Touched by A Dragon: The Exalted Dragons (Book 2)

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Touched by A Dragon: The Exalted Dragons (Book 2) Page 5

by K. T. Stryker

  “I said leave!” Madam Marie shouted. “Go out and wait at the front desk. Don’t let anyone in, is that clear?”

  Gaby had no choice but to obey. She left the drawing room, shut the door and waited frantically outside. She was rubbing her hands together, not knowing what to do if Chuck had died. Was it because of me? She thought. What if it was the two men? What if they had gone after him? What if all this was my fault? She sat on the chair, frantically crying and panting, hoping Madam Marie would come out and let her know what was going on.

  As Gaby walked back and forth, she suddenly heard the drawing room door burst open. Madam Marie walked out, and shut the door behind her. Gaby stared at her, waiting for some kind of answer.

  “Well?” asked Gaby, her voice shaking. “How is he? Is he alive?”

  “He’s fine,” she said, her voice calm and at ease. “Why don’t you sit down?”

  “Sit down?” Gaby yelled. “What do you mean sit down? There’s a bleeding man in the drawing room and you’re not letting me call an ambulance or the police! How can you ask me to sit down?”

  “Calm down, Gabriella!” said Madam Marie. “Chuck is an old friend. I know him very well. He probably just got into a fight with other homeless men over food or something.”

  “An old friend?” Gaby exclaimed. “Got into a fight? Ma’am with all due respect, I saw how much blood was gushing out of him! That is no ordinary human attack!”

  “What could it possibly be then?” Madam Marie humorously asked. “Don’t be silly, you’re just in shock. And besides, I wouldn’t let you take him to a hospital because nothing will scare him more than that. It’s a particular phobia that he has.”

  “But we can’t just leave him like that!” Gaby said again.

  “We won’t,” said Madam Marie. “I’ll take care of it. He’ll be alright. You just go home, and it would be best if you don’t mention this to anyone. Is that clear?”

  Gaby had no choice but to trust in what Madam Marie was saying. She reluctantly collected her things, and walked outside the library. She turned around to find Madam Marie standing upright, watching until she made sure Gaby had indeed left.

  As Gaby took her first steps into the dark streets, she heard Madam Marie bang the library door shut.

  Chapter 7

  Gaby walks home, still a little concerned about Chuck. She wondered whether it was a good idea to have actually left him at the library. She trusted Madam Marie for some reason. Perhaps it was because she was large and firm, or maybe because she was always so confident, her voice stern and authoritative. Gaby managed to convince herself that Chuck would be fine, but she was still anxious, her skin cold from the shock.

  She arrived at the house, and saw the lights on from the corner of the street. She opened the door and walked in to find Trevor and Gavin on the couch watching football. Amanda was in the kitchen making evening snacks.

  “Hey, Gabs!” said Gavin, looking at her from the couch.

  “Hey, guys,” Gaby said. “You guys are still up?”

  “Yeah, we just got back from the concert,” said Trevor. “It was amazing.”

  As Amanda came out from the kitchen, she saw Gaby standing by the door, her face pale and her gaze wide and lost. “Gaby, are you alright?” asked Amanda.

  “Oh, yeah, yeah,” Gaby said, trying to find her way up to her room. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re as white as a frozen popsicle!” cried Amanda. “Are you ill? Did something happen?”

  “I’m fine, really,” Gaby said. “I’m just a little tired. It was a tight shift and there was a lot of work to be done.”

  “Well do you want to come sit with us downstairs?” Amanda asked, putting her hand on Gaby’s shoulder.

  “It’s fine,” Gaby said. “I’ll just go to bed.”

  “Come on,” said Amanda. “You don’t look like you want to be alone. Come watch a movie or something and then when you get drowsy you can go to bed.”

  “Alright,” Gaby said, realizing it was a good idea to stay distracted. She was still occupied with what happened back at the library. They went back downstairs, and sat next to Trevor and Gavin.

  “Guys, enough with the football games,” said Amanda. “Let’s watch a movie or something.”

