Texas Stranger

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Texas Stranger Page 3

by Muncy, Janet

  For several seconds, January sat in the car staring after him. Confused at his gentle touch. He had the nerve to melt her to nothing and then leave her sitting in the cold car shivering to death. “The man is a regular pain in the neck. Why would I ever want to run into you again?” She patted the dash board of the old car. “You’ll keep me warm, won’t you old girl?” But January found the heater on the car would not turn on. “Well so much for that, you piece of junk.”

  January’s stomach grumbled painfully, for she two had missed a seven course meal with the Bakers. She was beginning to grow shaky from lack of food, and too much alcohol. She was almost sure the Inn was still open, so heading the car in that direction January decided to get a sandwich or something light before going to bed.

  Chapter 6

  The Inn’s dinning area was nearly empty with only a few people sitting around when she entered. But to her dismay they had closed the kitchen thirty minutes before. As she thanked the waitress she headed for the door. It opened quickly, causing her to jam her fingers into the hard wood finish.

  “Oh!” she cried from the pain. Looking up to see who had caused the damage.

  “I should have know it would be you.” She scolded, looking back down to survey the damage nails.

  “Well, such a greeting, after all we’ve been through together, what do you mean you should have know it would be me?” Carl stood looking down at her as a slight grin spread across his face.

  “You caused me to break my nails,” She held her fingers up to show him the damage.

  “Oh, poor baby, want me to kiss it and make it better?” He teased, reaching for her hand.

  “Look! I’ll tell you what you can kiss, buster, and I assure you it wouldn’t be my fingers.” January cursed pulling her hand away from him.

  “Hey now, let’s not get vulgar. But then again that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

  “Please, let me pass, I have no intention of causing a scene.”

  “Good, then why don’t you let me buy you a drink, you look like you could use one.” Carl said, turning her around gently and moving her toward a nearby table.


  “Now, now, let’s not make a scene,” Carl nodded to a couple passing them.

  January only slightly smiled at the passing couple, knowing she had no choice but to let him lead her to the bar area. Pulling out the chair, he motioned for her to sit down.

  Feeling uncomfortable in his presence, she avoided looking at him directly. But kept her eyes fixed on the movement his hands were making.

  “What would you like to drink, Whiskey? Beer?”

  She wasn’t sure why he was being so sarcastic, but for what ever reason she ordered brandy. Although she was sure it would probably hit her stomach like a ton of lead.

  “Ha, brandy, of course. I was sure it would be something strong.” He said motioning to the waiter. “Two Brandy’s please.”

  January glanced uneasily at him, waiting for him to say something. All the while watching him light a cigarette. But she couldn’t stand the way he moved so slowly inhaling the infernal thing.

  “Why did you think it would be something strong?” January asked, avoiding his eyes, that seemed to be staring right through her.

  “Because you act so tough, I thought you would probably drink something strong as well.” Carl answered, puffing on the cigarette more to her apparent irritation then his pleasure.

  January frowned in annoyance as the smoke floated past her nose. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t act tough, and brandy is anyone’s drink.”

  “Hardly my dear, brandy is a man’s drink, as far as I’m concern, and you try to act tough all the time. I’ll bet you one hundred dollars, you can’t drink three of those without passing out.” Carl challenged her. Putting the cigarette down in the ash tray.

  “Don’t ever underestimate a woman’s tolerance.” January said, holding her head higher, trying again to avoid the smoke. Besides she was sure he was right especially since she hadn’t had anything to eat today.

  “Then you’ll except my challenge?”

  “No, I won’t, but it isn’t because I couldn’t handle it. It’s because you’ve apparently had a few already.” She met his gaze, unconsciously putting the irritable cigarette out.

  “Then you have a better chance at winning.” He challenged her again as a smile crossed his face at her fight to put the cigarette out completely.

  “It would be unfair and besides I don’t need the money.” She said, wishing he would stop teasing her.

  “You can buy yourself a new pair of shoes, hat or what ever women buy with extra money.”

  “Men! They always have to prove something don’t they? They are always trying to be the macho.” She hissed.

  “Not all men, only the one’s who have women like you making them feel less than what they really are.”

  “Women like me?” January raised her eyebrows.

  “Yes, women like you. Women who think their tough and can handle the whole world.” Carl said, leaning closer to her. “Now, drink up and prove me wrong, Miss Manson.”

  January sat looking at him, not sure of what to say. He was being hateful and scary. She needed the drink he pushed in front of her, but wasn’t sure it was such a good idea, letting him get to her this way. She grabbed the glass and took a large sip, still looking at his green eyes that had turned black in the dim lighting.

  “I don’t have to prove anything to you.” January stared at him in disbelief. He leaned closer to her, breathing heavily in her face.

  “You are right, you don’t have to prove anything to me, Miss Manson, because I couldn’t care less if your able to handle your liquor. As far as playing the tough guy act on me, you’re not so good at it, so go on leave, before I do something we’ll both be sorry for,” He threatened her under his clenched teeth.

