Love's Everlasting Song

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Love's Everlasting Song Page 9

by RaeAnne Hadley

  Chapter Nine

  She got undressed and took a long shower, enjoying the sensations that the five-headed shower produced as the warm water sluiced over her body. The walls and floor of the shower were made of rose-colored marble, the outer enclosure made of frosted glass. The bathroom had been as large as her kitchen, and a large, round bench sat in the middle of the room to allow it’s patrons to sit as they dried or donned their socks. Two, walk-in closets on either side of the shower were large enough to accommodate even the most extreme clothes horse and the few pieces of clothing that she had brought looked dismal. The long, marble counter held two sinks with motion-activated faucets that flowed like waterfalls.

  She finished washing her hair, closing her eyes as the water rinsed the soap from her body. She reminisced over the past three months, but mostly focused on her time with Luke. She wouldn’t allow herself to think of Kip and his betrayal. This was her time to rejoice in the gifts she’d been given. She dried off and enveloped her body in the soft robe that hung in the bathroom. Glad she had brought her Ipod, she put her ear buds in and cranked up the music on her play list. It held many of Luke’s songs but also held music from her other favorite artists. She happily sang along to Katy Perry, Adelle and the Black Eyed Peas as she applied her make-up and styled her hair. She’d settled on a pair of black, tight fitting slacks and high-heeled sandals to go with the tunic and bracelet Luke had sent over. It was a perfect combination of dressy causal for dinner and Luke’s concert.

  Because she wasn’t familiar with New York City, she decided to eat in the hotel’s restaurant. She felt a little self-conscious about dining alone but relaxed when she saw other solo diners. She was seated at a table that faced the street, tall windows providing it’s own natural theatre. The hostess asked what she would like to drink and remembering Megan’s words of caution, ordered a sweet tea for her drink instead of the glass of wine she wanted to ease her nerves. When the tall, sandy-blonde waitress came to take her order, she was asked what room she was staying in to bill the room. At Rebecca’s response, the waitress smiled and nodded her head.

  “Mr. Grayson said you might be joining us for dinner. What may I get for you tonight?”

  Rebecca, feeling slightly nervous, placed her order and sat back, looking out of the window to watch the people and take in the beautiful scenery on the street. She shyly glanced around the restaurant and marveled at the cozy interior. The chairs and tables were made of a light ash wood and the seats were upholstered with a chocolate brown micro suede that was soft and comfortable. Although the overheads were dim, the individual lights in the form of faux candles at each table allowed the patrons enough light to hold a comfortable conversation and still allow an intimate setting. The tables along the walls were small and rectangular, seating only two people, while the inner tables were larger, accommodating up to six people at a time. The entire area had an attractive and comfortable feel and she could see why it was a popular place.

  She was surprised when her meal showed up so quickly and her mouth began to water as the aroma of her filet mignon and freshly steamed veggies filled her nose. She dove into her meal and internally groaned with pleasure as the tender piece of meat melted in her mouth. She quietly enjoyed her meal and tried not to think about the upcoming concert. She hadn’t seen Luke in a few months and when she pictured his face, the butterflies started and migrated towards her chest. She finished her food and though it was comped to the room, she left a tip, wanting to be able to contribute to her delicious meal. She made her way out to the front of the hotel and saw the doorman smile at her. He waved her over, asked if she was Rebecca Gordon and when she nodded, he opened the door to a long, white limousine. She climbed inside and felt the luxurious leather envelope her as she sat. The driver greeted her and let her know they were going to be heading towards Radio City Music Hall for Luke’s concert. She thanked him and sat back to enjoy the ride.

  She watched the scenery pass by as the car whisked her through the streets of New York City. She felt excitement and nervousness build as they pulled up in front of the beautiful building. She was flabbergasted as she saw the hordes of people lined up outside of the building and wondered how she would ever find where she was supposed to be but the car continued on around the block. Another group of fans were waiting, though the cluster was considerably smaller. She assumed that these were a handful of die-hard fans hoping to catch a glimpse of Luke. Because the windows were dark and outsiders were unable to see inside, the group surrounded the car, screaming to the unseen passenger. She felt bad that they were proclaiming their love for whom they thought was a famous singer but instead was actually an unknown woman from Colorado.

