The Philadelphia Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set

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The Philadelphia Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set Page 5

by Taryn Plendl

  “Hey.” I stood in the doorway. Trevor turned around in his chair to face me as soon as I walked in. His smile was huge, and it instantly made me feel better.

  “Good morning, Ava. I brought you your coffee, and one of those chocolate chip muffins you like.” He was so good to me!

  “Yum! Thank you!” I sat down and took a sip of the coffee. “So, are you ready for this?” His eyes were so soft as he looked at me. I don’t know how I would be able to handle this without him. Even though I was always a little weak and out of sorts when I was around him, he was exceedingly calming to me right now.

  “We are ready, Ava. This is good. They’re going to love it.” He motioned to the files and information we would be presenting in just minutes. “Come on.”

  We grabbed everything we needed and headed to the boardroom to set up. Working flawlessly together, we moved around the room, setting up the media equipment, getting the computer set up and ready and passing out the folders with additional information for the executives to look over.

  As I stopped to take a look around the room before anyone had shown up, I noticed Trevor looking back at me, his mouth turned up slightly in that half smile that I’d become so enamored with. “Come here.” He motioned with his hand.

  Without even thinking, I walked to him and paused, waiting for whatever it was that he needed. I was about to say something when he pulled me into an amazingly gentle hug and pressed his lips t the top of my head. He didn’t say anything, and suddenly I didn’t feel the need to either.

  His arms made me feel safe and cherished. It was hard to place all of the emotions I was feeling. It had been so long since I’d felt like this with anyone. Maybe it was time for me to re-evaluate my hesitation with something more with Trevor. What exactly was more? He had been so good to me over the past couple of weeks. He never pressured me, but always seemed to still let me know that he was interested. Shit Ava, keep your head in the game! This was obviously not the time for this.

  Trevor released me just before Mr. Jameson walked into the room with several other men and women in suits. With a subtle wink, we dove into our presentation, giving it everything we had.

  Chapter 7


  We barely walked through our office door when Ava turned and threw herself into my arms. God, she felt so good!

  “Whoa there!” I laughed as I stumbled slightly.

  “We did it!” She pulled away, sauntering over to her chair and dramatically dropping herself into it. Her smile was contagious.

  “Excuse me.” I turned to lock eyes with a frightfully serious looking Mr. Jameson. “May I see you both in my office, please?”

  I glanced at Ava, seeing the smile she had worn just seconds before, slowly disappear from her flushed face. She tucked a stray hair that had fallen from her low ponytail back behind her ear as she stood up and followed Mr. Jameson without question. Her posture showed confidence, but if she was feeling at all what I was, it was just for show.

  I pulled back my shoulders and followed her into the hallway as we silently followed Mr. Jameson down the hall.

  “Please sit.” He motioned to two chairs in front of his desk as he rounded to the other side, taking a seat in the impressive dark brown leather seat. Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on his desk. “How do you think the presentation went?”

  I looked at Ava and couldn’t help but smile as she tilted her chin up slightly and sat up straighter. “I believe I can speak for both Trevor and me when I say that we were both pleased with the outcome of our work.”

  “Is this true, Trevor?” Mr. Jameson asked, looking directly at me.

  “Of course it is. Ava and I both worked hard with this account.” I could see Ava smile out of the corner of my eye. I slid my foot closer to hers and gently tapped it, trying in whatever way I could to let her know that we were in this together.

  “Well,” he folded his hands and looked between both of us, “I was hoping you would feel that way.” My stomach did a nervous flip.

  “I’m confident that I can speak for the entire company when I say that I have never been as impressed with an outcome of a team effort as I was today.” He leaned back into his chair and continued. “Often when we bring two talented and creative people together like you both, we have disastrous results. The individual competition usually takes away from the project, and in turn, the company suffers.” He took a drink from his water glass.

