Payback (Dueling Devils)

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Payback (Dueling Devils) Page 3

by Shyla Colt

  She saw it in the murderous intentions in his eyes. The brown practically turned black with rage. It reminded her of how much she needed to learn about the man she’d practically married.

  A ring tone sounded. Rambler stood. “I need to take this.”

  Ardy watched him leave with her heart in her throat.

  Chapter Two

  Demon walked into the clubhouse, following the two massive prospects with Lefty behind him.

  The Loa Calaveras bordered the Southern portion of town, a few miles out of Newsom city limits. Family oriented, they had a well known affinity for minding their own business. They’d formed a M.C. around the same time as the Dueling Devils, about fifty years ago. After immigrating into the southwestern town from Mexico, the members banded together for safety. They quickly earned themselves respect and a safe place to raise their families. It made sense for Los Calaveras and the Dueling Devils to be allies, so they struck a deal to stay on their side of the city limits. When motherfuckers rolled in looking for trouble, they came together to put them down.

  The room seemed quiet. People lay passed out at tables, on couches and the floor. Speedy, the President stepped up and offered his hand. “You missed one hell of a party brother, but I’m guessing you aren’t’ here for entertainment.” The burly man grinned. His once coal black hair had turned silver. But the sharpness in his eyes remained.

  He’d been the leader for as long as Demon could remember. He trusted Speedy as much as he could anyone who wasn’t actually apart of his own set. “I’m afraid not,” Demon replied.

  Speedy inclined his head. “It never says quiet for long, does it?”

  “Shit, no.”

  Speedy smiled. “Come on then young Porter, we’ll step into my office.”

  “Ain’t nothing young about me anymore, Juan,” Demon commented amused. It’d been a long time since he heard his given name.

  “Compared to me, you’re practically a newborn, Jonah.”

  Demon tilted his head back and laughed. “You aren’t that old.”

  “Bless you mijo,” Speedy snorted as they stepped inside and shut the door.

  “Where’s Creeper?” Demon said glancing around for the hulking shadow never too far away from.

  “Hah.” Speedy grinned. “He’s down for a little R&R with a group of bitches, if you know what I mean.”

  Lefty laughed. “Yeah, we get you.”

  “Sit, let’s talk shop.” The humor left Speedy’s eyes as he sank down in the chair behind his desk.

  “Sidewinders hit my house, came after my kids and put a plant in the club.”

  “Shit! Didn’t think they had it in them.” Speedy shook his head.

  “Yeah, me either. That was my first mistake,” Demon said scrubbing a hand over his face. “He came a hair’s breath from snatching my family, so you know I have to shut him down.”

  “Understandable and expected. You know we got your back. What’s your next move?”

  “I want to shut his shit down…permanently.”

  “You need men?”

  “That and information. Why get bold all of a sudden? Who’s he working with?” Demon asked.

  Speedy frowned. “No one likes them. You don’t make deals with double crossers. That’s why they never grew in size. They just exist on the outskirts, like cast aside garbage.”

  “Guess they got tired of that,” Lefty interjected.

  “Why target you, though?” Speedy wondered aloud.

  “Another good question,” Demon stated rubbing the hair on his chin.

  “I can put some feelers out if you’d like,” Speedy offered.

  “Yeah, we’re not going to be able to get close to him at all. It’s clear he’s been watching me for a long time.” The thought got under his skin.

  “Consider it done. You hitting up the Night Riders in the north?”

  Demon shrugged. “Do you think I should? Best I figure, they might be in on it.”

  “What would they have to gain? They got that shit up there on lock. I never had a problem with them.” Speedy shook his head. “The fucker might just be crazy. He’s got that look about him.”

  “True enough,” Demon agreed. “For now, this stays between us.”

  “My lips are sealed Mijo.”

  Demon stood and tapped the desk. “Thanks. Let me know what you unearth.”

  “You’ll know the minute I do.” Speedy stood. “I’ll see you out. Unless you want to scrounge up some trim.”

