Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0) Page 12

by K. L. O Johnson

  We entered into a large dome-like-room. In the darkness, I saw the outlined detail of the smallest particles hovering in the now disturbed air that was outlined faintly in a light blue. Or so I thought because that was how it appeared—even with my memory returned, all of this was still rather strange. I noticed when Kal’s silver cloak shifted and heard the rustle of the fabric as did everyone else.

  But I was sure like the others it will be silver. As I recalled, our cloaks were our wings—our ability to fly. Kal’s scales were the representation of her heritage and her dragon scales in her true form. The Fae the Outlander race which Jordan belonged to, had silver cloaks but a golden-brown scaly suit that wasn’t soft and hard as a Nefaliem’s. They were like large square scales that wrapped around his body like Kal’s scales did, concealing the reproductive organs for protection—as regardless of what race we were—we were created to fight. So survival of the species was essential especially when Resoncretalians—us—could mate once every thousand years. I was unsure about the details but freely in their idol form they could mate by choice—I suppose it was probably safest for any mortal.

  Odette overall wore a light blue scaly suit that resembled fish scales just sturdier like Kal’s. They were similar but I could tell with my sharp eyes, that Odette’s were longer and more rounded—Kal’s were shorter and resembled a semi-Faction glued together. I noticed that everyone around me had transformed from their idol form to their Secondary Forms, a form situated between their true form and the forms that walked the planet they inhabited.

  Our human hair was replaced by thick straight silver strands that fell smoothly to our ankles. Our hair, was the representation of our Outlandish power and strength. The markings on our faces were complementary to our Resoncretalians element so the Nefaliem’s were a deep vibrant blue, the Fae a deep forest green, Licanthrope a dirty bronze-red, Wizards a deep vibrant purple and my race the Vampieruz were a deep vibrant blood red. Our scales matched the colour of our markings and our eyes.

  On everyone’s features were two claw marks on each cheekbone that drifted towards the tip of their nose they were smooth but the texture like the scales minus Marcus’s who were jagged but in a dominating manner like Kal’s father it gave off a sense of superior authority this is the same with Volvomich and when I searched for Jordan I noticed the same thing. Then I recalled, that was how long ago, minus the scent how males would tell apart females for reproduction, that was only necessary in our true forms which we can if looked closely enough could be distinguishable.

  The room soon lit up and my eyes never had to worry about adjusting to the light as did everyone else. The room was inverted in colour—pure white. So clean and so modern. I glanced around and soon heard Volvomich’s deep brusque voice similar to Zarlach’s but deeper, “Alright young ones, for those who have done this before you know what to do and for those who haven’t I trust the others will help you.”

  The white room around us soon disappeared and turned into a damp—humid forested area. I regarded the artificial area with awe and saw the wide tropical leaves before me—my fingers red and black in comparison to the leaves delved in the sensitivity of the leaves as well as the warm but cold temperature and its smooth contours.

  “Cecelia,” commented Odette. “You’re with Kal, I’ll go with Daphne.” I glanced over at Daphne who also was amazed by the layout, that we all knew was artificial but felt very real, even the air smelt of damp moss and wood.

  Odette slinked towards Daphne while Marcus and Jordan appeared to be competing against each other. “So what do we do?” I asked turning to Kal.

  With her back rudely to me, she spoke, “We capture our own flags.”

  Immediately, I glanced around, “What flags?”

  “Those ones,” Kal pointed in the distance that looked a good ten miles. I sighed. “I hope your idol form is fit. We’ll be moving quickly, or the others will seize them before we do.” I noticed Kal was fiddling around with her armour which now I realised wasn’t her armour the moment I peered over her shoulder—it was a computer of some kind that projected over her wrist.

  Above the group was a timer, the sound of its faintly changing numbers were the only thing I needed to focus on other than Kal. “What then?”

  “Then we head to the next one,” she said and I groaned internally. If I knew what I was getting myself into I would have kept my mouth shut. “We have fifteen seconds, when that timer goes off. Sprint.”

