Texas Stranger

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Texas Stranger Page 10

by Muncy, Janet

  “You want me as much as I want you. Why don’t you just let it happen? You wanted me last night, don’t you remember? You were burning up with fever, I could have made love to you then, but I wanted you to be sure it was me you were making love with.” He whispered.

  “Carl please, please leave, don’t do this to me to both of us, your in love with Kathy, I can’t let myself forget that, you’re going to marry her, then where does that leave me?”

  He let her go, as if she was suddenly to hot to touch. “Kathy? Is that what you think? Or is it just an excuse your using? Maybe you’re waiting for Kevin to get out of the hospital. Tell me January, you want me to make love to you, or is it really Kevin you want?”

  She looked at him in shock. “Carl I.....” But she never got to say what she wanted, he must have misunderstood the hesitation. He backed away from her. He turned away from her grabbing his jacket from the chair and swung open the door. He only hesitated a second before slamming the door behind him. She stood in the middle of the room crying. “I love him so much, why couldn’t I tell him. Why....?”

  The rain was coming down so hard, she could hardly see to drive. She wondered how her car got from the club to her house. Someone must have delivered it. Carl probably ordered it, just like he orders everything else.

  As she entered the club, it was quiet from no one being there. She proceeded to turn on the lights and the sauna, As she was returning to her office she noticed the pictures from the aerobic competition. There was quite an article on her. There was also a picture of her when she won the competition two years ago. Along with a picture of her new book. “Should be good for business,” she remarked out loud.

  The rain lasted all day, so not many people came into the club. Shaun and Tonya took over the club at four, so she thought she would go see Kevin and have a little dinner somewhere close to the hospital.

  Kevin was resting when she arrived, he was surprised to see her. She was suppose to be sick and was resting from what Carl had told him. The conversation was casual at first, then taking on a strange turn.

  “You know, I had thought about asking you to marry me. Crazy isn’t it. I mean, I thought we got along real good. There was a lot of things we like together, like dancing.”

  “Then I realized there is more to it than that, and well, after the accident my eyes were open, I have fallen in love with my nurse. She’s just what I’ve been looking for. I know your are going to say, every man falls for his nurse. But really I’m pretty sure she is the one. Besides I think she is the only one I can truly say could put up with me. She is very strong willed, and stable. Her name is Cheryl Lynn. Damn she is a looker and I can’t wait to get out of this hospital and court her properly.”

  “I think it’s wonderful,” January grinned. “So when do they think you can leave here?”

  “I am hoping in a day or so. By the way does Carl know you are in love with him?”

  “Kevin!” she said, surprised at his out burst.

  “You can tell me. I am a really good one for keeping secrets. However my recommendation is you don’t wait to long before you let him know.”

  “I’m afraid I’m not his type either, and anyway he’s in love with Kathy. I wouldn’t want to ruin that relationship even if I thought I could. I can’t see my self married to him, any more than you can see yourself married to me. We would be at each others throats all the time. That would not be a good thing.”

  “I personally couldn’t see him married to Kathy. He doesn’t even think of her as someone he would marry.” Kevin said.

  “But I thought they were getting married, she invited you to the wedding didn’t she?” January looked at him confused.

  “You mean Mary and BJ’s not her and Carl’s. At least I assume that’s what she meant.” he said, with a frown on his face. “I know Kathy acts as though she owns Carl, but trust me Carl doesn’t want her.”

  “I’m afraid I’m a bit confused by all this. I just assumed Carl and Kathy were engaged, and would be married. I mean she did go to Dallas with him, and I thought...” She didn’t get to finish for the door opened and Carl stood there at the door.

  “I’ll come by tomorrow and see you.” She said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

  “Don’t let me interrupt.” Carl said, as he started to close the door.

  “Come back,” Kevin said. “I would appreciate it if you would see January to her car. It is to dark for her to be walking out there alone.”

  Carl followed her out the door. Out in the parking lot of the hospital he grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Don’t you think a kiss on the cheek is a little disgusting after all isn’t he the man your going to marry?”

  “You disgust me,” She said, jerking her arm from his hold.

  He grabbed her again and pulled her close pressing her breast against his hard muscular chest, his breath on her face. She was not afraid, but intoxicated by the smell of his manly odor. He kissed her hard on the lips forcing her mouth open to experience the fascination of his sweet tongue touching and playing with her’s, his breath was becoming rapid and sharp. She could feel the hardness of his groin pressed against her. January melted even harder against him, wanting the full impact she knew only he could give her.

  “You’re a vixen.” He said, his breath on her cheek. “I want you, why do you torment me? Do you really love Kevin as much as he thinks you do? January don’t do this to me, tell me how much you love Kevin tell me you want him and not me. I’ll be able to go and leave you alone, I want to know.” He let her go just as a car pulled into the parking lot, not able to think straight and terribly confused, she turned and headed for her car, trying to get some control. He reached for her arm again as the car went past. “January, you can’t leave not until you tell me, you want Kevin or not?”

  “Carl leave me alone, I don’t want Kevin, that was your idea not mine.” She screamed. Carl stood back from her, the impact of her words hitting him square in the face.