  January had no idea what he meant by that last remark, but she didn’t think she should wait around and find out.. As she got up and grabbed her purse, she noticed him watching a blonde haired woman sitting alone at a nearby table. A pang of jealousy went through her as she turned her eyes toward the door and walked quickly toward it.

  “Now, why should that bother me, I don’t even like him.” She muttered under her breath, walking out the door.

  The ringing of the telephone woke January from a near sleepless night. The bell seemed loud and irritating as she groped wildly for the receiver.

  “It’s eight o’clock, Miss Manson.” The man’s voice came over the line.

  “Thanks,” January said, trying to find the rest of the phone that had been knocked on the floor from her effort to stop the infernal ringing. She felt as though someone was doing tap dancing on her head as she tried to make her way to the bathroom. Her stomach felt nauseate as she worked desperately to avoid emptying of its nothing contents.

  Chapter 7

  As the plane left the ground, January settled down to rest, for it would be a long flight with a thirty minute lay over in Atlanta. The plane jolted waking her from a dreamless sleep. It was now storming, with rain and lightening coming down in a fury. There was no one to share the seat with and get her mind off the rough ride. Closing the shade that covered the window, not wanting to see what dangers were near. She noticed several people getting restless, looking out the windows and checking their seat belts. The flight attendant stopped by now and then to make sure everyone was secured.

  The plane shuddered and descended slightly, causing several people to groan with anticipation, at the severity of the storm. January felt her stomach tighten as she tried to regain her composure.

  She again closed her eyes when suddenly the plane done another nose dive. She knew she had to think of other things before the roller coaster ride she was on would make her sick.

  Leaning her head back on the head rest, she tried to think of other things. Something that could calm her nerves down. Her mind wandered back to the night at the motel room when Ca
rl tripped over the carpet. The tender way he held her, the way his eyes looked as they gazed into hers. She sighed, remembering the strange emotions that passed through her.

  January sensed someone sit down in the seat next to hers. Looking over she noticed a young man about the age of herself. His thick hair styled in a neat fashion, and his suit the latest in men wear.

  “Hi, my name is Phillip Weaver. You look like you could use some conversation?” Soft brown eyes were looking at her as though he really needed someone to talk to himself.

  “Yes, I could.” January answered. “Thank you, this is not my favorite kind of weather to be flying in.” She smiled.

  “Sure, I know what you mean, mine either. Do you travel much?”

  “No, not really, although just recently it seems like that’s all I’ve been doing. I’ll be glad to get home and stay there for a while.”

  “Where is home?” Phillip asked, trying to take her mind off the storm outside.

  “Houston, Texas. I’ve been traveling for the past month, but it sure will be good to get back home and take care of my business.”

  “Oh, what kind of business is that, a dress shop or something?”

  January laughed at the question. Not really caring that this young man seemed to be full of questions about her. But just the friendly way he tried to keep her mind from the storm outside. January told him all about her health club and the reason she had been traveling for the past month. By the time the plane had touched down in Atlanta, the storm had stopped, and they continued talking until the plane was on its way again.

  After the plane landed in Houston, Phillip asked for her number and January gave him the number of the club, offering him a free visit if he ever had enough time to stop by. Remembering he had told her he was going to take over his uncles oil company, or at least run it under supervision.

  Mary Evans was standing just outside the waiting area at Intercontinental Airport as January rounded the corner. Only standing five two, Mary’s long dark hair and dark complexion made her look almost like a Hawaiian girl standing there.

  “Hey! It’s good to be home,” January hugged Mary, then headed toward the luggage area.

  “I’ve got so much to tell you,” Mary said, as she started lifting the luggage from the conveyor.

  “I’ve fallen in love with the most wonderful man and I just know he’ll ask me to marry him soon.” Mary continued.

  “Now who is this wonderful man?” January smiled at the expression on Mary’s face.

  “Well,” she beamed. “His name is Bill James, but everyone call’s him BJ. He’s about five eleven, with light brown hair, big blue eyes and a well kept beard and mustache. He weights about one seventy five, and muscles in all the right places.” she giggled.

  “Boy! What a description. Where did you meet this hunk of a man?” January teased her.

  “He’s a member of the club now, but I met him at one of the barbecues some friends of mine had a few weeks ago. I can’t wait for you to meet him, you’ll love him. Did you meet any men worth your time while away traveling?” Mary eyed her strangely, knowing full well January couldn’t care less if she met anyone or not, for Mary knew her life was the club and only the club.

  “Oh, a few, one I’d rather not talk about.” January remembered Carl.

  Mary smiled, not making any comment on her statement. They both settled back to enjoy the ride home as January’s mind crept back to the night Carl pushed her in the mud puddle. She giggled in spite of herself.

  “What’s so funny?” Mary asked, grinning over at her friend.

