Evan's Addiction

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Evan's Addiction Page 60

by Sara Hess

  Another moment of silence ensued.

  “Well, now you’re just sounding sorry for yourself.” She announced.

  That had me lifting the cloth again in shock. While sympathy still filled her eyes, her features were stanch.

  “If I’d felt sorry for myself when Evan’s father died I would have ended up putting him up for adoption and missed out on the most amazing life, and a son that made life worth living. Sure, at the time I thought I was cursed; pregnant as eighteen, the man I loved was dead, just beginning my career as a model, and my parents unable to help me because they were barely putting food on the table for my five younger siblings. I could have gone to Tim’s parents but I’d never met them and I thought they wouldn’t believe the baby was his. Tim had a bit of a reputation before me.” Jasmine’s mouth quirked and her gaze became unfocused. “Two women had already tried to pin him down with pregnancies that weren’t his.”

  Her gaze came back to me. “The next eight years were difficult. After Evan was born I did contact Evan’s grandparents and they accepted him after a paternity test. They offered me money but I would only take it when times became really dire for me. They loved spending time with Evan so that helped a lot; especially when I had to go out of town for a modeling shoot. But even though they were difficult years, and I spent some of it crying and pulling my hair out in frustration on how unfair it all seemed, I never regretted them, because Evan was worth it all.”

  Jasmine leaned toward me. “I believe there’s a reason for everything that happens to us; Tim’s death, my marrying Kyle,” she grimaced, “Dan’s and my divorce, and then me meeting him.” Her brow twitched blithely, but then her face turned somberly intent.

  “Shaw, what that woman did twenty years ago was awful, but she did you a favor because she would have been a horrible mother. Maybe worse than those foster homes you lived in. What she did today was horrendous and disgusting, but she was nothing to you but a temporary incubator. It’s natural to be upset about being deceived, but don’t let what she did make you think less of yourself.”

  She reached out for my hand and clasped it between hers. I’d shifted from my reclined position to sitting up against my wall at the head of my bed. “She’s the bad person in this scenario. From everything Evan and Dan say, you are an amazing woman, but maybe you wouldn’t have been if that woman had done something different in the beginning of your life. You might not be where you are right now. You and Evan might never have met. From the way Evan talks about you I think that would have been terrible because you have made quite an impact in his life.”

  “Evan loves you. He’s in complete misery because you’re upset. While a lot of things have happened that have had me concerned for him I don’t blame you or dislike you. I am happy he’s found love with you. Being with you has changed him in a way that’s good for him. Evan is extremely intelligent, and let me tell you I have no idea where he got that from…” She shook her head in what appeared to be humorous self-derisiveness. “But he has been very carefree with life and relationships. I know he wasn’t certain if he could form a deep connection with someone else, and I had my own concerns about that as well, but he’s connected with you. And it sounds like you are just as smart as he is, and he certainly needs someone who can keep him on his toes.”

  She smiled like she was looking forward to all the years I would drive him up the wall and all I could do was stare at her in bemused astonishment. That was a long speech she’d made, revealing many personal aspects of her life, and it actually strummed something inside me softening some of my pain. And while I didn’t like it, she’d been right when she said I was feeling sorry for myself. I wasn’t blind to the fact that other people had lives just as bad as mine and worse, but I could get in this funk sometimes where I thought mine was going to be a constant ass-kicking.

  And blood related or not, I knew I was better off without that woman in my life.

  “She killed a life-long dream.” I wiped at the few tears trickling from my eyes.

  Jasmine cocked her head with a concerned and curious smile. “What dream was that?”

  I exhaled a long breath. “A unicorn, a bag of wishes, long talks while we braided each others hair, and a happily-ever-after.”

  Her smile twisted and she leaned forward brushing some hair off my forehead. I blinked and flinched back slightly at the unexpected gentle touch. I thought I saw regret flash in her eyes as she pulled her hand back, but her warm smile was still in place.

