Triple Daddy Heat

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Triple Daddy Heat Page 7

by Pepper Swan

  I took off my robe and was just getting ready to climb into bed when there was a light rap on my door. Toto’s ears perked as he uncurled himself while he lay on his fuzzy bed that I’d put on the chair next to my nightstand. I didn’t like him sleeping in my bed, not that he could jump up on this one… way too high. He learned from the time he was a pup that he had his own space at night, just as I had mine. That way, neither of us could wake the other in the middle of the night, and if I had a guest, Toto wouldn’t feel abandoned.

  I hoped that either Tucker or Boone wanted to go one more time. I was all for it. This was exactly what I’d dreamt of.

  I contemplated slipping on my robe to answer the door but then thought better of it. Instead, I propped myself up on my bed, leaned on my side, shoved a pillow under my head, and invited my late-night-lover to come in.

  As soon as Vince walked in and spotted me on the bed, naked, he swung right back around with his back towards me. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean… why did you answer the door, naked? I mean… I’m sorry.”

  I’d completely caught him off guard, and I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, especially not Vince. He seemed to be the most sensitive and the sweetest out of the three of them.

  I quickly slipped under the covers and said, “It’s okay, Vince. Really. You can turn around now.”

  “Sorry about that,” he said. “I just thought, well, I don’t know what I thought. I was going to check on Belle when I saw you come out of her room. Anyway, before I went up to bed, I thought maybe we could talk about what you said tonight, about wanting us to be your lovers. Was that real? I mean, is that true?”

  “Yes,” I told him.

  “All three of us?”

  “Yes, all three of you.”

  “And you wouldn’t play favorites? Cause I would never let anything come between my cousins, well, we’re like brothers. Always have been since we were kids.”

  “No favorites, and it’s only until we find out if one of you is Belle’s dad.”

  “Just so you know, that whole thing with Rosie just about did me in. I thought for sure she was in love with me, and when I learned she was also screwing both Boone and Tucker, I couldn’t handle it at first, and it took a lot of talking between the three of us before I came to terms with everything. I don’t want to go through that again.”

  I thought I’d better come clean about already having sex with both Tucker and Boone. I didn’t want this… whatever this thing would be… I didn’t want it to get started with any kind of a secret hanging over us.

  “Tucker, Boone, and I have already had sex tonight, Vince. Just so you know. I don’t want to keep anything from you, Vince or from them. If, say, you and I have sex, we would tell them. There won’t be any secrets between us, ever.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and grinned. “That was fast.”

  I sniggered. “Actually, it went nice and slow, the way I like it. You should join us next time.”

  He stood there for a moment, like he was trying to make up his mind about something.

  “How about if I join you now… before Belle wakes up?”

  I slowly tossed the covers back. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He took a couple steps towards me, but I stopped him.

  “You’ll have to take a shower first,” I told him. “Especially if you’ve been out riding.”

  “Will you join me?”

  “I’ve already showered,” I told him, running my hand down the side of my body, then slipping it between my legs. “I’m so clean I hurt.”

  He ripped off his clothes as he headed for the shower, and I could hear Toto making himself comfortable in his little bed, then he blew out a contented sigh.

  Not five minutes later, Vince appeared in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. I couldn’t wait to unwrap him.

  I chuckled as he walked across the room, moonlight helped define every washboard muscle on his chest. He was spectacular to watch as he moved in closer, hair still wet but pushed back off his chiseled face. Vince had a way about him that caused my breath to catch in my throat.

  “You’re all covered up again,” he said when he arrived alongside my bed.

  “I felt a little chilly,” I told him. “But you’re still wrapped in a towel.”

  “A habit,” he said, undoing the towel to reveal a perfectly erect, rather wide and long penis.

  I tossed my covers off as we took in each other’s bodies.

  “I like the curve of your hip, the sharp dip of your waist, and did anyone ever tell you that you have magnificent breasts?” he said as he climbed into bed next to me.

  “I’m glad you approve,” I told him, with a little giggle, while I ran my hand over his hard shoulder and down his hard chest. “You look pretty good yourself. Did you get all this from the gym or is this from your new cowboy duties?”

  “A little of both, I guess,” he said as his fingers lightly traced the side of my body. “And what about you? Where did you get all of this?”

  “Mother nature. She can sometimes be very generous,” I teased.

  “Indeed,” he whispered, then without another word, he leaned over and kissed me for the very first time. His lips felt soft and loving at first, and when his tongue met mine, he knew exactly how to touch it, just the right amount of pressure to cause me to melt into him.

  I couldn’t help the little moan that escaped when he finally pulled away.

  “Where did you learn to kiss like that?” I asked him, desperately wanting his lips on mine again.

  “I had a lot of practiced in high school. I dated several girls who wouldn’t go any further than kissing and a little touching, so I became really good at it. The more you kiss, the better you kiss.”

  I couldn’t help but snigger. “I thought that saying was for reading: The more you read, the better you read.”

  “I did that, too, but I liked kissing better.”

  “And what about the touching?”