  “Gaby, are you okay?” Gavin suddenly said, realizing Gaby was very pale. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”

  “I’m okay, guys, I promise,” she said again. “Like I told Amanda, it was a tiring shift.”

  “Alright,” said Gavin. “So what do you guys want to watch?”

  Gaby suddenly realized that Haven wasn’t around.

  “Hey, guys?” Gaby said. “Where’s Haven? Is she not home?”

  “No, I think she’s still out with some people from the concert,” said Trevor. “She like disappeared halfway into the evening or something.”

  “Where is she?” said Gaby. “Are you sure she’s safe?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t she be?” asked Gavin. Gaby was obviously still thinking of what happened at the library. She didn’t think anyone was safe at night anymore.

  “Well did someone call her?” asked Gaby, her voice worried. “I mean, are you guys even sure it’s safe to be out this late?”

  “Gabs, calm down,” said Trevor. “This is one of the safest towns in the area. She’ll be fine. Let her have some fun.”

  Gaby was extremely troubled, wondering whether she should tell them what happened, just so they would know that Haven wasn’t necessarily safe out there on her own. But then she remembered Madam Marie, and how she warned her not to say a word to anyone. She didn’t want to cause any trouble so she just kept to herself. After a couple of hours, Gavin and Trevor were asleep on the couch, and Amanda was dozing off.

  “Hey, guys?” said Gaby, Amanda looking at her with sleepy eyes, “I’m going to bed.”

  “Yeah, so am I,” said Amanda. She got up and woke up the guys, telling them they should head to bed upstairs. Everyone collected their blankets and pillows, and went upstairs to their bedrooms. Gaby went upstairs as well, but somehow couldn’t manage to sleep. She tossed and turned, seeing images of Chuck lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. She remembered Madam Marie, her eyes large and bright blue, staring fearlessly onto the streets. She felt a shiver in her bones, as if a cold breeze had made its way into her frail insides. She got up, realizing she was sweating, and went to the bathroom. She washed her face in cold water, and went downstairs and sat in the living room. Too worried about Haven, and the possibility of her ending up like Chuck, she decided to wait for her.

  Hours passed, and Haven still wasn’t home. Gaby wondered if she should call the police and file a missing person’s report, then changed her mind and decided to wait at least until morning until she made any serious claims. Suddenly, at around five o’clock in the morning, Gaby heard the doorknob turn, along with the sound of nearing footsteps. She got up and walked up to the door. It was dark, and Gaby couldn’t quite make up the figure standing before her.

  “Haven?” Gaby said, peering into the darkness. “Haven, is that you?”

  There was no answer. Gaby moved closer to the door, and suddenly found that it was indeed Haven.

  “Oh, you’re finally back!” said Gaby in relief. “I was so worried! I thought something had happened to you! I kept telling them I was worried, but they said it was a safe town and went to bed. Where were you anyway?” Haven wasn’t answering, she only walked slowly into the light of the living room. As she came into the light, Gaby realized that she didn’t look normal. Something was wrong.

  “Haven?” said Gaby. “Haven, say something? Why are you so quiet? Are you okay?”

  Haven was pale white, her eyes swollen and crimson red. She was breathing heavily, almost panting like she was running home. Her hands were also shaking, and she walked with a heavy drag, almost with a limp, as if she had hurt her leg.

  “Haven!” cried Gaby, now realizing that her friend was clearly not out with people from the c
oncert. “Haven, you don’t look alright. What happened? Please talk to me!”

  As Gaby extended her arm to grab Haven’s shoulder, Haven had shrugged and suddenly growled the minute Gaby touched her. Gaby was frightened, and so backed off in surprise.

  “Haven!” yelled Gaby again. “What’s wrong?”

  As Gaby lifted her hand, she realized that it was covered in blood. Looking back at Haven, she saw that her entire shoulder was drenched in blood. There seemed to be a huge cut underneath her shirt, almost like a bear’s scratch.

