Irresistible Daddies Series Box Set

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Irresistible Daddies Series Box Set Page 44

by Katy Kaylee

“I love Christmas too! Although it’s bittersweet for me now because I lost my wife on Christmas eve. It’s never been the same for me or my son.”

  “Oh my God, Nathan, I’m so sorry. That had to be rough.” Christina replied, placing her hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s taken a toll on me and my son. When she died we were divorced. Even then I still loved her deeply. It was hardest on our son, being so young and losing his mom to cancer. Somehow, losing my wife taught me how to love and care for others, especially my son,” I admitted.

  “That’s such an eloquent way of looking at things. I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing the person I love.”

  “Hopefully you won’t have to.” Christina placed her hands against her heart. She took a deep breath and said, “Thank you for sharing that with me. I know that may have been hard to talk about with a stranger.”

  “Strangers?” I question. “Are we still strangers after an hour?”

  Christina reached for her glass of wine. She looked at me over her glass and said, “Maybe not complete strangers.”

  “Good. I’d like to think we have grown past the awkward stage of strangers.”

  “Well, that would depend on what happens next after our date,” Christina retorted.

  I nodded. “I liked the sound of your laugh and voice. It’s so alluring and arousing all at once.”

  “I’ll accept that as a compliment,” Christina agreed.

  “Tell me more about you, Nathan. Why were you on the dating site?”

  I took a few sips of my wine and considered how I was going to share certain parts of my life. I planted the glass of wine onto the table. “I was born an only child and both of my parents have passed on. Now, it’s just me and my son. I am a practicing psychologist, specializing in couples’ therapy and sex addictions. I’m fond of the arts and Italian cooking and I own a rusty 1958 Chevy. It still runs as smoothly as the day I bought it. “I contended.

  Christina nodded her head as she listened intently. I could tell by her body language that as the minutes went by she was beginning to like me. She licked her lips and said, “Can I go for a ride in your Chevy sometime?”

  I laughed nervously. I wasn’t expecting that question. “Of course, “I responded.

  “Awesome.” Christina said with a smile. “So, I’m curious about the dating site, what made you create a profile?”

  “Well, a few reasons. I’ll have to say because I’m single and as part of a study of human online dating behavior.”

  “Hmm…okay! Makes sense you’d specialize in couple’s therapy and are a psychologist. The million dollar question is, why are more people dating and not getting married these days?” Christina questioned. My brows went up as I was mentally stimulated by her question.

  “Well, the research is still pending. However, I would say more people are being open and honest about their fears and desires. Today, we’re more encouraged to be ourselves instead of fitting into someone else’s ideals even in dating or marriage,” I admitted.

  Christina nodded her head and said. “I think it’s because we’re all just a little tired of dealing with other people’s bullshit and want to focus on what makes us happy.”

  “That may be true or we all just might be crazy enough to still believe in love,” I confessed.

  “So, do you…believe in love?” Christina asked.

  “I do and I always will.”

  “Me, too. Good to know people like us still exist.” Christina raised her wine glass and proposed a toast. I met her in the middle with my glass raised. “To love; may we always be wild at heart and rebellious in spirit to set our souls on fire in pursuit of happiness.” Christina said with a smile.

  “To love!” Our glasses clinked and we sipped at the same time. I glanced down at my watch and realized that at least two hours had passed by. Most of the couples who were dining with us had left. I requested the check and Derrick eagerly obliged.

  “So what’s next?” Christina asked.

  “Good question. I was thinking maybe we could finish our evening with a brisk walk. If you don’t mind, I’d like to spend more time with you tonight.”

  Christina grazed my hand and nodded with a smile. “I’d like that very much. Let me skip to the ladies room and we can go.”

  “Sure thing.” I watched Christina slowly prance to the ladies room. Watching her from a distance caused me to stir inside my seat. I eagerly wanted to kiss and touch all over her body and listen to her soft moans in my ear. To taste the sweetness of her peach flavored waterfall upon my tongue would be heaven. I was confident she would be all mine. This was the beginning of a beautiful love story.



  I couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear. As soon as I made it back home all I could think about how wonderful my date with Nathan had gone. I didn’t really know what to expect from him. He was the perfect gentleman. I felt safe and special all at once. I never knew such a man like him could ever find interest in a girl like me. It had been a while since I’d felt butterflies for anyone outside of Macon. Since the date night, butterflies were dancing all over me. I couldn’t help myself. Nathan just made it easy to like him and feel safe in his presence. There was something magnetic and special about the way he would look at me with love in his eyes. It was like we were in the restaurant alone and time didn’t matter. It was by far one of the most fantastic dates I’d been on in a long time.

  When Nathan kissed me on my cheek last night after our date I nearly fainted. I mean, I wasn’t expecting to like him as much. When he leaned in to kiss me goodnight I grew nervous. I didn’t want to move too fast or rush things between us. But, I wanted him to feel the rush of my heartbeat and hear the excitement in my voice as we stood close to each other. It was the end of the night and Nathan held my hand and planted soft kisses on it. I giggled softly as he complimented me over and over again throughout the night. I’d never felt so special and appreciated by a man, not even with Macon.

