The Beginning of the End

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The Beginning of the End Page 16

by Emily Allison

  “Riley, stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Fine, but I’ll be by the door. I wouldn’t want to become some science project.”

  Harper was gone for no more than two minutes.

  “Find what you were looking for?”

  “We will be back again.”

  The old man looked up at Riley, ignoring Harper completely. “I’m sure you will. Please come back soon Riley.”

  They disappeared out the door, Harper slamming it shut behind them. “Damn that guy is weird, huh?” Riley asked, subconsciously rubbing his right arm.

  “Yes, very,” Harper agreed as they made their way back to the firehouse.

  Damon was back at the old man’s house to see if he needed anything, and honestly to see if anything new was discovered. Of course he knew there wouldn’t be, he’d been there every day for the past week.

  He was sitting in the corner of the dining room flipping through notes labeled undead decay. “How long do you think a zombie can survive?”

  “That question is a difficult one to predict. You see, the parts of the human body decay at different rates. The internal organs start to decompose in twenty-four to seventy-two hours post mortem. Whereas the musculature takes days to weeks and the skeleton takes years. We also have to take into account the virus’ effect on the tissue. As you already know zombies last longer than a few days, so we have to the think the virus is responsible for sustaining the vital tissue.”

  “So it sounds like they should only be able to last a few weeks. I mean, bugs eat them too, right.”

  “Insects have less affinity for the infected tissue, but yes in some cases insects do eat the infected. However, I surmise after two to three months the pathogen would have used up any vital tissue. ”

  “You say months, it has been a year since the outbreak. Why are there still zombies?”

  “Humans become infected at different times and every human’s make up is different.”

  “Does the eating do anything for them?”

  “The infected do not have use for the tissue. They cannot process it.”

  He paused before his next question, but couldn’t resist for long. “What about a cure?”

  “All good questions,” he sighed. “I feel I am close to something. The rabies vaccine and other composites have been combined, but I have not been able to produce positive antibodies yet.”

  Damon jumped up from his chair, knocking it to the floor. “What?!”

  The old man held up his hands. “Now no need to get excited. More tests are needed. In the case of vaccine invention there are lots of test subjects and trials etcetera. I am working with limited resources here.”

  “I understand, but that’s good, right? I mean we are on the right track.”

  He glanced up. “Yes, we are on the right track. If I had a sample of Riley’s blood I may be able to see if he has any antibodies to the virus.”

  “I’m sure I could talk him into it. He knows how important it would be.”

  “That would be pivotal to my research.”

  “Great!” Damon slapped his hands on his knees.

  “Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone, even Riley.”


  “Panic, pressure. What if, be it unlikely, I failed?”

  Damon bowed his head. “I guess I see your point. Don’t worry I’ll get Riley back here,” he promised. He dashed out of the house, leaving the rat and ferret staring at him in utter alarm at the disturbance of their nap.

  “What?! He wants what?!? Fuck that!” Riley shouted.

  Damon held his hand out. “Easy man. Can you be quiet?”

  “That dude freaks me out.”

  “Riley think about it. You are the only one that’s been bitten and hasn’t turned.”

  He held up his nub. “Yeah I know. You cut off my fucking hand remember? That’s why I’m not one of them.”

  “Maybe you got something in your blood that would help the doctor find a cure.”

  “I’d be a hero.”

  “That’s right.”

  Riley thought about it for a second. “Alright, fine. But that dude freaks me out. He ain’t gonna be the one taking it.”

  “I’ll talk to Scarlet about getting your blood at the hospital.”

  “That sounds fine…I guess. As long as I get to be the hero that saved mankind. That should get me the ladies.”

  Damon laughed out loud. “Yeah Riley, yeah it should.”

  Riley stalked out of Damon’s living room with his shoulders a little straighter then turned “Hey you know Chloe’s birthday is tomorrow right?”

  “How could I forget?” Damon looked at the calendar, which was made by Claire; she was the woman who read to the children every day. He saw pink stars doodled all over tomorrow’s date.

