by Isaac Stone
Son of a bitch.
Thank you so much for taking this adventure with me, take a quick break and if you liked what you just experienced check out some of my other work.
WORLD WAR MARS – The planet Mars has become an epic battleground where mighty armies clash in a seemingly endless struggle. Harlo is a young man trying to better his fortunes by signing up, and must endure the savage grind of futuristic trench warfare.
MARINE DEFENDERS – Titanic cult armies wage campaigns of galactic conquest in their fanatical search for wealth, dominance, cosmic truth. Marines of a besieged city fight a bitter resistance against the cult armies in a race against time to save the civilian population.
DINOMECHS: Battleforce Jurassic – Michael Claymore is a convict who joins up with a penal legion to reduce his prison sentence, only to discover that he will be serving as an infantry escort for a massive Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur that has been created to fight off a deadly alien invasion.
HELLTROOPERS: A Space Marine Trilogy - Ash Wednesday and his crew of corporate mercenaries find themselves drawn into a galactic conspiracy bent on creating a literal hell on earth in this violent sci-fi remix of Dante’s Inferno.