  “I think Evan would go to great lengths to see that all your wishes came true. He’s smart enough to discover the magical mix of DNA to produce a unicorn.” Her smile turned teasing. “He’s told me he loves your hair. And don’t tell him I told you, but when he was little he used to braid my hair.” A grin tugged at my mouth at that image. “However, a happily-ever-after is more in your hands than his. You can’t rely on another person to give it to you. But I do have to say that you have many, many people around you, besides my son, who care for you and would like to see you reach your happily-ever-after. Myself included.”

  My throat was clogging up with a surfeit of emotions. She was being so nice, almost…motherly…to me. “Are you sure you don’t hate me. I was getting a vibe from you that said you hoped I’d get lost on my way to the bathroom and never find my way back.”

  One corner of her mouth twisted up and she shook her head. “I thought I was getting the same vibe. Maybe we both were too nervous to unwind around to each other.”

  I frowned in incredulity and twisted the drying washcloth in my hands. “You were nervous around me?” It seemed so implausible.

  “Evan and Dan speak so highly of you; about how smart you are, and everything you’ve accomplished in your life. It was a little intimidating; especially when I learned what you did for me with my ex-husband.” She confessed with a sober expression. “All I had growing up were my looks. Since I was a little girl that’s all people said about me. I tried my best to utilize what I had, but it was a hard road. I’d always wished I had brains rather than looks.”

  My amazement shot higher…she was intimidated by me? Wow! I had not been expecting that. “I think what you’ve done is amazing. You raised Evan basically by yourself, and he’s turned out pretty remarkable…Don’t tell him I said that.” I rushed out, widening my eyes in mock dread. Jasmine grinned. “You two are so close, and I know he thinks you’re the most incredible person ever because he’s told me.”

  “Really!” She exclaimed, flushing with pleasure. Then she shook her head and waved her hand. “While that’s wonderful to hear, this isn’t about me. It’s about you, and I feel my slot for most incredible person is in danger of being deposed.” One brow went up teasingly.

  I smirked at how pleased she’d gotten at my disclosure, and how she was trying her best to contain it. But I was also delighted at the idea of Evan talking so highly about me to his mother. What all had he told her?

  Taking the damp washcloth I scrubbed at my face. “I don’t mind talking about how amazing both of us are.” I mumbled behind the cloth. When I lowered the washcloth I found Jasmine smiling at me. “Because…you know…I don’t want to come across as a topic hog.” I said self-consciously.

  Jasmine chuckled and leaned forward, her eyes twinkling impishly. “We could always talk about Evan instead. I’ve got lots of stories I could spill about him?”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Later that night I was back in Evan’s bed. We were both naked and my head was resting on his chest, and my fingers traced every perfect inch of him I could reach. We’d just gotten done having the most intense sex ever. Evan had squeezed five orgasms out of me before taking his own, groaning like he was dying in my neck. Hearing that lustful sound had tipped me over into the sixth one. I was pretty sure my nails had scratched welts in his back during it.

  “You and my mom were in your bedroom for a long time.” Evan suddenly mused, his fingers stroking across my back.

  My lips twisted languidly at his c
urious tone; I was wondering when he’d bring that up. When his mother and I finally exited my room he’d watched me anxiously, but I think my improved mood had him biting back the questions he would have liked to ask. The three of us had then gone out for dinner, and afterwards when we’d gotten back to his house I’d jumped him as soon as we hit his room. I’d just needed to know that he was mine…all mine. But now there were no more distractions.

  “You were the one who called her. Couldn’t handle a weeping girl, so you called your mommy.”

  I was making light of it but the talk Jasmine and I had shared had gone a long way in lifting my spirits and enlightening me on a few things, and not only the amusing details of Evan’s life growing up. I had people in my life who cared about me, who’d risked their life for me. That woman didn’t deserve anymore thought or tears from me.

