Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 7

by Paige Cameron

  “Are you ever coming out?” Drake called to her from the bedroom.

  “Just a minute, and I’ll join you in the kitchen.”

  She’d thrown on old jeans and a T-shirt and hurried to the kitchen. He’d made a meal and coffee. Seeing the soup and sandwich, her stomach growled.

  Drake laughed. “It’s a good thing I found some food for you, or you’d be attacking me.”

  Janice ignored him and bit into the grilled sandwich. She savored the flavor of the melted cheese. He’d made good, strong coffee, and the caffeine began to revive her.

  “Just what I needed, thank you.” She looked across to see him starting to eat. She raised an eyebrow. “Was I the taster to be sure it wasn’t poisoned?”

  “I like to watch you when you’re enjoying something.”

  They ate in companionable silence. Janice heard the truck, picking up the curbside trash, stop in front. Someone was mowing the grass a few doors down. Ordinary people with regular lives. Her life had been very regular until the midnight calls, and until she met Drake, a force to be reckoned with. She smiled at that thought.

  Drake got up and refilled their cups. “Time to talk.”

  Staring into her coffee cup, Janice told him of the midnight calls, the newspaper, the writing on her car. “The police haven’t any clues. I thought he’d get tired of calling and go away. He did for a short time, but it didn’t last. He’s escalating in the words he’s saying and writing.”

  “Neither my car, the shelf, nor the house were accidents. In two of those incidents you were with me. I thought I was the target.” He took her hand. “I believe you are, or perhaps both of us. Can you think of anyone who might be obsessed with you? Our getting together may have made his emotions boil over.”

  “Since my fiancé died, I buried myself in my work and seldom dated, and certainly no one in the past eighteen months but you. Still, there was a strange incident yesterday.” She proceeded to describe the scene at the bar. “He left ahead of me.”

  “What’s his name?” Drake glanced around the kitchen.

  Janice reached behind her and handed him a pen and pad. “His first name’s Clyde. The last name keeps eluding me.” She sat back trying to recall, but nothing came to mind. “I can call the office. My secretary can search the files. He left about six months after I started at the firm.”

  “Call her.” He sat back and waited.

  “I thought you’d be on your way out of town,” her secretary said when she answered the phone.

  “Almost. I have a question, though. I met a man the other night, and he used to work at the office. His first name is Clyde. I can’t remember his last name.”

  “Oh, I know who you mean. The poor thing had such a crush on you, and you were so engrossed in planning your wedding you didn’t even notice how many times he came by with poor excuses to see you. His name is Clyde Braun.”

  “Thank you. It annoyed me when I couldn’t remember.”

  Janice closed her cell phone before her secretary asked any questions.

  “Clyde Braun is his name. From what my secretary says, he had a crush on me and made frequent excuses to come around.”

  “I’ll call Brent right now. Go pack. We need to leave in the next hour or so.”

  Just telling Drake about all the scary incidents had lifted a weight off her shoulders. Clyde must be the one bothering her. Drake and Brent would check him out. She opened two suitcases and began to pack one with warm clothes and the other with lighter outfits. She added underwear, a bathing suit, and several pairs of shoes. She’d just snapped the last case shut when Drake joined her.

  “You were quick. Sam said you were organized, I believe her.”

  “Since meeting you, my life has had little order.”

  “Then I’m successful. My goal is to get you to relax and have fun. Like we did today, over there.” He smiled and nodded at the bed. “Which you’ve neatly made, giving me the impression I won’t get a repeat performance until we get to Montana.”

  “I’m not making love with you in your parents’ home.”

  “Why not?”

  “It isn’t done. They’d think I was terrible.”

  “No, they’d think you were overcome with love for their son.”

  “We will be good in Montana.”

  “Very good,” Drake said, and wriggled his eyebrows.

  “I won’t go unless you promise to behave.”

  “All right. I won’t do anything you don’t ask me to do.”

  But he had a devilish grin on his face when he spoke. She’d have to be on her toes every minute to stay ahead of him.

  Drake picked up her cases. “Let’s go.”

