Winning Her Love

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by Hazel Gower

  Winning Her Love


  Hazel Gower

  Winning Her Love

  Copyright © 2014, Hazel Gower

  ISBN: 9781940744575

  Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

  Electronic Publication: December 2014

  Editor: Pamela Tyner

  Cover: Jess Buffett

  eBooks are not transferable. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Back Cover Copy

  Can love survive when surprises are revealed?

  Chad Douglas has been in love with his younger sister’s best friend for years, but he’s kept his distance—their age difference, his rising rugby career, and uncertainty standing in his way. However, a drunken night together allows Chad to believe that maybe there is a chance, only for everything to come crumbling down when he wakes to find Lana gone.

  After living in England for the past three years, Lana Cage moves back home to Australia. The night before she left Australia for England is a blank memory, but on her arrival home, the consequences end up being a surprise for both her and Chad.

  Desperate for another chance at love, can Chad and Lana have their happily ever after once the surprise is revealed? Or will trust be lost and their lives forever changed?

  Content Warning: this book contains one tough rugby player who knows exactly what he wants and is determined to get it


  To my mum, this book is for you. I miss you and not a moment goes by that I don’t wish I could tell you that you were right about so many things. Thanks for making me who I am today.


  A huge shout out to Beachwalk Press and Pamela Tyner for accepting all my books and making them shine. Jess Buffett, thanks for listening and helping me when I struggle and need input.

  Author’s Foreword

  This book is set in Australia. In Australia the legal age to drink, vote, get married, and so on is eighteen. The characters speak English Australian, so if you see the word ‘Arse’ instead of ‘Ass’ it is because that’s how we say it in Australia where the book is set. If you find a word you haven’t heard before, look it up or message me—I’d be happy to talk to you.

  Chapter 1

  “Mummy, do I have a Daddy?”

  Lana nibbled on her lip as she glanced in the rearview mirror at her daughter Olivia. Her daughter had been asking a lot about parents and different types of families lately, especially now that she’d met Lana’s father. They’d spent the week at his house, settling back into Australia and getting organized, buying a car and finding a house to rent.

  Although Olivia was advanced for a two year old, Lana wondered how much of the question she should answer. Of course she had a father, Lana just had no idea who he was. The night Olivia was conceived Lana had been so drunk she didn’t remember anything…it was a black hole in her life. Lana should have looked into the night more, but by the time she found out she was pregnant she was living in England with her mother and sister. Lana’s new floristry certificate had enabled her to return to Australia and take up a position in one of her mother’s friend’s shop.

  “Yes, baby, you have a Dad.”

  Olivia was quiet for a while, playing with her LeapFrog console as they drove along the country roads to the city. Lana relaxed again and concentrated on the road. When she pulled into a service station for petrol and to grab some snacks her daughter sighed.

  “Does my Daddy liveded here in Australia?”

  Clearing her suddenly dry throat, Lana clenched her fist on the steering wheel and groaned. Olivia wasn’t going to let this go. Turning, she looked at her daughter. Olivia’s big green eyes stared up at her. A lock of her curly jet black hair fell over her eyes, and Lana brushed it away. She was due for a haircut, but Lana was reluctant to cut it in case the curls went.

  “Yes. I think so. Olivia, I’m not sure where your Daddy is, but I promise if I ever find him I will tell you.”

  Her daughter’s eyes narrowed on her like she was gauging if Lana was telling the truth before she nodded. “Okay, Mummy. I loves you.” She went back to her game.

  “I love you too.”

  Lana got out of the little sedan she’d bought, feeling terrible. How could she not remember the night the best thing that ever happened to her was conceived? She thought she’d seen glimpses of that night sometimes when she slept, but she wasn’t sure if it was real or just a fantasy. When she looked at her daughter she saw a man she’d crushed on, maybe even loved for years, but she couldn’t be sure and she didn’t want to accuse anyone. Even asking would be embarrassing as the guy was her best friend’s older brother, Chad Douglas.

  Chad had been her secret crush for years. As soon as puberty hit she’d made dopy eyes and dreamed of him. Lana knew nothing would ever come of her crush. For one, her best friend Steph hated it when her friends dated or tried to date her brothers. Secondly, Chad was gorgeous, tall, muscular, and athletic, which he needed as he played Rugby League professionally. He was out of her league. Not that she was ugly, it was just that she’d seen the women he went for and they were all model worthy and mostly blonde. She wasn’t tall, skinny, and she wasn’t blonde.

  The night Olivia was conceived Lana had turned eighteen a couple of weeks before and Steph had dragged her to a party at her brother Chad’s new house. The alcohol had been flowing and she’d been ready to have fun. Obviously she’d had a little too much fun as she woke in the morning with a massive headache, naked and alone in a bed. Lana had found her clothes, got dressed, and ran out of the house. She’d been so embarrassed that for the next week and a half before she left to go to England she avoided her best friend and any of the Douglas family.

  After putting the petrol in her car, she went in and paid, grabbing chips and drinks to snack on during the drive home. The rest of the ride was quiet, and by the time Lana parked in the driveway of her new townhouse she knew for her daughter’s sake she would look into that night and try and find out what happened.