  Lefty snorted. “Oh no, Pres is a taken man now.”

  “You got an old lady?” Speedy looked shocked.

  “Yeah and I’m just as surprised as you.”

  “Fuck, now I really feel old!”

  Lefty laughed.

  “Wait till the shit blindsides you. I’ll be there to rub it in,” Demon growled.

  “Oh no, ain’t no one clipping these wings,” Lefty argued.

  They stepped out the clubhouse into the sunshine and a light bulb went off in Demon’s head. “We need to find out everything we can about Louis Castile. I get the feeling this bastard isn’t who he makes himself out to be.”

  “Want me to get the techs on it?” Lefty asked, pulling out his phone.

  “Yeah, but we both know the best place to get information is Taffy’s. Weak willed men get liquor in them and all kinds of shit slips out. They discount the girls because they’re nothing more than a bit of tits and ass.” Demon shook his head.

  “Which is why we keep them paid up to listen in for us.”

  “They won’t be open, but we can hit up Gia at her house.”

  “Yeah, she never did turn you down for anything.” Lefty smirked.

  “Look. That shit was over a long time ago.”

  “Hmm, somehow…I don’t think she knows that.”

  “I ain’t been in that bitches bed for a year. I’d say it’s pretty clear.”

  Lefty shook his head. “It’s all in the way she looks at you, brother. I’m just giving you fair warning.”

  “I don’t have time for this. Bitch gets out of line and I’ll put her back in her place.”

  Lefty nodded.

  The silent treatment had Demon rolling his eyes. “I swear you’re more dramatic than a teenager on her period. You sweet on Gia? You want to go for her, be my guest.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. Every time we shared her, your eyes said it all.”


  “Yeah, business first, then you can try to get the bitch in your bed,” Demon suggested while mounting his bike and turning the key.

  t took twenty minutes to get there. Gia lived on the nice side of town in a two-story home with a pool and a perfectly manicured lawn, laden with flowers and girly ass statues. As they pulled into her driveway, Demon bit back a laugh.

  Her neighbors would faint if they knew the enterprise that funded her lifestyle. She was a self-made bitch who climbed her way from the bottom and went from making money for others to making it for herself.

  Demon admired that. Apparently not as much as Lefty, though. The thought of his right in command being sweet on the ex-stripper, would be laughable if he weren’t in business mode. They cut the engines. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and pressed speed dial.

  “You finally coming back for some of this good loving, D?” A husky, sleep laden voice whispered.

  “Let me be the first to tell you I’m off the market.”

  “What?” She squawked.

  “That’s beside the point. We’re here on business.”

  Gia cleared her throat. “Did I do something?”

  “Shit naw, Gia. It’s nothing like that. Things with the club are going great. Listen, Lefty is here with me. We need to come indoors to talk about this.”

  “Yeah, okay. Give me five and I’ll be down.” She disconnected.

  “She’ll be down in five.” Demon turned to look at Lefty. The shit eating grin on his face made Demon scowl.

  “I see you wasted no time telling her you were off the market.”

  “I’m trying to help your no game ass out. If it wasn’t for the club whores, I don’t think you’d ever get your wick wet.”

  “Fuck you. I’m charismatic.”

  “That’s just a word your mom uses to make you feel better about yourself, fucker.”

  Lefty flipped him off and Demon laughed, welcoming the lightened mood. The door opened and they glanced up. The voluptuous frame covered by a gauzy red robe that made her caramel colored skin pop, would’ve made him hard as a rock a few months ago. Now, she was a piece of art to be admired from afar. It felt like his dick had been reprogrammed for Ardy’s pussy. Leaving his bike, Demon met her in the entryway. “Hey Gia.”

  “Long time no see, Demon. I should’ve known this wouldn’t be a visit for pleasure.” She gave him a smile.

  But he couldn’t’ miss the sadness in her green eyes. The startling jewels were a throw back from her Jamaican heritage.

  “Only you could look this good just climbing out of bed,” Lefty said.

