The Beginning of the End

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The Beginning of the End Page 7

by Emily Allison

  Damon and Chloe jammed themselves in the cab with the scientist. An array of scents hit the mechanics nose, burning oil, spicy cologne, and a tinge of formaldehyde. Even though it was Damon’s idea to bring the old man, he would be honest to say he was a little uncomfortable being as close as he was to him. It could have been the rat and ferret that were settled in the man’s lap, staring at Damon with their beady little eyes that was unnerving, he couldn’t be sure. He forced himself to look ahead. When he heard the truck backfire, he prayed they would make it back to the truck.

  “I can’t help but feel like we are making a mistake by letting this guy come with us,” Harper grumbled deeply in his chest from the passenger seat. “It’s in my gut.”

  Damon rolled his stressed shoulders against the back of his seat. He couldn’t help feel an odd sensation swirling in his stomach, but he wouldn’t say it out loud. There was something in him, the thirst for knowledge….a thirst to know everything there was to know about the zombies.

  He sighed and flipped his head to face Harper’s direction. “I just wish you’d see what I do, the potential for good.”

  “Good intentions can lead to a lot of bad things, Damon. I have to think about the safety of those who call Vail home. We all do.”

  Damon felt his face flare with heat. “Don’t tell me about what Vail needs. I don’t know if you remember—I created it!” his anger boiled.

  Riley slapped the back of Damon’s headrest with a thud. “You had help! Don’t take all the credit,” he squawked.

  Chloe jabbed him in the ribs with a sharp jab from her tiny fists. “Not the time, Riley,” she whispered harshly out of the corner of her mouth.

  “You need to open your e----”

  “Alright guys-Please-Jeezus!” Chloe pleaded, jamming her head between them, she knew she had to stop the two before Damon careened off the road in a blind rage. She looked at Harper, flashing her emerald eyes in the darkening cabin. “We get it Harper. The man is a little wacky, but you can take him, and we’ll watch the zombie movement around the perimeter, yanno make sure that perfume stuff didn’t attract them.”

  A few seconds past with an awkward silence as tempers died down. Chloe watched the men for a few minutes but losing interest, she moved her gaze to peer out the window.

  “I guess we shall see,” he muttered finally. His big arms were set across his wide chest.

  Damon knew the big man was going to be watching the scientist like a hawk, praying for him to screw up just so he could put a bullet in his old brain. There was so much at stake, but he held onto the fact that this old man may have the answer to the problem everyone faced. He could possibly take away the zombie epidemic, and if the other experiments had positive outcomes, there would be little to worry about with the undead.

  The disappearing sun descended behind a wall of dense fog, and night swept over southern Wyoming. The death machine rolled down the black highway, headlights barely able to penetrate the mist, but reflected brightly against the painted lines in reassuring guidance which kept Damon on the pavement. Damon hated the fog more than anything else, more than rain or wind. Zombies hid in the fog, the human advantage was gone….pray surrounded by predators.

  He watched the lanes pass for miles, checking the speedometer occasionally. Keep it around fifty he told himself. Another mile passed under the wheels and he looked to the rear-view; seeing the dim headlights of the s10 trailing a short distance behind twisted his stomach with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. In a flash a wobbling zombie stumbled in front of the Silverado. What was left of its face exploded against the steel bumper. The truck never slowed.

  “What the hell was that?” Chloe exclaimed bolting upright from her slumber.

  “Just a deader…and hey watch your mouth,” Damon ordered with a smile.

  Chloe groaned, wrinkling her smooth forehead, “Really Damon?” She settled back against the cloth seat, resting her head by the cool window.

  There was another thud. Damon hadn’t seen that one coming either, then another zombie stepped in front of the speeding death machine. Its decomposing form squished under the hot tires. Damon was forced to slow the truck when his eyes picked up more and more zombies out of the black fog, tension building in his gut.

  “Be alert guys.”