  * * * *

  Chad half listened to his sister as she went on about the nurse ward she was interning at. He wasn’t usually so rude, but he was tired as his coach was training them hard, getting them ready for the start of the season. When he wasn’t at practice he was doing promotion work, or avoiding his friends who wanted to go out and party with the women who threw themselves at them. He’d had enough of that. Chad wanted to settle down, but that was easier said than done. He found it hard to tell if a woman liked him for him or the fame, fortune, and benefits that went with being a professional Rugby League player.

  “I’m going around to see Lana tomorrow. I’m so excited she’s back.”

  He sat up and looked at his sister, his interest now piqued at the mention of the one woman which, even after over three years, he couldn’t get off his mind. Lana had been his sister’s best friend since primary school. Lana was a little mouthy brunette with a body men drooled over, all curves.

  Three years ago he’d had a thing for her. Ha, he still had thoughts of her. Years ago he knew he was too old for her and she had a boyfriend from the age of fifteen to a couple of months before her eighteenth birthday. Chad closed his eyes as an image of her naked body swam before him. A week before she left to go live overseas with her mother she’d come to a housewarming party he’d had. She’d looked beautiful that night, and he hadn’t been able to resist her. His mind forgot how young she was, and he’d had the most amazing night w
ith her. When he got up the next morning he knew she was the one. He left to get breakfast for them, intending to talk to her while they ate, but he came home to an empty house. She’d left while he was gone. For over three years he hadn’t been able to get her or that night out of his mind.

  “Lana is back?” He tried to sound casual, like he didn’t care, but he could tell his family didn’t buy it.

  “Yeah, she and her daughter Olivia moved back because Lana prefers Australia to England.” Steph smiled and bounced in her seat. She was happy to have her friend home.

  Chad tried not to grimace at the mention of Olivia, Lana’s daughter. He hated the thought that Lana forgot about their night together so quickly and moved on to another guy, Olivia’s father. He’d asked about Olivia’s father, but Steph didn’t know much.

  Chad wondered if he could handle a kid, and someone else’s to boot. He thought about Lana, her laugh, the way she was nice to everyone, how no matter what she always saw the best in anyone, and how she would tease him about things. No other woman teased him, or spoke to him the way she did, because they all wanted to stay in his good graces. Yep, for Lana he’d take care of someone else’s kid. He needed to see her again, but he was sure she was still his one, like his mother was to his father. Like his grandfather was to his grandmother, and so on.

  “I’m going to a party in a couple of weeks to celebrate the start of the season. You and Lana should come.”

  “I don’t know, Chad. Lana would need a babysitter for Olivia.”

  “We’d love to meet Olivia. Your father and I can babysit her while you girls go out and have fun.”

  “Oh my God, Mum, thanks so much. I’ll talk to Lana.”

  Chad smiled at his mother and mouthed thank you. He had a lot to do the next couple of weeks if he was going to date Lana. His house wasn’t kid friendly, and he wanted no reminders of past girlfriends. He was going to get himself ready so this time Lana didn’t walk away.

  * * * *

  Lana didn’t really want to be at the party. She wasn’t into Rugby League, and knew none of the players bar Chad Douglas. But Steph had nagged her, reminding her that they hadn’t partied together in years and telling her that this was going to be fun. Then she’d started going on about supporting her brother and other crap that Lana knew Steph didn’t care about.

  Lana hadn’t wanted to leave Olivia with a babysitter she barely knew, but Steph had said her parents were dying to meet and look after Olivia. Lana had been reluctant, and until hours ago she was still unsure about leaving Olivia with people she’d never met, but Olivia had fallen in love with Steph’s parents at first sight. Lana had never seen Olivia do anything like that, but as soon as they’d gotten through the Douglas’s door, Olivia had latched on to Steph’s parents and hadn’t wanted to let go. Catharine, Steph’s mother, seemed to fall just as much in love with Olivia as she did them.

  So now Lana glared at Tim, one of the players, who was trying to get her to go up to his room. Arrogant idiot. Tim went on and on about what position he played and how long he’d been playing.

  Bored out of her mind, she let her gaze wander the ballroom filled with Rugby League players, their girlfriends, wives, and friends. Balloons, streamers, and signs decorated the room.

  Steph had ditched her with Tim a couple of minutes ago. So much for sticking with her because they hadn’t been out together in years. Lana knew Steph was eager for her to get back into the dating scene, or even just find a guy she could have as a fuck buddy. Lana didn’t want that, she didn’t know if she was ready. She had Olivia now, she couldn’t be wild and crazy like she’d been before she had her daughter. Lana needed a good guy, a steady man that was responsible and would treat Olivia right.

  Lana had started seeing this great guy named David a few weeks ago. He was nice and really attractive, but Lana wanted chemistry and she didn’t feel any with him. She knew she needed to be careful though, she had Olivia and anyone she was with had to be fantastic with her.

