In My Sights (1 Night Stand Series)

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In My Sights (1 Night Stand Series) Page 3

by L. J. Garland

  “Bobby,” she whispered in a fervent breath.

  Lust careened through him. How his name on her lips could elicit such a reaction in him he had no clue. Other women had said his name…just never with the same urgent passion. And he intended to give her the relief she sought. Pressing his face to her heat, he slid his tongue along the narrow opening of her core.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. Shifting her other leg to the side, she offered him better access.

  Groaning, he moved deeper, the erotic act causing his body to pulse with need. Drifting one palm over her quivering belly, he reached up to her breast and rolled the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Laving her sweet cleft, he teased the tight bundle of nerves.

  Siobhan tightened the leg draped over his shoulder, urging him closer. She drove her fingers through his hair, her nails digging into his scalp to hold him in place. Glancing up, he watched her—eyes closed, a light flush tinting her chest, her body trembling beneath him. She was close….

  “Yes. Oh, Bobby,” she gasped and arched against his mouth.

  Hot satisfaction washed through him at bringing her to climax. Sweet Heaven! God, she looked so good with her head thrown back, lost in the pleasure he gave her as he continued to devour her.

  With a last sexy whimper, she eased back to the mattress and glanced down at him, her eyes glazed with contentment. He caressed her thigh and laid soft kisses on the inside of her knee, giving her a moment to recover—though his body ached to join with her, to experience the same release he’d given her.

  “Wow, that was….” She sighed. “Intense.”

  He grinned. “Glad you liked it, darlin’. But we’re only just getting started.”

  She dragged the tip of her high heel up his thigh and past his hip to his shoulder, her silky calf mirroring the one draped on the other side. “More?”

  His pulse jumped. Oh yeah, he’d give her more. All night until they were either both satisfied or passed out—preferably both.

  He shoved to his feet, his knees weak from lust, the blood rushing to more immediate areas. While he fumbled with his zipper, he imagined all the ways he would take her and how she would scream his name, clinging to him as he thrust deep inside her.

  “Sweetheart, we have all ni—”

  The hotel phone rang, grating the air and his last damn nerve. Fuck!

  Seeming to anticipate his move, Siobhan lowered her legs from his shoulders just as he rounded toward the bedside table. He snatched up the receiver.

  “What?” he barked.

  “Peek-a-boo,” a metallic voice warbled over the line. “Oh, I see you.”

  Confusion iced his veins. “What the hell?”

  “Did you enjoy those creamy thighs up around your ears?”

  He gripped the phone tighter.

  “Tell me, did she taste as good as she looked when she came in your mouth?”

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Siobhan and I have unfinished business, and you’re in my way. She’s mine, Bobby. She was just a paycheck at first, but you’ve just made it personal.”

  He looked at Siobhan, who frowned at him from the bed. Instinct kicking in, he shifted his gaze to the window, and his gut clenched. They’d left the curtain open. Dropping the receiver, he lunged across the mattress, grabbed Siobhan, and dragged her over the edge.


  The distinctive crack of glass met his ears just as the two of them tumbled to the floor on the side of the bed away from the window. A muffled thump sounded above his head. He twisted around, spotting the bullet hole in the wall next to them.

  Shit! Too close! Digging into his pants pocket, he pulled his phone out and tapped the autodial with his thumb. After the second ring, his call was answered, and he said, “I have a situation here.”

  Chapter Four

  “You’ll be all right, then?” Bobby stood in the bathroom doorway, reluctant to leave Siobhan alone after what happened at the hotel.

  She nodded and eased down farther into the bubble bath. He glanced toward the window, ensuring for the third time the mini-blinds were closed. They still were. Damn, he didn’t need to be second-guessing himself.

  “It was nice of your friend to let us come here.” Her quiet voice rang with calmness, and she lifted her gaze to his. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Well, I’ll be right outside if you need me.” He closed the door to give her some privacy while she soaked in Kyle’s tub. He stared at the floor, the light from the bathroom spilling beneath the door. The memory of lying on top of her as the bullet cracked the window and smacked into the wall replayed in his mind, and he grimaced.