  Gia laughed. “You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?” Gia accepted Lefty’s hug and stepped back to let them inside. “Come on in the kitchen, I can get us coffee. I feel like I’m going to need caffeine for this. “

  They followed her through the darkened house into the top of the line kitchen. He’d been privy to her cooking skills enough know the equipment wasn’t just for show. The bitch could make a mean meal. He took a seat in a stool at the black and white marble counter top.

  “Cappuccino work?” Gia asked, glancing over her shoulder from the monstrous black and chrome machine that took up a good chunk of space on her kitchen counter.

  “Yeah, that works,” Demon answered.


  “Make it two. You know I’m easy.”

  “I know all too well, Lefty.” Gia winked. “What kind of information are you looking for?” She grabbed a large white mug, placed it under the tap, hit a few buttons and the machine whirred to life, sounding like a waking dragon.

  “What do you know about Louis Castile?” Demon asked the question of the day.

  Her shoulders tensed. “That he’s fucking insane.”

  “Gia. I don’t like the way you just responded to that,” Lefty growled.

  “He doesn’t take no for an answer very well. A few months ago, he got tired of the girls on the floor and decided I was on the menu.” She rolled her eyes and scowled. “I told him no a million different ways, but he keeps coming around, giving me the creeps with those dead eyes of his.”

  “You won’t have to deal with him much longer,” Demon promised.

  Gia turned. “Something happened, didn’t it?”

  “Sidewinders made a move last night. Came by my house and started a war.”

  “Jesus,” Gia whispered. “What the fuck was he thinking?”

  “That’s what I want to know. You see him chatting up any of the other M.C.’s Have your girls heard him discussing any deals?” Demon asked.

  “No, he’s almost always with his crew, or alone. Offhand, I can’t say what the girls might’ve heard, but I’ll start making my rounds and asking them. It’ll take me awhile. You know how many we keep on rotation and they live on club time, totally different from the nine to five.”

  “Wake them up. You’re a lot kinder than me. I have no fucking problem going door to door and dragging them out of whatever coked up stupor, drunken binge they’ve found themselves in,” Demon warned, flexing his muscles as she set their mugs in front of them.

  Not all strippers were the same. Some girls needed the cash flow to take care of family or put themselves through school. Others were hot messes who lived for the next high and easy cash. Those were the ones who ran a little business on the side. They did their best to keep that out of the club, but what they did on their free time was all them.

  “I know a girl who…has a special relationship with Louis. If anyone knows something, it’s her. But you have to give me time to sober her up. You barge in and scare her half to death she’ll clam up, maybe even go straight to him.”

  Demon clenched his jaw. He could give a fuck about scaring some whacked out of her mind bitch.

  “Trust me D. I wouldn’t fuck around with the kids’ safety, you know that.” She lowered her voice and met his gaze.

  “I’m trusting you with this.”

  “I know. I’ll have everything you need by noon today. I promise. Now, let me get you guys something to eat before you hit the road. I have some Johnny Cakes I baked last night.”

  Demon’s mouth watered at the thought of the sweet flavored bread. His stomach growled.

  “Drink the Cappuccino. You look like you need it.”

  Any other bitch he’d call out on semi bossing him around, but he liked Gia. They had an understanding when it came to important shit. He’d bought into her club and took it to another level. It’s how they met in the first place. He curled his hands around the warm cup, mentally plotting his next move once they left. It was time to head to the warehouse and take stock of their equipment. Some of the sister chapters should be rolling in soon.

  A key sounded in the lock and Ardy stood from her seat at the kitchen table.

  “Daddy!” Harley squealed, hopping from her chair.

  Rocket stood seconds later. His face clouded with concern.

  Ardy grabbed Harley around the waist and lifted her into the air. “Let’s give him a chance to get in the door,” she said playfully.

  Rambler and Mumble glanced back at them.

  “We’re good. I can see Pres on the monitor.” The door swung open and Ardy exhaled when Demon’s dark head came into view.

  “I know I’m the President, but you don’t have to greet me on your feet.”