  “Ava, I have been impressed with your work for quite some time now, but it always seemed to be missing that extra spark.” He turned to face me, “Trevor, your portfolio was also very impressive, and that is why we brought you on board, but again, something was missing.”

  I looked at Ava, not quite sure where all of this was going. She looked confused, too.

  “Not only did we land the Daniels account today, but they have requested that no one other than the two of you work on it.” I couldn’t contain my smile as I looked back at Ava. Her beautiful smile almost took my breath away.

  Mr. Jameson continued, “I would like to put more accounts into your capable hands, for you to work on together. I don’t know how you two did it, but whatever it was, it worked, and I am really looking forward to seeing what else you two can put together.” I wonder if he would like to know that our best work happens because of considerable sexual tension. Probably not.

  “Do you mean that Trevor and I are working as a team on the other accounts also?” Ava asked, still smiling.

  “Yes,” he stated without question. “Apart you are talent for this company, but together, you are a force to be reckoned with.” He stood up and both Ava and me followed suit. “Congratulations you two. Great job!” He reached out and shook our hands as he dismissed us.

  We walked back to our office without a word, but the excitement that I felt was barely contained. We were almost there when that tool, Josh, stepped out in front of Ava. “Hi Ava. I heard the presentation went well. Do you want to go out and celebrate?” She stopped and looked at him with her mouth open.

  When she didn’t say anything, I stepped in. “Not now, Josh.” I grabbed her arm and led her away, shaking my head at the poor schmuck.

  She walked through our door and stopped. When I had fully closed it, she turned and launched herself back into my arms. I held her tight, running my hands over her soft ponytail. She looked up at me, smiled, and then laid one hell of a kiss on me. Before I could get my wits about me, she pulled back.

  “We need to celebrate! Let’s go out tonight! I’ll call Talia, you call the boys.” She already had her phone pulled out of her purse and was texting like mad.

  I was still astonished by the kiss, but grabbed my phone anyway. Nick and Tom better be up for a celebration. If she kisses me when she’s happy and excited, I was bound and determined to keep her feeling that way!


  “She kissed me,” I told Nick and Tom while we waited at the table for Ava and Talia to show up. We decided to celebrate at one of the clubs Ava and I had gone to alone. We found a table up in the loft area overlooking the dance floor. Nick was quite impressed with being able to scope out his prospects from up here.

  “What do you mean she kissed you? Like the first one?” Tom looked at me with surprise.

  “Shit, I wish! No. It was just a quick one, but damn if it didn’t still give me a semi.” I shook my head. “She makes my body react like a fifteen year old—just by walking by.”

  “Well, control yourself young man, she’s about to walk by.” Tom laughed.

  “Hey boys!” Ava took the seat next to me, and Talia made herself at home between Nick and Tom.

  “Hey Nick.” Talia leaned back in her chair looking over the rail. “I bet you can even spot the fake ones from up here.” We all busted up, remembering their last argument regarding the authenticity of his blonde bombshells ‘assets.’

  “Funny.” He rolled his eyes.

  The girls ordered their drinks and then started talking.

��Oh, Talia, how was your date the other night?” Ava asked as she sucked on her straw. What I would give to be that straw. I shook my head, ridding my mind of the thought.

  “Ugh! I swear I am one bad date away from becoming a lesbian.” Talia shook her head in disgust as both Tom and Nick faced her with their mouths open, clearly putting some visuals together.

  “Down boys,” Ava giggled.

  “Maybe I can trouble shoot the problem with your dating tactics, Talia; you know, let you know what you are doing wrong,” Nick challenged. “Care to share details?”

  "Oh, sweet Nick, my business isn't your business. So unless you are my thong, please don't be up my ass."

  “Nice,” Tom mumbled, smiling. He was always a little quiet around Talia. Either he liked that she was putting Nick in his place, or he was wishing he was a thong right about now. Maybe both.

  “I think it’s time for some celebration shots. Who’s in?” Ava clapped in excitement.