  Evan’s hand stilled, and then shot down to cup one of my butt cheeks. “It’s not that I couldn’t handle it.” He flipped me over so that he was looming over me, his expression severe. “I could see that the idea of that woman being your mother was opening up a longing in you for something you’d never had. Something you always wanted.”

  I swallowed at the intense emotions in his eyes as he communicated my inner feelings, and my chest constricted as he continued.

  “Whether she’s a fraud or the real deal, I wasn’t going to allow her or anyone else to cause you further hurt. I messed up trying to cover up what they were doing so I wasn’t sure you would listen to me, so yes, I called my mother. I was hoping she’d have something in her arsenal of wisdom that would make you realize you are amazing and you don’t need some pseudo-mom to complete your life. You have me now, and Carrie, and David, and several other people who would pelt water balloons at reporters, and take down kidnappers to make sure you are safe and happy. I love you and no one messes with you while I’m around to kick their ass.”

  My heart slammed hard and fast against the wall of my chest. Lifting my hands I dragged my fingers through his silky, sandy curls before gripping them securely. I gazed into his searing amber gaze with a fire of my own.

  “I thought I was cursed; abandoned at birth, rejected by one family after another, ending up with one who didn’t give a shit about me, harassed for years by assholes, betrayed…” I swallowed painfully. “Betrayed by people I thought were friends. Meeting you scared me half to death…because I knew that you had the capacity to utterly annihilate me.” My fingers tightened in his hair. “You were cracking open my chest and when I wanted to run from you, you wouldn’t let me.” I tilted up to nip his lips. Evan tried deepening the kiss and even though that was what I wanted too I pulled back because I still had more to say. “Thank you for not letting me because you showed me I’m not cursed. I may have had a hard road to you.” I smiled. “But I’d travel it again if I knew it would lead me to you.”

  His eyes flared at that and he bent and kissed me like he attempted to before; deep and intense. When he finally pulled away I inhaled trying to unscramble my senses.

  I glowered the best I could through my panting. “That’s not helping me finish what I need to say.” My legs weren’t listening to my words. They ran up and down his muscular ones and that didn’t help my jumbled thoughts.

  “Sorry, you are really hard to resist.” He growled gruffly, his groin gyrating into mine.

  Everything inside me clenched in want, opening in preparation. God, I hoped I got to keep him forever. Everyday with him diminished the boulder of pessimism that had become like a rock on my back. I’d thought it would reside there forever, weighing me down without end, but now I was starting to see a lighter load in my future.

  “Evan, I had an emptiness inside me for so long, but this thing between us is better than anything I hoped and dreamed of. If that woman would have come along before I met you what she did would have probably devastated me, but you filled it first, so while finding out her scheme didn’t leave me with a good feeling, its something I can brush off. She’s nothing to me. You chased me, fought for me, almost went to jail for me, risked your life for me, rescued me, and saved me. And not just physically, but emotionally. You’ve showed me I’m worthy.”

  A tear slipped down the side of my face. His gaze searched mine and I didn’t hide anything. I let him see it all…my love, entirely for him.

  Evan bent down to kiss it away. “You’ve always been worthy, Red. Never ever think otherwise again.” He grunted gruffly.

  His kips kept moving over my skin and I tilted my head to the side to accommodate him. “I can’t wait until shit starts happening to you so I can show you how far I’d go for you.” I gasped.

  He snorted into my neck. “I almost can’t wait either. Watching you kick the ass of anyone who dares to mess with me will be so fucking hot. Promise you’ll wear some killer heels while you do it.” He begged, licking my collarbone.

  My nails dug into his back. “It will probably be the only time I wear them.”

  “Then I’ll have to make sure someone messes with me soon.” He grunted, rubbing his hard cock up and down my seeping center. He rose up to look down at me. “So am I forgiven for almost lying to you?”

  “Was that what you were doing before…apologizing?” I arched my eyebrow at him.

  His finger tweaked my swollen nipple. “If that’s what you need it to be, then sure, and I’ll do it again and again and again if I have to.”