  I nodded but wanted to mention that I had no idea how to tap into my powers. I knew my speed and strength were there but there was this thing I was certain called trice tread. It was something I recalled doing as a child to keep up with my mother’s quick movements that covered long stretch of land but it only involved stepping, it was like I was casually running but each step was like a giant one and by the time my other foot hit the ground I had already covered ten miles in an instant. Immediately, I was scared I would fail Kal, so I frantically scanned the timer.






  Start! I felt the rushing winds around me and noticed that I was the only one left behind. Surrounded in the thick waves of the many large tropical leaves of the one I had touched before. I ran. My footwork was a little uneven. And a little uncoordinated, as I travelled down a steep flight of land, I felt the dirt beneath my wedged feet slip and slide and cursed for having heels in my Vampieruz form but instead realised that the males had them too. Something about our wedges being mirror representation of the demon bats and their feet. Regardless of the history, I was annoyed that nothing in the future will be able to alter the genetic formation that was my Vampieruz nature. The pros of instant regeneration.

  I felt my legs ache and my lungs burn, I didn’t know how long I ran but I ended up at the edge of a hill that dipped lowly into the valley where the flags sat, there was a sound of clashing metal and I noticed the figures of Kal and the others in the heat of battle. I also realised they weren’t fighting each other. “What in the world?” I asked myself, strangely wary.

  Every fibre in my body told me to run and I began to back away but adjourned, the moment I felt something hot brushing at the against my scaly skin. It was connected to me like the rivers to the lands and I knew I was in danger. Slowly, I turned over my shoulder to regard the blood red eyes that peered into the naturally vibrant red ones of my own. I gulped and headed back towards the direction of the flags and stopped once more.

  I was surrounded by ashing creatures with burning magma crackling skin. The sight caused my breath to whoosh in fear as I began to panic. They were lowly demons of the Underworld and I was in no shape to battle something I never knew until a few days ago. Before I could react, the demon I faced, jumped forward and sent me into a nearby tree which as I regarded the demons sauntering towards me was a good fifteen metres.

  I felt my lips burn at the corner and the scorching cries of my lungs even more than before—the impact of the tree must have really winded me. “Cecelia!” I heard a familiar voice and there before me stood, between me and the demons, was Odette. Her sharp teeth were bared and her claws were extended which quickly retracted. She clenching her fist, ready to punch and her right foot back, ready to kick. “Can you stand?” she asked.

  I vaguely forced a nod, realising I hit my head pretty hard. I felt something grasp my upper arm and pull me to my feet. Looking through my hazy sparkling vision, I noticed Daphne regarded me with concern. I was certain she had said something but my brain didn’t quite catch it. Even with my Vampieruz powers I was manhandled like a human, something that was a bit more humiliating. Voices, combat strikes, steeling weapons were dull like white noise to my ears.

  Soon the battle sounds returned, slowly, as did my focus. Once I had enough strength, I plucked myself from Daphne. Ignoring my aching head. “You alright?” I heard her ask and I nodded. Feeling something damp against my chin and whipped my forearm across the blood slippi
ng out of the corner of my lips and hissed—baring my fangs like Kal and Volvomich before.

  “Stupid, demons!” I growled feeling my lip heal. As I focused on the fight, I saw Marcus and Jordan combating the demons closer to us and at the further end of the clearing where was Kal. She was flipping over and around them easily, quickly with power. Her strikes were efficient and only occurred when she knew she would hit.

  The boys were quick and strong but that was something to be expected, right? I wasn’t sure if all Outlandish males were like that but the humans all thought theirs were so it must be the same.

  The demons were quick on approach and I slowly felt the scales of my skin tight suit, begin to rise as did the slow sensation of what was to come—I was going to be attacked. Sensing from the right of me, I flanked back and the claws of a demon singed at where my head once was. I stepped back and drove foot forward, through his arm my foot went and I smiled. I never knew I was this strong. The thrill of it gave me more confidence and with each attack the demons sent towards me, I dodged and avoided—punching and kicking where I could.