  We were standing beneath a streetlight out in front of a local lounge. We didn’t want to go inside, it would be too noisy. I wasn’t too comfortable sitting in his car alone. I didn’t want my anxiety to get the best of me. So we just walked around town for a short while for the night. Nathan held my hand tightly inside of his and walked closely to me. He was very protective of me. He wouldn’t even let me step on as much as a twig on the sidewalk.

  I found him to be very romantic, in a subtly charming way. The more he talked about his life and things he wanted to do in the next few years, the more he inspired me. Here was this gorgeous, tall, middle-aged man telling me his biggest and wildest dreams. He wasn’t afraid to sound weird or strange. He just felt comfortable enough to be himself around me. Something in my heart felt like we’d known each other for years or maybe lifetimes before. There was something strong and compassionate about Nathan that made me want to spend the rest of my life with him. I knew it was too soon for wedding bells and honeymoons. But, the way he stirred my loins to a heated fire, I couldn’t help but dream about the future. By the end of the night, I knew I wanted to see Nathan again. Just to be sure that I wasn’t getting my hopes up for nothing. With his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and mine around his we stared deeply into each other’s eyes. Nathan bit his bottom lip and paused nervously. I could tell he was over-thinking his words and feelings just a bit.

  “Hey, what are you thinking about up there?” I asked.

  Nathan just flashed me his camera-ready smile and said, “Nothing. Just enjoying the moment.”

  “I am, too.”

  “Well, I know you have to go. But, when you get home tonight text me thumbs up or down on whether you enjoyed the date tonight. That way I won’t over analyze the little details.” I smirked at his honesty.

  “Fair enough.”

  Before I could capture my next breath, Nathan planted a kiss on my cheek. I was caught by surprise and couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. We said our goodbyes and exchanged
goodnights. By the time the door closed and the car sped off down the street Nathan was still standing in the same place I’d left him moments earlier.

  When I walked into my trailer later that night, I felt like I had met the man of my dreams. After I showered, I texted Nathan two thumbs up enthusiastically. Within two minutes he responded with two thumbs up and a smile.

  That night was the first night in a long time I went to bed with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, my situation hadn’t changed much since the last few weeks. I still needed a roommate to help manage some of the bills and to get a better place. It was starting to become harder than I thought. I knew meeting Nathan wasn’t accidental, so I remained hopeful that I would find a roommate in no time.

  I logged on to the dating site to see if I had any new messages from potential roommates. I was nearly knocked out of my chair when I opened my inbox to see messages from Nathan.

  Message one : You’re like a twister, you just blow me away.

  Message two : Could you stop being so beautiful? You’re driving me so crazy!

  Message three: How are you still single?

  Message four: Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite one

  Message five: I just saw the latest pic you uploaded, looking hotter than ever I see.

  Message six: I have so much to do. But, I keep getting distracted thinking about you.

  I scrolled to the last message and there was a bouquet of virtual red roses. In the caption was the question, “Can I see you again tonight?”

  Without even a second thought, I screamed a resounding yes!



  I wanted Christina to come to my home. I had the perfect plan to knock her off her feet with a romantic dinner for two. It took some convincing on my behalf because it was new for Christina to come to my home. I promised her that nothing would happen without her permission. She understood. I had to fairly warn her that I lived in a home underground. Christina just laughed and figured that our night would be interesting to say the least.

  Christina arrived by eight. I watched her look bewildered and lost from inside my home. I could tell she was growing increasingly nervous from her surroundings. The area in which I lived in for sparse for other homes and city lights. However, it was surrounded by large trees that nearly touched the sky. Christina rubbed her hands and cradled her body as she looked around nervously. The sun was just beginning to set and I didn’t want her standing out front too long.

  “Hey sunshine, you look amazing!” I greeted her excitedly.

  Christina took a few steps back nervously, startled by my voice.

  “Relax sweetheart, it’s alright. I promise.” I extended my hand towards Christina. She slowly grabbed mine and followed my lead inside. “I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you live underground,” Christina remarked.

  “Yeah, it’s different. But, I assure you it’s safe.” I affirmed. We walked inside my home and Christina was floored. She stood near the door and took everything in slowly.

  “You look surprised…Were you expecting a black cave?”

  Christina shook her and said, “ I didn’t know what to expect. I will say I am pleasantly surprised.

  I guided Christina toward the kitchen. Her grips tightened in my hand. “I’m glad you like it. I actually save a ton on my energy bill and if a natural disaster happens, this home is prepared.”

  “Wow ! I guess you thought of everything.”

  I shrug. “Sort of.”

  The table was set for two with sparkling candles and the scent of rosemary build the air. I pulled out a chair for Christina at the opposite end of the table. Christina was dressed more conservatively. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun as gemstone colored earrings dangled from each ear. Her turquoise knee-length dress just kissed the soft traces of her womanly curves. She was dressed for an evening of mystery and fun. I controlled myself as my desire to nibble on the back of her neck increased by the second. Christina placed her hands on her lap nervously. She watched my every move carefully.

  “How was your day today?” I asked trying to break the ice.

