5 Darkness Falls

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5 Darkness Falls Page 9

by Christin Lovell

  “For now, I want you all to work with me on the home front. Let’s try to access any personal records related to Cecilia. I don’t care if it’s a hundred years old. Fact-check it; follow up on it. It’s far better for us to have the jump on her than the other way around. Our focus should be on properties. She’s probably smart enough not to have any in her name, so we’ll need to sift through all the properties owned by any member of her army.”

  I glanced down at my paper. I’d scribbled a few notes earlier that were no longer relevant. I looked back up at my team. “Do any of you have something to add? Any questions or concerns?”

  “Are we grounded?” Anthony asked. He rubbed his hands together. He was always on the go. He hated deskwork. He preferred the action of the front lines.

  I considered him. “No. But you can’t travel alone. I don’t care if you confirm the addresses electronically or in person. If you decide to go, make sure you let us know where and what gear you sign out for the trip.”

  “I’m down to go with you.” Bobby was eager. He still had the innocence and vigor of being new.

  “Hell yeah. Double-trouble bustin’ down doors.” Anthony high-fived him.

  “Don’t bust down doors,” I barked. “Try to keep the damage to a minimum. I do have a cap on our repair budget. Anything above and beyond comes out of your pay.”

  “Ooh, that’s a bit harsh.” Anthony’s whole face scrunched as if he was dodging an attack.

  “Sounds damn fair to me. If we didn’t put a cap on your ass you’d leave a never-ending trail of destruction wherever you went.” Germia rolled her eyes, shaking her head negatively.

  “Jealous much, baby?” Anthony wagged his brows.

  “Guys. Let’s focus.” I checked my phone. “You’ve been going for eighteen hours on the home front so take a break. Report back in eight hours. No funny stuff between now and then. This isn’t the time to party or get careless.” They began to stand, officially dismissed. “No wandering off alone!”

  “Yes ma’am.” Anthony saluted, shoving back his chair and heading for the door.

  Jarrod hung back, remaining in his seat. His face was solemn. He kept stealing glances at Auggy, Kalel and Kellan, who were still sitting as well.

  “It pains me to admit this, but you’ve got good leadership skills, Lex.” Auggy’s lips tweaked, like he wanted to smile.

  And like that, the tension in the room was gone. I laughed. “Admit it. You’re proud.” I couldn’t resist teasing him.

  “You’re not getting anything more. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can get away with that crap.” He snarled his lips, but his eyes softened around the edges. He really was a big teddy bear. I knew there was some humanity beneath his gruff exterior.

  “So, how can I help you men? You obviously crashed for a reason.”

  “We want to take this over,” Kalel stated.

  “Come again?” I felt my features pull as I stared them down.

  “I’m not working for you,” Jarrod said, his tone rougher than normal.

  “That’s not your decision, now is it?” Kellan eyed Jarrod warily.

  What was wrong with him? Jarrod had never done anything to him. And there again, I felt the distance between us. He didn’t even consult me on this. He’s just storming in and laying down the law.

  A wave of nausea rolled over me. I heard my pulse quicken as my head began to spin. Perspiration dotted my skin.

  “Leka!” Kalel was at my side in a split-second.

  I placed my forehead in my palm, trying to breathe through the sickness threatening to overtake me. It happened every once in a while. Sometimes I would lose my stomach, other times I didn’t. I closed my eyes, concentrating on pushing past the bile sloshing around. My serum rose high up, scorching my throat, a warning flare.

  In the distance, I heard movement, but it required too much energy to focus on what was going on around me.

  The serum coated my tongue, burning it and dulling my taste buds at first. The moment I tasted the blood though, I knew. I leapt up and dashed for the trash can, nearly diving in; I squatted down in front of it. My breathing was labored as I attempted to clear my mind; I tried not to fight it, but every part of me wanted to avoid it. I didn’t want to give my body free reign or to have it expel anything.