  It didn’t help that Lana was terrified that what had happened with Richard would happen again. She’d loved Richard, he’d been her first boyfriend, but her confidence couldn’t take having another man she dated coming out of the closet and telling her he was gay. Richard was the guy she’d dated from fifteen to eighteen. Steph had told her she should have known he was gay as he’d only had sex with her once. But Lana hadn’t thought of it that way. She’d told him that it hurt and she didn’t like it, so she was glad he didn’t want to do it again. Lana had thought Richard was being considerate, but when she found out he was gay she felt kind of relieved that she hadn’t turned him off sex, then her thoughts turned to wondering if she’d been so bad she’d made him gay. That had been a confusing and emotional time, but Chad had always been there with Steph, telling her how beautiful she was and that any man would be lucky to have her.

  Steph was determined though, she told Lana that sex could be great. Lana had had sex again once with a guy friend in England, and she would admit it was a lot better but nothing like what everyone told her it was like.

  Lana didn’t want to go out partying to pick up a guy. She didn’t want to leave Olivia. Lana would rather stay at home with her daughter and read a good book. She loved her book boyfriends. She blamed them for her high expectations. The chemistry she craved now. Lana wanted a man she could talk to, who was sexy, possessive, and who she could love forever, but most important was awesome with her daughter, because Olivia came first.

  Lana knew the man in front of her wasn’t that man.

  Tim touched her arm and leaned down, whispering, “Let’s get out of here. I have a hotel room above.”

  “Ah…no.” Taken back at his forwardness, she backed up and looked around for help.

  She spotted Chad, Steph’s brother and the reason she was there. He was surrounded by women, all vying for his attention, but his dark forest green eyes were staring at her. She winked at him, hoping to see him smile, showing his gorgeous dimples.

  Chad was handsome, tall, six something, built like the linebacker he was, with hair so short it almost looked shaved. Lana could see some black regrowth coming through, which made his skin look a darker olive. Chad was model worthy, and even though his nose was crooked from being broken so many times, it didn’t diminish how hot he was.

  He’d been the man of her dream fantasies for many, many years. But Chad knew he was hot, he always had women hanging off him or throwing themselves at him, and he never seemed to turn them down. Well, he might have started while she’d been away, but from what Steph had told her it didn’t sound like he had.

  She shook her head and turned back to Tim who was now going on about how she wouldn’t do any better and he was a star and no one turned him down. Lana needed to get away from the idiot talking to her before she punched the dickhead in front of everyone. Grinding her teeth, she gritted out, “You’re a douche. I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on earth.”

  Snapping her mouth shut, she rushed over to Chad, not caring about the swarm of women hanging off him for his attention. She was ready to go get Olivia and go home, or at least get away from this boring party. The women surrounding Chad glared at her, not eager to add another woman into their circle to share his attention. Lana shrugged and rolled her eyes as the women clung tighter to Chad. She hoped she was never that desperate for a man’s attention.

  Chad untangled himself and walked toward her. Lana wondered if he could introduce her to someone decent, a man she could find a spark with and build chemistry, someone who could love Olivia and give her what she needed…a father.

  Lana wrapped her arms around Chad, hugging him, and groaned as her body heated. She’d been without a male’s affection for way too long. Maybe she could call David and see if she could find a spark, that may be the safest bet. Chad Douglas was out of bounds. Not only was he a huge slut, he was her best friend’s brother, and he wasn’t the type to take on a kid.

  * * * *

  Chad le
aned against the wall, staring at Lana, telling himself to go to her, to take her, but he’d been unsure of himself. He was never like that with anyone else—he was always confident and sure—but Lana had him in knots.

  If at all possible she’d gotten even more beautiful. She had long, wavy, rich milky chocolate hair, light olive skin, and big, warm brown eyes with a small top lip and a bigger bottom one. He’d imagined those lips wrapped around his cock so many times he’d lost count. For the last six or so years he’d jacked off to mental images of her body—all curves, large breasts coming in and flaring out again. Lana was small. Without heels her head came just to his nipples, and he wasn’t super tall at six-three, but he was wide and muscular, he had to be as a professional athlete. Lana always wore high heels and never got intimidated by him or his brothers. She was sassy and always spoke her mind, or at least she had, and he hoped she hadn’t changed too much.

  Chad had clenched his fist as Tim, his teammate who was talking to Lana, touched her waist and leaned down to whisper something in her ear. Lana shook her head and backed away from Tim. She turned, and when her gaze caught his, she grinned and winked. Turning back to Tim, she said something then almost ran over to Chad. He’d been happy that she wasn’t interested in his teammate. Untangling himself from the women who didn’t even notice he hadn’t contributed a word or paid them any attention, he walked to meet Lana, his body instantly coming alive at the idea of being close to her. Fuck, he wanted her.

  “Argh, save me. You sport personalities think you’re so hot all you have to do is say who you are and what you do for a living then tell the girl you have a room close by.” She dramatically shivered. Lana wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him to her on a sigh. He gritted his teeth as his body became hard and ached with need for Lana. “Steph ditched me as soon as one of the new rookies cracked onto her. He wasn’t too bad looking and didn’t tell her that he was a superstar and whisper his room number. I know you have two new guys on the team. I like the other one better. Is he nicer than Tim? Does he like children? Want to introduce me?”


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