Divine Royalty

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Divine Royalty Page 4

by Shelli Humphrey

  I stood in front of him, facing the crowd. I took a moment to look out at everyone, trying to gather my thoughts. I sent a silent prayer to the Goddess, to guide my words and my actions. Immediately, I felt her presence within me. That gave me the extra push I needed to continue with what I was supposed to do. “Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for gathering this early in the morning. As you all know, this man behind me is the man who killed your king. After my wedding last night, I paid him a visit. I wanted to know how he had gotten here and why he had come. He told me that he was watching as I came through the portal and had recreated the spell I used. He came here to try and find me and win my heart. We had been friends while I was gone, and he knew that I belonged to another, but he did not care. His determination to win my heart has now cost us the life of our king and cost him his own life. With the Goddess's blessing, I have sentenced him to death, and now we will watch as his sentence is fulfilled.” I spoke trying to sound as regal as I could.

  As I finished my little speech, I felt the Goddess's presence shift. In front of me, she appeared in an ethereal form. She smiled at me, then walked over to Marcus. She pulled him up to his feet and looked him in the eyes. “Marcus, you have taken the life of one of my children. I do not come here in person for many things, but the wrongful death of my children calls for it. I am here to fulfill your sentence.” The Goddess spoke to him with a sad but powerful voice. When she finished speaking, she raised her hand to his chest and we all watched as her touch stopped his heart.

  The Goddess caught Marcus's body and gently laid it on the ground before turning back to the people gathered in front of us. She looked out across the group of her children with a sad yet happy smile. “My children, do not grieve. Your King watches over you all while sitting at my side. And since there must always be balance in the world, I am here to balance out his death. For each new death, there must also be new life. This new life will come to you in nine months time in the form of a little princess.” With that said, The Goddess turned to me and Michael. She took both our hands in hers and spoke to us. “You two have gone through a lot of heartbreak, and for that I am sorry, but without that heartbreak you would not be the strong leaders you are today. For your strength and love, I am leaving you with the gift of parenthood. Your first child will be born nine months from today. She will radiate grace and she will shine with the beauty of the Gods. And Anastasia, do not forget your promise, for the answer is right in front of you. Now I leave you all with my love.”

  Everyone was stunned by the bright light that appeared to bring the Goddess home, but as it dissipated the crowd broke up. Our people went on their way while they discussed the happenings this morning. Michael pulled me aside before I had a chance to move or even think. He brought me back into the garden near my rose bush. Before he spoke he pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I could feel his love flowing through me as his lips touched mine. “I love you Anastasia!” he said softly as he broke away from our kiss. “I love you too Michael.” I responded as I wiped a tear from my face. “Are you okay my love?” He asked a little worried. His worry was warranted. I mean we did just watch as our goddess appeared and killed my best friend of the last three years the day after said best friend killed my father. Though despite all that, I was fine, wonderful actually. “Yes Michael. I am okay. I'm just so happy and a little surprised honestly. Obviously I've always wanted and expected to have children but I was not expecting it to happen this quickly.” Michael laughed at me. “What do you mean quickly? We still have nine months to wait before she is born. And what did the Goddess mean by 'Do not forget your promise'?” “The day that Mother named me her heir, I swore to Catalina that once I was Queen I would make sure she got her happy ending. Even though I could not give her the throne, I would make sure she was able to marry and I would help her find the man of her dreams. Though if what the Goddess said is true, Lina might have already found him. I need to ask her about the guard she was standing with earlier.” I explained to Michael and he looked dumbfounded. Obviously that was not what he expected to hear.

  An hour or so later, I was sitting in one of the parlors waiting for Catalina to arrive for tea. This would be the first time I saw my sister since the Goddess's appearance. I wasn't sure how she was doing or what she thought of the Goddess's gift to us. To say I was nervous and anxious was an understatement. I kept fidgeting with the tea set laid out in front of me.

  The door to the parlor opened and I never realized it until Catalina was seated in front me. She looked overjoyed, which both calmed me and made me more anxious. She took the teapot and poured us both a cup before taking a sip of hers. “I am so excited for you Stasia! And for me! I cannot wait to be an auntie!” She exclaimed after putting her cup back on the saucer. Her excitement was hard to fight. Before I knew it, I was just as excited. “You will make a great auntie! But lets not talk about all that right now. You owe me some information Lina!”

  Catalina looked honestly confused. I could see in her eyes that she had no idea what I was talking about. She sipped her tea and nibbled on one of the cookies while she tried to figure it out. I decided to take pity on her and explained what I meant. “I saw you earlier at the execution. You were standing a few feet away from Mother and you were in the arms of one of your guards. You two looked quite comfortable in each others arms.” To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She had no idea anyone had noticed them. “We are just friends. He has been keeping me company since Father's death, making sure I was not alone. That is all.” She spoke as if she had rehearsed that answer in her head many times, but I could tell that she wished their relationship was more. “Before the Goddess left she told me not to forget my promise for the answer was right in front of me. Do you know what that means Lina?” I asked her getting excited. “No.” She responded automatically. “It means that guard is the answer. He is the one you will marry once I am Queen and am able to change the law. You will have your happy ending Lina!” “How do you know he would be willing to marry me? Everyone knows I cannot have children and no man would want a wife that cannot give him children.” “Lina let me worry about that. Michael and I have our ways of making things work in our favor. If you want this man, he shall be yours. It is only a matter of when, not if.” Lina jumped up and hugged me.

