The Beginning of the End

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The Beginning of the End Page 20

by Emily Allison

  Chloe threw the door open and they rushed in. Victoria heaved her body against the door, slamming it shut. She and Chloe sank to the floor. Their lungs burned, hearts raced.

  “Well, what do we do now?” asked Chloe who was staring at the three men, one of them now completely unconscious.

  Damon slid Riley to the floor and paced the small room. The only window was ten feet off the ground and smaller than Chloe. “I led us into a closet,” he hissed.

  “Maybe we can wait for them to go away,” Victoria offered.

  Harper shook his head. “They never go away.”

  Chloe laid on her back quietly, and Damon couldn’t help but think that in her mind she was back in that gas station he found her in.

  Damon sighed. “I’m sorry everyone. This is all my fault.”

  “I knew that old man was bad news,” Harper said. The big marine wasn’t even sweating.

  “Didn’t need an ‘I told you so’ right now. Plus, didn’t you hear what I said?”

  “I know, I know. I mean…nevermind.”

  Victoria slid next to Damon, both of them leaning against the cold metal. “We’ll think of something.”

  “God, you are so optimistic,” Damon said. “One of the reason I love you.”

  Victoria took in a sharp breath. He had never said that before. Chloe looked at her and smiled but didn’t say anything. Victoria smiled and kissed his cheek. “Love you too,” was all she could say.

  An hour of silence passed before Damon got up from his seat. He put his ear up to the steel door, and wasn’t surprised to hear the zombies were still out there. He was sure they would think of something, or that Mathias would show up, but here they were with no plan and no Mathias.

  All of a sudden there was a crashing sound on the other side of the door. “What the fuck?” Damon whispered.

  A banging erupted against the door, rattling Damon’s ear. “Hey! Open up!” That deep honey glazed voice. “We don’t have much time!”

  Damon swung open the door in a flash. The zombies were missing. “How the hell did you do that?”

  Mathias flashed white teeth. “Finally found one of those bombs the doctor tossed on us. Sorry it took so long.”

  Harper smiled wide and pulled Riley to his feet. “God it’s good to see you again. See I told you he would be fine,” he told Damon.

  Chloe bounded up, excited they weren’t going to die today.

  The five of them rushed out the door. The zombies inside the building were nowhere to be seen, and Damon couldn’t have been more relieved. They were free, and they had Riley. Now they just had to get him home.

  chapter 22

  It was late afternoon by the time they drove up to the compound’s new gate. There were two groups of families standing with bags and suitcases. Damon was so tired. He could only imagine what was going on, and he didn’t have the strength, or the patience for it.

  “What’s going on?” Damon reluctantly asked as the gate opened.

  “We are leaving. Everyone disappearing, those people that attacked us, plus the zombies before. It’s not safe here anymore.”

  “It’s safer here than out there,” Damon said but wasn’t going to argue. He had to get Riley to the hospital. “You can go, but know you won’t find anywhere safer.”

  The man known as Kyle shrugged and urged his wife and two sons out the gate. The second family followed without a word.

  Damon huffed and shook his head. He ordered Patrick to shut the gate. “Let’s get Riley to Dr. Brunson.”

  They drove the van to the hospital where they were met by Mary, one of the nurses that were stationed at the hospital. “Oh my, what’s going on?” Mary asked, seeing Riley’s condition as they pulled him out of the van.

  Scarlet and Nikoli were close on the stocky woman’s heels. Scarlet’s black curls bounced as she jogged toward them. Her sweet face was painted with concern. They hefted Riley onto a gurney and rolled him into the ER.

  “He looks dehydrated for sure, but ok overall. He’s not infected. Low grade fever.” Her brown eyes glanced over his body. She pressed a maroon stethoscope to his chest. “Heart sounds good. Check his BP Mary,” she instructed as she pulled the stethoscope out of her ears. “What are under all these bandages?” She asked while she took his blood pressure.