  They drove through a second gate, protected by more security guards and continued until they were parked right outside the back doors to the building. There were two large RV’s that looked like mini-mansions on wheels and gave the limousine the appearance of being a small, compact vehicle. There were several other vehicles parked haphazardly about and a few people walking around, most of them security officers, but no sign of any other fans.

  The driver got out of the limousine, came around and opened the door for Rebecca. He helped her get out and led her to double steel doors where they were met by a very large man who stood guard. The driver introduced Rebecca to him and learning his name was Henry, she smiled up at him nervously. He looked like he bench pressed train cars in his spare time and didn’t have a funny bone in his body. She was taken aback when Henry smiled at the driver and thanked him, assuring him that he was expecting Rebecca and had it under control from here. Henry’s voice wasn’t feminine by any means but the soft tone in his voice was not what she had expected. His smile was easy and natural and she instantly relaxed under his care.

  Henry called into his two-way radio and told the unseen listener that he was bringing Mr. Grayson’s guest to his dressing room. Rebecca heard an audible click as the doors were unlocked and Henry opened one, waving Rebecca in.

  When she stepped through the door, she felt herself gasp. There appeared to be a hundred people racing here and there, bustling about. They moved quickly down a concrete hallway and she heard the sound of thousands of people talking and knew they were near the stage. They stopped at a door with Luke’s name on it and Henry opened it and told her to wait inside. She stepped in and thanked him as he closed the door behind her. She heard Luke’s voice and peeked around the wall where she saw him sitting in a director’s chair. A young man, maybe in his early to mid-twenties, with dark, black hair was applying make-up on Luke. A tall, willowy brunette woman was styling Luke’s hair, making sure every strand was in place. A second man, in his mid-thirties, sat across from Luke, pen and paper in hand, scribbling and laughing at what Luke was saying. She stayed hidden, watching him as he continued with what she assumed was an interview. She felt a flash of desire as she watched Luke speaking so passionately about his career. He was so animated and his love for what he did emanated through his voice and body. She knew that feeling and respected the fact that he was living his dream.

  She tried to stay hidden in the corner but the girl doing his hair saw Rebecca and flashed a smile at her, indicating with her hand that she should come in. Luke, catching the girl’s distraction, looked over at Rebecca. His whole face lit up when he saw her and she flushed as she saw how happy he was to see her. He stopped the interview and walked over to her to greet her.

  “Rebecca! I’m so glad you’re here.” He embraced her before pulling back and kissing her softly. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m so happy to be here.” she stammered, her lips tingling from his kiss. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your interview.”

  “It’s fine.” he assured her. “Besides, Kasey is used to interruptions, aren’t you, Kasey?” He smiled at the interviewer.

  “I am, Luke. You’re a popular person and I’m thankful for your exclusive interview.” Kasey smiled. “Can I get the name of your, um, friend?”

  Luke fl
ashed a charming smile and grabbed Rebecca’s hand, pulling her to a swivel, barbershop type chair. “No, she’s a close friend and I’m sure she would appreciate being kept out of the media.” He looked over at Kasey. “I’m sure you’ll respect her privacy.” The tone in his voice made it clear that Rebecca should be left alone.

  Kasey nodded, turned off the hand-held recorder and stood up, gathering his equipment. “Understood and no problem, Luke. Have an awesome concert tonight.” He looked at Rebecca and smiled. “Enjoy the show, they’re always amazing.”

  “Thank you, I will.” She smiled back as she sat down.

  After Kasey left, Luke leaned over her, placing his hands on either side of the arms of the chair and kissed her passionately. “I’ve truly missed you. I believe you’re a witch who has placed a spell over me because I can’t think of anyone else but you.”

  She felt a tremor of desire as his tongue explored her lips and mouth and she felt her body respond but before she had a chance to reciprocate, he pulled back.