  Riley pawed at his tired eyes, but sat upright. Something slammed against the driver’s side, rocking the cab. Chloe nearly jumped into the tall marine’s lap. A rotten man, with cropped hair matted in dirt and blood, pushed his face against the glass, but then disappeared down the side of the truck. More faces replaced it as they made their way through the throng of zombies.

  “What the hell is going on?” Damon said allowed.

  “Where are they coming from?” Riley replied with a question.

  “Harper-we by any big cities?”

  The big man snatched up a flashlight and the map. “Not that I can tell.”

  “I’m sure the good doctor has a theory,” Riley smarted.

  Damon glared over his shoulder, but said nothing. There were too many zombies to push through, and he couldn’t risk going off the road. A hoard like this would devour them, even in the death machine. “We’ll make it through.”

  A chorus of bones crunching and snapping under the weight of the truck, mixed with the moans and hacks from undead lips, caused chills to run up and down the spines of the truck inhabitants. Even Harper felt his skin prickle.

  “How long is this going to take?” Chloe whimpered. “How many can there be?”

  “We are almost through,” Damon reassured her. He was able to see they had passed the worst of it, quickly checking to make sure the scientist made it through the mess.

  The sl0 rocked over the lifeless bodies the death machine had laid down. For a nail biting second it looked as though he was stuck. Its small tires spun over a rather large bodied zombie which required the old man to punch the gas pedal. The truck struggled for a second, but before Damon knew it he was putting along again.

  After a few minutes the trucks were alone, rumbling down the deserted highway with the warm headlights reflecting on yellow paint stripes. The deep blackness was endless of each side of the cab, masking the towering mountains and trees. The moon and stars did little to illuminate the desolate earth. The Silverado’s headlights flashed over a sign for Colorado that made each of them sigh with relief. It wouldn’t be long before they were back home, behind that tall chain-link fence, and Chloe couldn’t wait.

  The glowing moon was high above them when the safe zone came into view in front of the truck’s headlights. A tiny orb of light streaked across the base of the fence, and Damon’s chest jumped knowing that Victoria would be the one opening the gate. He had been gone for a week, and in the world they lived in, a week was an eternity. Fatigue stung at his mahogany eyes, his shoulders were knotted, and he couldn’t wait for his bed to be under his back. The gate opened wide and Damon rolled the truck through, stopping by Victoria.

  As the window came down, she quickly leaned in, pressing a hard kiss to his dry lips. “It’s so good to see you again,” she said sweetly. “Promise not to leave without me next time.”

  “I promise,” Damon responded. He noticed she had scanned the cab, counting three bodies before she smiled at him again.

  Harper waved a short salute to her before returning to stare at the fence. Riley and Chloe were passed out against one another. Chloe’s soft snores were the only noise in the cab.

  Victoria peered back again, eyeing the tiny truck, unable to make out who was inside. “I see you’ve brought something home.”

  "Yes, we have," he said, tiredly nodding his head. He brushed his thick hand through his shaggy hair. "But it's a long story, and I need to sleep."

  Victoria leaned for another kiss and then slapped the bed of the truck. "We’ll get him to holding, and I'll see you at home. That is if Patrick hurries up-he's late…again."

  “He’s late again?” Damon shook his head but wasn’t surprised.
  Patrick was one of the ten guards Damon appointed for perimeter watch, and the twenty something year old was always late for his shift.

  "See you in a few minutes."

  Damon shifted the truck into drive and rolled the short distance to the visitor's center turned holding center, praying inwardly that the man wouldn't argue with him. He just didn't have the strength for that, not tonight. He could feel the strain around his eyes he so badly wanted relief from. The death machine stopped abruptly when Damon parked it, not caring for the suggestion of the yellow lines. The jolt woke Chloe and Riley instantly.

  "We're home," Riley said somewhat dreamily. His face was groggy as he looked around, his hand went to his eyes and then to the curls on his head. He blew out a deep sigh through his lips and rolled his body out of the Silverado through Harper's opened door. "Alright guys, I'm out."

