you throw it away. It’s disgusting,” I said, wild with indignation.

  “Is it now?” he said, as he grabbed the back of my head with one hand, pulling me into his body.

  I tried to pull back, but he held me even tighter, breathing into my ear as he kissed my neck. I gasped, when I felt his hand lift my skirt. He tore off my panties, and the elastic left a stinging sensation.

  “Leave me alone,” I said.

  “Hmm, that’s not what your pussy’s saying. I was watching you enjoy yourself here on the couch. I think you might enjoy a spanking too for …”

  “How dare you,” I said, only moderately upset, as I felt a stirring deep inside me.

  He pushed me back onto the couch and I tried desperately to fight him off. He grabbed both of my hands and held them over my head, his other hand pushing my legs apart as he groped for his cock, rubbing my pussy with it before he quickly pushed inside me.

  My body betrayed me, by allowing his cock to slip in so easily. I felt myself responding and Michael looked down at me knowingly, a smile crossing his handsome face.

  Bastard. He knew me so well.

  Still holding me firmly, he pushed deeper inside me, bringing me to a wonderful orgasm. My eyes closed in ecstasy only to quickly fly open as I felt the sharp sting of pain as he slapped me hard on the thigh.

  “Stop it!” I demanded, trying to struggle out of his grasp. “Don’t, Michael. I don’t like it,” I said as he slapped me again.

  “Yes you do. Your pussy’s getting really wet now. Oh, yeah, you like it all right. Come on, admit it?”

  “I don’t,” I said, only half-heartedly. I was enjoying it, but I didn’t want Michael to know. Slapping me on the thigh with his open hand was one thing, whipping me was definitely out of the question.

  My pussy was on fire. With each slap, I felt myself building to a mind shattering orgasm. My juices flowed out of me, over his cock and into his pubic hair. I couldn’t stop. I was wild with desire.

  “Oh, Michael,” I begged. “Please don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  He laughed knowingly.

  Letting go of my hands he rolled me over on top of him, slipping in immediately. I was sitting astride his amazing cock. I loved this position and started riding him, harder and harder, caressing my breasts as he held me firmly by the hips.

  His hands encircled my waist and then slid down to my groin. His thumbs stroked downwards, massaging and opening my pussy lips wider, rubbing my clit, teasing it as I bucked into him.

  His hands were caressing my cheeks, pulling them apart, gently running his fingers around my hole, tickling it. I felt light slaps, in between caresses, getting harder and harder.

  I could feel my pussy twitching as the stinging sensation of pain drove me out of my mind. My pussy wouldn’t stop quivering. I was more excited as I remembered what he’d done to Mary, and the look of sheer pleasure I’d seen in her eyes.

  Finally, as we came together, I collapsed on top of him, my breathing erratic.

  “Oh, God, Michael. That was fantastic.”

  “I told you you’d enjoy it,” he said chuckling. “Come on admit it?”

  “Well, maybe just a little. But I don’t want you to do it again, okay?”

  “Sure,” he said, stroking my hair.

  I did want to do it again, boy did I want it again, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I’d wait until the time was right, then I’d surprise him with a small whip of my own. Maybe Mary could join me and we’d see how much he liked it.

  As I lay there content in his arms, I was already wondering if there were any other tapes around, and what might I see on them.

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