  Christina sighed. “It was okay I guess. I’ve been trying to find a roommate for weeks now. Still no luck.”

  “Well, maybe it’s not the best time for a roommate. I know your situation may be difficult. But, think about the idea of a roommate may just not be the best thing right now.”

  Christina turned her head sideways. Slightly agitated, she said, “I don’t think you understand what I mean, Nathan. I need a roommate since…well, since my last one didn’t work out the way I planned.”

  I began to prepare a salad for two to go along with our roasted chicken, asparagus, and brown rice. I brought the bowl to the island. Christina walked over toward me and started to ruffle the lettuce. Her helpful hand was much appreciated as I passed her a wooden spoon.

  “I’m sure that is really hard for you right now. I don’t want you to stress yourself out too much about that.” I insisted.

  Christina stared back at me with little hope in her eyes.

  “Hey, I mean it sunshine. Tonight, I just want you to focus on being here with me. I have some surprises in store for you.”

  “Surprises?” Christina questioned. “ What kind of surprises?”

  “The kind that puts a big smile on your face,” I replied with a smile.

  “I liked the sound of that.” I put on some mood-setting music and grabbed Christina by the hand to twirl her around a bit inside the kitchen. She was quite light on her feet and giggled with her playful side.

  Christina giggled and added, “Well, doctor I didn’t know you were so good on your feet.”

  “The night is still young my sweet. Brace yourself,” I warned.

  I turned the music down a notch and prepared for the evening with dinner. We were ten minutes into our dinner when Christina said something alarming.

  “Nathan, I’m a virgin,” she stated.

  I was nearly knocked out of my chair. I dropped my knife and fork back into my plate. I didn’t want my reaction to be too intimidating or aloof to her at that moment. I chose my words carefully. “Come again, sweetheart?”

  Christina reached for her glass of wine to her right and took a few sips. She paused before continuing to speak. “I just thought that with the candle light dinner and soft music we were…well you know by the end of the night. I just wanted to tell you beforehand. Are you mad?”

  I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat just a bit. I stared back at Christina and saw that she was nervous about sharing her news with me. I picked up my plate and moved closer to Christina. I planted my plate and glass of wine onto the table. I sat comfortably next to Christina and reached for her hand. I stared into her bright blue eyes and gripped her hand tightly. “I could never get upset with you if you’re honest with me. It’s important information for you to share that with me,” I contended.

  Christina smiled back at me, relieved. “I’ve been saving myself for the one. I didn’t want to you to think I was some sort of prude if we got to that point.”

  “I do have to ask you, Christina,” I paused. “Would you be willing to trust me tonight and try something new?”

  She pulled away my hand and looked back at me with a furrowed brow. “What do you mean, Nathan?”

  “I mean, would you like to make love to me tonight? I’m an older and mature man who will take my time making love to your body.”

  “I don’t know, Nathan. I’m scared and nervous.”

  I reach for Christina hand once more. “What makes you scared? Wouldn’t it be more of a wonderful experience if your first time is with a mature lover?”

  Christina nodded her head and said, “I’m sure you would take good care of me. Nathan, I always wanted my first time to be with the man I married and love.” I couldn’t deny the way Christina was feeling. I once shared those same feelings the first time I made love to my now deceased wife.

  “Christina, c
an I tell you something?” I asked.

  She nodded her head yes. “My son, who is around your age fell madly in love with a young woman. He wanted to marry this girl the moment they fell in love. He proposed and she said yes to his proposal. He thought she was going to be the one he would eventually marry. But, unfortunately things didn’t work out between them. He ended up with a broken heart and no one to love him afterwards.”

  “That so awful and sad.”

  “It is.” I admit. “But, my point is that we can wait all of our lives for the right one and end up with the wrong person.”

  Christina wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She began to grip my hand with her fingers and says, “I just wanted to share my love with the right one. Does that make sense?”

  “It does. Better to know what you’re getting into and be skilled for your mate’s sake.”

  Christina nodded her head once more. I could tell that my words were beginning to melt away her hesitation and doubt. To smooth things over one final time, I added, “Christina will you allow tonight to be the first night you trust me with your heart and body?”

  Christina squeezed my hand and gazed deeply into my eyes. With my free hand I wiped away the one tear forming in her eyes. Within a matter of minutes she nodded her head yes and said, “I’ll trust you Nathan.”

  Grateful I planted a kiss on her lips. “You won’t regret this, I promise.”

  “Good.” Christina confirmed.

  “I was also thinking that we could utilize our connection to bolster my research on the dating site.”

  Christina released a nervous laugh. “I’m sure this will help your research tremendously.”

  We finished our dinner and I led Christina to the other side of the home. Behind a locked door, I pulled out a key to get inside. “Is this your surprise?” Christina asked.

  “One of them, you’ll enjoy it. Just trust me.” I could tell that Christina was still a bit nervous. I squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. The door crept open slowly. The brisk cool air greeted our faces and taunted us to come deeper inside for a fun night. I could hear Christina whisper her shock and alarm. She skipped a breath and I led her deeper inside. It was time for us to unwrap her surprise.


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