  After Catalina and I finished our tea, I sent a servant to fetch Lina's guard. When he arrived in the parlor, he was confused as to why he was being summoned by me but he was respectful. He walked in and bowed to me before speaking. “Your Highness, what is it you need from me?” He asked. “Please have a seat.” I said gesturing to the couch across from me. He sat down and was even more confused when I handed him a cup of tea. I smiled at him before sipping my own cup of tea. “You are wondering why I called upon you in stead of one of my own guards. Let me be honest. This is not a matter between a Princess and a Guard. This is about a promise between two sisters that you may just be the answer to.” I said mysteriously. “I am sorry Your Highness. I do not understand.” He responded softly. “What do you think of my sister?” I asked, and was surprised to see him blush. “She is beautiful and kind. She usually puts everyone's needs before her own. She is a strong leader despite the fact that she is not the princess who will take the throne. Why do you ask?” I smiled at his response before answering his question. “This may sound strange but bare with me. The day my mother crowned me her heiress, I made a promise to Catalina. I swore to her that once I was Queen, I would make sure she got her happy ending. Neither of us knew how I would keep this promise, until this morning. When the Goddess appeared at the execution, she spoke directly to me before leaving. She told me not to forget my promise for the answer was right in front of me. And when I looked in front of me, I saw my sister in your arms and you both looked quite content with staying like that.” “Your Highness, if it is allowed and your sister wants me, I am hers. My heart has belonged to her since we were young but at the time I stayed away because she was to be the next Queen and would end
up marrying a Lord. Then it was discovered that she would not be able to take the throne for reasons that made it so she could not marry according to the current laws. At that time, I swore I would be there for Catalina in anyway she needed me.” He declared, sounding just like Michael did every time he told me how much he loved me. “Damyen obviously you know she cannot have children. This does not bother you at all?” I asked curious to hear how he would answer this. “Honestly Your Highness, I cannot have children either. So it would not be fair to marry a woman who could have children.” He answered sounding as if he had never told this to anyone. “Does Catalina know?” “No she does not.” “In that case, I think you need to tell her. And you have my permission as the next Queen of this kingdom to court her as long as you keep it quiet until I take the throne.” I declared sounding very proud of myself and excited for my sister.

  The next few days went by in a blur. Michael and I went to all the meetings that my parents would have normally taken care of. When we were not in meetings we were either in the library reading, or strolling through the gardens. Every time I saw Catalina, I could see how happy she was, which told me that Damyen had listened to me. Lina and I had not had a chance to talk since I had my conversation with Damyen but she had stopped me in the hall one day to give me a hug and whisper Thank you to me before heading off to where ever she was headed.

  Chapter Five

  Before I knew it, the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. By the time things started to slow down, it was almost mid-year. I awoke one day to find that over night I went from looking as if I was not pregnant, to quite obviously being pregnant. I sat up in bed just staring at my belly. I could not believe how fast it was going. It seemed like just yesterday the Goddess was telling us that we would have a daughter before the end of the year. As I was sitting there thinking about all of that, I felt the first flutters from my little girl. It surprised me so much I yelped, which woke Michael. “What is wrong My Love?” He asked sleepily. “I felt the baby move.” I said sounding a little breathless. “Are you serious? I thought it was too early.” He said surprised. “It was not like a kick. It was just a flutter but it surprised me. That is why I yelped.” I explained. He smiled at me before kissing my belly and talking to the baby. “Good morning little princess. Daddy loves you.” He said as he put his hands on my belly. Right after he finished talking, I felt another flutter, and it seemed he felt it too. He kissed my belly again before sitting up and kissing me. We spent the rest of the morning sitting in each others arms.

  We did not move until about midday when Lysandra knocked on the door. “Come in.” I called. She walked in and immediately I knew something was wrong. Lysandra was shaking and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. I jumped up and went to her. I put my arm around her and lead her to a chair. “What is wrong Lysa? What happened?” I asked, scared of what her answer would be. “It was horrible. Stasia I have never seen anything like that before.” She said sounding just as scared as she looked. “What do you mean? Seen what?” I asked getting more worried. “I am so sorry. There was nothing I could do. She was already gone by the time I found her.” “Who? Lysandra who was gone? Who did you find?” I asked thinking I already knew her answer. “Your mother.” I hit the floor. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, my heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. It was like Father all over again.

  Michael was at my side in an instant. He pulled me into his arms and I started crying. I could not hold back. He knew there was no calming me right now, so he stepped in. “Lysandra, where is she? Have you told anyone else?” He asked her gently. “She is in her room. No one else knows. I came straight here. It is a terrible sight. She did not go gently. She was murdered.” Lysandra answered through her tears. “Michael go find Catalina and bring her here. Lysa can you go make sure no one goes near my mother's room until I am there?” I said calmly, realizing that this meant I am now the Queen and I have to deal with this. “Of course Stasia.” Lysa said before hugging me and leaving to do what I asked. Michael gave me a kiss before leaving too.

