Evan's Addiction

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Evan's Addiction Page 29

by Sara Hess

  Suddenly, more people joined the celebration; Gabby, Lon, and the Cruz brothers walked out onto the veranda.

  “Hey, look at this; we’re just in time for dinner.” Trey strode over to Maya pulling her in for a hug.

  The rest of them were right behind him offering their own hugs at having her back home from her honeymoon. Gabby was the only one to give Landon a hug, and he appeared fine with that, but not all pleased with all the hugs Maya was receiving. He gave each of the Cruz brothers a scowl.

  “How did you do today? Did you win?” Maya asked Juan during his embrace.

  Juan grinned down at her his expression exuberant. “Of course I won.”

  “What did you win?” Blake asked looking confused.

  “My race today. I’m racing legally and professionally now, boys.” He informed us all.

  He looked Evan’s way and my brow puckered at the look of gratitude and nod Juan gave him. Evan tossed back a nod of his own. My brows shot up. It appeared he wasn’t caught by surprise by Juan’s new career move.

  “When did this come about?” Noah asked as the brothers, Gabby and Lon grabbed some plates and began filling them.

  “Ask your boy there.” Juan motioned to Evan. “He arranged it for me. Got me an in with the Marx racing team.”

  Everyone attention switched to Evan.

  “And you didn’t think to share this with any of us?” Nic posed.

  Evan shrugged, brushing against me faintly since we were sitting so closely. “Wasn’t my information to share. I was just doing someone a good turn.”

  I held back a smile at his answer even as astonishment filled me that he was able to do that kind of huge favor for someone. Talk about having some major pull.

  Juan was peppered with questions and during we all learned that his brothers had been hired on as part of his mechanic’s crew. It appeared construction wasn’t all they knew. We also learned that this was Juan’s fourth win, making him four for four.

  “Speaking of race cars; who’s sweet Camaro is in the driveway?” Juan asked before biting into a hamburger.

  “That would be mine.” Evan declared proudly…and that had my smile coming out because he sounded so full of himself. Guys and their cars; they were so an extension of their penises.

  After that revelation talk of cars ensued and then suddenly plans were being made to hit some kind of race strip after we got done eating. It sounded interesting because I’d never been to anything like that before, and everyone else thought it would be fun too.

  Dan, Maya’s mother and stepdad opted to stay home with Nola and Izzy. An hour later after showers all the girls wound up in my and Samantha’s room shuffle through outfits that were similar to those worn in girls gone wild…I guess it wasn’t that bad…but the clothes were the kind I hadn’t worn in years. Even when I did dress sexy it hadn’t been in these chic of clothes.

  With enough peer-pressure I ended up in a pair of Amanda’s white short-shorts and green spaghetti strap top. Everyone also pushed me to wear my hair down like all of theirs. I wasn’t as gorgeous as these girls but they did know how to dress me up as pretty as them.

  Evan’s expression when we walked into the living room said he appreciated all of it. He strode toward me with hot eyes…but then he’d been looking at me like that all day leaving me so sexually wound I was ready to jump him.

  “You look so incredibly hot.” He fingered the ends of my hair avidly.

  “The outfits appeared to be the consensus of the group.” I shifted nervously, I don’t know why. I’d been wearing less in my one piece swimsuit this afternoon.

  His arms wrapped around me, hands fanning over my lower back, finger tips grazing the top of my rear. “I don’t care whose idea it was.” He growled huskily drawing me closer, letting me feel his hard erection.

  “Before you peel that banana in your pants, Evan, let’s hit the strip first.” Trey mocked from across the room.

  Evan expelled an irritated sigh. “I swear, that guy…” I couldn’t stop my grin at his aggravation. His eyes narrowed and yanking me into him hard he grunted. “I’m going to make you regret, in a really enjoyable way, that grin later.”

  My whole body clenched and pulsed at all the ways he’d make me regret. I was looking forward to it. “So you’re telling me that I’ll still be grinning?” I smirked breathlessly.