  “Is your room to your liking?” he asked as he leaned in to nibble on her neck. “I see you got my gifts and I have to say, they look delicious on you.”

  She laughed nervously, aware of the people still in the room. “Everything has been incredible. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. It’s all been a little like a fairytale.” she admitted.

  “Well, you deserve it and it doesn’t stop here. From what you’ve told me, it’s about time you’re pampered a little.” he grinned mischievously.

  “I don’t need anything else, Luke. You’ve done too much as it is.”

  He leaned back and picked up her hand that the bracelet adorned, kissing her skin lightly. “It’s only the beginning. But for now, I have to leave you. My opening artist is about to go on and I need to finish getting ready. Can I get you some champagne or wine?”

  “No, thank you. I’ll be fine with whatever you have on hand, soda or tea if you have it.”

  “Alright. Tonya will get you whatever you need. One more kiss for luck?” he asked.

  She giggled and nodded, feeling completely surreal. He placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her into his kiss, his lips hungry for hers. She felt her body go numb as he deepened her kiss, their tongues dancing to their own music and she became oblivious to anyone else in the room. He was the only one she sensed and she felt a slight sorrow when he pulled back, ending their touch.

  “You’ll be here after the show?” he asked.

  “I’ll be here.” she said, slightly breathless.

  He kissed her hand again and left the room, leaving her with the young man and woman still in the room. She sat feeling awkward, everyone in the room trying to pretend they hadn’t seen the exchange of affection. She was about to excuse herself to the ladies room when the hair dresser came up and introduced herself.

  “I’m Tonya and I’ll get you something to drink. It’ll be about an hour before Luke goes on and we’ll get you a great seat backstage so you can see the show.”

  “Thanks, Tonya. I’m Rebecca and please, don’t go to any trouble for me.”

  “Oh, it’s not trouble at all.” she smiled. “And if I can say so, you’re much prettier than some of the other girls he’s had back here. You actually look like a real woman.”

  Startled, Rebecca sat back. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, please don’t take offense. You must know a man like Luke Grayson has had other girls backstage. But they’ve all been models or actresses, all thin and fake. It’s nice to see he is seeing someone a little more real, someone with a figure.” Tonya laughed as she left the room.

  The young man who had been applying Luke’s makeup snorted when Tonya left and walked up to Rebecca. “Don’t you pay her no mind, Rebecca. She’s just jealous. Luke is a very talented and handsome man. She’s had her own designs on Luke for years now and seeing new flesh back here makes her jealous.” he soothed. “I’m Dwayne and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Rebecca shook his hand and smiled uneasily. “ Nice to meet you, Dwayne.”

  Dwayne stood back and examined Rebecca. She felt like a bug under a microscope and Dwayne caught her expression and laughed.

  “You are adorable! Don’t mind me, It’s my job to look at a person and see where I can make what God gave them even more beautiful. And girlfriend, you are beautiful. Do you mind if I make a few enhancements?”

  Rebecca felt at ease with his friendly conversation and nodded. “Please, I can use all of the help I can get.”

  Dwayne clapped his hands in delight and grabbed his case. “ Oh honey, don’t we all? I absolutely love a blank canvas and you have exquisite facial features! Let me guess, you’re in fashion.”

  Rebecca laughed and shook her head. “No. I raise and show horses.”

  Dwayne stood back, a shocked look on his face. “Get out! Rural meets urban! How in the world did you get tangled up with Luke Grayson?”

  She laughed and told the story, consciously leaving out how she and Luke ended up sleeping together.

  “Oh my God! It’s just like the movie, Pretty Woman! I mean, without you being a prostitute and all.” he exclaimed excitedly.

  “I know!” she agreed, laughing. “That’s what my best friend, Megan, and I thought.”

  Tonya came back with her drink and raised a questioning brow at Dwayne. Dwayne dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “I’ve got it. You go make sure Luke doesn’t need anything. Rebecca and I are having some fun.”

  Tonya shot a glance at Rebecca as she set the tea down and Rebecca didn’t miss the scowl on Tonya’s face as she left. Dwayne also caught the look and shook his head. “She is so jealous! I love it! Believe me, if I thought there was any chance that Luke was bi, I would have the same look. Luke is so hot but he’s also so straight.” he laughed.

