5 Darkness Falls

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5 Darkness Falls Page 4

by Christin Lovell

Kellan shrugged his shoulders. “Alright.”

  “Just don’t name the pea ‘Barbie.’” Craig grimaced.

  “No, definitely not Barbie.” Kellan nodded his head, giving his comrade the ‘we dodged a bullet’ look.

  “I don’t even want to know what you two are jabbering about,” Mel said. She waited for us to catch up to her.

  We spent the next hour traveling down memory lane and trying to imagine future moments with a baby in the mix. It was nearly four o’clock in the morning by the time we returned to the car.

  Mel clutched me firmly to her. “Congrats, Lex. You can count on me to be there for you. Anything you need, you just call me. I’ll even help you bake.”

  “Um, I don’t think I’ll call you for that last bit.”

  She pulled back. “I’m not that bad at cooking.”

  “Mel, you can’t even boil water.”

  “I can learn.”

  “Don’t let her near your bussy, Lex. She’ll deliver bitter bits of grut.” Craig ducked back to avoid Mel’s swing.

  “You’re not helping me,” she grumbled.

  Craig slid between me and Mel, embracing me briefly. “Congraddles, love. It’s gonna to be a sprite bunt, this one.” He rubbed his hand over my lower stomach.


  “Bye, Lex.” Mel hugged me tight. “I’ll call you soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  They both said good-bye to Kellan and headed for their car. I turned to open the passenger door, but froze when I found a folded sheet of paper tucked between the bottom of the window and the door. Goose bumps crept across my flesh. Every hair on the back of my neck stood on end, as the nagging feeling that I was being watched washed over me.

  Fear put lead in my feet, weighing me down. My hand shook, a faint blue streak lighting the back of my hand as I grabbed the sheet. Kellan was right behind me. He came around, walking the perimeter of the car even as he scanned the horizon in every direction. His face was an unreadable mask, but there was a fire blazing in his green eyes.

  “Step back in case there’s a bomb,” he ordered.

  I stumbled a few feet back. My lungs fought for air, as I watched helplessly; only able to pray that nothing exploded when he opened the car door or turned the key in the ignition. After everything checked out okay, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I stared down at the paper, feeling Kellan’s presence beside me. It was a sheet of notebook paper that had been folded in half once. I lifted the top flap and gazed in horror down at the message.

  You have an army to protect you and two guards at your beck and call, yet you roam carelessly in the night as if you’re not one of the world’s most wanted. Tighten up security, Alexa. I like a bit of a challenge. - CR

  Kellan snarled like the supernatural animal he was. “Let’s go.” He practically shoved me into the car. I didn’t even have my seat belt on before he sped off.

  Worry snaked through my veins. I breathed through it, trying to control my emotions to keep from fully illuminating.

  It was different now. It wasn’t just me; it wasn’t just Kellan. It was us and our baby. Before, if I died in battle, I didn’t have any qualms about it. Now, I had to protect this life inside me until it could survive on the outside, survive without being attached to me, which meant I had to live until it took its first breath.

  Kellan punched the dash of his car. I gasped, my heart sprinting into overdrive as my blue inner flame flickered. I gaped at the new dent he put in the otherwise pristine vehicle. Abruptly, tears started streaming down my face.

  “Ah, shit. I’m sorry, babe. I –” He took in a frustrated breath. “I’m just angry that I let them get this close. If anything happened to you, I…” He shook his head, emotion passing through his eyes and twisting his face. “I don’t even want to fathom it.”

  He laced his fingers with mine, kissing my hand. He was completely calm, his rage tucked away for the moment. I swiped at the tears, the remaining ones drying up in response to his calmer disposition.

  I lifted my gaze towards him. He was barely focusing on the road. His brows dipped in the center; his expression was full of regret.

  “I’m so sorry, babe.” His voice was barely above a whisper, so full of sentiment despite the low volume.