  His lip curled. “I guess that depends on if you can keep your grin when I make you scream with pleasure.”

  Mercifully, I didn’t have to respond to that because Evan took my hand towing me with him out of the house to his car.

  Blake jumped in the back. “I’m going with you guys. Hey, did you see what Juan was driving?” He asked excitedly.

  I buckled myself in as Evan started the engine, revving it loudly. “Yeah, a Dodge Charger RT. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a seventy.” He snorted.

  “Why do you say that?” I asked. This night was completely out of my element, but I was finding it extremely interesting and electrifying. Most of my nights were spent pretty low key apart from David’s gamer parties.

  He gave a quick smirk my way as his shifted gears driving out the gates. “His car looks like a replica to the car in the movie Fast and the Furious.”

  I’d seen the movie so I could call up that particular vehicle. Evan had given me some information about cars on the drive up but it wasn’t enough to know a good car from a bad one. Hell, I didn’t even have a car.

  “Is that smirk because you think it’s too cliché, or is it a lame car?” I asked.

  “It’s actually a really awesome car.” Evan’s admission seemed pulled from him and I found myself grinning again, but then my grin froze and my breathing stuttered as his hand left the gear stick to land on my leg.

  “Uhhh, the kind of awesome car that could beat yours?” I breathed.

  Umbrage covered his face and he squeezed. “Not in this life time.” He growled.

  Blake snickered from the back. “Now don’t be lying to the girl. You car is bad-ass, but that car could definitely give you a run for your money, Evan.”

  “It probably runs like he does; like a girl…no offense, Red.” He grinned cockily, and squeezed my leg again.

  He was only smack talking but I couldn’t let it pass. I had to stick up for women everywhere. “How can I take offense when you only put yourself down? You know I run circles around you all the time like you’re standing still.” I patted his hand in sympathy.

  He chuckled, giving me the eye. “And you know how much I love it when you do that. It’s better than watching the girls on Baywatch run down the beach with all that bouncing, and jiggling, and shaking.”

  Holding back a giggle I rolled my eyes. “You are such a Jerry Springer reject.”

  With a snort he let go of my knee to shift but it returned swiftly. “Of course I was rejected by them; I’m way to cool for that show.” He stated imperially.

  “That’s not what that statement means, Dipwad.” I retorted.

  Blake laughed. “What the hell does dipwad mean?”

  I huffed at his mockery of my dig. “I don’t know; I didn’t make it up. But if I had to explain it I’d say it had something to do with the partiality toward dipping something in some guys ejaculation wad puddle.”

  Evan and Blake busted out laughing.

  Blake sucked in a breath. “It gives me a whole new perspective on the word “dipshit”.

  We all made ‘ehw’ noises, and then during the next ten minutes we joked about the meaning of numerous other derogatory words. The debate came to a halt when we arrived at our destination because the sight had us taking everything in.

  It was nearly identical to a scene from a movie; cool cars, hoods up, loud revving, and the mandatory skanky underdressed girls. My attire was almost nunnish compared to theirs, but at the same time there were a lot of attractive girls exposing a great deal of skin, and that kind of sucked.

  “Damn, did we take a turn at hooker alley? I’ve seen more ski
n at a nudist colony.” I jeered.

  “First, you have to tell me more about this nudist colony you speak of. Secondly, this is boy heaven.” Blake sighed in awe.

  “You’re getting boy heaven mixed up with boy wet dream, but I’m sure it’s a common mistake.” I gaped at some girl…some gorgeous girl…in a see-through dress with a bikini underneath. What the hell purpose did the dress serve?

  “I never realized you were this funny in the year I’ve known you, Shaw.” He ruffled my hair and I slapped at his hand for making my hair even more untamed. “Did you finally find your funny bone?”

  “Yeah, and it was attached to my hand.” I wiggled my middle finger up and down three times. “Ha, ha, ha.”

  Both of them just laughed.

  “Shit Evan, is there something about that house you’ve been living in? You all are getting the best damn luck in the female department.” Blake declared.

