Divine Royalty

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Divine Royalty Page 2

by Shelli Humphrey

  Our conversation was changed back to focus on me, while she helped me into my gown. I spun around in front of the mirror admiring her handy work. It felt so good to be wearing my gown again. The silk clung to my curves perfectly and the lace draped the skirt like freshly fallen snow on a frozen pond. She tightened the corset and tied it tight. The bead work on it was astonishing. In the other realm they did all that with machines but here it was more beautiful knowing that someone had taken the time to stitch every single bead into its proper place by hand.

  Shea examined the gown and how it fit. She walked around me a few times and then measured the bottom. After a few silent moments, she looked up at me with a smile. “I knew this would be perfect! You look even more beautiful than usual Ana! I cannot wait to add the final touches I just thought of last night. Those will be a surprise. Once we leave here, you will not see your gown again until its time to prepare for the wedding tomorrow night. But rest assured, I know what you like and you will love what I have in store for you!” Shea gushed as she started unlacing the corset. “Thank you Shea! I know whatever you do, I will love it!” I gushed right back, finally feeling like a bride again.

  Once I was back in my purple dress and all my jewels, I turned to Shea with a wicked grin. She stepped back and put her stuff down. She knew what that look meant. Three years apart had not changed anything about me. “Have I told you how much I missed you Shea? I have not felt the tender touch of a woman in three years.” I said as I slowly walked towards her. For each step I took towards her, she took one back. Finally I had her pinned in a corner. Thankfully we were in my dressing room, the only room in the palace no one could enter without my permission. I brought my hands up to cup the sides of her face and gently stroked her neck. After what seemed like forever, I leaned in and kissed her. She knew the role of a mistress. She kissed me back but only following my moves. Her hands stayed by her sides as mine traveled over her body. When we kissed, it seemed like my hands had a mind of their own. They examined every inch of her torso, favoring her large breasts. A soft moan escaped her lips when my hands traveled down to cup her nice tight ass.

  After a while of kissing and caressing, I pulled her down to the floor, on top of me. She knew what that meant. It was her turn to explore. But unlike me, she did not explore with her hands. She trailed light kisses from my lips, down my neck. She knew I loved it when she kissed my neck. A soft bite at the base of my throat pulled a moan out of me. She grinned as she continued. The kisses left my neck and traveled over my chest. Soon she had the neck of my dress down and was kissing my breasts. I cried out as the pleasure hit me when she sucked my nipple into her mouth. I had forgotten how good she was with her mouth. When I told her that, she chuckled before moving lower. She pushed my skirts up and trailed kisses up my legs. Once at the top, she paused and looked at me for her cue. I nodded, and she grinned before going back down and proving to me just how good with her mouth she was.

  An hour later, I was walking through the gardens trying to find Michael. Rounding a corner, I was stopped by a large purple rose bush that wasn't there when I was here last. I saw a small plaque held by a goddess statue at the base of the bush. It read “These flowers were planted in honor of Princess Anastasia, The Princess that was lost to time. May she find her way home.” I was stunned. I knew everyone had been affected by my absence, but I was not expecting monuments. I started tearing up over it all, and that was when Michael decided to make an appearance. “It was Shea's idea. About a year after you left, she came to me and said how surprised she was that the queen had not constructed some kind of monument in your honor yet. We discussed between the two of us what kind of monument you would like and finally came to the agreement that as long as it was purple and nature based you would be happy.” He informed me as he stood beside me. He wiped the tears from my face and kissed me softly. “It is beautiful.” I said softly. “I wanted it to be as beautiful as the woman it honored.” I had always loved the way he turned everything into a compliment on my beauty. We started walking back inside.

  The castle was bustling with activity. Everyone was working to get it ready for the wedding. Just inside the doors Michael pulled me to a stop. “What is wrong love?” I asked him concerned. “Before you went to the gardens, where were you? You were gone for a couple hours.” He asked me curiously. “I am sorry. I went to meet Shea for my fitting.” I looked around to make sure no one was within earshot, then continued, “We got a little distracted.” He smiled and nodded. “Of course you did. I was wondering how long it would take for you to reconnect. How does that work after we are married?” He asked. “It works however we want it to, but it seems she may be off the market soon.” “Oh really?” “Yes. She informed me one of my old guards is pursuing her. Her father approves but she is wary. She does not like the idea of her husband going off to battle and possibly not coming home to her. I understand her concern, but I gave her my blessing. He is a good guy and would be a loving husband.” “Which guard is it?” “James” I told him absently. “Ah okay. They would make a cute couple. Maybe I should give him some advice on how to win her heart.” He said as if he were an expert. He forgets our marriage had been arranged. Us falling in love before we married had just been an added benefit. “You can try.” I laughed at him. “I will, after the wedding. So what would you like to do now?” “I want to relax for as long as my family and staff will allow.” He grinned at me before leading me off down a corridor that looked familiar but I couldn't place it.