  Rambler and Mumble laughed.

  “We’re all a little on edge,” Mumble defended in his gruff raspy voice.

  I wonder why he sounds like that? She’d never seen him smoke and he was too young to have his voice altered that much by cigarettes anyway. He couldn’t be much more than twenty-two.

  “I figured. That’s why we’re getting out of here for a while. Ardy, I want you to take the kids into their rooms, pack a bag for a week or so and then pack your own.”

  His voice sounded level, but the wildness in his eyes frightened her.


  The barked command made her jump.

  Harley sniffled and Rocket’s eyes went wide.

  “Come on guys. Let’s go get ready for our trip.” Keeping her voice light she cuddled Harley to her chest. “Daddy’s grumpy. Let’s give him some time to put his happy face on.” Demon always took care to make his kids feel comfortable and loved. Something is horribly wrong.

  “Ardy where are we going?” Rocket asked as he trailed her into Harley’s room.

  “I don’t know. Somewhere fun I’m sure. Where do you think we could be going?” Ardy set Harley on the bed, walked to the closet and pulled out her pink camo luggage.

  “Maybe to Dime City!” Rocket said suddenly excited.

  “The arcade would be fun. But I don’t think we’d need clothes to go there. What do you think Harley?” Ardy set the roller bag on the bed and began to fill it as quickly as possible with everything the Harley would need for a week.

  “Umm… Daiwy Queen?” She shrugged and wrinkled her tiny button nose.

  “Why are you so cute?” Ardy teased, tucking her under the chin.

  Harley giggled. “I bet if we ask nicely, Daddy would take us all there.”

  “That would be awesome,” Rocket said.

  “I agree. I’d love a sundae about now.” Ardy zipped up the suitcase. “Hop down honey, time to pack your brother’s bag. Why don’t you go ahead of us and pick your favorite socks and shorts, Rocket?”

  “Okay.” He took off like a shot.

  Thank God for misdirection. “Come on little lady, I’ll push this and you can follow me.”

>   “Otay.” Harley beamed up at her as she slid from the bed and followed behind like a baby duck. They entered Rocket’s room and she found a small pile of t-shirts and shorts waiting to be folded.

  “Did I do good?” Rocket asked. His eyes were full of hope she didn’t dare crush in any way.

  “You did great, buddy. Want to pick out seven pairs of socks? We can count together.”

  “I can do that!”

  They continued playing mini games until they were packed.

  “How we doing here?” Demon appeared in the doorway.

  “The kids are all set.”

  “I’ll take them into the living room, so you can get your things together. Come on guys.”

  The kids started to walk toward him.

  “Wait, don’t you need something too?” Ardy asked.

  “No.” He shook his head

  Her stomach plummeted. He’s pawning us off. “Okay. I’ll meet you guys out front in a few.” Ardy walked around the kids toward her room without making eye contact with Demon. Without a word about where they were going or why he expected her to blindly follow him. Tradition or not, she needed more to feel halfway secure right now. They’d narrowly escaped bodily harm. He had to realize inside she was still reeling. Inside their room, she pulled out the duffle bag she’d originally moved in with and began to go down her list of things, starting with underwear.

  “You’re pissed.”

  His gravelly voice drew her attention to the door. Demon walked in and closed it behind him, leaning up against the wood.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to babe, it’s written in those killer eyes of yours.”

  “A lot’s happening. I’m dealing the best I can.”

  “Stop watering it down and say what you want to say.”

  “Its bullshit for you to come in here, demand we pack, snap at the kids and not tell me shit. I don’t give a fuck about the rules. If I’m not okay, how can I make sure they’re okay?” She gripped the shirts in her hand and bowed her head, taking a deep breath.

  “You’re going to another property I own in a remote location. This one has been compromised. I’ll do my best to travel back and forth, but the truth is I’m going to be busy doing that shit I won’t tell you about.” He walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest. “I’m doing what it takes to keep all of you safe. You realize that, don’t you?”


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