  I groaned, choking as the mixture of blood and serum blistered its way up from my stomach, erupting into the trash bag. I felt a cold rag press against the back of my neck. Thankfully, my hair was already secured on top of my head in a tight knot.

  I shuddered as I moved back and sat down on the floor. The cold, wet cloth moved with me. When I saw Kalel and Jarrod watching me with the same stark expressions on their faces, I knew it was Kellan behind me.

  “You heard me! Move it!” Auggy shouted. He was outside the door yelling at someone.

  “You okay?” Kellan stroked my back.

  I didn’t trust myself to speak. The fire that blazed a trail up my esophagus was still smoldering. I meekly nodded my head once, signaling to them that it was over.

  “How often does this happen?” Kalel’s brows furrowed. His eyes were full of compassion.

  I shrugged, averting my gaze to dismiss his question.

  “It’s random. Sometimes she throws up; sometimes she doesn’t,” Kellan offered.

  I hated this. I knew they were going to use this against me somehow. Human women continued to work even when they were plagued with morning sickness. I didn’t see how this was any different.

  “What took you so damn long?” Auggy grumbled. A moment later he was crouching down in front of me, passing me a water bottle.

  “Thanks.” My voice cracked.

  He gave me a long, hard look as I opened the bottle and devoured half of it. A shiver ran through me as I pulled the bottle away from my lips and put the cap back on.

  I smiled, knowing I had to convince them. “I’m fine now.”

  “Don’t bullshit me, Jackson.” He stood, crossing his arms as he puffed out his chest. He let out an exaggerated sigh.

  I snatched the rag from Kellan’s grip and got on my feet. I went toe-to-toe with him. “I. Said. I’m. Fine.”

  “Let’s take a day off. We’ve all been pushing this hard and you need to rest.” His tone had softened, but the pushy conviction was still there in his voice.

  My heartbeat kicked up as I balled my hands into fists. The baby trembled in my stomach, as if it knew I was upset. Each breath became an erratic huff as my anger worked towards the surface, as fury seeped into my veins. Within seconds I saw the blue luminance out of the corner of my eye.

  “Damn it, Aug!” Kellan snapped.

  “You’re not the boss of me. I’m not on a vamp army mission. I’m running the vampeen army. I’ll decide what’s best for me and my team, especially when it comes to private matters.”

  He took a deep breath, forcefully exhaling. “Just calm down, okay?” At least he was willing to reason with me now rather than acting like my personal drill sergeant.

  “I just wish everyone would stop coddling me. I’m a responsible vamp. I don’t cause problems; I try to solve them. And I sure as heck don’t step all over your territory.” I walked out before my emotions escalated and my electricity ignited.

  “Lexi,” Jarrod called after me.

  I stopped, turning back to face him.

  He closed the gap between us. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m just gonna follow up with the team. We’ll work remotely for now.”

  “That works. Call me if you find anything. I’ll pull what I can tonight and we can compare notes tomorrow.”

  He looked around before making eye contact. “Listen, I don’t usually butt into other people’s business, but you’re a good leader. I like you as a boss. You should take a step back for a minute. There’s nothing you can do that we can’t do for you. You pay us. You might as well make us earn it.”

  I sighed. Jarrod was the worst of them because he approached me calmly from a
place of pure and innocent concern. “I’ll consider it.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll check in later.”


  The last of my light show disappeared as exhaustion nestled deep in my bones. I turned, smacking into Drexel.

  “Why didn’t they page me?” He looked me over.

  “Dang, news travels fast.” I frowned.

  “Will you take her home to rest?” I sensed Kellan behind me.

  Drexel chewed on his lip, studying Kellan first and then me again. Finally, he nodded. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll be home later, okay?” He placed a hand on my back, leaning in beside me and kissing my head.

  Hot tears stung my eyes. I moved my head away from him. My frustration was reaching a boiling point. I’d wasted time and resources while risking my team chasing after an apparent apparition. I worked non-stop. Between the bakery business, the vampeen army, the vamp army, meetings, orders and so much more I didn’t even want to think about, I barely had a social life. Mel would even sit in on meetings just to spend time with me. As much as I hated to admit it, I guess a part of me was somewhat resentful that Kellan didn’t have nearly as much on his plate… at least it felt that way.