  Two glasses of wine and several shots of tequila later, Ava had everyone out on the dance floor. Nick had found a harem of girls that he was currently surrounding himself with, and Tom and Talia were doing a mighty fine bump and grind.

  Ava and I had started off very innocently, but quickly found ourselves once again in familiar territory. She was rubbing her hands over my chest as she wiggled her magnificent ass. I took her arms and wrapped them around me, pulling her closer, wanting to feel her pressed up against me.

  Tilting her face up, she smiled, right before she leaned forward and ran her tongue up my neck, stopping right at my chin and nibbling softly. I groaned. She was killing me!

  “Mmm, Ava, what are you up to?” I smiled and dug my fingers into her sides, not sure if I was trying to hold her closer to me or stop her. No, definitely not stopping her.

  “I might be up to no good.” She smiled against my neck.

  “You’re up to no good, huh?” My voice sounded a little gruff.

  “Definitely no good,” she whispered as I felt myself growing even harder, if that was even possible at the moment. “Wanna be bad with me, Trevor?”

  I lifted her chin so I could see her eyes. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Take me home Trevor.” Holy shit, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

  “Come on.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to where Talia and Tom were.

  “Tom, can you take Talia home?” I must have looked desperate because he didn’t even question. He just smiled at me and nodded. I didn’t hang around for anything more.


  We barely made it in the door of Ava’s apartment before I pressed her hard up against the door, threading my hands around her neck and pulling her into me. Leaning in, I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth, nibbling, as I ran my tongue over it. When she opened her mouth and moaned, I took my invitation and devoured her mouth, putting every bit of desire I had felt over the past weeks into that kiss, capturing her mouth with hungry urgency.

  I moved my hands, slowly and methodically, down her shoulders and over her breasts, gently kneading and stroking them, while grinding my body into hers.

  Her moans and pants heightened my senses like never before. I was aware of every curve of her body as it pressed and rubbed up against me.

  “Oh God, Ava,” I breathed.

  “I want you, Trevor. Please,” she pleaded.

  I pulled back and looked deep into her eyes, looking for any uncertainty. Nothing.

  “Bed, now,” I commanded.

  She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward her bedroom. She turned the corner and fell.

  “Ava! Are you okay?” I stood over her.

  “Oops! Gravity check!” She giggled, and at that moment, I realized just how intoxicated she was. Shit! I couldn’t do this, not like this. When I took Ava I wanted her stone sober, unable to doubt why I was with her.

  I reached down and helped her up. She started to pull me toward the bedroom again, but I stayed where I was. She looked confused as she turned around. “Trevor?”

  “Ava, come here.” I pulled her to me.

  “What’s wrong, Trevor?” She looked worried. I closed my eyes, trying to get control of the situation.

  “I can’t do this, Ava. Not like this.” I ran my fingers over her cheek.

  She shook her head. “You can’t?”

  “Ava, I care about you. I don’t want …” She pushed me away.

  “Well, don’t I feel like the fucking idiot!”

  “Ava, wait … You don’t understand.” I tried to pull her back to me, but she shook her head, backing away from me.

  “Don’t.” She put her hand out. “I understand just fine. I can’t believe I fell for this again.”

  “Again? What are you talking about?” I was fucking this up again.

  “This is just like the first night we met. That first kiss.” I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

  “Ava, NO! Please, you don’t understand. That kiss …” She interrupted me again.

  “Yeah, that kiss was an act, but this …” She swung her hand between us. “I thought this was different. I thought we were past that. I’m so stupid.” She wiped her tears, and my heart broke for her. I wanted her—God I hadn’t wanted anyone as much as I wanted her, ever, but I didn’t want her to regret this because she had been drinking. I was trying to do the right thing here, damn it!

  “Get out, Trevor,” she spoke so softly that I almost didn’t hear her.


  “Get out! Go!” she yelled. “Please Trevor, just go.” She covered her face.