  Janice had begun to relax until they drove around to the hangar and she saw three guards surrounding the jet on the runway. “What’s going on?”

  “Brent had his mechanic check the plane, and has had it guarded since.”

  “Did the mechanic find a problem?”

  “Nope. We’ll be in the air in a few minutes, and home in Montana in a few hours. There’s Brent standing by the stairs. Go join him. I’ll bring up the rear with your suitcases. Mine are already on board.”

  A chill brushed across her shoulders. They thought the person, whoever he was, might have sabotaged the plane. She’d never considered that possibility. Drake stepped close to her.

  “Believe me, Brent has it all covered. We’ll be safe.”

  His words and his warm breath against her ear sent reassurance flowing through her veins. She walked beside Drake and toward the jet.

  He hid in the thick undergrowth surrounding the airport. Clouds hid the moon, and him. Blast Terrell and his brother. He tightened his fist and ground his teeth. He’d planned to end it all tonight. Now, they’d be out of reach for days. He’d put in for vacation himself. Thanks to his contact, he’d been able to discover their destinations. Tomorrow, he’d drive home and visit his mother, then later head to Saddle Creek. The next time he wouldn’t miss. He’d be ready for them when they came from Montana.

  He had a burning desire to see her hurt, as he had been since he’d first seen her. She had continued, over the years, to ignore him. He’d given her many opportunities to speak with him, to get to know him. She had taken none of them. Because of her rejection, he had lived with unbearable pain. He’d kill Terrell first, get him out of the way, and then make her suffer before her demise.

  The thought sent waves of desire and pleasure coursing through his body. At last, she’d be his, if only for a short time. He watched the jet disappear behind the clouds, and then waited until they all left and closed the airport. Finally, he crept along, checking for any signs of a guard left behind, before he went to his car and drove away.

  Chapter Seven

  “We’re here,” Drake said. He ran his hand along her arm. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

  Janice blinked her eyes. Drake stood beside her, and Brent was sprawled on the sofa. “He’s asleep. Go bother him.”

  “I plan to as soon as you fasten your seat belt.”

  She pushed her hair back and sat straight. “Do I have time to freshen up in the bathroom?”

  “Hurry, we’ll begin to descend in about thirty minutes.”

  He crossed the lounge area of the plane and shook Brent’s shoulder. Janice walked briskly along the short corridor into the bathroom off the bedroom. She splashed her face and took a comb out of the purse she’d brought with her.

  “Wish we had more time.” Drake spoke from behind her. He brushed her hair to the side and kissed her neck, and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  She closed her eyes and leaned into his muscled frame. His musky scent filled her lungs. Her breath caught when he moved one hand down flat on her abdomen. His other hand cupped her breast and his thumb rubbed across her peaked nipple. Heat and desire spread across her body and had her inner muscles aching with the need to have him inside her. Her ass rubbed against his aroused cock, when she moved her hips. Her legs went weak and
she’d have fallen at his feet if he hadn’t held her so tightly.

  “You keep me in a perpetual state of hardness.” His teeth nipped at her earlobe.

  Janice took a deep breath. She pushed him back just enough to slide around and face him. She put her arms around his neck and leaned all her weight against him. Her breasts tingled from the close contact to his hard chest. She brushed kisses across his face.

  Drake unfastened her jeans and slid his fingers under her panties to her slick wet folds. One finger moved into her opening. “You’re hot and ready.”

  “Hmmm, yes.” She turned her attention to kissing his neck while her hands undid the button and zipper on his jeans.

  “Lady, you’re playing with fire.”

  “I like to live dangerously.”

  In one smooth move, Drake pushed her jeans and panties to the floor. “Spread your legs.” She did, and he lifted her, putting her legs around his middle.

  She reached inside his open jeans and closed her hand around his wide cock, placing him right at her opening. Gradually, he entered her, stretching the walls of her pussy to accommodate him. She wriggled, moving him even deeper.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned into his mouth.

