Crown of York

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Crown of York Page 4

by Charlotte Byrd

“That this place isn’t what we think it is?” Olivia asks.

  I watch her carefully, trying my best to read into every one of her facial expressions.

  If l learned one thing from my degree in psychology, it is that people say so much more by their body language than they do by their words. And the best psychologists are the ones who can read into this language. Too bad I’m not one. I can’t glean a thing from Olivia.

  “She was probably just making empty threats,” Savannah says. “I mean, she kind of lost it when she saw him, didn’t she? Who is he?”

  Now, I turn to Savannah, but her face offers even less clues than Olivia’s.

  The skin is perfectly smooth around her eyes, without a single crinkle of confusion or disillusionment.

  As we talk, I can’t help but wonder if they know the truth about this place just like I do. Or at least, a glimpse of the truth.

  I mean, prior to Paige’s outburst, I never once considered the possibility that she knew more about York than she let on. She was such a good actress.

  Are Olivia and Savannah thinking the same thing about me right now?

  Are they wondering how it is that I’m maintaining my composure and acting like everything is fine knowing what I know?

  A few minutes later, one of the large double doors swings open and J, the host of the event, enters.

  He looks just as dashing and confident as ever, if not a bit tired.

  When he smiles at us, little dimples form on the sides of his cheeks.

  He calls out to get our attention even though he doesn’t need to. We all immediately stand in a semi-circle in front of him and wait.

  “I’m sorry that you all had to witness that,” he says after clearing his throat.

  Unlike before when he was completely confident and effortless in his delivery, now something is flustering him. It’s almost as if he is a bit lost.

  Or maybe even unsure.

  He refers to Paige by her number and then by her name, seesawing back and forth, as if he had forgotten his place.

  “As you all saw, Paige attacked one of the servers for virtually no reason,” he says, going with her name this time.

  Bullshit, I say to myself.

  “The organization here was not aware of the fact that they had previous contact and that they in fact saw each other socially.”

  Double bullshit.

  You weren’t aware of their previous contact?

  Or the fact that they saw each other socially?

  You mean, he supposedly dated her and me and took us to the Bay Foundation charity ball all on his own?

  “Again, I apologize for the fact that you had to see her put into handcuffs like that and escorted out. We do not condone anyone putting their hands on each other here and as a result she had to leave,” J says.

  So, it’s okay for other people in the organization to put their hands on us, but not for us to fight back? I want to say.

  “But she wasn’t really arrested, was she?” someone from the back asks.

  J takes a deep breath, probably trying to decide the best way to formulate his answer.

  “Well, no, of course not,” he says after a moment. “Unless the server decides to press charges. For now, she was just eliminated from the competition.”


  There’s that word again.

  In this place, it’s synonymous with a fate worse than death.

  Chapter 10 - Everly

  When we have another surprise…

  I don’t know what awaits Paige, but I am afraid to even think about it. It is my worst nightmare, except for my own elimination.

  While I’m here, I have a chance.

  A chance at what I’m not exactly sure, but perhaps a life that doesn’t so much resemble hell.

  And as for Paige? I don’t know.

  I don’t know what waits her there. But if it’s something that even Mirabelle talks about in a hushed tone, then I know it comes with a lot of fear.

  J continues to drone on about what just supposedly happened to Paige to make her act out. The contempt that I used to feel for him decreases.

  He’s just another pawn in this game. He’s only looking out for himself and I can’t really blame him. That’s exactly what I’m doing.

  That’s the only thing really, to do in this place.

  “Okay, well, that’s enough about all that unpleasantness,” J says. “I am actually here with a little bit of a surprise for you, ladies.”

  Everyone’s eyes light up with excitement. When Olivia turns to me, I pretend that I can’t wait to see what it is either.

  “Okay, why don’t you line up here, one next to another.” J spreads his hands and we divide ourselves into two even groups.

  Five on each side.

  Is that all the girls who are left?

  I’ve never counted everyone before, but now…now, the numbers are dwindling down, there are few enough to count.

  Once everyone is in position, J turns himself to the front door. Mirabelle and all the servers, except for one, gather behind him.

  A moment later, the door swings open and the King enters.

  He looks exactly like the man I saw sitting upon that silver velvet high-back throne.

  He is dressed in a similarly expensive and exquisitely tailored three-piece suit, which accentuates his fit, slender physique.

  He narrows his eyes as he presents himself to us and Mirabelle curtsies before him.

  I quickly follow her lead and so do the rest of the contestants.

  “That was quite an event, wasn’t it, girls?” he asks in a condescending manner.

  He does not use the word girls to be playful or fun, but rather to demean us. But if that’s the most belittling thing he does, that would be a joy.

  I somehow doubt it.

  He adjusts his stand and crosses his hands in front of him. His cufflinks sparkle in the evening light. The chandelier above our heads illuminates the whole room completely, while maintaining the intensity of light candlelight. Even the lights here are rich.