  Damon noticed the tall marine didn't forget the booze. He waved his goodbyes and helped Chloe out of the truck. "See ya at home kid," he said, patting her head like a child. "I just gotta finish up here then I'll be home."

  "K, have fun." She turned to leave, got only two steps and turned back to Damon, continuing to propel herself backwards towards home. "Don't wake me up early tomorrow either."

  "And risk a grouchy ass teenager? No way."

  Chloe smiled and turned away. She readjusted the bow over her shoulder again, and Damon watched as she disappeared into the night.

  "Where are my quarters?"

  The voice came from behind Damon's left shoulder, startling the hell out of the tired mechanic. He snapped around to see the skeletal form of the old man, his eyes black under the crescent moon. Harper squeezed his side arm again, which seemed to be more of a habit since meeting the scientist.

  "What the hell man?" Damon shot back. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

  The crow of a man merely shrugged his shoulders. "I did not mean to startle you, I only inquire as to the location of my domicile."

  Weirdo, Harper mused.

  "I mean, it's OK, I'm just tired. I will show you your place tomorrow, it's just you have to spend the night in our holding tank. It's standard procedure for any person coming into the safe zone."

  "I see. And what of my things?"

  Damon pointed to building they used for a holding center. "There are windows, and nobody here will touch anything."

  "I suppose one evening will be tolerable. I shall use the time to take samples from the surfaces for evaluation."

  Whatever man, just as long as I get home, Damon thought as he brushed his hands over his stubbled face again, then peered at Harper.

  "I'll take the watch," he said.

  Damon slapped a hand on his big shoulder. "Thanks man, I'll see you tomorrow."

  It only took Damon a second to jump in the death machine and speed towards home, which now was a ranch style with green shingles and sunlight shaded siding. Victoria had picked it when she finally talked Damon out of living at the fire station. The cool night air hit his skin when he rolled out of the truck. His boots echoed up the stone sidewalk. He bent his head back to gaze at the stars; the twinkling lights glowed brightly over the safe zone. Damon took a deep breath, sighing upon exhale. He was home. His hand hit the doorknob and he disappeared inside.

  chapter 7

  "Good morning, Damon," Victoria's sweet voice whispered in his ear.

  His eyes popped open to see her lying on her side facing him, running her fingers over his muscled arms. Her eyes sparkled with an impatient desire, and Damon knew exactly what she needed. It had been a long time since the two were intimate, but there was a lot of stress with running a settlement of this size. He knew he needed to make up for all the times he was away, or the times he would flop onto the bed, passing out once his face smashed into the pillow. Victoria would be left huffing with a smile on her face, once complaining she had even found a special corset to show off for him.

  Damon brushed his calloused fingers over her shoulder and down her back with his palm landing on her ass. With a hard pull she was against him. Her pouting lips met his, and his skin burned when he felt her hot tongue snake across his. Then he was on his back with Victoria looming over him; her weight was nothing against him, even when she ground her pelvis against his. His hands moved up her smooth thighs and cupped her firm breasts. She purred in his ear, gently nibbling on the lobe.

  It had been a while, indeed, and Damon let himself get lost in the sensation.

  They laid there, panting. Victoria's raven hair feathered over her white pillow. Her chest rose and fell quickly. Damon watched her for a moment longer then moved to get out of bed. He reached for a pair of jeans that had been tossed onto the dresser across from the bed and slid them on. His eyes caught Victoria gazing at him in the mirror.

  "Leaving so soon," she whispered when their eyes met.

  "There is a lot of work to be done, plus I have to get to the holding tank."

  Victoria jolted up holding the blankets around her naked body. "That reminds me. You have to come with me to meet the new couple. When you were gone a doctor and her husband showed up. They seem to be pretty cool people."

  "I got one down at the holding tank.”

  “We lost our only doctor over the winter, remember?”