  I wasn’t certain if Blake was referring to me or all the females that had passed through that house. Evan did grin at me hotly squeezing me leg one more time before gripping the stick to shift so maybe Blake had meant me.

  “You’ve taken over Landon’s bedroom so I guess you’ll be testing that theory, Blake.” Evan offered.

  I heard a thoughtful hum from the back seat.

  It seemed like everyone was checking out Evan’s car as we drove through the horde of people and cars before finding a place to park. He revved the engine one more time causing additional heads to turn before shutting it off.

  Five seconds later he was around the car and pulling me out into his arms. “You know you’re more beautiful than all these hookers put together, don’t you Shaw?” His hands molded my middle back.

  Holding onto his biceps I scowled at his over-the-top flattery even as my body tingled at his proximity. “Let’s keep our communication as truthful as possible.”

  He frowned. “What do you mean? I am being truthful.”

  “Evan, I have bright red hair that looks like I’ve stuck my finger in an electric socket, and I was told many times growing up that I was a weird looking kid with too many freckles. I know people have different tastes in looks but homely is pretty set in stone.” I pulled up a smile to cover my real feelings, because hey, no one wants to be unattractive.

  Every single home I was at someone had made a comment about my hair and looks. When I was younger I had wanted to straighten my hair but didn’t have the money. By the time I did get the money I hadn’t cared what guys thought.

  Evan’s scowl darkened and one of his hands moved up to grasp the underside of my skull. “Hey, you know kids can be cruel…”

  I interrupted him. “It wasn’t just kids, Evan.”

  Lips thinning, jaw tightening, bicep muscle jerking under my hand, he bit out. “Fucking assholes.” And even though he was obviously angry his touch stayed gentle on me…stroking. Giving a heavy exhale he continued. “Let’s say for arguments sake that you were a weird looking kid growing up.” He rolled his eyes while shaking his head like that was an impossibility. “Lots of kids grow out of that, and you definitely have because you are stunning.” He stressed sincerely rubbing my neck and lower back, and then even lower almost cupping my rear. “And you have just enough freckles. Since seeing yours I think a face without freckles is like a night sky without stars.” He kissed across my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. “The ones on your lips are my favorite.” He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it.

  It was amazing, but his words were somehow healing years of maltreatment and bullying. Right now, as along as he found me attractive, that was all that mattered; his nearness and touch were making everything all right, and he was looking down at me like I was all he wanted to see.

  Leaning into him, pressing my swollen breasts into his hard chest, and brushing my quivering stomach against his evident hard-on, I moaned. Holy freaking monkey-balls! I was so turned on; desire, hard and swift, enveloped my entire being from head to toe. I swear he had a sexual pull stronger than gravity. It wasn’t fair.

  Staring into his face I watched as his amber eyes turned fierce, blazing with heat, and then his mouth took mine fully. It was hot, felt possessive, and burned me from the inside out. My body was screaming in arousal and all I wanted to do was get naked and get relief.

  “Break it apart you two.” A voice called from close by. “We want to see Evan’s car get to the finish line, not Evan himself.”

  Evan pulled away slowly, lingeringly, with a strong suck to my bottom lip and a squeeze to my butt. I didn’t want to but I forced myself to unclench my fingers from his shoulders. Opening my eyes I found Trey staring at us with a smirk as his gaze raked up and down my frame. My face was already hot from Evan’s kiss and it turned even redder at his sizzling perusal.

  “I swear Trey, keep looking at her like that and I’ll rip your fucking dick off.” Evan growled, stepping in front of me.

  Trey’s mocking dark eyes switched to Evan and he raised his hands. “I’m only looking, dude. A lot of guys are going to do that tonight so you better get over it.”

  He moved on with a wink in my direction and I answered with a roll of my eyes which had him laughing. That guy was all attitude and dick. Evan growled again and I could see his back muscles twitch under his t-shirt. Hearing it sent more desire pumping through my veins and that had me slapping myself internally. I mean, what was I; a freaking animal in heat?

  “Rip his dick off, huh?” I attempted to lighten the situation.