  She’d handled the situation well. He wouldn’t have blamed her a bit if she’d had a major meltdown back in the hotel room, screamed, cried, and totally freaked out. But she hadn’t. She’d held it together almost as well as the guys he worked with.

  When he’d called for help, Colin had answered immediately. Bobby had wrapped a sheet around Siobhan and held her close, out of sight on the floor until Colin, Zeke, Kyle, and the new guy, Jason, showed.

  Since a silencer had been used and the window had only been cracked with a small hole, they’d been able to keep the incident quiet. The hotel management called in a local detective, who agreed to work with the team and not bring in the entire police force. All parties concurred the less public attention the better.

  After checking the trajectory, both Colin and Jason had gone to the hotel rooftop two streets over, where they’d calculated the shot had originated while Zeke and Kyle remained in the room. It hadn’t taken long for Colin to report the shooter had left no traces.

  “We didn’t even find any casings,” he’d said over the cell on their way back. “Seems the guy wants to remain anonymous.”

  Between the five of them, they’d gotten Siobhan safely to Kyle’s house, where she immersed herself in hot soapy water. She seemed okay, although she hadn’t said much, but he knew she had to be wigging out on the inside.

  He strode back into the living room where the guys had settled. “She’s okay for the moment, but the adrenaline high she’s riding is gonna crash soon. So, let’s make this quick.”

  Kyle handed him a mug of coffee. “Okay, explain to us how you can manage to turn a date into a full scale operation.”

  He gave the man a sideways look. “Believe me, that wasn’t my intention.”

  Zeke stood and crossed to the window. “Oh, judging from the naked woman wrapped in a sheet we just hustled out of a five-star hotel room, I’d say it’s safe to say we all know what your intentions were. What we want to know is how you managed to get the situation FUBAR.”

  Bobby winced. Zeke was right, damn it. He’d made some major missteps with his mind solely on getting Siobhan naked. He told the guys about her past and the sniper who’d grazed her temple with a bullet. “Tonight was her first venture out, an attempt to regain control of her life. The shooting had turned her into a virtual hermit, and the time we’d spent in the dining room had taken its toll, so we decided to take it upstairs.”

  He glanced over at Zeke, waiting for a smart-assed comment, but the man still had his back to him, looking out the window.

  “On the way to the elevator, some dude in a baseball cap bumped into me. I didn’t think a thing of it. He said sorry and staggered away. And when we got to the room, Siobhan cleared it like a pro, including checking behind the shower curtain. If I hadn’t had my head up my ass, I would’ve noticed the drapes hadn’t been drawn.”

  Tugging at the neck of the borrowed shirt from Kyle, he paced the room. “We, well, you know, we were…fuck you guys don’t need details. The phone rang three times. When I finally answered, it was the sniper. He said a few things then called me by name, said—”

  Colin jumped from his chair. “Wait, he called you by name?”

  “Yeah, I’m guessing the guy downstairs who bumped into me lifted my wallet. I can’t find the damned thing anywhere.”

  “So, the guy with the ba
ll cap.” Jason spoke up. “He’s the shooter, and you never even noticed him picking your pocket?”

  Anger flared hot in his gut, and Bobby rounded on him. “Yeah, Jase, I fucked up several times. Wanna rub it in more?”

  Jason put his hands out in front of him. “Hey, I’m just trying to get the facts straight. Don’t get pissed at me. I’m the last one to judge anyone’s actions. Believe me.”

  Colin moved in front of Bobby and placed his hands on his shoulders. “Think. What do you remember about the guy?”

  He hung his head, closed his eyes, and tried to gather his thoughts. “Florida State ball cap, black hair just above his collar, dark beady eyes, and a thick, muscular build.”

  He looked up and glanced at the guys, all watching him—even Zeke had turned his attention from the window. “That’s it. That’s all I remember about him. But you can damn well bet he knows everything about me by now.”