  “Make sure you have something nice for her or you’ll regret it. Now I’m gonna go remind the big lug. Wouldn’t want to see a teenager kill a skyscraper of a marine,” he stopped then smiled, “Well, maybe I do.”

  “Just go.” Damon laughed and watched Riley disappear out the door.

  chapter 15

  The spring sunshine glimmered down on the two story home that Victoria had chosen for them and Riley. Both Victoria and Damon were up before Chloe and used what decorations they could scrounge up in the safe zone to decorate the kitchen. Once Damon was satisfied that Chloe wouldn’t turn her nose up at what they’d done, he climbed the stairs and entered the teenager’s room.

  “Happy Birthday, Chloe,” Damon greeted when he sat down on the edge of her twin sized bed. Lucky meowed loudly in protest, stretching his front legs while arching his back. His little orange body was warm against Chloe’s legs.

  Chloe’s blonde hair was a mess, masking her emerald eyes, which were still closed. She grumbled softly when he shook her hip.

  “Now wake up, you can’t skip out on your birthday breakfast. It would hurt Victoria’s feelings.”

  She let out another grumble, “I’m up. I’m up.”

  Damon smiled and stood up, he bent over and quickly kissed her forehead. “Happy Birthday, Kid.”

  “Ack! Gross!” she complained and her eyes flared. She wiped her forehead with the back of her head. “God you’re a sap!”

  Damon just laughed as he went through the door and down the stairs.

  When Chloe stepped off the last stair her mouth dropped open as she looked upon the kitchen. Balloons of every color were scattered all over the floor and streamers hung from the ceiling. She saw that Damon was standing with Victoria wrapped in his right arm under a handmade banner that read Happy Birthday Chloe.

  “Happy Birthday, Chloe,” Victoria greeted with a smile.

  Chloe flushed, she hadn’t expected this. She expected something, but not the decorations and effort. Just when she was done shuffling through the balloons and had sat down at the table, the door burst open and Riley jumped in with an obnoxiously large box in his arms. Harper and Liz followed in behind with friendly smiles and a more modest sized gift.

  “Happy Birthday, Turd,” Riley said and plopped the giant purple box on the table then sat down to help himself to pancakes. “God I love pancakes.”

  “Thanks Buttface,” she shot back at him.

  “Hey birthday girl,” Harper said and crossed the kitchen and wrapped his big arms around Chloe making her vanish. She wrapped her tiny arms around his forearms and smiled.

  “Morning Harper.”

  Riley didn’t waste time with nibbling his pancakes, they were nearly gone. “How does it feel to be another year older.”

  “Come on Riley, fifteen isn’t much different than fourteen.”

  “Meh, I know. Anyway open my present.” He looked around for Damon’s gift. “Damon get you something?”

  “I got a party,” she said admiring the decorations once more.

  Riley gawked at Damon, “Jeez man.”

  “We haven’t got to that. We figured they would want to eat first.”

Riley nodded. “Right. Eat, fast. I want you to see what I got ya.”

  “Not another dumb movie is it?”

  He squawked, “If you are referring to Monty Python, I’ll have you know they are amazing, and no it’s not that.”

  Chloe laughed and ate her pancakes with the others. She noticed Harper seemed on edge-more so than normal-but she wasn’t going to ask. It was her day, and he brought her a present. It didn’t take long for her to finish, and to torment Riley she chose to open Harper’s first.

  She pulled out a beautiful silver necklace with a mustang pendant. “Oh Harper, this is beautiful.”

  “Liz and I thought you would like it,” Harper rumbled.

  “Now mine.” Riley shoved the monstrous box at her.

  “This has got to be something good.”

  She tore the paper off the cardboard box and opened it, only to find another wrapped box. She opened that one and found another wrapped box, “Really Riley?”

  “Yeah come on,” Damon chimed in.

  Riley was too busy giggling like a child and rocking in his chair.

  “Is there anything in here or am I just going to unwrap boxes until there’s nothing left?”