  “Dr. Dellinger had him hooked up to all these tubes. Stuff was going in, and it looked like his blood was being drained,” Damon explained. “Also, some of his skin was removed.”

  Dr. Brunson shivered, “Poor guy.”

  “I knew that guy was bad news,” Nikoli grumbled when he brought back some supplies for his wife.

  “Right,” Harper said without looking at Damon.

  “Just take care of him, OK?” Damon breathed.

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, and give him some pink bandages. He’ll enjoy that. There should be some around here,” Damon said with a smile.

  He went to leave and called for Chloe. “I’m staying here,” she said.

  Damon gave her a hug, “Ok, see you at home.”

  Chloe followed Dr. Brunson and Nikoli into Riley’s room, and Damon ducked out of the emergency room with Harper looming at his side.

  chapter 23

  “I’ve called you all here for a short meeting,” Damon started. He was standing in front of twenty people, the remaining citizens of the safe zone. The others had either left or were dead by Hagerty’s hands. As much as Damon felt like a failure, he was humbled that the people in front of him still had faith in him. “Due to the recent events some rules have been made. Number one, no one is allowed outside the safe zone until further notice.” He held his gaze on Chloe for a few moments. “And number two, everybody needs to be inside after dark unless you are part of the guard.” Nobody argued.

  The meeting ended shortly after that, leaving just the six of them in the room. Damon stepped off his stool and slouched deep into a chair at the long table.

  “I’m not going to feel safe for these people until that old bastard is dead.”

  “You’re telling me,” Riley agreed from his wheelchair. He insisted that Chloe push him around even though he didn’t need the help. It was punishment for telling him she hated him when, in fact, he saved her life. It was something that he wasn’t going to let her forget.

  “I will be glad when he is dead,” Harper agreed.

  “I don’t know the whole history here, but I agree,” Mathias joined in.

  Damon slapped his knees. “I guess it’s decided then. We track him down and kill him.”

  “Can’t wait,” Harper and Riley said in unison.

  “You’re not going,” Damon said to Riley.

  Riley shot out of the wheelchair. “Like I’m gonna stay around here and let you guys have all the fun? That bastard experimented on me!”

  Damon arched an eyebrow. “You sure you’re ready?”

  “Fuck yeah I am, healthy as a horse.”

  “Fine. Fine. Question now is where is he?”

  Chloe stepped around from behind the wheelchair, passing Riley with a punch to the shoulder. “We can use Boomer. He found Riley. I don’t know why Dr. Dellinger would be any different.”

  “We’ll use Boomer then,” Damon agreed.

  “I will check out our ammunition supply,” Harper offered, leaving the group to head upstairs. “Then I got to get home to Liz, she’s been missing me.”

  Riley made a kissy face, but Harper ignored him.

  “Let me know when you are ready to set out,” Harper instructed from over his shoulder.

  It didn’t take Harper long to catalog the remaining ammunition because it was alarmingly low. They only had one clip for a rifle, three boxes of pistol ammo and one box of shotgun ammo.

  Damon rounded the compound, making sure the perimeter was secure so if zombies attacked at the scientist’s will, the safe zone would survive. Once he was confident, he gave orders to Patrick to remain extra vigilant without releasing too many details of their current sit
uation. He then returned home to get Victoria, Chloe and Boomer. Harper, Riley, and Mathias would meet them at the gate.

  “You ready to go?” he asked standing in the front door.

  Boomer ran out the door, brushing past Damon’s leg, practically knocking him out of the way.

  “We’re coming,” Chloe called, emerging from the dining room as Victoria came from the kitchen. “We gotta stop at Dr. Dellinger’s old house to grab something for Boomer to sniff.”

  “Right. Good call.” Damon nodded, “Everyone in the van.”

  Damon climbed in the front seat, Victoria rode next to him with Chloe and Boomer in the back. The teenager rolled the window down for the slobbery dog as they drove down the street to the ranch home that used to be the scientist’s.

  “Wait here.” Damon hopped out. Boomer sniffed him as he passed by the window.