  Kyle leaned against the wall. “Well, it’s obvious neither of you two can go home. You’ll both stay here in the guest room. I’ll take first watch tonight. You need to go get your girl out of the tub and settle her in.”

  Zeke headed for the door. “I’ll come back around two a.m. and keep watch outside. What say we all meet up around noon and figure out our next move?”

  Colin joined him. “Sounds good. Jason, you’re our computer wizard. See what you can dig up about the shooting six months ago. We’ll need all the info we can get, if you catch my meaning.”

  Bobby glanced at the kid, knowing he’d just been asked to hack into whatever systems necessary to get what they needed.

  Jason stood and met the three at the door. “You got it. If it’s out there, I’ll find it.”

  After they departed, Bobby turned to Kyle. “Thanks for letting us bunk here tonight. I hate bringing trouble to your door.”

  “Trouble’s my middle name, you know that. I’m gonna go take a walk outside for a quick look-see. There’s more coffee if your lady wants some. You might even find the makings for a sandwich.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “Look, Cat, I’m gonna ask just once. Don’t get pissed. I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but I need to put it out there and make sure we’re all on the same page.”

  No one else had asked the question he’d been waiting on. He’d expected it from Jason—the kid had only been with them three months and didn’t know him as well—but these guys had every right to ask and be answered. “Yes, she means something to me. I don’t know what just yet, but she’s important to me. So, no, I’m not just dumping her off with the police and letting them deal with it. This asshole has made it personal. He knows who I am. Won’t take long for him to find out I’m a designated expert sniper myself, but you can be damn sure I’ll see him in my sights before he finds me in his again.”

  A muffled gasp came from behind him, and Bobby closed his eyes. Damn it. Opening his eyes, he stared at Kyle—who reddened and promptly excused himself, leaving the house and the two of them alone.

  Turning, he found Siobhan wrapped in an extra-large towel, standing in the hallway. Her lips were parted, and if he wasn’t mistaken, a hint of fear shown in her blue eyes. “How much did you hear?”

  “The entire answer to your friend’s unasked question.” She clutched the towel tighter. “You…you’re a sniper?”

  At least wrapped in a bath sheet like that, he could be reasonably sure she wouldn’t run. But damn, he couldn’t stand being the reason for the panicky expression on her face. He needed to fix this quick.

  “Among many, many other things, yes. Before I joined the pararescuemen, I was a sniper with the Army Rangers. One of the best.” He took a couple steps toward her. “I’ll never lie to you Siobhan, but I guess I should have mentioned that fact after you told me your story.”

  “Yes, you should have.”

  He took another few steps, within touching distance. “I’m also a medic and parajumper. I’ve trained all my life to save people. Heck, I jump out of perfectly good airplanes to do just that. I swear to you, I’m a good guy.” He reached out and brushed the back of his fingers along her cheek and jawline.

  She trembled, and her eyes welled. Sinking to her knees, she whimpered and the floodgates opened. He gathered her in his arms, headed for Kyle’s spare bedroom, and set her gently on the mattress. Turning, he rummaged through a dresser, found a pair of boxers and blue cotton T-shirt, and proceeded to help her dress.

  Waiting until she’d finished dressing, he pulled her to him and lay back on the bed, allowing her to bury her face in his chest. He was amazed she’d lasted this long before letting go. Combing his fingers through her hair, he held her while she cried. When she finally quieted, he kissed the top of her head and held her tight.

  “I thought for sure what happened before was over,” she said. “And tonight, when I met you, I’d been absolutely positive I could let the pain of the past go.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes still watery, and he couldn’t help but bend and kiss the tears from her cheeks. “I promise I will do everything in my power to stop the guy, and I have a considerable amount of power.” God, he wanted her, but after what had happened at the hotel, he wasn’t about to add any sexual pressure. He would give her whatever she needed—whether that meant holding her close or giving her several orgasms so she’d forget some bastard had tried to kill her. Either way, the choice would be hers.