  “You bet, baby doll, but this will be even better.” Drake carried her across and leaned her back against the cool tile wall. She tightened her legs around his waist and her inner muscles tightened and loosened, setting a rhythm.

  Drake held still and his facial muscles tightened.

  “Am I hurting you?” she managed to gasp out as shivers began at her core and sent tremors all over her body.

  “Best hurt a man can have.” He began to move, slow at first, then picking up the tempo.

  Waves of pleasure flowed from inside her, filling every nerve in her body. “Yes, yes, yes,” she screamed in his ear as he pushed harder one last time, and held still, letting his release fill her.

  He leaned his head against the wall. His heavy breathing had him gasping. Carefully, he let her legs slid to the floor.

  His forehead touched hers. “Are you freshened up enough?” A faint smile curved his sensuous lips.

  “I believe I am, on the inside,” she said and kissed his tempting mouth. “But I’m going to take a quick shower before we land. Get out of here, or I’ll never get done.”

  * * * *

  Janice had stepped into the shower as Drake closed the bathroom door behind him. He walked across the bedroom and looked out a side window at the dark sky. Damn, he’d forgotten the condom. He wanted to ask if she was on the pill, but hesitated. She might think he wasn’t serious about marriage and children if he brought up the subject.

  He did want a family, but he wanted time with his wife first. And he didn’t want her to feel he married her out of necessity. Damn his forgetfulness. Whatever came about, they’d handle it together.

  He went back to the bathroom to see if she was ready to return to her seat. The time to land was getting close.

  She looked delectable standing at the mirror, combing her hair. He noted her slight frown. She had to be anxious about meeting his family.

  “Come with me,” he said. He closed her purse and pulled her into the bedroom. He sat in a chair by the bed. Taking her arm, he pulled her onto his lap.

  “Mom and Dad are going to love you. Mom especially. She’s ready for her boys to get serious and settle down. You don’t have to be nervous.”

  “Who said I was nervous? And who said you were going to settle down?” She frowned at him.

  “I saw the way you were worrying about your appearance. As to the other, you’ve explained what a woman needs to believe in a man’s sincerity. I’m considering all the information you gave me.”

  She leaned forward and peered into his eyes. “I’m never certain when you’re serious, and when you’re giving me a line.”

  Her hazel eyes were greener tonight, with specks of gold. He hugged her softness, enjoying the feel of her. “You’re beginning to know me. I can’t understand why you’d have any questions about what I say.” He frowned at her, pretending to be offended.

  She giggled into his neck. He loved when she let down her defenses. He saw in a quick moment how she must have been as a young girl. He kissed her neck where he knew she was ticklish. She lifted her shoulders to get away from him and giggled again.

  “I hate to end this, sweetheart, but we have to get back to the main cabin.” He lifted her off him. “Another minute, and I’d have had to take a cold shower.”

  With his hand at her back, he followed her down the hall and back to her seat. He waited at her side to see her belt was fastened.

  Brent quirked an eyebrow at Drake, when he sat in the chair next to him. “I thought I might have to tell the pilot to circle,” Brent whispered, a gleam of mischief in his eyes.

  “Hush up, little brother, and fasten your belt,” Drake said, and laughed at Brent’s frown.

  Janice had opened her purse and hopefully missed Brent’s teasing remark. For a modern, independent woman, she still had a slightly puritanical way of thinking. Drake grinned, but he was making inroads in changing her ideas.

  The plane dipped to the east and began to descend. He hadn’t been home in almost a year. He couldn’t wait to see his folks and Ty, the youngest brother.

  Also, he had to call Jackson and see if the papers for the sale were going to be faxed to him. His surprise for Janice was almost complete.

  * * * *

  A tall, broad-shouldered man with salt-and-pepper, short hair, waited beside a large silver truck. Janice saw the resemblance to Drake and Brent right away.

  “Glad to see you boys home,” their father said. Both sons stepped forward and hugged him. “Who’s this pretty lady?” He smiled at Janice.

  “Dad, this is Janice Dedrick. Janice, my dad, Joseph Terrell.”

  She put out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.”