  Damon remembered. Dr. Talbot, a heart surgeon from Nebraska, died unexpectedly of pneumonia just a few weeks after the first snow. His nurse, Mary told him the doctor had been diagnosed with lung cancer just before the apocalypse so his body wasn’t able to fight off the acute respiratory infection. Even though it was great news for the safe zone to have another doctor, Damon was excited to get the scientist settled. “Can it wait?"

  Victoria pushed out her bottom lip and batted her long black eyelashes at him. Her bare legs slipped over the side of the mattress. He nearly ripped off his jeans and tackled her in the sheets, but somehow restrained himself.

  "OK, I guess we'll meet your people first, but then you have to come with me to the holding tank."

  In just five minutes, the two were out the door on their way to the hospital to meet Scarlet and Nikoli Brunson. The morning was warmer than the day before, and the sun was free of any cloud cover. The warmth felt good on Damon's shoulders as they walked along. It was a simple way they saved on fuel, since it was getting harder to find, and they needed every ounce for supply runs.

  The safe zone crew had cleaned up as much of the hospital as they could, which took several months, but it still needed some repairs. There were still a number of broken windows on each floor and was plagued with electrical issues. They were only utilizing the emergency room for now since the compound only had a population around two hundred. Upon arrival Damon and Victoria strolled under the entry way which opened into the lobby. Floral printed chairs were arranged in four rows to the left and the laminate registration desk sat off to the right where a man and woman were looking over some paperwork. The woman was sitting, while the man was bent with his elbows resting gently on the wood. The two seemed to be in deep conversation.

  Seeing the two, the woman shot to her feet and quickly closed the distance between them. She was a petite woman, not taller than five feet, skin the color of the full moon, and black hair that hung in tight curls down to her shoulders. Her heart shaped face was warm and inviting. The man followed close behind, towering over her. His hair was dark brown, matching his eyes, and his sharp jaw line was covered in a short beard. Damon thought he looked like a man that worked hard, even before the outbreak.

  "Hello. My name is Scarlet Brunson," the dark haired woman said, extending her small hand. "You must be Damon."

  Damon took it gently, afraid he would break her. "Yeah, that's me."

  "I can't thank you enough for letting us stay here. I mean, this place, it's beautiful. It’s awesome you guys have a couple of nurses too. It’s just wonderful here, so much better than out there."

  "It's nothing..." Damon didn't take compliments very well.

  She grabbed his arm slightly. "It's no
t nothing. People are alive because of you."

  Her husband coughed with a smile, his thick eyebrows arched. "Don't mind me, just some awkward guy hanging over you."

  Riley was going to love this guy, Damon thought.

  Scarlet quickly turned and clutched the tall man's arm. "I'm sorry, sometimes I get carried away with myself. This is my husband, Nikoli."

  "Good to meet ya both. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you." He was anxious to get down to the holding tank. He made a mental note to meet with Chloe about the new people. She would be happy there were more people to put in her book.

  "Actually there is something," Scarlet said softly.

  Dammit. "OK…Hopefully nothing too big?" He was being completely honest.

  "Nikoli and I were looking through the medications we have on hand here, and we noticed we are in need of a few things including many antibiotics and other medications. I was hoping that I could help the people here with their medical conditions."

  "So we need more meds?"

  "Precisely. We have complied a list." She handed him a yellow piece of paper.

  Damon took it and looked over the foreign language of medications. He stuffed it in his pocket with a smile. "Alright. We'll do our best. Now, I'm sorry we gotta run, but we have a lot to do this morning."

  "One more thing." It was Nikoli this time.


  "I'm a carpenter, and just wanted to let you know Scarlet was planning some renovations here."

  "Do what you gotta do. Try not to create a whole hell of a lot of noise given zombies are attracted to that kind of shit, but I guess you guys already know that. I have faith. You seem like good people. Let me know how it goes."

  Damon smiled and waved a goodbye. He heard Victoria tell them she would be back to talk more, then joined him at his side.

  "Well you made that short and sweet," she said, looping her arm in his.

  "You know I don't really like small talk. Plus I need to show Dr. Dellinger his new home and help him get moved in."


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