  She gazed at him. “I was right about one thing tonight. I’ve let the pain go. At the moment, I’m just angry.” She frowned, and determination bloomed in her eyes. “I want my life back, Bobby. I want the control he took from me. Did you mean what you said about me maybe being someone important to you?”

  His heart stuttered. God, she’d heard that, too? He hadn’t really had time to analyze his feeling for her, but his gut reaction confirmed his earlier confession. There was something about Siobhan that had captured his senses. He wanted to spend time with her. To get to know her better—hell, a part of him felt like he already knew her. “I meant every word I’ve said tonight. You’re important to me, Siobhan. We may have just met, but I believe in connections. You and I have one, one which can only grow stronger.”

  “I feel the same. You give me strength and a desire for something more than I’ve had in a long time. So, I hope my next request won’t change the way you feel.”

  He shook his head. “There’s nothing you could ask of me that could alter my opinion of you.”

  “Good.” She swallowed and narrowed her gaze on him. “Teach me to shoot tomorrow?”

  Chapter Five

  Restless energy jangled Siobhon’s nerves as she followed Bobby onto a shooting range, some big, bulky rifle slung over his shoulder and a rolled up mat tucked under his arm. She’d thought maybe learning how to fire a high-powered weapon would give her some perspective, possibly help her get past her fear and sense of helplessness. God, she hated being a victim, hated feeling weak.

  “Are you sure it’s okay for us to be out here?” She glanced around. “The place seems deserted.”

  “Middle of the week.” He took her hand, his fingers warm and strong. “But we’ve got two hours for a private lesson. The whole place is ours with no interruptions. Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “No.” She looked up at him, her stomach clenching with anxiety. “I need to do this. Besides, we’re here already.”

  Thankful that his friend Kyle had gone back to the hotel last night and grabbed her overnight bag, she was at least comfortable in her own T-shirt, jeans, and undergarments.

  Bobby led her past an open pavilion and across the range to a sandy road leading off to the right. Rangy pines flanked their path along with a line of thick undergrowth. They hadn’t walked very far before she couldn’t see where they’d parked the car. Her trepidation grew. What the hell had she been thinking, coming out in the middle of nowhere?

  “Here we are.” His words shook her from thoughts of flight.

  She stood by, gnawing
on her fingernail while he unrolled the mat on the ground.

  Turning to her, he grinned. “Okay, so this,” he said, holding up the rifle, “is an M110 semi-automatic sniper rifle. It’s what the Army uses, and it runs like a bat outta hell.”

  She frowned.

  He pulled a stocky rectangular object from his back pocket. “This is the magazine. Holds the ammo.”

  “Th-those are the bullets?” She stared at the brass-colored cylinders with their pointy tips. “They look big.”

  “Darlin’, these aren’t big.” He shoved the magazine into the rifle, the metal on metal creating a resounding clack. “A fifty cal is big. But these get the job done.”

  She swallowed. Is that how the guy who shot at her thought, too? She brushed her hair from her face, her finger grazing the scar on her temple, and she jolted. Oh, crap. I don’t know if I can do this.

  He pulled two legs down from the barrel. “This is the bipod. Helps with stability and accuracy.”

  He knelt and set the rifle on the ground and lowered himself onto the mat. Peering through the scope, he turned knobs. Her breath jammed in her throat. He looked so…natural. Like adjusting knobs and setting up a deadly weapon was just another day at the office. She bit her lower lip. For him, it probably was.

  Appearing satisfied, he set the rear of the gun on the mat. He rose and rounded back to her. “Hey. It’s okay.”

  Bobby reached for her, pulled her into his arms. She nuzzled his chest, embracing the security he offered. He stroked her hair.

  “Look, we don’t have to shoot the rifle. I was worried when you suggested it, but then I could also see the reasoning behind it.” He kissed the top of her head. “We can play this thing any way you want. Fast. Slow. Or I can just hold you.”

  Though she trembled, she snorted. “That’s what you said at the hotel.”


  “Right before I kissed you.”

  He chuckled. “And after you did, I stripped you naked and—”

  She swatted his shoulder. “I know exactly what you did.”


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