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Dollhouse Page 8

by Tim Miller

  "But they're coming. One of them was right behind me."

  "I know, it's ok." He reassured. She stood and started walking, pulling on his arm.

  "Can't we go? Please? Let's go!" she said, tugging at his arm. With his other hand down to his side, he removed his retractable baton from his belt and extended it. She tugged at his arm again, this time he swatted at her with the baton, striking her in the face and knocking her to the ground. He hit her a couple more times making sure she was out.

  A minute later another man emerged from the bushes. Spurlock looked up at him annoyed. It was Chester Oswald.

  "You're lucky I was working traffic nearby, dumbass." Spurlock said.

  "Ollie was supposed to be watching her. I guess he fell asleep."

  "Well he done fucked up, that's for sure," Spurlock said. "Get her out of here. You know what would happen if she made it to the highway? Be your dumb luck a car would pass through for the first time in ages."

  "Sorry Deputy Spurlock. You're not gonna tell our pa are ya?"

  "No. You boys alone at the studio?"

  "No. The Culvers was helping us too. Buddy grabbed a set of twins in town. A couple of girls only fourteen or fifteen. They identical too. Gonna make a crazy ass movie."

  "I'm sure. Go get her out of here and lock your shit down. And kick Ollie's ass for me. I'm tired of cleaning up his shit."

  "Yes, sir. Sorry again," Chester said as he bent down and flung the unconscious girl over his shoulder and disappeared into the bushes. The Oswald's own a little studio in what used to be their barn. They started out just making regular porno movies in there. Until one day, Chester got too rough and strangled one of his girls to death. Their old man, Daryl did some checking around and found out he could sell that movie for about ten times a normal porno.

  So there they started their own little snuff porn business. They managed to avoid the law by doing everything on film. No digital, no websites, no streaming. They made one print of each film, and that went to their buyer, and that was it. The rarity of it allowed them to charge even more. For as much as they made, no telling why they stayed in this god forsaken town. If Spurlock had half their cash, he'd have been long gone ages ago.

  No telling what Daryl even spent the money on. It for sure wasn't on clothes or fixing up his property. They all looked like they been sleeping in the same overalls for five years. Oh well, wasn't any of his business anyway.

  Spurlock had just made it back to his car when he heard it. An engine. There was a car coming. It was a brown sedan that zipped by. Without hesitation, Spurlock turned on his lights and accelerated after the car. He followed them almost half a mile before they saw him and pulled over. Once they were stopped, Spurlock put on his sunglasses and stepped out of the car and approached the vehicle. There was a middle-aged couple sitting in the car, the man in the driver's seat looking up at them.

  "Is there a problem officer? We were going the speed limit," the man said.

  "License and registration please," Spurlock said.

  "Can you tell me why we were stopped? What is the problem?"

  "The problem is, you came through my town."

  "Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? Are under arrest? Am I being detained?"

  "Step out of the car please," Spurlock said. "Both of you."

  "What? You need to tell us what is happening. You can't just pull us over for no reason and then start shaking us down."

  "Sir. Would you kindly shut yer damn mouth?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "I said, would you kindly shut your damn mouth. Or if that's too hard then shut the fuck up. You've done nothing but flap yer gums since I stopped you. For all you know, I was gonna give you a warning. Instead, you gotta shoot your mouth off. Now get out of the car." Spurlock drew his gun from its holster as he said the word "car." Both the man and the woman climbed out as Spurlock pistol-whipped the man in the nose with his revolver. He held the man's head as he repeatedly bashed him in the face until the man's nose was a bloody mass on his face.

  The woman screamed as she took off running. Spurlock had no idea where she was going, but it wasn't going to be far. He whipped out his baton, took a stutter step and threw it side arm toward her. It flung at her like a helicopter blade until it caught her in the legs, tripping her up and sending her sprawling along the pavement face first. Spurlock walked up to her, retrieved his baton and knelt down by her. She looked up at him, sobbing.

  "Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

  "I'm Deputy Spurlock ma'am, and let me be the first to welcome you to Psychoville.”

  About the Author

  Tim began writing at a very young age. Even in grade school he'd sit around with his notebook, writing stories for himself and his friends.

  As an adult, Tim's writings have evolved into darker realms. He released his first horror novel, "The Hand of God" in 2011. Since then his books have become progressively more violent and gory. With the release of "Family Night" in 2013, Tim had moved into the world of extreme horror where he continues to push the boundaries of human suffering.

  Tim is now an international best seller as well. His book, "Hell, Texas" has recently ranked high on Amazon sales charts since its release in Germany under German publisher, Festa-Verlag.

  Tim is very active on social media and loves interacting with his readers. You can find him at his website at

  Follow Tim Miller's Amazon Author Page and notified of each new release!




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