  “I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to York. Personally,” he continues when we all rise to our feet. “Yes, I am the King of York, but I also have a name. Alistair Bay.”

  The name Alistair explains the light English accent. It’s not exactly a name that’s popular in America.

  Alistair Bay.

  As in the Bay Foundation.

  Of course.

  He walks over to the girl at the far end of the line and picks up her hand. Mirabelle motions to her to curtsy and she does what she is told, even though the execution comes out rather clumsy.

  The King lifts up her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” she giggles in return.

  He makes his way down the line and then finally gets to me.

  “Ah, we meet again, Everly March,” he says, taking my hand to his lips.

  a , but he mentions my name.

  I must’ve made an impression, but I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.

  “It’s very nice to see you again,” I lie and bend my knees slightly before him.

  “Now that I’ve met all of you, I want to tell you what a pleasure it has been to watch you since you’ve been here. It has been a real joy. You are a crazy bunch, aren’t you?” he jokes.

  The contestants all giggle and laugh and I force myself to follow suit.

  You’re supposed to be happy to be here, I say to myself. Act accordingly.

  “Well, good,” he says. “I’m glad you’re having a good time. That’s what York is all about, after all.”

  Hardly, I say to myself.

  “Now that we have all met, I want to announce to you, officially, whose hand in marriage you will be competing for.”

  The women around me look at him in anticipation.

  I clench my jaw to keep my heart from jumping out of my chest.

  The King waits for a moment and then a big eager smile spreads across his face.

  “Me!” he announces proudly.

  Chapter 11 - Everly

  When we see him…

  The forced smile on my face vanishes immediately and I can’t bring it back no matter what I do. Instead, I try to hide. I put my hand over my mouth and look surprised. The surprise is more of a shock and this is the only expression that’s authentic.

  So, at the end of this, if I beat out all the rest - and that’s a big if - my prize will be marriage to this man?

  I look at him as he watches our reaction.

  There is ruthlessness in his eyes.

  He knows everything about this place - all of its darkest corners and alcoves. But worse yet, he likes it that way.

  After a few moments, I gather my thoughts and paint a plastic smile on my face. Then I glance around the room at the other contestants.

  Most are smiling and nodding just like they were before.

  Did they know about this already?

  Am I the only one who didn’t? I look at Savannah and Olivia.

  They are harder to read.

  Their smiles are smaller, somewhat polite. Their grins aren’t quite as wide-toothed in comparison to the others.

  But what does that mean?

  “I am pleased to see how excited you all are,” the King says, nodding his head.

  I narrow my eyes and try to analyze him. But what exactly am I looking for?

  He’s a man with immense wealth and power on the global stage. He’s the head of a large company, probably even a conglomerate.

  And yet, that’s not enough for his ego.

  He went out of his way to build up this island, create this place called York, which he rules as the King.

  All titles have to be bequeathed with power. I can call myself the President of the United States all I want, but unless I’m elected and others approve of that title, it’s meaningless.

  But the fact that others refer to him as the King…my throat clenches up in fear.

  The truth is that I know very, very little about this place and the people who run it. That’s what happens when you are just a pawn in the game of chess.

  You are nobody.

  You are dispensable.

  And yet, you do possess some power.

  If you make it far enough, you can get a promotion.

  A pawn has the ability to become a knight, rook, bishop, and queen.

  My intention is to become Queen.

  The King and Mirabelle exchange looks and she gives him a brief nod.

  “Now, it’s time for another introduction,” the King says.

  Two servers quickly walk over to the main doors and swing them open.

  By now, I should expect the unexpected, but I do not expect to see him.


  I hate everything about this place, but he is the one I truly despise.

  He made me believe that I might have a friend here.

  He made me let down my guard.

  He lied to me about his vulnerability.

  All of that is unforgivable.

  But he did teach me a valuable lesson; I cannot trust anyone here.

  No matter what.

  Dressed in an exquisite suit with French cuffs and sparkling cufflinks, which I’m sure are diamonds, he comes through the doors and takes his position next to his father.

  Easton’s face is calm and severe.


  His eyes refuse to meet mine.

  The King proudly watches the contestants look at his son.

  How much of what Easton told me was true? Does he really live in New York?

  Does he really only come here for these events?

  Or is everything I know about him a falsehood?

  “Ladies, this is my son, Easton Bay,” the King says.

  My eyes dart to Mirabelle. Her one foot steps behind the other in a curtsy.

  I quickly follow suit. When I return back up, I’m startled to see the King’s eyes on mine. He gives me an approving nod.

  Easton takes a step forward and proceeds to give each of us a kiss on the back of the hand.

  When he comes to me, my whole body starts to shake. But I try to keep myself composed.

  You can do this, I say to myself over and over.

