Beach Love (Love Collection Book 4)

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Beach Love (Love Collection Book 4) Page 9

by Natalie Ann

  But Connor did turn out good. He turned into the person she was hoping he’d be. Into the boyfriend she’d always wanted and was thrilled she’d found and could call hers.

  She had no reason to doubt him, other than her own jealousy and insecurity. She never remembered being that way before and was bothered more than she cared to admit that her past relationships were controlling her decision when she’d never let them before, especially since she was actively looking for a relationship. She’d been willing to put her horrid past relationships behind her, yet she obviously wasn’t doing that good of a job with it.

  She had to find a way to make it up to him somehow. She just wasn’t sure how.

  After their talk tonight, they’d stayed on the island again, even though she wanted to push the issue to go over the bridge and into the city. It wasn’t the right time. He’d said more than she’d thought he would and she knew in her heart she had to let it go. That a wall had been broken down with him, even if it was just a thin one.

  They’d never be able to move forward if she couldn’t put his past—and hers—behind them both.

  Good for You

  “You look stunning,” Connor said when Melissa walked out of his bathroom weeks later. The long navy blue dress was made for her body, hugging her curves and flaring at the bottom, the back open, exposing her soft smooth skin. She and Sheldon had gotten their hair done earlier in the day and hers was pulled up in some complicated twist that he was dying to get his fingers in and pull down later tonight. He loved her all messed up.

  “Thank you. I wasn’t sure I’d find a dress on such short notice. Being on the short side makes gowns a bit harder to find.”

  “But you did,” he said, pulling her in.

  “Thanks to Sheldon. She can talk anyone into anything. But in this case, she’d told the woman who she was and started to ask a million questions, saying that her next book was going to have a seamstress in it.”

  “The lady fell for it?” Connor had known all along who Sheldon was. Erik had told him before their wedding.

  “She did because Sheldon will put it in one of her books. She’d never spend that much time with someone and then not use the information. She drove me insane when I was showing her houses. That’s how we got to be such good friends.”

  “I’m glad you have her.”

  She tilted her head to the side and looked at him oddly. “Me too, but where did that statement come from?”

  He shrugged and then grabbed his black tie off the dresser. “I’ve never had a best friend like that. I’ve got friends, don’t get me wrong. Erik is one of the closest, but most of my friends are at face value. You’ll see that tonight.”

  He was more nervous than he’d ever been going to one of these events. Part of him didn’t want Melissa to be exposed to who he used to be, and the other part was he didn’t want her opinion to revert back to what it was before.

  “I told you not to worry about your mother. I won’t leave your side. If I do, I’ll have Sheldon with me. You know girls have to even go to the bathroom together. I’ll be fine.”

  He had to take her word for it because there was no going back now. “Let’s finish getting ready. The limo with Erik and Sheldon will be here soon.”

  “I can’t believe you got us a limo for the night.”

  “We can all relax and drink. No worries. The limo will take them back to their hotel in town. Erik said he didn’t want to stay in Baltimore for the night and figured you two girls would want to chat on the ride back.”

  “Sheldon would have driven Erik nuts if she wasn’t able to decompress with me after. She gets in an environment like this and starts taking notes. She won’t be able to have a notebook with her, so I’m sure she’ll be typing on her phone in the bathroom or memorizing as much of the night as she can.”

  “Erik mentioned something about that too.”

  “Let me do your tie for you,” she said walking up to stand in front of him. “You sure do look dashing in this tux. Not rented, I’m sure.”

  “Hardly,” he said, then tweaked her nose. “I’ve got something for you.”

  “You didn’t need to get me anything,” she said when he handed over a small jewelry box.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “Open it,” he said. She did and gasped. “How did you know these would match? Connor, it’s way too much.”

  “No. They’re just right. And Sheldon told me what color your dress was.” He knew the dress was going to have a high neck per Sheldon, so he didn’t bother with a necklace. She didn’t wear bracelets either, but she always had earrings in. The diamond stud with the dangling sapphire teardrop caught his eye. “Do you like them?”

  “I love them,” she said. She pulled her own earrings out and replaced them with the new ones, then tugged him in and held him tighter than she ever had before. There was a knock at his front door. “I’ll go get it. You finish getting ready. I can show Sheldon around, because I know she’ll want to check the place out.”

  “Thanks,” he said, then took a deep breath. For a moment he thought she might say she loved him, but she didn’t and he was trying to hide his disappointment.


  “This is something else, isn’t it?” Sheldon asked her when they looked around the ballroom. Sheldon and Melissa were seated at their table while the men went to get them a drink. There was a fifth seat at the table and she had a feeling it might be Connor’s grandfather since they were seated close to the podium.

  “I feel so out of place right now.”

  “Why?” Sheldon asked. “You rub elbows with the rich all the time.”

  “Not like this. Not in this setting. And Connor’s parents and grandfather will be here. I haven’t met them yet.”

  “What better way to meet them than to be all glammed up like we are.”

  “Ha ha. Easy for you to say.”

  “Relax, Melissa. Connor or I will be by your side the whole time. I’m kind of looking forward to Connor’s mother saying something to you. I need an evil bitch for my next romantic suspense.”

