MYSTERY: RIng of truth - Dying Words: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Ring of truth)

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MYSTERY: RIng of truth - Dying Words: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery: Ring of truth) Page 1

by James Tayler



  Dying Words

  James Taylor


  Copyright © 2015 James Taylor

  All rights reserved.

  Table Of Content



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2



  Free Book


  Copyright 2015

  All Right Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Ring of Truth Part 1

  Dying words


  Jessica Kinsey is a police officer that has been demoted because of a mistake on the job. She was a high profile homicide detective, but now she’s back in uniform doing what she did 10 years ago. It’s all pretty much mundane, until she meets a man that has been stabbed in broad daylight. She chases off the attacker and then hears his dying declaration that makes no sense. She spies a young man at the scene of the crime looking suspicious. Before she can question him, he disappears like that of a ghost. He is a dark and mysterious man named Rafael Sanchez. She finds a ring with strange language inscribed on the back of it. She takes it into her custody and before she can make it to the station, she is ambushed on the road. Rafael comes to her rescue and they soon find themselves on the trail of the mystery of why that man died in the first place.

  Dying Words

  Chapter 1

  “Jessica, I’m not exactly happy about this either, but it’s out of my hands. I don’t think that this in permanent, but for the time being we need to look like we are cooperating. You don’t have to give me the look. Get out of my office and go do something productive. For god sakes try to stay out of trouble this time. I know how hard that is for you and somehow you seem to be drawn towards danger. You do have a keen eye for detail and that makes you a good detective. Those days are over for now. Keep your head down low and maybe I might be able to get you back on top where you belong.” Captain Arnold didn’t like this at all and I knew how he felt.

  “I know that what I did caused this department to have a black eye. I am sorry for that, but I still think that I was right, even though the evidence didn’t exactly go my way. There had to be a reason why he knew that I was coming. Somebody had to tip him off and I’m going to make it my mission in life to find out who that is. Don’t worry; I’m not going to do anything on the job. I’ll be a good little girl, although I don’t think that I will be given the respect that I deserve.” I was a gorgeous blonde woman with the kind of attitude that would make most men run in the opposite direction.

  Standing there at attention, I understood that I was now going to be back on the beat. I thought that I was destined for bigger things. I had my eyes set on the Capitan and his job. We had a brief flirtation, but it never amounted to more than heavy petting and the occasional oral gratification. I actually did like having him come over in the dead of night for a little action on the side. He was a married man, but he was only staying for the sake of the children. I felt ashamed by my behavior and I put an end to it. I was living a chaste life and I had regained some of my dignity.

  “Be happy that I’m not sidling you with a rookie. Your experience would be a wealth of information to those that are just starting out in this field. I would like you to consider taking one along with you, but you don’t have to do it on your first day. I want to give you a chance to acclimate yourself to your new circumstances. Don’t consider this a demotion. Think of it, as a way to weasel your way into out good graces again. I don’t think that it’s going to take you very long to do that.” He couldn’t help, but to look at my shapely figure and wonder what it would be like to immerse himself into my body for one night.

  I was 5’9, 130lbs with the kind of brown eyes that would make most men gaga. I carried myself with sensuality, but I was also a force of nature that would make you think twice about making any sort of advancement. “At the very least, it’s the same beat that I had 10 years ago. A lot of the same shop owners will know me by name. I guess it could be worse. They could’ve fired me, but I know that this was their way of punishing me for going against their wishes.” I turned on my heels and walked out the door. My dress blues were nicely pressed and sharp looking. I looked pretty good, if I don’t say so myself.

  I walked through the bullpen with my head held high, even though those that knew me probably understood that I was dying inside.

  Going down the stairs, I met detective Cassandra Calder. “I just want to tell you that you were the reason why I got into this line of work. I’ve seen you on television and I’ve watched you collar the more dangerous criminals in the city. You make one error in judgment and they castrate you. I guess it’s all about what you have done for me lately. You are a testament and I feel honored to be working in the same precinct as you. I want you to know that you have a friend in me. If there’s anything that you need, all you have to do is ask.” Cassandra didn’t care that those that higher up would see her attempts at friendly banter, as nothing more than two girls gossiping over the water cooler. I had to admit that having someone on my side was better than having no one at all.

  Putting my hand on her shoulder, I decided that a few words of wisdom might go a long way. “I hope that what happened to me doesn’t make you think that this career isn’t for you. I don’t think that I would forgive myself, if someone that was just starting out decided that they didn’t want any part of this, because of some need jerk reaction to how I handle my business.” I could see that she was struggling and that she obviously thought that what happened to me was wrong.