  Feeling uncomfortable, Rebecca tried to laugh with him but took a sip of tea instead. “So she and Luke never dated?”

  Dwayne went back to applying her make-up. “Oh, no, honey. Luke has never mixed business with pleasure. He’s made that perfectly clear. He takes his job very seriously. The only girls he’s dated have been in another field, like actresses and models.” He saw the look of intimidation spread across her face and patted her hand. “They have nothing on you so just put that worry right out of your mind. You have the shape of a goddess and you’re so nice. Not fake like those other girls.”

  She smiled up at him gratefully. “Thank you. I just don’t know what to think of all this, it’s so…unreal.”

  “Welcome to the glamorous life. I’m done with your hair and make-up, ready to see my work?”

  She nodded and took a deep breath as he turned her in the chair to face the mirror. She almost didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. The dark, smoky grays that lined her eyes made her blue eyes look like brilliant jewels. The subtle coloring along her cheeks gave the impression that she had high, sculpted cheek bones. The ruby coloring on her lips matched her blouse and made her lips full and pouty. Her hair was pulled up away from her face and held at the crown of her head in a jewel-encrusted clip, while the length was curled into soft tendrils that flowed down her back and over her shoulders. She looked like a model.

  Dwayne laughed in delight at her reaction and kissed the top of her head. “See, honey? Those models don’t have anything on you!”

  “Oh, Dwayne! You’re a miracle worker.”

  “You’re sweet and yes, I’ve heard that before. You made it easy, you gave me a beautiful palate to work on. It’s all you, Rebecca.”

  “Luke’s about to go on, we need to get Rebecca over to…” Tonya came bursting into the room, trailing off as her eyes fell on Rebecca. “Oh wow, Dwayne, you’ve done your magic again.”

  Neither Rebecca nor Dwayne missed the tone of jealously in her voice and Dwayne shook his head. “No, didn’t have much to do. Rebecca is a natural beauty. She has just never been shown her potential. She’s model material, wouldn’t you agree, Tonya?”

ya flushed but nodded, a forced smile flitted across her face. “Yes, she’s definitely beautiful but it takes more than pretty looks to make it. Can I take you to your seat?”

  “Sure.” Rebecca stood up and Dwayne kissed her on both cheeks.

  “Go out and knock him dead, Cinderella, this fairy godmother doesn’t have a time limit. Enjoy your night.”

  She hugged him and nodded before following Tonya out the door.

  They made their way down a darkened corridor and she saw the opening to the stage. Tonya showed her a chair that was placed just off the stage in the shadows. She was able to see the entire stage and the audience and she was amazed at the thousands of people screaming and whooping, waiting for Luke to come on stage.

  She looked around before sitting and saw Luke standing behind the higher stage that held the drum set and keyboards. He was being wired for his microphone. Tonya had raced over to make sure his hair was still styled but Rebecca saw that his eyes were on her, devouring her with his gaze. She felt a warm flush spread through her body and felt powerful. She smiled and couldn’t help the wink that she gave him. He smiled and nodded, shaking his hand from side to side, indicating that she was hot.

  She heard a man’s voice ask if the audience was ready for a musical delight and the crowd went wild. She had to cover her ears to buffer the crescendo and as the lights went out, the screams got louder. She watched Luke rush onto the stage and take his place as the music began and a soft, blue light came up on him. He began to sing the fast-paced song she’d heard him sing in the studio back in L.A. She clapped her hands to the beat and watched as he performed his magic on stage, racing from one end of the stage to the other, working his fans into a hyper-frenzy. When he finished the song and transitioned into a softer song, the crowd went wild. She recognized this song from the radio and sang along as he soulfully serenaded the audience about a love that was lost but not forgotten.

  Enjoying the music, Rebecca began to wonder about the woman he sang about. She knew he wrote most of his own songs and she felt a pang of pain as she imagined Luke going through the painful break-up that birthed the song.


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