  He worked for the vamp army and the Bladangs, but lately, he’d popped into the office here or lounged at home with his laptop doing God only knows what.

  I fidgeted, uneasy as Kellan pulled back. Without looking, I could sense his expression…attitude filled with dismay.

  “I guess that’s how it’s gonna be today,” he scoffed. “I’ll see you later.” He walked away.

  God, what was wrong with me? Kellan didn’t choose his workload, but I did. He had to take what they assigned him, whereas I took whatever I wanted to do. I was an utter mess.

  A single tear slipped down my cheek. I immediately wiped it away, steeling my expression as I looked up at Drex. “You ready?”

  He didn’t say anything. He merely threw an arm around me and escorted me out.

  Chapter 13


  Damn. I knew this pregnancy thing wasn’t going to be all sunshine and roses, but…Fuck! I punched the air, frustration tightening my muscles, really amping me up.

  I strolled back into the conference room. Kalel and Auggy immediately focused on me.

  “She can’t keep going at this pace,” Kalel said.

  “Tell me about it. But you know her. She’s hard-headed.” I threw my hands up.

  “You need to do better.” He didn’t beat around the bush.

  “I’m doing what I can.” I started grinding my teeth. It seemed like everything funneled back to me lately.

  “Check yourself, Bancroft,” Auggy sneered.

  “Let’s just focus on business. What’s our next step?”

  Auggy and Kalel exchanged glances. Damn it. They were speaking mentally, having another private conversation.

  “This’ll be here tomorrow. You need to go take care of her.” Auggy nodded his head towards the door.

  “Buy her flowers. Buy whatever she’s been craving. Do something to take her mind off everything for a bit,” Kalel suggested.

  Instantly, the fight left me. God, I was so fucking selfish. I could only imagine what she was going through with how high her plate was filled. Toss in an incompatible pregnancy and I was surprised she was still going.

  I smiled to myself. I knew why she was still going: for everyone else. She was so selfless; too selfless at times. She gave all she had and then some, day in and day out. She never asked for anything aside from the occasional milkshake or pint of ice cream, which had been her only food obsession thus far.

  My heart warmed as I thought of her growing belly. It was just starting to round out. The doctor said within the next month I should be able to feel the baby move. I was looking so forward to that.

  I frowned, rubbing my forehead. I didn’t know how she did it. I was drowning, unable to balance anything well. I barely spent time with her anymore. When she wasn’t working, she was sleeping. Our relationship wasn’t what it used to be. Reality had set in. We weren’t carefree teenagers living at home with mom and dad anymore. We were working adults with responsibilities and impossible to coordinate schedules.

  They were right. I needed to do something to show that I still cared. If my mom was right, then pregnant women wanted reassurance. Even if she was wrong, I never wanted Lexi to doubt me again.

  I extended a hand towards Kalel. He promptly took it. “Thanks. I’ll put something together for her.”

  He smiled. I knew his respect for me had grown. “Good choice. We’ll catch up with you later.”

  I turned to Auggy, extending the same hand. He shook it. “For Christ’s sake, bite your tongue. Don’t piss her off anymore.”

  I harrumphed, but knew his advice was solid. I hadn’t been as sensitive in my approach lately. “I’ll try.”

  Damn. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I had been a bit of an ass lately in retrospect. Hopefully, I could make it up to her. Hopefully, she was in a forgiving mood.



  I flipped through the channels, strumming my fingers on the arm of the sofa. My feet were kicked up on the coffee table, my body was cushioned by the overstuffed couch, yet I couldn’t relax.

  I frowned, looking around the apartment. I was too anxious. An itch traveled through my veins, an unidentifiable need clamped down on my sore muscles, a nervous twitch had my legs bouncing. I tossed the remote aside, clenching and unclenching my hands. I couldn’t stop fidgeting. The nagging feeling that I ought to be doing something haunted me.