  Joseph Terrell gave her hand a yank and pulled her into his arms for a hug. “We don’t stand on formality around here, and if my boy has brought you home, then you’re important to him. Just call me Joe.”

  Mr. Terrell smelled of horses and cigars. He kept one arm around her shoulder. “My missus is going to be tickled pink to see you,” he assured Janice. “Get those suitcases loaded up. Momma’s waiting with coffee and sandwiches.”

  Drake and Brent put the luggage in the back. Drake helped Janice into the back seat of the truck. His father drove with Brent in the seat beside him.

  “I hope Mom made one of her famous lemon meringue pies,” Drake said.

  His father threw him a glance over his shoulder. “Do you think she’d miss baking one with you on the way home?” All three men laughed.

  Janice felt off-kilter. Drake’s family was so demonstrative and big, and overwhelming. Her mother and father were reserved at all times. Sometimes she’d longed for them to be spontaneous in some way. It never happened. Vacations were planned down to the last minute. Lives were orderly and moved in an expected direction.

  She’d been coached through life to excel in all areas. When she came home, her mother greeted her and brushed a cool kiss on her cheek. Her father smiled and told her he was glad to see her. She knew they loved her, but too much emotion had been frowned upon.

  “Are you all right?” Drake bent his head to see her face. “You’re very quiet.”

  “I’m absorbing all my initial impressions. Your father is sweet,” she whispered into Drake’s ear.

  Drake chuckled. “Don’t let him hear you describe him that way.” He draped his arm around her and pulled her close to his side. “Everything’s going to be fine. Relax and enjoy your visit.”

  “I will, I am.” But she knew she’d stiffened in his father’s arms when he’d hugged her, and Mr. Terrell noticed. He’d raised an eyebrow questioningly, smiled, and let her go, except for the one arm over her shoulder. She hoped he didn’t feel she’d responded coldly.

  Drake’s finger ran across the frown line
between her eyes. “Don’t worry,” he repeated. He tipped her chin and brushed a soft kiss on her mouth. “Taste good, feel good, can’t beat it.”

  “You two behave back there.” Mr. Terrell spoke in a light tone.

  Janice looked into the rearview mirror and saw his warm smile. When she glanced at Drake, the same smile reflected back at her. “Two peas in a pod,” she mumbled, but Drake heard her and laughed out loud.

  Lights blazed from the farm house. Janice saw a woman standing at the front door waiting. Her muscles tensed. More introductions to get through. She was so tired. She wanted to fall into bed and sleep all night and part of the day. Pulling away from Drake left her feeling cold and alone. Hopefully, her hair and clothes weren’t too messy.

  Drake took her hand. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Right, in the middle of the night with rumpled clothes and my hair mussed.”

  He squeezed her hand as the truck stopped in front of a wide, open porch.

  Mr. Terrell turned. “Welcome to our home, Janice.”

  “Thank you.”

  Brent and Drake got out and Drake reached for Janice. He scooped her up and carried her toward the porch.

  “Put me down.” She pushed at his chest. “Your mother will think I’m a weakling.”

  He set her on her feet. “There. Come meet her.” Taking her hand, he led her toward the door and the small woman, who was welcoming Brent with a hug.

  His mother turned to Drake and frowned. “It’s about time you came home. Ten months is too long not to see your family.”

  “I agree, Mom. But I brought home a surprise for you. Meet Janice Dedrick. Janice, my mom.”

  Mrs. Terrell gave her a once-over before a big smile covered her face. “Welcome.” She opened her arms and Janice accepted another hug. Mrs. Terrell was shorter than her, about five and a half feet tall, and her sons and husband towered over her. She had golden brown hair sprinkled with gray and startling bright blue eyes.

  “Let’s all go to the kitchen. Food’s ready to be eaten.”

  She opened the door and motioned them inside.

  Janice had an impression of large rooms, cream-colored walls, and shiny wood floors. They first entered a living room with a huge fireplace, then passed a dining room and went into the big eat-in kitchen. A table with six chairs sat beside one wall. Along two other walls were all the modern conveniences a woman could want.


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