  Soon enough, the demons were all gone, their bodies disappearing into floating orbs before fading away. I heard something click and crackle. Turning to the sound, I saw Kal with her hand to her head—her fingers pressed against her ear and noticed the bluetooth device lined her jaw. “Hostile threat neutralised.” she confirmed and I fought to keep my breath even but smirked once more—just a little bit bigger as I realised how level-headed Kal was.

  “Cool.” I panted.

  I heard Marcus laugh and I forced my attention to him. “She’s not that great. I took out like five.” I saw Odette at the corner of my eye, roll hers. I smiled and laughed.

  “Yeah right,” I heard Jordan comment. “It was more like four and a half.”

  I heard Daphne sigh, “Arrogance,” she muttered and I shook my head unbelieving how casual everyone acted after that supernatural attack.

  “Now that’s done,” Kal said as I watched her stroll towards where I crouched, my hand keeping myself from falling flat on my face, “How much strength do you figure you have left?”

  I asked smoothly, “Why?”

  She smirked, “To finish the race of course.”

  I heard the others slowly back away and I watched as Odette apologetically waved. Edging towards the denser part of the rainforest. “Sorry Cecelia. But I want to be this year’s flag champion.” she said and disappeared.

  “Don’t take this personally.” I heard Jordan say before he zipped into the bushes at full speed perhaps chasing after Odette.

  “Hey! If anyone wins! It will be me!” I heard Marcus yell and watched as he winked at me. He too sprinted into the denser part of the forest with Daphne who nodded and took off—most likely on Marcus’s team this time round.

  I saw a blue and black hand stretch out towards me. Blue black scales were designed like fingerless gloves while her exposed fingers were concealed in black thick scales. “How fast you think you can run?” she asked.

  “Not fast, why?” I asked as I forced myself to my feet with Kal’s help.

  “Oh really,” Kal understood. “That’s a shame, I was hoping you would help me put those boys in their place.” She smirked and I nodded.

  “I’ll try but I don’t know how to do what you do.” I confessed, feeling silly. I was a purebred Vampieruz I should know how to do it—without thinking.

  “It’s muscle memory. You probably done this as a kid. Try not to think about it. It’s like what you did before with the demons. Your senses extended and you reacted.” Kal shrugged. “It’s instinct.”

  I nodded in understanding and at a human pace jogged after Kal, who grunted when I asked what was wrong as we headed towards the thick foliage she told me, Odette was the first to retrieve her flag. “How many are there?” I asked.

  “Fifty-five. All stretched, buried or folded into places or on monsters within this rainforest.” Kal spoke as she ducked under a thick fallen tree. I followed suit.

  After a few more minutes of casual talking, I heard Kal groan and I knew what was wrong. Odette or Marcus could have gotten the next flag and the idea that they were so far ahead of us didn’t sit well with me. “I suggest we hurry,” I prompted, picking up my pace.

  I felt Kal jog beside me, “Try not to think about it.”

  I nodded and slowly breathed in deeply and out quickly. I soon felt my muscles push and my limbs quicken—I was getting faster. I saw the edge of a rock face stretch out before us. Normal humans would have to go around or if with gear could abseil down but I didn’t have any and I wasn’t human. Every part of me screamed at me to stop, to slow down. I was scared and believed Kal may have sensed it because I heard her call, over the loud rush of the wind and clashing of large leaves:

  “Don’t be afraid. I’ll be here!” I felt her fall back and I didn’t slow down. Even though I was scared out of my wits. Reaching the edge, the stone under my feet, I pressed the sole of my heels against the earth which caused my skin to tingle in awareness—my red heels and my crimson scaly skin shimmied in understanding of my surroundings almost like sonar. I could hear the others in the distance and Marcus’s merriment potentially at the new monsters Volvomich was hauling forth. The sound of swords and shields metal clashed.