  “Nah there’s something in there, just keep going.”

  Chloe kept at it but stopped when she reached a box wrapped in red Christmas paper. She shook it. “Gotta be something in here.” She opened it and squealed with excitement when she saw three of her most favorite books. “Oh Riley, you remembered!”

  “I know you like to read, so yeah it was a no brainer.” He looked over to Damon and winked. “Top that one.”

  Damon uncrossed his arms and smiled wide. “Challenge accepted.”

  “I don’t see any more boxes,” Chloe said.

  “What I have can’t fit in a box.”

  Chloe clapped her hands. “Oh yippie! You got me a car!”

  “Uh, no. What would you need a car for? You can walk across the compound in like three minutes. No, to see your next present we’ll have to walk down Main Street.”

  “What do you mean?” Chloe and Riley were both genuinely confused.

  “Let’s go.”

  Chloe prodded him with a million questions while they made their way to the fire station. “What are we here for?”

  “You gotta wait and see.” He led her inside, both knowing the interior layout of the station by heart.

  “You’re leading me to the barracks.”

  “Very perceptive.”

  When they got to the door of the barracks Damon stopped her. “But it’s not the barracks anymore. Now close your eyes.”

  “I guess I’ll play along.”

  Chloe blew a breath out of her mouth and closed her emerald eyes. She felt Damon pull her into the room and could tell the others followed.

  “Open,” Damon instructed.

  When she opened her eyes she almost cried. The barracks had been transformed into a classroom. Three rows of small desks were setup in the middle of the room with a large desk in front set off to the side. A dry erase board was screwed to the front wall. Posters of mathematical equations and scientific definitions were stuck against the other walls.


  He shrugged. “I remembered how you said you wouldn’t be able to graduate school because of the zombie outbreak so I organized a school. When you complete the classes, then you move on to the next grade. Of course it’s not all the same, but it’s the best we can do.”

  “This is great! I can’t believe you did all this.”

  “Wow, you’re a total geek,” Riley joked.

  “Shut up Riley. There’s nothing wrong with a kid wanting to finish school,” Harper snapped.

  Chloe punched him in the gut. “Yeah Riley.”

  “It was a joke. This is pretty cool.”

  Chloe jumped at Damon and squeezed him tight around the middle. “This is perfect.” She pulled away and looked slightly confused. “Who’s teaching?”

  “Well Scarlet will be teaching anatomy and biology. Claire will teach English and history. Kya will be in charge of math.”

  “And I’ll teach defense,” Harper added.

  “Defense? I don’t remember that one in school.”

  “Well that was before the zombie apocalypse.”

  “This is great,” Chloe said again.

  Damon’s smile was huge as he looked at her sparkling eyes and wide grin as she brushed her hands across the small desks.

  Sometime after lunch she left the house and went to find her boyfriend, Jason. She set out in a teal sweatshirt and denim skinny jeans with her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. The spring sun warmed the freckles on her cheeks, and a soft breeze brushed against her skin as her tennis shoes padded against the sidewalk. It wouldn’t take her but two minutes to walk to the apartment building where Jason was assigned when he arrived two months prior. As she continued on her way, she thought about that morning and she smiled. Riley was so proud of his lame party trick that she didn’t have the heart to tell him it wasn’t an original idea, but the thought everyone had put into their gifts made her lungs clench. Her eyes teared up suddenly. She never thought after the loss of her parents she would feel loved again, but yet she had been proven wrong. Her palm came up to feel tears sliding down her cheeks, and she quickly wiped them away. Chloe breathed deeply, calming herself before her emotions got the best of her. She didn’t want to show up at Jason’s apartment with bloodshot eyes and swollen cheeks.

  When she looked up she realized she was standing in front of the apartments. She disappeared inside and went for the stairs. She counted the stairs to the third floor then counted the doors to the fifth door. With her delicate fist she knocked four times. After a moment the door swung open.

  “Oh hey,” Jason said hanging in the doorway. “Happy Birthday, Angel.”