  Michael opened the door at the end of the corridor to reveal a much expanded version of my favorite room in the castle. The walls of the library were lined floor to ceiling with books and all of the book cases throughout the room were filled to bursting point. The room had been added on to. Before I left, there was only about ten book cases. Now there were almost fifty.

  I stood in the doorway in awe. He pulled me into the room and over to a circle of lounge chairs placed in front of a burning hearth. He laid down on a chair and pulled me down with him. Once we got comfortable, he picked up a book off the center table and started reading to me. I had always loved listening to him read. His deep masculine voice just made every book and poem sound that much more magical. The book he happened to pick up was the one we were reading when I left. He even started from the exact spot we left off at.

  It felt good being able to lay here with him and continue with our life as if the last three years had not happened. I knew if anyone was going to treat me like this it would be him. He truly was the perfect match for me.

  My mother had arranged our marriage when we were ten. He was the eldest son of her favorite Lord, so naturally he would be her choice to marry her heiress. We met at my tenth birthday ball, when my mother announced our engagement. At first I was pissed that she would do this without even telling me, but then we danced. Our first dance was to my favorite song and the entire dance he stared directly into my eyes. I, being a stubborn princess, stared right back. In his eyes I saw nothing but honesty and trustworthiness. He did not speak once until the end of the dance. He bowed to me and kissed my hand. Then he said “I look forward to our next dance my queen.” And that is when my heart screamed at me not to let him go. After the dance I had Lysa slip him a note telling him to meet me in the gardens. When he arrived, I was seated on a bench staring up at the stars. He sat down next to me and just watched me in silence until I spoke. “Mother expects us to marry on my fifteenth birthday. That means we will have this year to get to know one another and then on my eleventh birthday, you will move into the palace. You will have four years to get accustomed to palace life before our wedding. How do you feel about that?” I had asked him. “As long as it ends with you as my wife, I will do whatever your mother wants.” He had responded without hesitation. “Why?” “Because our parents wish us to marry, and no one says no to your mother. But also because I have loved you since I first saw you two years ago at your sister's birthday ball. You walked in an hour late, wearing a shiny blue
gown. Your hair was messy like you had just come in from a ride on your horse to discover the ball and your mother chastised you for it in front of everyone. You were angered and embarrassed yet all I saw was beauty. From that moment on, I prayed that the Goddess would bring us together.” I had kissed him then, and from that moment on we were inseparable until the night before my fifteenth birthday.

  I had gone out for a ride with Lina to get rid of some of the pent up energy and excitement over my wedding the next day. We were riding out near the farmland on the outskirts of the castle grounds. All of a sudden, the space in front of me opened up into a purple portal and I was pulled through by some unseen force. The last thing I saw before it closed was Lina running towards me screaming. My new surroundings were much different than I was used to, but I adapted as much as I could while also searching for some way to return home to my family and my fiance.

  It took two years, but one day I had stumbled across an old spellbook that was all about portal travel. I read it cover to cover multiple times, before I finally had enough information to construct the spell I needed to open a portal back to my realm. The only issue was I had to wait for the Royal Moon, a full moon that shone brightly through a purple haze, which only happens once every fifty years. Luckily for me, I did not have to wait that long. The next Royal Moon was to happen right after my birthday the following year.

  Michael pulled me from my thoughts when he put the book down. He looked down at me and smiled. “You have no idea what just happened do you?” He teased. “I am sorry. I was thinking about the first time we met and everything that has happened since.” I apologized. “Oh. I think about that day often. It has been my favorite day for years. It helped me get through the worst days without you. But your sister just came in looking for you. I guess your mother wants you.” “Oh damn. I was comfortable.” I said as I sat up. He laughed at me as he stood up with me.

  We walked hand in hand as he lead me to the throne room. There were men and women all over the place, setting it up for our wedding, but Mother sat up front on her throne as if the hustle and bustle all around her was not happening. She smiled as she saw us approach and gestured the servant she had been talking to away. “Finally. Anastasia where have you been?” She asked me as we finally reached her. “I am sorry Mother. Michael and I were relaxing in the library.” I told her as I took a seat on my throne for the first time in three years. “Ah alright. Well at least you finally emerged. I heard the fitting went well this morning with Shealah.” She said conversationally. “Yes. The dress still fit wonderfully. She had to lengthen it last night so it would be long enough. Shealah said she had some surprise additions she was adding to it today, so I am excited to see it tomorrow night.” I told my mother, sounding every bit the excited bride. “So I hate to do this to you Anastasia, but I need to know what happened over the last three years while you were gone.” Mother said apologetically. “I understand Mother.” I said before delving into a rundown of everything I had done and gone through since I left.

  Three hours later, we were sitting in the banquet hall eating dinner. Father and Michael were talking about my guard detail and trying to acquire new guards. Mother and Catalina were discussing some issues some of the farmers were having. And that left me alone with my thoughts. I was finally home, finally complete, and I could not wait to see what the future had in store for me.