  He entered the premises and grabbed a pair of slippers from the living room. He remembered seeing the old man wearing them one day when he had stopped by. He hesitated for a minute scanning the living quarters thinking about the hours he had spent there, and how close they were to a cure-or not-he didn’t know. The old man could have been feeding his simple mind a load of crap while he performed whatever sick experiments he wanted. Damon sighed and walked back to the van.

  “Got it. Now let’s take care of this so we can get back to our regular lives…where our enemies were only zombies.”

  “Agreed,” Victoria said.

  They arrived at the gate a minute later; the three men were waiting for them. Damon parked the van and got out, remembering they had to be on foot to track.


  “As we’ll ever be.”

  Riley frowned. “He won’t get the jump on me this time.”

  The six of them set out on foot with the bloodhound running out front. Damon didn’t know how long it would take for the dog to find the scientist. They thought it would be best to start at the factory since that’s where he was last seen. They would work their way out until the dog picked up the scent. The waiting game was all they could play now.

  It was almost dark by the time Boomer picked up the scent. The six of them followed the dog through the street and alleys of Vail. Damon was surprised to see they were standing near the hotel.

  “Why here?” Damon asked the group. “Maybe the scientist used this place before the factory.”

  “We will just have to hope this is the place,” Victoria prayed.

  “The man is a psycho. Maybe this is the only place he felt he could go,” Riley said.

  “I suppose, but I don’t like this so close to dark. We better save this one for tomorrow and pray for some sun.”

  Harper and Riley were pissed that Damon called them off, but eventually they saw past their need for immediate revenge and recognized the advantage of waiting.

  “Plus we need a plan,” said Damon.

  Boomer pulled against his black collar while Chloe dragged him. He whined with the scent still in his nose.

  chapter 24

  Damon had been up for at least an hour, so when the sun rose the next morning, he was ready for it. The whites of his eyes burned and with a big hand, he rubbed them, massaging away the fatigue. His legs hung over the side of his bed while he twiddled his fingers around his pistol. He could feel Victoria’s back against his. It was comforting after everything that had transpired, but still anxiety nipped at him. He didn’t want to lose anyone today.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” a sweet voice whispered from his side.

  Damon sighed, brushed his hand over her hip. He pressed a kiss to her pointed chin. “Just thinking about today, that’s all.”

  “It will be fine.”

  “Fine…” he repeated. Damon hoisted himself off the bed and walked to the window. “We should set out soon.”

  Victoria rolled to face him. “Let Chloe sleep another hour.”

  “She’s not coming.”

  “Chloe would be furious.”

  “You are so right,” Chloe said from the doorway. Her emerald eyes glowed.

  Damon flipped his head toward the door. “What are you doing up?”

  Chloe crossed her skinny arms over her chest. “I guess not getting left behind.”

  “I just want you safe.”

  “Yeah-yeah-yeah-I know. Sorry.” Chloe turned from the door. “Now let’s go.”

  Damon smiled, “So damned strong willed, that one.”

  Victoria slid her creamy legs out of bed and went over to the dresser. “Reminds me of how I used to be at her age. Plus, it’s a damn hard world out there.” She chose a dark pair of skinny jeans and a hunter green cami. She then threw a tight leather jacket over the top.

  “Well, I suppose we better go then,” Damon huffed.

  “If we don’t want Chloe back up here, tappin’ her foot at us, then we might want to.” Victoria brushed past him, leaving a kiss on his bare shoulder.

  When Damon tugged his shirt on at the bottom of the staircase he was surprised to see Riley, Harper, and Mathias sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Morning sunshine,” Riley greeted. “Ready to deal out some death today?”

  Chloe snorted. “Don’t be cheesy.”

  Riley stuck his tongue out at her. “It’s not cheesy, it’s awesome. Now come on, we got the space vessel loaded up ready to go. We’re just waiting on your slow ass.”

  “What is up with everyone all of sudden being early birds? Did hell freeze over when I was sleeping?”

  “We’re ready to put an end to this mad scientist,” Mathias rumbled.