  “Ava?” I begged.

  She shook her head. “No more. I can’t do this anymore. Please. Just. Go.”

  “I’m sorry.” I opened the door, wishing that I knew what to do. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled as I closed the door behind me.

  How did I turn such an incredible day into this? I’m such an ass!

  Chapter 8


  How do I let this happen? Why do I allow men to screw with me? First Kyle, and now Trevor? Granted, Trevor was not mean to me, outright, but somehow what had just happened felt worse than anything Kyle ever said to me.

  At least with Kyle I expected it. I knew he was a jerk. Trevor had a way of looking at me like I was the only one in the room. He made me feel special. For weeks he’d been openly flirting with me, but the one time I take him up on it, he turns me down.

  I’m such an ass!

  I filled my large tub with water, poured some lavender and chamomile oils in and sunk down, closing my eyes and trying to forget tonight. If only the damn phone would stop ringing!

  After about the fiftieth ring and text alert, I said to hell with it and got out. I turned the damn thing off without even looking at it and went to my room. It was almost midnight, and I had work in the morning. Oh! How was I going to face Trevor in the morning?

  I pulled the covers back and climbed in, not even bothering to put on any pajamas. The tears started again, and I fell into a restless sleep, thinking about how messed up my life was becoming.

  The walls I let down had shot right back up—higher than ever.


  “What the hell happened last night?” Talia was in rare form this morning.

  “What do you mean?” I tried to fake innocence. I seriously didn’t want to talk about it. It was still too raw, and I was still feeling so stupid.

  “Don’t pull that shit with me girly! Tom told me you guys left, and when he was driving me home, Trevor called him going absolutely ape shit crazy. Spill it!” I held the phone away from my ear and could still hear her.

  “Talia, I’m an idiot. I all but forced myself on him, and he turned me down. That’s the last time I use a little liquid courage. I made myself look so stupid. It’s okay. I’m not sure I am really that interested anyway.” Yeah, she wasn’t going to buy that.

  “Bullshit! A sober heart conceals, what a drunken mouth reveals, or in your case, a drunken body and lips. Don’t even try to deny i
t missy, and if you must know, I’m pretty sure he was kicking the shit out of himself, too. He seemed really upset, Ava.”

  I sighed. “I can’t do this right now. Meet me for drinks after work. Are you on call tonight?”

  “No, I am not on call, and this is not over. I will meet you at the bar down the street from your apartment. You know ... the one with the cute bartender? Yummy!” She laughed.

  “Fine, I’ll be the one there missing their self respect.” I hung up the phone.

  My friend is the kind of person that would flirt with the firemen while my house was burning down, but I loved her anyway.

  Someone was looking out for me for sure. As soon as I walked into work, Chelsea gave me a folder of information and told me that I needed to head straight over to the Daniels headquarters for an impromptu meeting to get some specifics on the account that they wanted us to have. I wouldn’t need Trevor as no decisions were being made, so he would stay here and work.

  “Thanks, Chelsea!” I turned and hopped on the elevator, locking eyes with an extremely unhappy Trevor as the doors closed.


  By the time I got to the bar, Talia was in full flirt mode, leaning up against the bar.

  “Why, that's such a lovely shade of whore you have going on,” I whispered in her ear.

  She turned and smirked at me. “Thanks! It compliments your bitch quite nicely.” She grabbed our drinks and led me over to a far table, ready to go Dr. Phil on my ass.

  “So spill it. What happened when you saw him today?” She took a sip of her drink.

  “Nothing,” I stated proudly.

  “Nothing? You mean you ignored him all day?” She looked shocked, knowing that was so not my style.

  “Not exactly. I had to work outside of the office today, so unless you count a five second staring match as the elevator doors closed, I didn’t have any contact with him.” I shrugged.

  “You are such a chicken shit.” She shook her head in mock disgust, or it could’ve been actual disgust, come to think of it.


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