  I swallowed hard, instinctively trying to prevent any serum from suddenly rising. I felt out of sorts. Kellan’s demons were quickly surfacing, new enemies were constantly closing in on us; I didn’t seem to have control over my own body anymore. I’d lost what little balance and stability I had in my life. I just wanted to breathe for a minute, to be able to lower my guard for one day…just one day.

  I stared out the windshield, focusing on the city lights, the paved roads and the quiet of the early morning in a city I loved; I focused on anything but what I probably should be.

  They were close. We were unguarded, undefended. They could have jumped us right then and there, but they didn’t. That speaks volumes.

  As I inhaled a deep breath, I heard a faint blip. I cocked my head, perking my ears to listen for its origin. A moment later I heard it again. I held my breath, trying to be as quiet as I could. Another blip. There were a few seconds before the next blip was audible; this time though, it continued. Like water dripping from a faucet, like a wind tunnel being opened and closed in quick succession, a steady swish sound softly came into range.

  Kellan pulled to a stop at a red light. Our eyes met, recognition hitting us at the same time. We smiled in unison. He unlinked our hands and slid one across my belly.

  Our baby officially had a heartbeat.

  And, in that magical moment, nothing else mattered.



  Hearing the heartbeat made it real. This was happening. I was going to be a father.

  That meant I had to get my shit together. I couldn’t pansy around anymore. I couldn’t have the same uncontrollable bursts of rage. I needed to get a tighter grip on my archaic side, on the beast within me that leads me to act on instinct rather than intellect, especially around Lexi.

  My first order of business was to protect her and our baby. As soon as she fell asleep, I was going to the vamp army and the Bladangs. I was on both teams now. I was a strategist and weapons specialist for each entity. I’d earned my place, and I’d earned their respect. They would give me back up, or I would raise hell.

  I would always go to whatever lengths I had to in order to keep my family safe.

  Chapter 6

  Flour dusted my clothes, as I worked steadily on my list of new orders. My baby’s heartbeat had become a rhythmic melody that my body natural worked to, since first hearing it a few nights ago.

  The mixer was on high in the background, as I struggled to fit another pan of brownies on the baking rack. I blew out a long breath, closing the oven door, careful not to jostle the rising pastries. That was part of the reason why this business took as many hours as it did. I needed more ovens. I didn’t have enough space in my current double oven to keep up with my growing list of requests from my clientele. Today’s list was longer than the day before, and likewise, yesterday’s had been longer than the day before that.

  The High Authority, the Bladangs and Jack were on their way. I’d already accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to look presentable. I wouldn’t have time to shower, change, and finish my work.

  “Need any help?” Kellan asked, walking into the kitchen. Typically, he holed himself up in the bedroom with his laptop while I baked.

  I turned off the mixer, grabbing the bowl and another baking sheet. I’d have to wait until something else came out before I could put the next order in. “I need more ovens. If you could magically make them appear, I’d love you forever.”

  Kellan’s gaze traveled across the kitchen. “We could knock out the cabinets on the end and install another double oven there.” He pointed to the area I currently used as a pantry on the far end, next to the wall. “We could do the same with the island, though we could
only squeeze a single oven there.”

  “I would have to get a better storage system, or more cabinets elsewhere, if that’s the case.” I surveyed the space. There were possibilities, but I was overwhelmed by the thought of remodeling.

  Kellan wrapped his arms around me, not bothering to protect his clothes from my dusted ones. “How about I go get the architectural drafts of our kitchen from Will. I’ll go talk to a designer about meeting your business’ needs while not disturbing what you have going on right now. I’ll even bring in a professional organizer if you want.”


  “Of course. If I had an ounce of baking talent in me, I would help you fulfill every order. But, since I don’t, I’ll just have to settle on doing whatever it takes to make it easier for you.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Thanks. That would be great if you could do that. I don’t want it to cost a fortune though. This is coming from my business account.”

  “And if I pay for it?”

  “I still don’t want it to be an expensive overhaul.”