  “No offense Mathias, but why would you be so eager to off this guy?” implored Damon, genuinely curious.

  Mathias shrugged his giant shoulders. “You need the help, and he crossed you guys. After everything we’ve been through I feel like you’re my family now.”

  “Fair enough,” Damon said and slapped him on the back.

  “OK, we ready to go now?” Riley asked, his edginess showing. “I wanna pay this old fart back, and I’m gonna take a hunk of his leg just for shits and gigs.”

  “Let’s get something straight,” Damon started, “This isn’t a game. And Dr. Dellinger is a dangerous man. We all saw what happened at the factory. We need to be careful.”

  “I think we all understand the severity, we just want this to be over,” Victoria explained.

  Damon nodded. “Let’s just go. Once we get to the hotel, we will split up into our teams, and enter at the front and rear of the building.”

  “Don’t get hit with any of those pheromone bombs,” Mathias warned. He leaned his elbows on the table causing the wood to creak. “I wish we had some of those.”

  “Well we don’t so I guess we will have to think of something else. And when we get there, make sure not to touch anything; we have no idea what he was or is up to.”

  White puffy clouds filtered the blue sky over the hotel. The ominous black windows stared at the six of them standing in the parking lot. Damon wondered if Dr. Dellinger was peering out one of them, or had any clue they were coming for him. It was quiet, and the earth seemed to stand still.

  “Before we go in there, I want all of you to know that you mean a lot to me,” Harper stated even though his stoic face never wavered.

  “Same here, buddy,” Riley said with a smile.

  Harper coughed. “After everything that has happened, I never would have imagined having any of you in my life. I am thankful.”

  “I never figured you for a sap,” Riley laughed.

  “Shut up, Riley,” Chloe hissed then wrapped her little arms around his thick waist. “I love you Harper.”

  “Love you too, kid.”

  “OK we all love each other. Time to work. Let’s split up,” Damon said, clearing out the tension in his chest.

  Damon hefted his shotgun and led Chloe and Victoria around to the back of the hotel. Harper, Riley, and Mathias skipped the front door, moving to the west side of the building and entering through a broken w

  Once around back, Damon walked close to the building’s stucco exterior down to the fire exit. His strapped his shotgun across his back and reached for the machete at his hip. When they entered the building they were met with a motionless zombie in the red light. It snarled, pulling its decomposing lips over its bloody teeth. It jumped forward. Using the machete as a double handed sword, he swung downward cleaving the sprinter’s head in two. They stepped around the dead body and continued into the hotel. Closed green doors lined each side of the hallway, about twenty feet down sat empty vending machines. Damon’s group already took what supplies the hotel had.

  Damon remembered the hotel’s layout since he had been back for the scientist. They decided both groups would check out the main areas before searching each of the two hundred rooms individually. They moved down another hall that led to the fitness center and pool and were met with more sprinters. These had their skull caps removed. Five ran at Damon, Chloe and Victoria. An arrow lodged in the brain of one, then another zombie fell shortly after. Victoria swung her katana in a wide arc and took the heads off two more, while Damon decapitated the last one.

  “Pool is this way,” Damon ordered them to the left.

  Thirty more steps and they were at the glass door labeled POOL. The fitness center was to the right. Victoria peeked her head in quickly, looked around then shook her head at Damon signaling it was clear. He nodded, pushed open the frosted glass door, then the three of them continued silently across the tile floor and into spa.

  “That didn’t look like that before,” Damon said looking at the pool.

  “Nasty,” Chloe pinched her nose.

  The pool water was filled with what looked like black gelatinous fluid. Damon squatted next to the pool without touching the mysterious liquid. It was water, but the blackish color wasn’t from mold or algae. He glanced at Victoria and shook his head. Abruptly, a rotting hand shot out of the blackness and clawed at Damon. He felt the sticky hand graze his skin. He fell back on his ass when another hand reached out, there was movement under the water. About fifty hands reached out of the pool, splashing in the disgusting goo.


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