  Melissa laughed. “You always know the right things to say.”

  “I do. That’s why you love me so much.”

  Melissa leaned over and put her head on Sheldon’s shoulder for the moment. “You know I do. I’d be lost without you half the time.”

  “Same goes,” Sheldon said. “And here come our men. Damn. Are they a treat for the eyes or what? Erik is going to be one lucky man tonight.”

  “They sure are handsome and if Connor plays his cards right, he’ll be whistling in the morning too,” Melissa said, her eyes softening when his light blue ones met hers. She was thinking he was feeling the same as she was right now and she wished she could grab his hand and find a private place for them. Ten minutes, that was all they’d need.

  “You’ve got it so bad,” Sheldon said.

  “I sure do.”

  “Here is your wine,” Connor said, handing it over, then leaning in and giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

  “Who’s the other seat for?” she asked.

  “My grandfather. I told you he wants to meet you and what better way for him to get to know you than sitting at the table with us? I saw him at the bar getting a scotch, so be prepared.”

  “Prepared for what?” she asked. She was already nervous; she didn’t need anything else to put pressure on her tonight.

  “He can be a bit gruff is all. Don’t take offense.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Good, because here he comes.”

  Connor turned her to face an older man that looked a lot like Connor. Same height, heavier but a definite strength behind him for someone who was diagnosed with a crippling disease over fifteen years ago.

  “Grandpa,” Connor said. “This is my girlfriend, Melissa Mahoney. And Erik and Sheldon McMann. Everyone, my grandfather, Andrew Landers.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Melissa said, trying to force the words out of her mouth. Con
nor called her his girlfriend. If she wanted to break out in a dance with Sheldon who let out a little giggle next to her, she fought that urge...barely.

  “You’re on the little side,” Andrew said.

  “You’re on the big side,” she said back to him.

  She wouldn’t have known he heard her, if he didn’t wink. Otherwise he pulled out a seat, which happened to be across from where she’d been sitting.

  “When is the food coming out?” Andrew asked. “I’m not getting any younger and I’m starving.”

  Connor looked at her and smiled. “I’m sure the salad will be out in a few minutes.”

  “Salad. They told me a nice filet. I’m donating all this money and I said if they wanted me here then they better feed me good.”

  Sheldon elbowed her and Melissa knew right away she was taking mental notes. “Grandpa, a salad will be good for you.”

  “So is my scotch because I saw your parents at the bar. Next round is on me.”

  Melissa started to choke on that, but Andrew sent her another wink. At least she had someone in her corner.

  Unfortunately, the humor of the night was short lived. The men had all gotten up to go talk to someone on the board of the hospital, Andrew having to all but be dragged, leaving the two women alone. An older woman in a fitted black gown made her way to the table. Melissa had spotted the woman earlier on the arm of a man that had to be Connor’s father. The resemblance was just too close.

  Neither of them came over to talk to their son, nor did they give a little wave. Nothing. Even if they didn’t want to talk to Connor, Melissa figured they’d talk to Andrew, but they were keeping their distance. If she found the whole thing weird, she didn’t let on.

  The woman stopped in front of her and Sheldon. “Hello, dear.” There was nothing nice about the endearment at all. Snarky was a better description.

  “Hi,” Melissa said. “Do I know you?” She could play coy too.

  “I’m sure you’re aware of who I am. I’m Colette Landers. Connor’s mother.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Melissa said, standing. “I’m Melissa Mahoney.”

  Colette took her hand, fast and limp. Melissa hated shaking hands with women who couldn’t be bothered, or portrayed a helplessness. Weakness. But there was no weakness in Colette’s eyes. Rather there was a coolness. Annoyance was more like it.

  “We can dispense with all the pleasantries.” Sheldon snorted, but Colette continued on, barely glancing at her best friend. “Connor will tire of you soon enough. He always does. I hope he at least makes it worth it for you. But whatever you’re thinking, you won’t be getting any of his money or his name. If he is stupid enough to get seriously involved with anyone, there will be an ironclad prenup drawn up.”

  “You’re speaking from experience, I gather,” Melissa said, her tone indicating nothing more than curiosity.

  “That is none of your business,” Colette said.

  “You’re right, it’s not. Neither is my relationship with Connor any of your business. Now if you don’t have anything else left to say, I’d like to continue on with my evening.” Melissa sat back down, not bothering to be polite, nor did she offer a seat to Colette.

  “I don’t know where he found you, but you won’t make it. You’ll be eaten alive in our world,” Colette said, turning on her heel and walking away.

  “Wow,” Sheldon said. “Connor wasn’t kidding. Sorry, I’m going to be rude and pull my phone out. That was awesome. I’m even going to use her name too. What a bitchy name it is with the way she pronounced it.”

  Melissa burst out laughing. Before she could say anything to Sheldon, Andrew was standing next to her, “Well done,” he said. “I’ve seen some burst into tears or get ready for a catfight. No one has ever just dismissed her like that. Good for you.”

  For someone who said she never needed praise from a man in her life, she sure the hell loved hearing it from Andrew just now.