  “I fell into a mud puddle the night I was to have dinner with the Mayor and his wife.” January started to laugh.

  “You did what? Fell into a mud puddle? What are you talking about?” Mary swerved the car back on the road. “Did you get hurt?”

  “I twisted my ankle, but other that only my pride.”

  “Oh my gosh, you better tell me about it and don’t leave out anything.” Mary urged her.

  January proceeded to tell Mary the sorted incident leaving out the scene in the motel room. “I think if I ever see him again I’ll run the other way. It seem like every time he was around there was a disaster waiting.”

  “It sounds like you ran into him often?” A mischievous smile came across Mary’s face. “What is his name anyway?”


  “Carl? No it couldn’t be the same man.” Mary said under her breath.


  “Oh, nothing I was just thinking out loud.” Mary mumbled. “You don’t think there could be love in those so called disasters, could there?”

  “Now Mary, don’t go getting any idea’s, he’s not my type and anyway I don’t even know who he is, besides I’ll never run into him again, I hope.” January sighed.

  “I am so glad you got the invitation, I was afraid I forgot to give it to you before you left.”

  “You did.”

  “I did what?”

  “You forgot to give it to me, or at least I never found it.”

  “Hum....I wonder what I did with it. It came into the club. How did you find out about the dinner party if I didn’t give it to you?”

  “Mrs. Baker stopped by the book store and refreshed my memory.” January laughed.

  Chapter 8

  “Good morning. The Wei-station,” January answered into the phone, the next morning, trying not to sound as tired as she really felt.

  “Good morning, Is the owner or manager in?” The girls strange voice came over the line.

  “Speaking.” January answered, rolling her eyes in frustration, knowing it was probably another sales person, trying to sell her more advertisement.

  “Hi, this is Karen Andrews, and to who am I speaking?”

  “January.” She smiled

  “Hi January, I was calling to find out if you were interested in signing up for the aerobic competition that will be held at the Albert Thomas Convention Center, this November?”

  “Well, I’d like to how much will it be this year?”

  “It is going to run around $200.00 per person, I will be more than happy to send you some literature on it and you can post it in your club. Naturally, the total amount will need to be paid before October the 12th. Will there be any problems with that?”

  “No, if I decide to do it again this year, there should be no problems.”

  “Great, I’ll get the information out to you sometime today. You have a wonderful day.”

  “Bye Karen.” January put the receiver down and rubbed the back of her neck.

  The day seemed to drag on and January felt the muscles in her body ache with every move. She was just about to get the total sales count for the day when the door opened letting in this tall well groomed man. “Could I help you?” January asked.

  “Yes, I’ve come to pick Mary up.” Came this deep voice, with a Texas twang.

  “I believe she is over there.” January turned to point in the direction of the bench press. When Mary noticed the man she strolled over to him smiling.

  “Hi honey!” Mary said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

  “Hi darling.” Came the same southern draw.

  “January, I’d like you to meet BJ.” Mary said proudly.

  “Hi BJ, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m glad we finally had a chance to meet.” January greeted him, holding out her hand. Mary didn’t exaggerate when she said he was handsome. For January felt his blue eyes were his strongest point. They seemed to brighten when he looked at Mary.

  “I’m pleased to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand slightly. “I’ve also heard a lot about you. How’s your book coming along?”

  “Fine, from what the publisher said.” January smiled. “Why don’t you two go ahead and leave. I think I can finish closing up.” January offered.

  “Why don’t you come along? We’re just going to meet some friends for a cup of coffee.” Mary invited her.

  “No thanks, I’ve left the sauna on,
I think I’ll stay and enjoy it.” January sighed.

  “I don’t like the idea of leaving you here by yourself. Why don’t you just come along with us?”

  “I’ll be fine.” January answered back. “Now go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Okay, but be careful and remember don’t stay in there to long.” Mary warned.

  January locked the door firmly behind them as she shut the main lights off in the workout area. Just the light from the locker room was left on. Leaving the club look a little scary and deserted. As she entered the sauna and felt the warm steam on her tender skin. She positioned herself on the hard redwood bench, leaving herself to just relax. Moments later she fell softly asleep.

  She could almost smell the cologne he wore as he strolled toward her on the soft sand. His chest lightly covered with dark hair tapered down to a trim waist and slim hips. His bikini brief bathing suit showed the perfection of his lean muscular body. His tanned shin gleamed a dark bronze against the white sand. January reached out her hand to him. But for some unknown reason she couldn’t reach him. She stretched even further but the more she tried the further apart they became.


  January woke with a start slipping off the redwood bench onto the floor of the sauna. “Even in my dreams he causes a disaster!” she cursed, trying to gain control of her slippery body.

  Gathering her strength and wrapping the towel tighter around her, she opened the door of the sauna. The coolness of the air conditioned room was almost too much for her as she staggered backward against the cool wall.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  January was stunned for a second realizing there was someone in the next room.


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