  Something, I realised I never had. I didn’t have time to worry. I felt my foot press against the edge of the cliff as I flung into the air. My arms were flared out beside me. I didn’t realise it until I looked down. I noticed I covered a lot of distance—too much to be human. I landed hard, destroying all the trees in my path and rolled along the earth that shattered under my impression. I rolled onto my feet and crouched, with one hand on the ground and the other behind me. I saw everyone in the clearing stop and stare at me.

  Marcus, Jordan, Odette and Daphne all look at me with surprised expressions, even the large blue skinned muscled trolls they fought against, also regarded me with surprise. I smirked and leaped passed them and flipped in the air. Picking up my flag—that was blood red and engraved with a six-point star in the centre of an unfilled Faction. I saw Kal in the distance and watched as she flew to my side with her super speed. She laughed—picking up her flag. “Laters.” she called to the others and I laughed taking off after her to the next one.

  “We’ll have to Faction back around for the other flags.” I voiced easily this time over the rushing wind around us.

  “We’ll have time to.” she chuckled. “I’ll ensure it.” I hoped that was the case and noticed as we ran, I wasn’t tired. I felt invigorated. I felt unrestricted. Like I could do anything I wanted my body to do. I felt absolute freedom. Several hundred miles later, “Don’t slow down!” she ordered in an authorised tone.

  I did as she told me to and felt tremors beneath my feet. I noticed the dangerous atmosphere we were bound to face. There was a large dragon scuttling from beneath the ground. I witnessed it all, the shattering of clay and the grinding of its dirt as it fell towards the large crater in the ground. The dragon towered over us and I kept running, it locked its golden eyed gaze on me, its skin as grey as dry clay. It roared fiercely and I felt my heart hammer in fear.

  Beside me, Kal launched through the air, the power that surrounded her was tremendous. I felt her demonic and angelic pressure. I felt her energetic strength and above her I felt her advanced power. With all that she grinned at the dragon as if it were a naughty child. A silver sword—large in size—summoned on her back as did several other weapons but I saw her armoured forearm reach around from under her cloak and over to the hilt.

  She grasped and removed it.

  The sword gleamed under the artificial sun. The dragon’s claw swung towards her and I watched as I fell back towards the earth commendably landing on my feet. She stayed standing in the air. Like she was on an invisible platform. The claw of the massive dragon was slow and Kal dodged it with ease—effectively lopping it off. She ran along its arm and onto its head. Her sword, extended in size as she
leaped onto its brow and stabbed.

  The dragon roared and fell towards the ground. I bounded into the air, meeting up with Kal again and she laughed, “See, told I’d ensure it.”

  “Yes you did.” I giggled.

  We continued forward at what was my full speed. Taking down demons, trolls and other outlandish entities that threatened our chances of not acquiring our designated flags. Soon it became a breeze, I blocked and countered enough for Kal to take down our enemy—I didn’t know how but I acted on impulse. And, I liked it.

  It was an uphill battle but neither of us were sweating. I smiled as I noticed my breath remained even and my muscles flexible as if I’ve been doing this my whole life. “We should Faction back for the other two.” Kal suggested and I nodded, eagerly. She smiled in return and held out her hand. “It’s a long way. I’m sure the others will gain ground.” I looked at her dumbfounded. Of course they would. I thought and Kal glared. “That’s what I just said.” I clasped her hand hoping I have her a concerning expression which I noted she ignored and glanced in the air—caging me in her arm.

  She closed her eyes and I felt energy gather around us, the particles and the small dirt of earth swirled around us before spraying away from us. “Clench.” she ordered opening her eyes. I obeyed, only to scream out in surprise, by the speed I felt we travelled. The scariest part was the sight of us high and airborne. The wind was much louder up here and much colder. When I relaxed I noticed so did Kal. I laughed and wooed every now and again when Kal flew towards the treetops, passing under stones and through chasms beside the many colourful birds. Soon we returned back to the starting point and I locked onto Kal praying she wouldn’t let me fall. She glanced around and scanned the area, we hovered for a moment before she began to gently flutter towards the first flags. Dropping me, she told me to pick up mine, she descended and picked up hers.


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