  “Oh my gosh!” cried Gaby, beginning to panic. “Haven! Haven, you’re bleeding! Where were you? What happened? Please, say something!”

  “Leave me alone!” Haven yelled back, finally reacting. “Leave!”

  Haven’s voice was almost inhuman, sounding like a loud beast rather than a young college girl. Haven’s hair was bright red, and her eyes almost fiery with rage. She was distant, agitated, restless and a little frightened. She refused to talk to Gaby, and just stormed out into backyard.

  “Haven!” yelled Gaby. “Wait!”

  As Haven stormed outside, she fell to her knees, gasping for air. There was something peculiar about her. Her gaze was sinister, her voice beastly. It was as if she wasn’t the Haven that Gabriella knew. She looked like someone else trapped inside Haven’s body. Gaby didn’t know what do. Should she wake the boys? Should she call the police? She had no idea what to do, and she was afraid to do something that might anger Haven.

  “Haven…” muttered Gaby. “Haven…maybe we should go inside.”

  Haven growled again, this time rather violently, scaring Gaby. Gaby started to cry hysterically, confused by what she was seeing, and not knowing whether this had anything to do with Chuck and Madam Marie. She suddenly thought that it was best to call Madam Marie, and ask her what to do. She was afraid that if she had called the police, Haven would run away. She clearly wasn’t taking anyone’s help.

  Gaby ran inside the house, grabbed her cellphone and dialed Madam Marie. The phone kept ringing, but there was no answer. She walked up to the window, and watched Haven shiver and growl and bleed on the lawn as she kept trying to reach Madam Marie. She finally picked up.

  “Hello?” said Gaby. “Madam Marie? Is that you? It’s Gaby!”

  “Hello, Gaby,” said Madam Marie.

  “Something’s happened,” cried Gaby, “something’s happened and I don’t know what to do.” Madam Marie was silent for a few seconds.

  “What happened?” asked Madam Marie in a rather concerned tone. “What have you seen, Gabriella. What do you know? What did you do?”

  “What?” asked Gaby, bewildered by Madam Marie’s strange assumptions. “I didn’t do anything, I swear. Neither did I say anything to anyone about what happened. It’s my friend Haven. She was out and she just came back, but she’s bleeding, almost like Chuck. She’s bleeding and she’s acting in a strange way. Was it the same people who hurt Chuck? I didn’t know who else to call.”

  “Who is your friend Haven?” quickly asked Madam Marie. “How do you know her?”

  “What? She’s my friend, I…” muttered Gaby, not knowing why Madam Marie was asking such suspicious questions, “She’s my roommate, we met on campus. Why are you asking me these questions? I don’t understand.”

  “What does your friend Haven look like?” asked Madam Marie.

  “What do you mean what does she look like?” asked Gaby back, “She’s an ordinary twenty year old!”

  “Gabriella!” yelled Madam Marie. “What does your friend Haven look like? Describe her to me, now!”

  “I…I don’t know…” muttered Gaby, “She’s tall, she has blue eyes and red hair, she…”

  “Blue eyes and red hair?” asked Madam Marie in confirmation.

  “Yes, why?” asked Gaby. “But she’s really bleeding heavily, I don’t know what to do. Should I call an ambulance?”

  “No!” yelled Madam Marie. “Don’t call anyone! Do you hear me?”

  “I can’t just leave her there like this!” said Gaby, hanging up and running outside to go and try to talk to Haven again. However, by the time she was outside, Haven was not there. Gaby looked everywhere. She checked inside the house, every room and every hallway. She checked around the house, and outside on the streets. There was no sign of Haven. She was gone.

  Gaby ran back inside the house, not knowing what was happening. She fell to her knees on the kitchen floor, and started sobbing. It was light outside, and the sun was rising in bright orange. Gaby remembered that she had to be in class in less than a couple of hours. She got up, washed her face, and tried to calm herself down. The boys were still asleep. She decided that she would go to the police station first thing after her make-up class. She couldn’t stay and let all of this happen. She also decided that she would go speak to Madam Marie later in the evening and demand that she give her some clear answers.