  “My idea? You spend the night with him and he tells me he’s going to marry you and it’s my idea. How do you get that?” He said, with fire in his eyes.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She hissed, even more confused then before. “Kevin never spent the night with me.” Sliding inside the car she pulled out of the parking lot. Leaving Carl staring after her.

  How on earth was she going to be able to spend the entire weekend at the ranch with Carl there. Would they be at each other the whole time? The thought nearly made her sick.

  Chapter 16

  “Welcome my dear, please make yourself at home. While you’re here. Mary is like the daughter I never had. So any friend of hers is more than welcome.”

  “So you have all boys?”

  “Oh yes, there is of course Carl he is the oldest and first born. Then there was Jeffery who passed away about two years ago from a car accident. He was two years younger than Carl. Then we have our Will he will be here come Sunday, he is the twin to Jeffery. He lives in Dallas.

  Then there is Kevin who is our ward, we took him in when he was nine I believe. Then of course we got BJ when he was only six.”

  “I had no idea Kevin and BJ were yours since they had different last names I just never associated them to a Richards.”

  “Well they technically aren’t a Richards, at least not by blood. But they sure are by heart, and that is all that matters. They are just as much a part of this family as my own boys. We don’t treat them any different.”

  It would be impossible not to like Mrs. Richards, she was so friendly the conversation was relaxing and the tension was easing. When Mary came through the door, Mrs. Richards seemed to beam with delight.

  “January!” Mary shouted. “Wait until you see the covered patio you’ll love it.”

  She said hugging her.

  As they all three headed for the patio, Mary was filling her in on all the things that were going to take place. “I’ll show you to your room and you can freshen up
before everyone gets here.” She said, leading her up the stairs.

  “How many bedrooms are in this house?” January asked wondering which one was Carl’s.

  “Six,” Mary answered. “Your room is next to Carl’s, and then Mr. and Mrs. Richards is next to mine, down the hall, the other one is for the bride’s maid, so you don’t have to share, and then there’s one down stairs for Kevin not to mention the servants.”

  “Isn’t that a little crowded for the brides maids? One could share my room,” January offered.

  “No, only you will be staying the entire week-end, the other two will be here on Sunday the day of the wedding. They couldn’t get off work only on Sunday. I hope you aren’t upset, I really wanted you to stay.” Mary said.

  “No, of course not, don’t worry about it. I’m sure Tonya can handle the club and that’s a long drive back to town.” January assured her.

  “Good, now let’s see if your room is to your liking.”

  The small balcony that looked over the ranch to the west had a beautiful view. The connecting bath was well equipped and roomy. The canopy bed was soft and lacy. January loved the bright flowery colors of the decor. The closet was spacious. There was another door, but this one had a lock on it. She was afraid to ask where it lead. Afraid Mary would say into Carl’s room, so she ignored it. As Mary started talking again.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mrs. Richards and I are going into town to pick up a few things, your welcome to come along if you would like, but Mrs. Richards thought you might like to spend the day relaxing at the ranch. Maybe go for a walk or horse back riding, of course it’s up to you.” Mary offered.” I will be picking up your dress to wear to the wedding. I sure hope it fits.” She said crossing her fingers.

  “Me too. I forgot all about it. But when I tried it on, the lady just wanted to fix the strap in the back, so all is good if she got that done.” January said. “I think I would like to spend the day just walking and exploring the ranch. Maybe I will ride, I’m not sure, tell Mrs. Richards thank you for me.”

  “Okay, you still look a little run down, so don’t over due.”

  “Okay, I promise,” January smiled back and hugged Mary around the neck.

  “We should be back by four or five, then dinner with the family after that, so I’ll see you later and remember enjoy yourself and make yourself at home.”

  January changed into a pair of wrangler jeans and pulled her boots over the outside of her jeans, grabbing her hat and a sweater, she headed out the door.

  The hall was quite and empty, she wondered where Carl might be this time of day. Heading down the stairs, she heard his voice coming from the room, just under the stairs. It looked as though it could be a study or some sort of office.

  The door was slightly a jar, she couldn’t help but want to see if it was Carl. She stopped just short of the opening. He sounded angry, with someone on the phone.

  “Look, I’m not the one who arranged for her to be here, besides its none of your business, you shouldn’t care one way or the other.” He said. “I’ll talk to you about it after the rehearsal.”

  January heard him hang up the phone, so she hurried out the front door and down the steps. She was about to walk down the path when Carl came barging out the door behind her. He stopped abruptly when he saw her staring back at him. A chill raced through her as she stood there noticing the angry look on his face. He went down the steps and headed for the truck that was parked nearby. She wanted to run after him, but she was almost sure the argument was about her. January headed for the wooded area just past the barn that Carl drove up to seconds ago. She wanted to find a nice sunny area and enjoy the sounds and smells of the beautiful country side and try to understand why Carl was being so rude to her. After he had taken such good care of her when she was sick, and why did Kevin have to tell him he was going to ask her to marry him. At the same time wonder why Carl got so upset by the news. Yes, there was sexual tension between them. It seemed to start soon after they bumped into each other at the airport in Indianapolis, Indiana, months ago.