  Roll with It

  “I can’t wait to get out of here,” Connor said to Erik. “If it wasn’t for my grandfather donating this wing I wouldn’t have come tonight. Why did you come?”

  “For you.”

  “Really?” Connor couldn’t remember ever having a friend do that before. Ever do something for that reason, without wanting anything in return.

  “Yeah. Plus, Sheldon would never let Melissa be alone. Me neither. I told you I’ve got a soft spot for her.”

  “Is this where I get a lecture?” Connor asked, not really expecting it at this point.

  “Not at all. Sheldon says Melissa is very happy right now. I’m glad. You look different too. I don’t know that I’d use the word happy, but just different.”

  Connor laughed. “I don’t look happy?”

  “You always do. I guess I mean you don’t look any different for the most part, but I know you are. You’re tolerating all those pesky doctors and administrators coming up to you tonight wanting it to be seen that they’ve got your ear. Normally you walk away, but tonight you’re at least being patient, listening to them talk and then walking away.”

  He was trying to change. He was trying to not make a scene either. “I’ll take your word for it. I think we sound like a bunch of women right now and I’d rather not.”

  “Very true. Is that your mother over there at our table?”

  Connor turned. “Shit.” He walked away from the bar without their drinks and made his way to the table just in time to hear his grandfather praise Melissa. “What did she say?”

  “Nothing that your girlfriend couldn’t handle, Connor. Calm down and go back to the bar and get my scotch.”

  Connor wanted to argue, but he looked at Melissa smiling at him. Then she put her arm around his grandfather who had just sat in Connor’s seat for the moment. If that move surprised his grandfather he didn’t show it. He just put his old hand on Melissa’s and patted it.

  “You heard your grandfather. Go get our drinks. Maybe I’ll give you a special thank you later.”

  He had no choice when both of them were staring at him, Sheldon’s fingers going a mile a minute on her phone under the table ignoring the conversation around them.

  “Well,” Erik said when Connor got back to the bar as their drinks were being placed down. “What happened?”

  “I have no clue. They’re all smiling and laughing so I’m going to just roll with it.”

  “Sounds like the smart thing to do.”


  Melissa and Sheldon were getting up to go to the bathroom when someone stopped Sheldon, saying she looked like Shelly Cassidy. Sheldon always loved when that happened, though she never really broadcasted who she was in most public settings. “I’ll be right back, Sheldon.”

  “Are you sure?” Sheldon asked. They’d promised each other they wouldn’t separate, but even Melissa knew it was ridiculous at this point.

  “I’m good. I’m sure the worst is over.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right in.”

  Melissa made her way to the bathroom. There were four other women in there, all around her age talking in a pack. She excused herself and went into the stall, thinking they’d be gone when she was done.

  They weren’t. They were still there pretending to touch up their makeup. “So, the number has increased,” one of the women said to her.

  “Excuse me?” Melissa asked.

  Another one spoke up. One whose makeup looked to be baked on her face, her dress a size too small on top of it. “We come to these events so we can figure out the tally on the women that Connor Landers has taken to his bed. I think there might be ten here at last count. You make eleven.”

  What the hell was she supposed to say to this? She was thinking maybe Connor’s mother set these women up. “Good for you. I’ve got better things to do with my time than to have this conversation.”

  “You’re the only one that has ever snuggled up with the old man. That’s a new one. I wish I’d thought of that.”

  Melissa turned her head shar
ply and looked at a blonde that was close to six foot. She could be a model if she wanted to be, and Melissa was guessing she’d probably been in front of a camera a lot in her life. Some of it unclothed, she’d bet.

  “You’re being absurd. I just met Andrew tonight.” She didn’t know why she couldn’t keep her mouth shut and ignore these women.

  “Andrew?” the blonde said. “First name basis. Well, when Connor ends things with you, make sure you get something good out of it. I wear my bracelet everywhere.” The blonde held her arm out to show off a stunning multi-gem bracelet.

  Another woman held her hand out. “I love my emerald ring. Those are beautiful earrings. A gift from Connor? He sure does like jewelry.”

  She fought the urge to finger her earrings. “Good for him. For all of you, but if you’ll excuse me, I’m done here.” She brushed past them and hurried out of the restroom, trying to stop the shaking in her body, and bumped into Sheldon in the hall.

  “What’s the rush? Someone stink the joint up in there?”

  Melissa took a deep breath ignoring Sheldon’s joke. “I can’t do this. I don’t know how I thought I could.”

  “What are you talking about? Who’s in there? Did Connor’s mother say something to you again? What did she say? Don’t leave a word out,” Sheldon said, looking almost excited.

  Melissa cracked a grin, but her eyes filled. “It wasn’t his mother. It was another group of women. A group that knows Connor well.”

  “So they say,” Sheldon said. “Don’t let anyone get in your head. You’re better than that.”

  She lifted her fingers up and pulled the earrings out of her ears, then put them in Sheldon’s hand. “No. A few had something similar to what Connor gave me tonight. They weren’t lying.”

  “Melissa. Don’t read more into it.”

  “I don’t know what to read into it other than they told me there were eleven women in this room tonight that have slept with Connor. Eleven, Sheldon. I’ve slept with less than half of that number in my life.”


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