  “I don’t know why, but I think that I’m going to stick it out for the time being. I want to see if I can really make a difference, or if this is just a losing battle all the way around. I have options and my credentials can easily get me into a teaching position somewhere. I just always wanted to serve my city and do what it takes to clean things up for our children.” It was an admirable thing that she was doing, but maybe a little naïve. She had these ideals and I just hoped that she wouldn’t feel them slip away through her fingers after witnessing things that she really shouldn’t be able to see without screaming. I remember when I was like that and I still think that a small part of me still holds onto those idealist dreams for a better future for tomorrow.

  “For me, this is just a hiccup and eventually I will be back on top. It’s just a matter of time before they see that I’m more useful, as a detective, than walking the beat.” I didn’t know who I was trying to convince, her or me, but I think deep down I knew that I was going to have a hard time. Those officers that had seen me climb the ranks had also seen me take a great fall. If I were Humpty Dumpty, I would imagine all the villagers would be trying to put me back together again.

  “I know that we’ve talked about getting together to have a couple of drinks, but maybe we should actually do it this time. My love life is pretty much DOA and I believe that you have been off the market for quite some time. I’ve heard you rebuffing advances from other officers. I also seem to recall a conversation in t
he bathroom that you have taken a break from men. I think that’s a good idea and I’ve been burned too many times in the past to want to repeat that cycle anytime soon. I’m not going to say that I’m not open to a relationship, because that would be wrong. I just don’t think I’m going to go actively searching for something and maybe that way it will find me.”

  “Are you sure that you wanna be associated with me? I’m not exactly on anybody’s Christmas card list these days.” I wanted her to have a way to save face. I didn’t need any kind of pity parade. I was a capable and strong girl that could handle just about anything

  “I think that, as a rookie, I need some kind of mentor to guide me. It’s bad enough that I’m new, but I’m also a woman in a male dominated profession. This is not just for selfless reasons, but I think that we could have a fast friendship. Everything about you, I admire and I would like to emulate one day. I don’t exactly know how far I can go, but with you showing me a few tricks of the trade, I might be able to go a lot faster than even I hope for.” I agreed to have drinks with her that night. I had to admit that I got a certain thrill out of knowing that I was going to teacher some of the things that they didn’t in the academy.

  Chapter two

  “I can’t believe that you’re back after all these years, Officer Kinsey. I’m not saying that the young man that replaced you was bad, but he didn’t have that personal touch. He was all about business, and barely made any time to have a conversation during the day. I know that this is not where you want to be, but to be honest it’s nice to have you back. The streets are not what they used to be 10 years ago. I actually put together a neighborhood watch. It’s nothing formal. We just keep an eye on one another and make sure that if there’s trouble that one of us will call for help. I t doesn’t mean that we’re going to be vigilantes. I would rather let the professionals deal with those that are dangerous.” Miss lock had been in the neighborhood, since I was a child. They built around her over the years. She adamantly refused to sell out to the highest bidder.

  “You haven’t changed one bit. I don’t think that I would have expected anything differently. You honestly have your own mind and that has given you the respect of your clientele in more ways than one. You’re right and this is not exactly what I want to do, but it does make it better that I have people like you that I can talk to you on the job. Besides, I don’t think that there is anybody else in this neighborhood that makes a cup of tea quite like you do.” I took a sip. I’d forgotten what it felt like to be energized by the tea leaves that were running through my system. I promised that I would still stay in touch, but the promise was broken by heaps of paperwork that fell on my lap at any given day.

  “I understand that you have a lot to do, but I do slightly feel ignored. I thought for sure that when you got promoted that you would still come around from time to time. I guess your new position kept you pretty busy.” That was no excuse and I knew that I was missing something and maybe a friendly face and a voice to match was exactly what I needed. “You were one of my best customers and then you just disappeared.”

  “Believe me, if I had the time, I would’ve been here at least once a week to pick up a supply of this tea. I’m glad to see that you’re still in business and trust me from this moment on I will not be a stranger.” I slugged back the rest of that concoction. It made me feel like I was ready to face the day. “I have to get going, but I’ll be sure to check in before the end of my shift. If you need anything, you can call me personally at this number. Until they get their heads out of their asses, I’m going to be a permanent fixture around here. Spread the word that there’s a new sheriff in town or more to the point an old sheriff that has returned.” I was hoping that when word got out that I was back on the beat that some of these shady characters would slink back into the holes that they came from.

  “I know that a lot of the store owners will be happy to hear that. I’m sure that you’ve already talked a few of them. I doubt that I was the first one that you graced with your presence. We have a meeting once a week and if you’re not too busy, we would really like you to stop in with any words of wisdom that you might have.” I was the one that had mentioned for them to do that, but I never knew that they actually instituted the program.