  I whimpered at the sensations his touch was doing to me. “Will it finally make me a bitch if I never forgive you…” I gasped as he gave my sensitive nipple a pinch. “And make you apologize again and again and again.”

  “You will be the ultimate goddess bitch and I would bow at your feet forever.” His lips engulfed my breast.

  And then Evan apologized really, really hard to me for the next hour.


  Five Months Later


  “I love having lunch with your mom and Dan, but I’m feeling extra horny today and all I want to do is go back to the hotel room, strip you down, tie you to the bed, cover you with cinnamon and sugar, and lick you all over.”

  I groaned at Shaw’s words, but also because her hand was between my legs massaging my swollen dick and balls while her lips teased my ear. Driving down the streets of Virginia Beach I stopped at Solo’s Marina gates and punched in the codes to get inside. I headed in the direction where the McKay Yacht was docked.

  “Shit Red, you’re killing me. Hold that entire plan for later…please.” I groaned, shifting gears. “Aren’t you looking forward to going on your first Yacht outing?”

  Shaw nipped and sucked on my ear causing my muscles to clench in a surge of lust. “The only big vessel I’m interested in is the one in your pants. It’s not too often no one is around and I can be as loud as I want; screaming out in pleasure when you stick that huge…”

  Finding an open parking spot in front of Dan’s yacht I jerked to a stop and turned to grasp Shaw’s nape. Dragging her toward me I cut off her torturous words with a heated kiss. Even after all these months my hunger for her still strangled my cock.

  Eventually, I pulled away to growl, “Now my dick is killing me because it wants me saying yes, but hell, we’re already here, Red.”

  Green eyes dark with desire, she pouted through a grin. “Fine, but I’m bringing out some toys to add to your torment.”

  My cock pulsed with eager anticipation. Shit, she just made sure the next few hours would be excruciating.

  As our relationship progressed Shaw became more relaxed, recognizing that I was all in, and with that knowledge it was like she flourished. The fire inside her blazing even hotter, and consequently, burning me. God, I loved it when she burned me. I was addicted to her fire.

  If it was any other day I would have said ‘screw it’ and turned us around so we could burn together, but not today.

  With a quick kiss I released her. “Come on, Ms. Nympho. The sooner we get this over with the sooner you can torture me.”

nbsp; She clapped out a ‘Yay’ as I opened my car door and stepped out. Grinning, I moved around the car and took her waist as she jumped out of the passenger side. My dick gave another hard pulse at the outfit she had on; an off-the-shoulder light green shirt, form fitting fawn slacks, and brown-leather calf high boots. My mom had taken Shaw out for a shopping day about a month ago and Shaw had come back with a car load of new clothes. Shaw had looked exhausted and without asking I knew my mom had run roughshod over any and all of Shaw’s protests of the new wardrobe.

  I would always love seeing her in her ratty cliché t-shirts, but she was fucking rocking these new sexy outfits.

  Punching in the code to get through the locked gate I led Shaw down the dock to the Yacht.

  “Holy shit, Evan!” Shaw exclaimed at the sight of Dan’s yacht. “That thing is like a mansion on water.”

  I’d been on the ship several times in the last four years, but every time the enormous, opulent sight of it amazed me too.

  “But my vessel’s still better, right?” I kissed the side of her forehead as we boarded the lower deck of the ship.

  She giggled as I led her around to the stern. “I don’t think I can give you a comprehensive answer on that as yet. This thing looks pretty impressive, but what kind of power does it have under the hood.”

  I grinned and patted her ass. “Don’t worry, Red. I’ve got way more power.”

  She started laughing, but it cut short when…

  “Surprise!” “Happy birthday!”

  Shaw jumped in shock and than froze at the sight of all our friends standing in the yacht’s living room quarters. Hands trembling, she covered her mouth and chanted, “Oh-my-god-oh-my-god-oh-my-god.” She turned shakily toward me. “Did you..?”


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