  She packed her bag, and left the house early, long before Trevor and Gavin were even up. She walked through the bright streets, knowing that something lurked outside at every corner. People always said that this town was the safest in the area, but she knew that they were all hiding something.

  For the first time, she walked boldly down the road with a firm heart, knowing that she will not stop until she found out what exactly was going on.

  Chapter 8

  Gaby sat in her English literature class, barely paying any attention to what her professor was saying. It was a Saturday, but they had a make-up class for a future one their professor had to cancel. It was almost halfway through the lecture, and Haven still hadn’t arrived. Gaby was concerned, but she was also tired and drowsy from her lack of sleep.

  “What do you think, Gaby?” suddenly said her professor. Gaby quickly sat upright, recovering from her lost gaze.

  “I’m sorry?” she said, seeming lost and clearly not having been paying attention. “I’m sorry, what was the question?”

  “I was asking whether 20th century English literature was in any way influenced by rising Eastern poetry at the time,” said the professor, his voice full of surprise and disappointment to find his favorite student barely paying any attention.

  “Oh, umm,” she muttered, “well…”

  “Gaby, have you been listening to anything I was saying today?” he asked, giving her a stern look.

  “Well, yes, but…” she replied, her voice shaking with anxiety.

  “Well then listen more carefully please,” he said, and then resuming with his lecture.

  Gaby shut her eyes and rubbed her forehead in attempt to get rid of the throbbing headache she’s had all day. After class was over, she collected her things and was rushing out of the room until her professor interrupted her.

  “Gaby, can I talk to you for a second?” her professor said. She paused and turned around, preparing herself for a heavy lecture.

  “Sir, I’m really sorry,” she said, “I am usually very attentive. It’s just been a rough couple of days and I…”

  “Gaby, it’s okay,” he stopped her. “I just wanted to see if you were alright. You don’t look too well.”

  “Oh, yeah, well like I said,” she replied, relieved that she wasn’t in any severe trouble, “strange things have been happening lately. I feel like I’m going crazy.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, a little more concerned.

  “Well, you see…” she began. She was about to tell him everything, her heart relieved to finally being able to talk about it. She then quickly remembered what Madame Marie said, and more importantly, how Haven had been screaming at her not to say a word. She held back her tongue and then said, “Nothing, sir. Nothing at all. I’m just ill.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked again.

  “I’m sure,” she reluctantly replied.

  “Well, I hope you get well soon,” he said, placing some books and papers into his briefcase. “Let me know if I can help.”

  “Thank you,” she said, leaving the classroom. “I will.

  Gaby walked down the hallway, feeling a tightness in her chest. Keeping such shocking events a secret was causing her great distress. She revisited her decision to go to the police, and realized that it was a bad idea and that she should wait. She ran some errands throughout the afternoon, and tried to keep herself busy until she went to the library.

  She walked into the building, and headed towards the reception to take the keys from Allan as always. Students were everywhere, studying and catching up on their work on the weekend. It was loud and noisy, as it always was on Saturdays. She walked up to the reception, said Hi to Allan and took the keys from him.

  “Hey, Allan?” she said. “Is Madam Marie around today?”

  “I don’t think so, no,” he said. “She might stop by later in the evening. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” said Gaby. “I just needed to ask her something.”

  “Is it something I can help you with for the time being?” he asked as he collected his belongings.

  “No, it’s fine,” she said. “I’ll just wait for her. Thanks though!”

  “No problem,” he said, heading off. “Have a good shift.”

  She rested her bag on the desk, and took a huge sigh as she fell into the chair. She ran her usual tasks, helping students with whatever they needed, checked for missing belongings, put books back on the shelves, and reviewed the catalogs for the day. She waited for Madam Marie to show up, but there was no sign of her. It was getting late, and the library began to clear up a bit as its closing time came nearer. She rested her back on the chair and gave a loud yawn when she suddenly heard a man’s voice.


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