  He tilted his head back, studying me for a minute. “Alright.”

  He captured my lips, giving them a nip before caressing them with his own. Tiny shivers of awareness shook through me as I leaned into him. His hands slid up to cup my face as he gently pulled back, smoothing his thumbs across my cheeks. “Drex will be back up in a second. When he gets here, I’m going to leave before everyone arrives.”

  “Oh! Will you send my area managers an e-mail reminding them about the conference call in…” I broke away, looking at the clock. “Holy sugarplums. Um, in thirty minutes.”


  “Thanks.” I carefully slid from his embrace, running for a pair of oven mitts to remove a tray of cupcakes. I set them down on the island before putting a new tray in the oven.

  “How many more orders do you have to fill today?”

  “Five. I have a few treats baking for my meeting right now, otherwise I would be done.” I headed for the fridge, grabbing the container of blood to create the ooey-gooey bloody center for the cupcakes.

  “Okay. Need me to do anything before I go?”

  “Nope. Just the e-mail,” I replied, setting the ingredients and utensils on the counter beside the cooling trays of desserts.

  He nodded. “You got it, babe. Call me if you need anything at all.”

  “I will,” I assured him.

  He started for the bedroom as I began to pour the blood into a mixing bowl. Seeing the thick, rich substance reminded me of Kalel, who shipped a fresh case to me each week. “Kellan?”

  He stopped and faced me. “Yeah?”

  I bit my bottom lip as the many possible reactions of my company passed through my mind. “Do you think they’ll be okay with this?”

  “Does it matter?”

  I considered his question. “I guess not.”

  I gazed down at the blood in the bowl. As much as I wanted everyone to accept my pregnancy and accept me and Kellan being together, chances were, not everyone would. It was a play on statistics. For some it would be an issue because I wasn’t married at the time of my child’s conception; for others, my age will be their hang up. For a select bunch, the fact that Kellan’s a vampire and I’m a vampeen would be a cardinal sin of epic racial proportion. Slowly, but surely, I was discovering that I would never be able to appease everyone. I was also gradually accepting that not everyone would agree with all my decisions, but at the end of the day, as long as I had no regrets, that’s what mattered most. I couldn’t live for anyone but myself, and I couldn’t live anyone else’s life but my own.

  I jumped as Kellan’s arms came around me. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t heard him moving towards me.

  He turned me to face him. A single finger slid beneath my chin, tilting my head up to face him. “Lexi, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. This is about you and me, not you, me and the world. Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you live or how you feel. The important people will never judge you; they’ll never turn their back on you. If they do, then they don’t deserve to be a part of your life or a part of our little miracle.”

  I shook my head. I knew he was right, but it still didn’t erase my insecurities. I cared about everyone that I let in. To have them reject me now, after I’d bonded with them, would tear me apart.

  “I love you.” I closed my eyes as his lips gently brushed against mine. His fingers drew circles on my back. “Don’t let them dissect your life, babe. It’s your life, your body, and your experience…not theirs.”

  “I love you.” I smiled up at him.

  “I’ll be there through it all. You may lose a few people, but you’ll always have me.”

  The prophecy came slamming into my mind, stealing my breath as his words echoed in my head. God, I hoped I would never have to suffer a loss so deep; I prayed my child was never faced with it either. I couldn’t imagine a world without Kellan.

  I couldn’t picture my life with one less person than what I had now. Everyone added something to my crazy, spicy world.

  The timer dinged, pulling me from my reverie.

  Kellan released, allowing me to tend to my baked goods. “Don’t worry, okay?”

  I nodded, giving him a wistful smile. How I wished it was easier to let go. “Okay.”

  I bustled around the kitchen pulling pans from the ovens, preparing to decorate and pack them into my new company boxes until Drexel returned. Kellan gave me a kiss before he scurried out the door.

  I stared at the direction of the door long after he’d left. I knew Kellan was right.