  Easton takes a step toward me and, for the first time since he has been in this room, our eyes meet. His are dark and as mysterious as ever.

  His face is expressionless, calm; it’s what I imagine a sociopath looks like.

  I cannot read it like Abbott’s face.

  It doesn’t flash in anger, disappointment, or any other emotion.

  He is stoic and reserved.

  “It is a pleasure to see you again, Ms. March,” Easton says and kisses the back of my hand. I flutter my eyelashes at him and nod.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” I lie.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Easton,” the King says. “Now, are you supposed to call her that?”

  Easton looks at him without a tinge of fear.

  “I figured we could let go of the formalities now that she and I have been better acquainted?”

  The King narrows his eyes in disapproval.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, was I not supposed to share that information?” Easton challenges him. What is going on here? I wonder. Why is he doing this?

  “Well, if you want to do away with the formalities, let’s!” the King announces. “No more numbers, ladies. From now on, you may go by your real names.”

  The King doesn’t seem pleased to be forced into this position, but he doesn’t explain himself further.

  I look up at Easton, confused. He doesn’t give me a response.

  What I do realize is that he has put me into a precarious position.

  Now I’m going to have to explain myself to Olivia, Savannah, and everyone else.

  Why did Easton call me Ms. March?

  What does he know about me?

  And what should I say in return?

  “Since you are already acquainted with Ms. March, why not meet the rest of the ladies?” the King suggests. Easton clenches his jaw, but keeps his thoughts to himself.

  “Go on now,” the King nudges.

  Easton takes a deep breath and does as he is told. Each contestant gives him her name and he again kisses their hand and tells them what a pleasure it is to meet them. When it’s my turn, he skips over me and goes straight to Olivia.

  “Perfect,” the King says after Easton takes a step back from the last one on the end.

  Chapter 12 - Everly

  When there’s an announcement…

  The King is toying with him.

  Mocking him.

  There’s tension between them, and that tension makes me wonder.

  How complicit was Easton in what he did back there? When he seduced me?

  “Okay then, now that you have all met, I have an announcement to make,” he says. “Your challenge.”

  The women all gasp and a few even clap from excitement. I continue to stand there with a blank expression and an unwavering smile on my face.

  “Your challenge will be a simple one. You see this man here?” he says, pointing to Easton. “You will have to go on a date with him.”

  Easton’s face remains expressionless and I have no idea if this is news to him or not. The girls, on the other hand, get excited. They clap and cheer and one of them even jumps up and down.

  I can’t bring myself to feign that level of exuberance.

  “So, what about you, Ms. March?” the King calls me out. “Everyone seems very happy with this news. How about you?”

  I shrug before I can stop myself.

  “I’m pleased, your majesty,” I say.

  “You don’t look pleased.”

  “It’s just that I’m wondering why the task is to go on a date with your son when we are in competition to marry you?”

  The words just come out of my mouth before I can stop myself.
  Shut up, Everly, I say to myself. Just shut up.

  “Well, since you asked… I trust my son. He has a good head on his shoulders and I want to see you all on a date. But maybe because I have other things to do at this point.”

  He doesn’t need to offer me this explanation, of course.

  I mean, who the hell am I here? But he does and I appreciate it. Even though I doubt that it’s the truth.

  “I appreciate your explanation,” I say graciously. “Thank you.”

  “Okay, then.” The King claps his hands. “I will be retiring for the night. So, I bid you farewell.”

  The servers open the doors for him and he leaves. Easton quickly exits behind him.

  “So?” Olivia turns to me as soon as they both leave. “What happened? You already know Easton?”

  Her eyes glisten with excitement. She’s holding my hands in the air in front of hers in anticipation.

  “It’s nothing,” I mumble.

  “Oh, c’mon! Don’t lie to me, girl!” she says.

  “Yes, tell us. What’s the deal?” Savannah asks.

  The rest of the contestants, the girls I have yet to meet, gather around me. I’m on the spot. I want to tell them the truth, but I don’t know if I should.

  “Nothing.” I shrug. “It’s really nothing.”

  “Oh, c’mon, it has to be something,” Olivia presses.

  I know that I won’t be able to get away with just saying nothing.

  “Well, if you must know,” I say, leaning closer to them. “I met him before. In the garden. He was just sitting there and we started talking. I had no idea who he was. That’s why I was so surprised when he came in here.”

  “So, you didn’t know he was the prince?”

  I shake my head no and try to look as innocent as possible. I must be getting better at this lying thing because they all smile and nod at me, waiting for my next lie.

  “I had no idea,” I say with a big shrug. “Honestly, if I had, I would’ve probably freaked out or something. He was just sitting and we got to talking. I told him my name, stuff like that.”

  “Did he tell you his?” Olivia asks.

  It’s a challenge. I think. But I’m not sure. I roll the dice.


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