  “I’ve always said that there was strength in numbers and apparently you have decided that I was right. I don’t think that I could be prouder. I’m sure that I can shuffle things around, so that I will have time for you and the rest of the store owners. Good communication is the key. If you don’t mind, when you see some of your store owner friends, I would like you to give them my card. I don’t want to be seen as unapproachable and unlike my predecessor, I’m not going to just give you lip service. If I have to be here anyway, then I may as well make the best of it. Take care and I’m sure that I’ll be seeing you shortly.” I was on my way out the door, when she grabbed me by the shoulder. If that was anybody else, I would be able to enforce an assault on a police officer. With her, it was a friendly gesture and one that was not meant to be some kind of threatening motion.

  I turned and she placed a paper bag in my hands. “This should help you to ward off that wall everybody hits around 2:00 PM. Don’t worry, it’s not like there’s anything in there other than natural elements. I found a concoction that works. It has been all the rage since I introduced it.” I looked into the bag and the first thing that hit me was the smell of cinnamon. That was my favorite. It brought me back to a simpler time when I was a child in my mother’s kitchen. I knew that she was proud of me, but she was always worried and I think that I was responsible for some of those gray hairs on her head.

  “I really do appreciate this and you have no idea how much. I thought that this was a punishment, but now I realize that it’s a way for me to get back to my roots. I think all police officers whether they are detectives or not should step back into the shoes that they once had. It makes you appreciate the journey and the people that you meet on any given day.” I walked out and I had my jacket zipped up with my badge affixed in a way that anybody would be able to see it.

  Chapter three

  The smiling faces of the store owners brought back memories that I cherished. They were kind and down home kind of people that deserved to be left alone to make a living. Of course, there were always those that wanted to take what wasn’t theirs. Robberies in this area had dropped considerably when I was here the last time, but things had escalated in my absence. I was going to have to knock some heads and remind people that I was here. When I did finally get off the street, I would make sure that the person that replaced me was trained the right way. I would not throw them into the deep end, without making a concentrated effort to show them how it should be done to make the most difference.

  I picked up a flower at the flower shop and smelled the fragrance. It was funny, but it was those simpler things that made me smile. I had forgotten what was most important. I was doing myself a dishonor of not taking the time to literally smell the roses. It was broad daylight and I’d started my shift at 3:00 PM. It wouldn’t end, until almost midnight.

  It was about 7:00 PM and the sun was going down, awakening a world that was entirely different than what it was in the daylight.

  I noticed some of the regular streetwalkers and I stopped to chat them up. I wanted them to know that I wasn’t there to hassle them. If they needed anything at all that all they had to do was ask.

  “I don’t know you and I don’t trust you. You may have these girls fooled, but I know the truth. You’re just waiting for us to make some kind of mistake, so you can haul us down to the station to make your quota. I’m not going to give you that satisfaction and I don’t care how much you want to be our friend.” I’d found out through one of the others that this girl’s name was April and that her stage name on the street was Phoenix. Apparently, she got that moniker from a tattoo of a blazing sun on her right arm. She was wearing a very short jean skirt along with a midriff top that really was a little bit too risqu
é for a woman of her younger age.

  “You have me all wrong, but I don’t think that you’re going to believe me, until there is a reason for you to.” I handed my card out and of course April really didn’t want anything to do with me. She took the card and ripped it up, most likely thinking that I was part of the problem and not part of the solution.

  I walked away, as it was not beneficial to me to get into an argument over something, as trivial as trying to do the right thing. She could believe what she wanted. I was sure that she was jaded by a past relationship or a home life that wasn’t exactly beer and skittles.

  I was walking down the street swinging my billy club. I was finding myself enjoying taking on the role of the law around here. I heard somebody scream and I followed it to its source. An elderly man with a cane was now lying on the street with a thug dressed in black going through his clothing. “I’m a police officer and I suggest that you take your hands off of him. Stand up slowly, put your hands over your head and interlock your fingers. Do not try anything suspicious, or I will have to use force. This is your only warning and I suggest that you follow by directions to the letter.” I could see that the elderly man was bleeding.

  At the sound of my voice, the man clad in black stood up slowly and raised his hands with what appeared to be a knife. He dropped it and it fell behind him dancing on the pavement, until coming to a stop on top of the grate leading down into the sewers.

  “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. If I were you, I would seriously consider turning around and pretending that you didn’t see a damn thing. Do yourself a favor. Don’t make the mistake of being some hero. We all know what happens to heroes. They either die or they wake up 50 years later realizing that their life didn’t amount to anything. This doesn’t have to be difficult.” I couldn’t believe that he was actually talking to me like that.


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