  “Yeah thanks. I thought you were going to come pick me up.” She put her hand on her hip then pushed her way inside.

  “Yeah I was gonna, but your dad scares the shit outta me.” He closed the door behind them and followed Chloe into the living area.

  Chloe turned back as her heart clenched. “He’s not my dad.” Saying it hurt. Her voice cracked, “And Damon’s fine, he just worries a lot.” She plopped down on the couch and kicked her feet up on the glass coffee table. “What do you wanna do?” She fixed her ponytail then let her arms fall into her lap.

  Jason sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder, then immediately went in for a kiss. Chloe accepted it. He kissed her harder and pushed his weight against her, trying to lay her back on the stiff cushions. Chloe pushed back slightly, repositioning but not pulling away from his lips. The door to the apartment opened and two teenagers walked in, one male, one female. It was Dallas and Marie, the two of them showed up about eight months ago.

  Chloe pulled away and bushed her hair behind her ears. Her cheeks flushed. “Oh hey guys.”

  “Happy Birthday!” Marie called obnoxiously. Her skinny frame sat down on the edge of the coffee table.


  “What do you wanna do tonight?”

  “I don’t care.”

  Marie tossed her brown hair. “Well it’s your birthday silly.”

  “Yeah I know, I-”

  “I got it all planned out,” Jason blurted out, interrupting her.

  Chloe smiled. “Oh yeah? What do you got planned?”

  “You’ll see once it gets dark.”

  “Ooooo…mysterious,” Chloe laughed and sank back into the couch.

  “I guess we’re drinking here until then,” Dallas said, taking out a bottle of whiskey from his black jacket.

  “You wanna go where?!?” Chloe exclaimed.

  “Yeah we have a dope hangout just outside the safe zone,” Jason said with a smile.

  “We aren’t supposed to be out there.”

  “You go out there all the time,” Jason argued as he nuzzled her ear with his nose.

  She pushed him back. “Yeah, but not
at night, and I go with my horse.”

  “What are ya chicken?”

  “Yeah, chicken?” Dallas echoed.

  “No. It’s just night. There are still zombies out there yanno?”

  “We haven’t seen any in, like, forever,” Jason continued to argue.

  “Damon would freak out if he found out.”

  “If, is the key word.”

  “He won’t,” Marie promised.

  Chloe’s stomach didn’t like the idea, but she wasn’t a chicken. “Fine, let’s make sure we aren’t seen on the way out.”

  “No duh.”

  The four of them crept down the fire escape on the side that made up one of the walls of the safe zone. It was easy for them to get passed the lookouts since three of them didn’t return from the last mission. Chloe made a mental note to get the whole story from Damon, who had been very vague upon his return.

  “Where are we going?” It seemed like they had been walking for hours.

  “This place we have set up in this old warehouse,” he explained pointing his thumb to his left.

  Chloe could see the lights from the safe zone in the far distance behind her, and her stomach churned again. “Cool,” was all she could force herself to say.

  “Over there.”

  They ducked into the basement window. Chloe looked up to see candles lit everywhere, and there was a stereo playing some alternative crap she wouldn’t choose to listen to in a million years. But if Jason picked it, she would listen. Sitting in the corner were some people she had never met before.

  “Who’s this?” she asked. She knew everyone in the safe zone. It was her job to know, keeping record in the Book of Survivors. “I’ve never seen them before.”

  “Just some people I know from outside.”

  “People live outside the safe zone? Does Damon know about thi—of course not. What the fuck, Jason?”

  “Don’t get all huffy. It’s just these guys.”

  Chloe wrapped her arms around her shoulders, wishing she would have brought her bow. All of a sudden she didn’t feel safe. “I don’t know, Jason. Can’t we just go back and hang at your apartment.”

  “Not pussin’ out on me, are ya? It’s your birthday. Let’s have fun.”

  She noticed an arid smell in her nose and looked over to see two of the strangers sharing a joint. Oh jeez. “No, just can we at least turn the music down?”


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