  Michael was fast. He did not leave me alone for long. Before I had time to start thinking, he was back with Catalina right behind him. She took one look at my face and dropped into the chair that Lysa had just vacated. “What is wrong Stasia?” She asked, and I could tell she was scared to hear my answer just like I was scared to hear Lysa's. “Lysa just came to see me. She found Mother murdered in her bed.” I said trying to be gentle. “No. It is not possible.” Lina cried. “I have not seen her yet. I wanted to tell you first and see if you would go with me.” Lina jumped up and headed for the door with Michael and I right on her heels.

  As we headed to Mother's room, I sent a servant to fetch the guards. We got there first and I took Catalina's hand as I opened the door. We both froze in the doorway. There was blood everywhere, on the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and covering the bed. Our mother lay in the middle of the bed. Her eyes were closed and her throat was slashed. It looked as if she had been killed in her sleep.

  Once the shock passed, I walked up to my mother. Michael tried stopping me but I pushed his hand away. I had to do it. I had to see her close up. I could not believe that someone had killed my mother in her sleep. She had been a beloved queen. All of her people were devoted to her from the moment she took the throne. I could not think of one person that had ever had an issue with my mother. It just did not make any sense.

  The guards arrived and were all shocked by the sight in front of them. They were not expecting to see their queen slain in her bed with blood everywhere. Mother's head guard walked up to me. “Your Highness, do you know what happened here?” He asked me gently. “No. All I know is what we all see. Lysandra found her earlier and came straight to me. I had Michael find Catalina and then we came here to see for ourselves. It appears she was killed in her sleep, so at least our queen did not suffer, but it is quiet obvious she was murdered. By who I have no clue.” I answered trying to sound like a strong queen and not a young woman dying on the inside. “Okay. The men and I will clean up in here and prepare your mother's body for her funeral. After the funeral, I will question the staff. If that is alright with you Your Highness.” He said going into full business mode. “Of course. Thank you Tomas. If you need me, I will be in the Throne Room.” I said before leaving and dragging Catalina with me.

  Once I was in the Throne Room, I sent servants to gather the entire palace staff, servants, cooks, guards, etc. When they arrived, I was seated on my mother's throne. That sight alone told them what had happened. Once everyone was in, I stood up and addressed them. “I called you all here to inform you all that my mother was killed in her sleep last night. After her funeral tonight, her Guard will question each and every one of you. If you have any information about my mother's death, you must tell them. If you do not tell them and you are found withholding information, you will be arrested on the spot. That being said, I need the courtyard prepared for The Queen's funeral, the Throne Room prepared for the Ascension Ceremony, and a feast prepared to honor my mother's life and reign. The funeral will take place just before dusk with the Ascension Ceremony to follow. The feast will be held directly after that. Everyone is dismissed to fulfill these tasks, except for my guards and those of you who served my father.” I paused to let the others leave. Once it was just the guards left in front of me, I sat down on my new throne. “Gentlemen, I need you to go out and inform the people of what has happened. My guards will take the areas closest to the palace and those of you from my father's guard will take the outlands. I also need a couple of you to travel to the temple and inform them. We need one of the priestesses to come back with you for the Ascension Ceremony tonight. Please make your journeys as quick as possible and as safe as possible. Remember, we have a killer on the loose with no information as to their identity. So keep your eyes open for anything suspicious while you are out and about. If you see anyone suspicious arrest them on the spot. If you hear anything, follow the lead. Tomorrow mornin
g, I will hold a meeting in here. I want every guard in attendance, no matter who's guard they are in. Thank you. You are dismissed.”

  Catalina, Michael, and I sat in the Throne Room in silence for a few minutes. None of us knew what to say. In the last few months, we have gone through my return after a three year disappearance, our father's death at the hand of a man I thought my friend, me becoming pregnant to balance out my fathers death, and now our mother has been killed in her bed with no clue as to who did it. Michael and I thought we had a few more months before we would ascend to the throne. We thought it would be a happy occasion, marking our daughter's birth. Instead it will be a sad tearful occasion, marking the untimely demise of my predecessor. I knew we were all thinking the same thing. Why do these things keep happening. First I was taken from this kingdom for three years with no clue as to how it happened or why, then father was mistakenly killed and now mother was brutally murdered.

  Before any of us gathered our thoughts enough to speak, the door flew open. Damyen walked in and all but ran up to Catalina. He pulled her into his arms. “I am so sorry Love.” He whispered to her as she started crying into his shoulder. He turned to me and said “I am so sorry Your Highness. I have been away from the palace, visiting my mother who is ill. I just returned and heard the other guards talking about what happened. Is there anything I can do?” “Thank you Damyen. You are doing exactly what you should be. Stay with Lina while she grieves. She will need you. After we have dealt with everything we need to in the next few days, I will be changing the law so you two can marry.” I said sounding more like the queen I now was. He smiled and nodded before leading Catalina out of the Throne Room, leaving Michael and I alone for the first time since I saw my mother's body.


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