  “I got really good at that as well,” he grumbled, as his hand ran up and down the side of my body. “How about you? What are you good at?”

  I pulled back and gave him a look. “Is that a trick question?”

  He softly chuckled. “Not really. I just figured as long as we’re being honest.”

  “Okay,” I said, and I could feel the blush that had colored my face. “I’m good at, well, I’m good at…”

  “Out with it, Miss-I-need-three-men-in-my-bed. If you can say that out loud, then you should be able to say almost anything.”

  “Fine,” I told him, sucking in my newfound courage while looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m really good at sucking cock.”

  He drew in a breath and coughed, like he was choking. We both sat up as he tried to get control over his throat, while I patted him on the back.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, once he stopped coughing and breathed normal again.

  “I’m fine… yes… fine. It’s just that… you’re the most surprising woman I’ve ever met.”

  “So, I take it no other woman has told you that before?”

  He shook his head. “No. Never.”

  “You wanted me to be honest.”

  He contemplated that for a moment. “Do you think you can demonstrate your talent… if you don’t mind?”

  I softly laughed. “I don’t mind at all, but can we do a little more kissing first?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said as he took me in his arms and pressed his lips to mine once again and plunged his tongue into my mouth.

  This time, his body was positioned on top of mine. All at once, I felt as though he owned me, possessed me, as if he alone had the ability to decide my next move. He crushed me against his muscled body, then tangled a hand in my hair, moving my head so our kiss could grow in intensity until I craved more of what he had to give.

  His kiss blossomed, claiming one hundred percent of my attention, and with each movement, each touch of his tongue on mine
, I somehow knew he’d been thinking about this moment ever since we’d met.

  Exactly like I had.

  I’d suspected that under that sweet and amiable demeanor roared the heart of a lion who knew only possession of his mate, for however long he had her.

  At first, a white-hot fire danced over her body, but the longer the kiss went on, that burn penetrated my skin and settled deep inside of me, pushing goosebumps over my tender skin and a shiver so profound, it briefly caused my body to tremble.

  He stopped and gazed down at me, his deep blue eyes blazed with desire. “Are you okay?”

  I slowly nodded. “I… I’ve never been kissed like that before.”

  He grinned. “I’ve never felt like this before.”

  Then we kissed again, only this time it was rougher, harder, and filled with mutual desire. He was on top of me now, and I felt his thick hard cock press against my soft belly, sending a tickle of burning heat to my pussy. I could feel how wet I’d become when I moved my leg to wrap it around him.

  “Mine,” he whispered. “Right now, for this moment, you’re mine.”

  “All in,” I sighed.

  In the next moment, my entire body clenched and bucked as I anticipated his cock plunging deep inside of my aching, throbbing pussy. His hand slipped down between us, and his fingers tenderly slid along my slick folds until he found my clit and gently tugged on it between his fingers.

  I sucked in a breath with his touch and at first, I didn’t hear the heartfelt cry that echoed in our ears from both the baby monitor and through the wall.

  “I’ll get the bottle,” Vince said, removing his hand from between my legs.

  “I’ll get Belle,” I told him, brushing my lips across his as we reluctantly parted, knowing that no matter what, Belle was our number one priority.

  If Vince was Belle’s daddy, she was one lucky little girl.

  Vince 11

  I never realized how far away Denver was until I had to drive there in the middle of the night with a screaming baby, a frantic nanny, and two overly distraught grown men.

  Belle had succeeded in bringing us all to our knees.

  As soon as Megan picked her up, she’d told me she felt a little warm, but I dismissed it with all my knowledge of younger siblings. Sometimes babies ran a bit warm, but it didn’t mean anything.

  Big mistake.

  Soon, Belle’s warmth had turned into an inferno, and we were on our way to the closest ER, which happened to be way too far for my liking.

  “I should’a driven. You drive like an old lady,” Boone said, over Belle’s wails. Suddenly, the daddy role consumed him, and his total attention was on making sure Belle would be okay.

  Funny how a crying baby could bring a guarded man like Boone to his knees. This part of his character had been hidden for so long, I could hardly recognize it.

  “Or an old man,” Megan countered. “Equal rights and all.”

  Belle was strapped in her new car seat, ripping at our hearts with her continual wails. Megan tried everything she could to soothe her, but nothing seemed to work. Tucker had even tried singing to her, but she only screamed louder. Of course, Tucker could barely hold a note, so that probably explained it.

  Why everyone had to come on this middle-of-the-night ER excursion was curious if not downright crazy, but as soon as both Tucker and Boone, who had stated he couldn’t possibly be the father, heard her wails, they’d come running.

  “We could’ve called in a chopper and had her airlifted,” Tucker said.

  “It would’ve taken longer for it to get to us and take off again, than for us to drive,” I told him, defending my decision. Growing up in a houseful of kids taught a person what constitutes a full-blown emergency, a minor emergency, and what required a band-aid and a kiss.

  This fell into the minor emergency category which Megan and I had under control until these two arm-chair medics stepped in.