  “What’s running through that pretty head of yours?” Drexel asked, coming to stand at the island.

  I looked at him. He was watching me, analyzing me. His years undercover really did help him gauge people well, too well at times.

  “I’m just worried about telling everyone.”

  He chuckled. “Why do women over think everything?”

  “Why do men under think everything?”

  “We’re not afraid of risk.”

  “Obviously.” Slowly, I felt a smile spread across my face as I considered the truth of his statement. “I guess I am worried about the risk. I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

  “If you lose them over this then you never really had them on your side to begin with.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Drexel immediately checked the security screen. “It’s Kalel.”

  I swallowed hard. “I guess it’s show time,” I said, scrubbing my hands down the front of my clothes.

  My feet felt heavy, my stomach churned and my pulse quickened as I went to the door. Just act normal, Lexi. I took a breath, grabbing the doorknob and opening the door.

  Kalel stood on the other side, dressed in a pair of black slacks, a button up black shirt and a professional jacket. His shirt was open at the top; combined with the absence of a tie, he looked slightly more casual.

  “Don’t you look dapper?” I smiled.

  He tucked his phone in his pants pocket and gazed at me, a searching look that left me feeling exposed.

  I felt heat filling my cheeks. “I know; I’m a mess.” I brushed at my clothes, but it didn’t improve my appearance any.

  He pursed his lips, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. “Do you have something to tell me, Leka?”

  Now, I felt the color drain from my face. My hands were shaky as I met his gaze. If I had to guess, he looked disappointed. His eyes took me in, but it was the slight angle of his head and the tiny creases of tension around his lips that gave away his unease. “I think we can’t both hear now, and it’s obvious.” I looked down at my stomach to where my baby’s heart was beating, the only sound between us in that second.

  I felt Drexel come up behind me. He pressed a hand to my back. “If you have a problem with this, then leave,” he barked.

  I watched as Kalel stiffened. “I don’t have a problem with it; I have a problem with not being told.
I thought I earned that place in your life, Leka. I think I deserve that courtesy from you and Kellan.”

  It was disappointment I’d seen. I took a deep breath, lifting my head to face him. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Drexel bristled beside me. “She just found out a couple days ago.” His voice was low and tight, a growl of warning hidden in its depths.

  I’d never been so thankful to see Gabi. She and Jack emerged from the elevators. I couldn’t help but notice how great she looked. Her legs looked a mile long in her dark-wash, skinny jeans and were elongated even more by the black pumps she was wearing. A perfectly tailored black blazer whittled her waist over a white, linen button up shirt.

  Jack was dressed equally as impressive in a sharp suit. I’d never felt so underdressed.

  I was just about to greet them when the timer dinged. “Excuse me.”

  I rushed back to the kitchen, immediately pulling a cake from the oven with one mitted hand and shoving another tray of brownies in its place with the other.

  I sighed as I set the pan on the counter beside the stove, having run out of space on the island. I closed my eyes for a second, thankful for the brief reprieve. My emotions were all over the place.

  “Shut the front door!” Gabi exclaimed.

  I immediately turned towards her.

  She looked incredulous. Her brows dipped in the center as her gaze bounced back and forth between my stomach and my face. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, shit. Now I owe Jack five hundred bucks. Thanks, Lex.”

  I frowned. “What?”

  “Jack told me you were pregnant, but I didn’t believe him. I trusted that my friend would have called to tell me.” I heard the identical disappointment in her tone that I’d received from Kalel minutes before.

  What was this? Guilt-Lexi Day? “Why don’t you guys sit at the table? I tried my hand at Danish making for the first time today.”

  Gabi narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t over.”

  I nodded in acknowledgement. I knew it wasn’t over; I had a feeling it was far from over.

  A few minutes later the High Authority arrived, all impeccably dressed, including Auggy. I was tired of the feeling so sloppy. I turned off the ovens to be on the safe side and excused myself. I left them all sitting around the table, chatting about who knew what.


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