  Chapter Three

  I awoke the morning of my wedding to Catalina jumping on my bed. I swear sometimes she forgets she is twenty years old. “Oh calm down Lina. You are going to cause an earthquake.” I chastised as I sat up with a smile. “Oh hush. Mother sent me to see why you missed breakfast.” She informed me. “I missed breakfast? What time is it?” I asked confused. I never slept in. It just wasn't in my nature. “It is an hour before midday meal.” “Oh my goddess! Is mother upset? What have I missed?” I exclaimed, even more shocked at myself. “She is more worried than upset. She thought maybe the traveling between realms had made you ill. You did not miss much. The staff is almost finished preparing the palace for your wedding and Father and Michael have been busy testing the applicants for your new guard. They have been out in the courtyard since dawn with all the men. I think you will have the largest guard in history.” She laughed as I rolled my eyes at her. “Have you heard anything from Shealah? Is my gown ready? I am dying to see it!” I asked getting excited since my wedding was only a few hours away. “No I have not. No one has heard anything from her since she left the palace last night. I am sure she is just busy making sure your gown is perfect.” She reassured me happily, but I noticed the hint of sadness in her voice.

  I knew my sister was forcing all the positivity. She is the eldest, so naturally she should be the heiress. She should have been married five years ago. I had been given her birthright, when it was discovered that Catalina could not have children. It killed me to take it from her, but the people needed to have a queen that could provide an heir. And according to our laws, a woman who could not bare children, could not marry. So my sister had lost not only her chance at the throne, but also her chance at a happy life with a husband to love and cherish her. The day Mother crowned me her Heiress, I had made a promise to my sister, that one day I would find a way to at least give her a happy life. We both knew I could not give her the throne, but I could try to change the law so she could one day marry.

  Lina realized that I caught the sadness in her voice and turned her head away. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. “You remember what I promised you right Lina?” I whispered softly. “Yes but it does not matter. I will never find a man willing to marry a woman who could not give him children, even if that woman was a princess.” She said sadly as a tear escaped down her face. “There is someone out there for you. We just have to find him, and me getting married tonight will put us one step closer to you getting married. You know I will be taking the throne as soon as my first child is born. Once I am Queen, I will have the ability to change the law, allowing you to marry.” “I love your determination Stasia. Now lets get you ready for your big day! I will not allow my sorrows to ruin my little sister's wedding!” She exclaimed as she jumped off my bed wiping her eyes.

  Half an hour later, we were walking into the banquet hall. Everything was in place for my wedding feast tonight. The hall looked beautiful, decorated with every kind of purple flower you could imagine. There was a decoration I did not expect in the center of the room. It was a marble statue of Michael and I. We looked like gods. The artist did a remarkable job capturing every feature of our bodies, while also making the statues look heaven-sent. “Mother had it commissioned. She said it will be placed in front of the palace after tonight.” Lina told me as the actual Michael stepped out from behind the statue. “Ah there you are my love! I was about to come searching for you.” He said with a smile. “I am sorry. I guess I overslept, and then Lina and I were talking after she shook me awake.” I informed him before kissing him softly. “Oh well at least you finally awoke. It would not have been good for you to sleep through our wedding.” He teased. “Do not worry. Nothing will stop us from marrying tonight.” I said, letting every ounce of my determination set my oath in stone. “Good. Oh Shealah is waiting for you in your dressing room. She said the gown is finished but before you get to see it, she needs to figure out how you want your hair and such.” He informed me sounding very much like a man. “Wonderful! I will head over there right away! Lina you are coming with me right?” I asked my sister, getting very excited! “Of course!”

  Ten minutes later, we walked into my dressing room to find Shealah talking with Lysandra, my mother, and an older woman I did not recognize. Upon our entrance, the conversation halted. Everyone looked at us like they were not sure what to say or do. “What happened? What is wrong?” I asked seeing my mother's eyes filled with tears. “Girls sit down.” She said softly. Lina and I listened to our mother as we shared a look of fear and confusion. This was supposed to be a happy day. I was getting married that evening. I
could not figure out what would cause my mother to look at us like that on the morning of my wedding, but then her next words made my heart break and Lina screamed. “An hour ago your father went out with some guards to check into the portal opening that the farmers had reported yesterday. Some of the guards came back a few minutes ago. Your father was not among them. A farmer just arrived right before I came in here. He had brought his wagon to the back entrance of the palace. Inside was your father's body.” “That is not possible.” I managed to say despite my throat going dry and my heart seeming to have stopped. Mother dropped to her knees in front of us and wrapped her arms around us. That's when I knew it was true, because the queen was never found on her knees. At this moment, she was not the queen of this kingdom. She was our mother, and a grieving wife. “I need to see him.” I said over my sister's sobs.


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