  “Can you at least drive a couple miles over the limit?” Boone asked from the front passenger seat, while he scraped his hands back and forth over his thighs. I’d never seen him so nervous, and we’d been in many meetings together that meant everything to our company. He’d be the cool one, while Tucker and I would be sweating.

  But there he was, wringing his hands like a nervous daddy. Did he know something he wasn’t willing to share with us?

  It wouldn’t be the first time. Boone liked to think of himself as a cynical, cold bastard when both Tucker and I knew he had the softest underbelly between us.

  “We’re almost there,” I told him, as the female voice with the British accent on the car’s GPS told us to take the next exit.

  “Yeah, well, don’t make any mistakes,” Tucker said from the backseat, obviously as nervous as Boone. Good thing I was driving. After having been through these types of things with my younger siblings, I knew that ninety-nine percent of the times, it was something minor that could be fixed with medication.

  I felt relatively sure that was the case, even though that one percent still loomed in the back of my mind.

  Once we arrived at the ER, they took Belle in right away. Megan went in with her and said she was her mom.

  “Are any of you the father?” the woman behind the desk taking our information asked.

  A weird thing happened at that moment. We all said, “Yes,” at once, even Boone.

  “Okay,” the woman said. “But I can only put one name on the form.”

  Boone took a step back, and Tucker followed him over to the waiting area. I guessed they figured this was my deal so I gave her all our info and insurance information, even though I knew damn well this thing would end up being totally out of pocket.

  After I answered all her questions, I went over and joined the other guys.

  “There better not be anything major wrong with her,” Tucker said.

  “It’s going to be fine,” I told him, trying my best to get my own worries under control.

  “Maybe that’s why Rosie left her with me. She knew Belle has some awful disease that she doesn’t want to pay for,” Boone said as he got up to pace.

  “That must be it,” Tucker said. “Why else would a mother abandon her baby? Belle is really sick.”

  “I knew it,” Boone said. “I knew something was up as soon as I saw her walk into Last Call. She always was a schemer.”

  “Then why’d you hire Rosie in the first place? That was your idea, not mine,” Tucker countered.

  “Don’t blame this on me,” he argued, stopping his walk to confront Tucker. “You didn’t have to agree to it. Now look at where we are. One of us is the father of a terminally ill baby, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to deal with that. Belle is too tiny to be that sick.”

  I jumped up. “Will you two stop! Take a damn breath. Nobody has diagnosed her yet. She probably has colic from the new formula or maybe she’s getting a tooth. Who knows? But I can almost guarantee she’s not dying. You’re both more nervous than a new mom.”

  “Easy for you to say, you’re probably not the father,” Tucker said. “Have you two looked at her? I mean really looked? She has my nose, my chin, and my hands. Have you noticed her hands when she’s holding her bottle? I have, and they’re exactly like mine… big. Belle is my baby.”

  “Get over yourself,” Boone countered. “She’s the spitting image of me if I was a girl. Those deep-set eyes, and that wide forehead. And she has my exact toes.”

  “I hate to break it to you guys, but she has blue eyes just like mine. Belle is my baby,” I said without realizing I was falling into their parent trap.

  In the next moment, our egos got the best of us as Boone pulled off his boots to show us his toes, Tucker held up his hands, and I kept pointing out my eye color.

  This arguing went on for what seemed like a long time with none of us relenting until I said, “Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Do you see what we’re doing?”

  “Yeah,” Tucker said. “You two are full of bullshit.”

may be the case,” I said, “but what we’re actually doing is fighting over who is Belle’s father. We’ve gone from not wanting to have anything to do with this to fighting over which one of us looks more like her.”

  “So?” Boone said, as if he wasn’t getting my meaning, when I knew damn straight he did.

  “So, if I’m not mistaken, we’ve fallen for that little bundle of tears and fury,” I told them. “Belle has moved in and taken over our hearts, and none of us might be her daddy. We’ve let this tiny baby grab hold, and you know what happens once we grab ahold.”

  “We never let go,” Tucker added, his voice low and heartfelt. “Not only are we falling for Belle, but I’m falling for her nanny as well. That woman’s crawling into my soul, and I hardly know her. I’ve never felt like this before. I don’t know how I’m going to handle it when she packs up and drives away.”

  Boone sat down hard on one of the uncomfortable chairs. “We just pull in our emotions and let her go. What else can we do?”

  “We can fight to keep her, that’s what?” I said.

  “This is one confusing time in our lives,” Tucker added. “Since we were kids, the three of us have always known that we wanted to be filthy rich so we could take good care of our parents, our families, have an easy life.”

  “I thought money meant we wouldn’t have anymore problems,” Boone said.

  “I thought money was the end all and be all, and now look at us,” I added. I’d also pulled off my boots and socks to compare toes. “We’re worried that Belle might be really sick, and that the woman we’ve all grown fond of might walk out of our lives before we had a chance to find out if these feelings we have are more than just superficial… if we really and truly care about Megan.”

  “We’ve already been down this road before with Rosie, and now look at us. There’s a baby involved, and one of us might be her father,” Boone said.

  “So, you’re willing to admit that she could be yours, huh?” Tucker asked. “What made you change your mind?”


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