  I jumped off the couch as if it’d been lit on fire and began pacing.

  Drexel leapt up right behind me. “You’re working yourself up even more.”

  I shook out my hands before intertwining my fingers. “I know. I…”I sighed.

  Tears welled as my emotions choked me. “I know I have a lot more than most. I know I should be grateful for all the opportunities I’ve been afforded. I can’t help but somewhat resent my lot right now. It just feels like it’s never enough. I try and try, but it’s never enough…it’s never good enough.”

  I turned my head up towards the ceiling, fighting back the tears, hoping gravity would help contain them.

  “No one has a perfect life, human or paranormal.”

  I eyed him. “I know. I…I don’t know anymore. It just seems like everything is spiraling out of control. I have no leverage in my life right now. There is very little I do have control over, one of them being my relationships. But I can’t even handle that apparently.” I ran my palm across my forehead. I closed my eyes, focusing on aligning my thoughts, moving away from the overwhelming cluster of crap crammed into a tight spot: in the forefront of my mind.

  Slowly, my body began to relax as I let go. Tears chased each other down my face, but at least I could form a complete thought again. “Sorry, Drex.” I brushed the tears aside. “Told you I was a mess.” I laughed humorlessly.

  He tenderly pulled me into his arms, tucking me within the protection they offered…comforting me.

  As a teen, you think you understand all there is to life. You think by seeing it, watching others fall apart from it, that you could do a better job handling it. You can’t. Reality is so much harsher than you can imagine. I wished I could go back to my freshman year, back when life was so much more uncomplicated compared to now, back to when waking up for school in the morning was the worst part of my day and demanding teachers were the closest thing to assassins I knew.

  One year. That’s all it took for everything to completely flip upside down. One week. That’s the time in which I lost both of my parents. One time. That’s all it took for me to conceive the baby I was carrying. One always seemed to lead to so much more.

  I hugged Drex. The ache inside me flared. I wished I was hugging Kellan instead. I wanted things to go back to the way they were before. I needed him. I felt so weak admitting that, but I missed him. I missed t
he good times.

  The front door opened and closed. I loosened my grip on Drex enough to look towards the door. A moment later, Kellan was standing beside the dining room table holding an impressive bouquet of colorful flowers and a large milkshake.

  He smiled, communicating everything I needed. It was an ‘I’m sorry, forgive me, let’s make up’ and a promise for more wrapped into a single expression.

  “I’ll leave you two alone for a while.” Drex moved away, grabbing his keys and heading out.

  Kellan’s eyes never left mine. “Come here, babe.”

  Without thinking, I found myself moving towards him. He set the flowers and milkshake down on the table just in time to scoop me up into his arms.

  Unexpectedly, the floodgates opened, and I began to bawl uncontrollably. I threw my arms around his neck and secured my legs around his waist. I burrowed my head into his neck, breathing in his cologne.

  “I’m sorry, babe.” He hugged me tight. “We’re strong. We’ll get through this, all of this, together. I’m not going anywhere. I swear to you. I’ll always be here. I love you.”

  Tears soaked my face, his neck and his shirt. I didn’t trust myself to talk though. I could barely breathe, let alone speak. My chest heaved as I gasped between sobs.

  He didn’t push me to speak. He didn’t relay any of his previous frustrations. He just held me, patiently, until the last tear fell…until I was limp in his arms. His support was the only thing keeping me from falling, as it always was.

  I swallowed past the tightness in my throat and fought to relieve the pressure in my chest. I tilted my head back, gazing into his crystalline, emerald eyes, deep and rich like the man himself. “I love you too.”

  Removing one hand, he held my face. He claimed my lips in a soft, sweet, sensual kiss. There was no urgency; he kindled the original spark between us that had become buried beneath the clutter of life, having been dwindled by the outside world. “You’re my forever-girl.” He smiled dreamily as he pulled back.


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