  She had come upon a larger water hole, and a large duck was swimming with her family of little ducks behind her, when January sat down to watch. January leaned back in the grassy area and listening to the sounds around her as she dosed off to sleep.

  Chapter 17

  “January don’t move, don’t even breath, just lay there. There is a snake not more than a few feet from your face.” Carl said, softly. I’m going to shoot it, so don’t move. Bang! Went the sound.

  Jumping up, January held her heart as she tried to control her heart beating out of her chest. She felt as though it went right through her.

  “You should be more careful where you sleep.” The low sexy voice came from somewhere behind her.

  She spun quickly around and raised her hand in defense. But it was caught in mid air. Carl’s hand closed around her wrist.

  “What was that all about?” she screamed. “Why did you scare me like that? Are you trying to do cause me to have heart attack or something?”

  “You were about to get bit by a rattle snake,” Carl said, through clenched teeth. “I think I should have let him bit you.”

  “Very funny Carl,” January hissed. “Could I have my hand back please? Or do you intend to keep it as a souvenir, of your kill?”

  Dropping her hand it made a slapping sound as it hit the side of her thigh. He was still looking at her with those dark green eyes. He was so close, she cold smell the musty odor from the cologne and sweat mixed. Her senses were becoming alarmingly weak. She cold feel her heart take on a more urgent beat and she felt hot, from his closeness, rather than the sun’s rays.

  “I came looking for you, which was a good thing I did, or the snake may have bit you. Kevin will be here tomorrow, and will be staying in the down stairs guest room.” Carl said, walking over to place the riffle back into the saddle.

  “So you shouldn’t have bothered riding out here. You could have waited until I returned to the house.” She said, watching the muscles moving under his thin shirt, as he pulled the rains tighter on the horse.

  “It was most likely a good thing I didn’t wait, or you would be on the road to dead.” Carl said, indicating to the dead snake nearby.

  January glanced down at the snake. “I suppose I should thank you again for saving my life, you seem to be doing that a lot lately.”

  “Don’t bother, it is my pleasure to see that my house guest enjoy their stay and not regret it.” He said, stepping closer to her.

  The uneven beat of her heart warned her to run, but instead she stood transfixed to the ground. He reached up to push away a strand of hair that had fallen down across her cheek. The tender gesture was almost more than she could stand. Unconsciously she ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip. Carl’s alert gaze caught the movement. A tiny moan of protest sounded in her throat as his lips found hers. Their bodies melted against each other as if they were made to be together. Aware of his fingers dispensing with the buttons of her blouse, January fumbled at those of his shirt. The touch of his hand on her breast was so warm, it seemed they had always been his to caress.

  January felt the pressure of his manhood against her. Her head began to swim with the dizziness of her desire. Memory nor imagination had prepared her for this. Nothing she remembered had ever equaled the feelings she was experiencing now.

  She trembled slightly as he kissed the tender hollow of her throat. But she needn’t have worried about committing herself so freely. For the sound of an approaching horse halted her enchantment.

  Carl jumped away from her, buttoning his shirt. January doing the same. Her face flushed and her knees weak from the experience. She had just finished tucking in her blouse when she heard Kathy’s voice piercing her very soul. By this time Carl had walked over to the edge of the pond, bending down to splash cool water on her face.

  Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped the excess water from his forehead. Standing up to look
at Kathy on the horse.

  “I thought you weren’t coming until tomorrow?” He questioned her, sounding a bit irritated.

  “I changed my mind,” Kathy said, challenging him.

  He looked over at January, standing there watching him. She couldn’t tell what was going through his mind, only what was going through hers and she felt like crawling under the rock that the sneak had come from.

  “Shall I give you a ride back to the main house?” Carl asked her in a low voice.

  “No if you don’t mind I’ll walk.” January said, not looking at him any longer.

  “Good!” Kathy said. “Let’s go, I’ll race you to the barn, January looks healthy enough she can walk back.”

  January’s muscles were tight and hurting by the time she had returned to the house. Running a tub of hot soapy water she tried to relax. She knew she must never let him catch her alone again. For she was sure the next time there would be no stopping their desire for each other.

  Her mind wandered back to the scene at the pond when she heard the sound of water running in the room next to hers. January finished taking her bath and drained the water from the tub. Wrapping a towel around her wet hair and putting on the robe that was hanging on the back of the door she stepped out onto the balcony. The sun was still shining and there was a slight breeze blowing so she unwrapped her hair from the towel and ran her fingers through the silky mass. Sitting down on one of the patio chairs she laid back her head to relax.

  There was no doubt he had just come out of the shower, his wet hair glistened darkly, his chest was bare, and a sheen of moisture on his muscled flesh. The white towel emphasized just how dark his tan was.

  Smiling he let her look him all over savoring the moment when she looked up into his eyes. “Hi, you look fresh and clean,” Carl smiled.

  Embarrassed at looking at him so intimately, she turned to look out at the sun just starting behind the trees.

  “I feel better,” she said not wanting to look into his eyes.


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