  Turning, he pulled me back into his hard body, meshing our fronts all over again. This wasn’t helping the animal heat!

  “I don’t like the way he was looking at you.” He grumbled down at me.

  I pushed my retort past my heavy breathing. “Wouldn’t a more appropriate threat have been to poke his eyes out though?”

  He glowered. “No, he was looking at you with his dick, not his eyes, and though I hate to say it that should give you proof that you’re fucking hot, not homely.”

  I shook my head at his logic. “Guys thinking with their dicks are highly unreliable.”

  He copied my head shake with a hint of frustration. “You listen to me woman; you’re exquisite, hot, and glow like the setting sun. No one comes close to matching your radiance.”

  I didn’t have any comeback to that, but thank goodness Landon and Maya walked up drawing Evan’s attention; it covered up my speechlessness, and the moisture stinging my eyes. The man was exceptional at compliments.

  “You’re racing right?” Landon asked with an edge of excitement.

  Evan shifted me in his arms so that my back was to his front, his erection nestled in my butt. Who knew having an erection poking into you would feel so good. “Shit yeah. I haven’t raced since your bachelor party. I’m jonesing for a race.”

  My brow rose at this news.

  Landon was nodding. “I’m going to race my Mustang. I want to see what it can do.”

  Maya was smiling and rolling her eyes at me, but Landon’s announcement wiped the smile off and she spun around in his arms. “What?!”

  Landon looked confused. “What?” He repeated.

  Her hands went to her hips. “You’re going to race? Isn’t that kind of dangerous?”

  He grinned down at her. “I’ll be fine.”

  “So you say. What about the other guy, or the wall that wants to take you out?” She argued.

  Landon laughed and hugged her to him. “Darl’in, I’ll be fine. I promise. One time…please.” He begged and gave her a pleading smile that had Evan and me laughing.

  She gave a drawn out resigned sigh. “Fine, but you better not get hurt, or I’ll hurt you…after you heal.”

  He beamed. “Thanks babe.”

  I frowned and tilted my head to look up at Evan. “It’s not really all that dangerous, is it?” The thought of him getting hurt suddenly put a weight on my chest.

  He grinned down at me. “There’s always danger getting behind the wheel of a car, but at least
the guys here are more experienced drivers than your average person on the road. I’ve been going here for years and only a few people have gotten hurt. Statistically, I’m safer on this track than the highway.”

  It sounded logical. However, it didn’t lift the weight.



  I maintained my hold on Shaw as we all strolled the grounds checking out the cars and watching a few of the races. She talked, joked, and laughed with everyone like she’d been doing all day and I was pleased as shit I was able to bring that joy to her face. I loved seeing her smile as much as I loved seeing her climax. Both were fucking heady feelings.

  Trey was right about other guys eyeballing her. She wasn’t in a slutty outfit like a lot of the other women milling around, but her shorts were short enough to showcase long slim legs, and the top exposed her upper chest just enough to tease guys with her delectable cleavage. She was tastefully hot, but her red, curly hair was like a beacon that screamed look at me…and they all did. With lustful expressions that pissed me the hell off.

  I held her close, possessively, glaring at them all, and that was a kicker because I wasn’t the jealous type. I always thought it was a women’s prerogative to look good and attract attention. That I had an almost uncontrollable urge to cover her up, even her hair, would be funny if it wasn’t me experiencing it.

  That remark she’d made about being homely still had me reeling. She was so fucking far from homely it was ridiculous. That people had dubbed her that made me wonder about their fucking eyesight. I guess it’s possible she’d grown into her looks, but shit, adults shouldn’t be letting kids hear crap like that. Stupid fucking assholes. It was probably another reason why she thought she hadn’t been adopted; labeled an ugly kid.

  Shaw was like a sunrise and sunset rolled together; blinding in her magnificence. Another girl would be aware of this with the way moronic, dipshit, douche-bags hit on her but she probably thought they did it because of her reputation. Time with me and she’d be absolutely convinced of her loveliness.


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