A Lesson in Passion

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A Lesson in Passion Page 6

by Jennifer Connors

  Ian laughed a booming, hearty laugh. It made Ginny smile in response. “I've little doubt that ya willnae be attending any more of my men.”

  “That's a shame, cause I'm really good at what I do,” Ginny said with a touch of arrogance in her voice. Ian was once again taken back. He'd never met any woman who would behave this way. He found it refreshing, but also disconcerting. She willnae fit in , he thought. His smile faded and he strode away from her as fast as he could.

  * Chapter 7 *

  Ian wanted to get going as soon as possible, but he had to consider Aileana. She had been through too much to force a long journey on her. He also had to consider everyone's safety. Ian had no way of knowing if any more of their enemies were around. The men who took Aileana were working on someone's orders. Even with all the confidence he had in his men, they could be easily outnumbered.

  He needed to consult his brother, but didn't want to take him away from his wife just yet. As he stared at the last of the light, Broderick strode over. As usual, there was a scowl on his face. Ian knew his right hand man had something on his mind and he always wanted to encourage him to be honest. Broderick always wanted to show him proper respect, which could get in the way.

  “What is it ya want, Broderick?” Ian asked, as he continued to stare at the sunset.

  “When do ya plan to leave, Laird?” was his response.

  “I wanted to discuss that with ya. I'm worried about Aileana, but I'm also worried about staying behind too long. What do ya think?”

  “We should leave as soon as possible. Before sunrise, I think. Aileana will be safe with Alec. We canna be sure that our enemies arenae watching as we speak.”

  “Aye, true. There is another matter, as well. What should be done with the Englishwoman?” Ian knew Broderick's answer before he asked, but wanted to hear it from him.

  “We should leave her behind. Someone will find her and take her in. She is of no use to us.”

  Ian raised an eyebrow to him, “Do ya think? She's a healer, and our clan has been without one since Gretchen.”

  “She is English and our clan will not take too kindly to her, no matter her skills,” Broderick came off as surly, but Ian never took exception.

  “Surely ya wouldnae just leave her here alone. She would be in danger and yar too much of a gentleman to leave a woman in danger.”

  Broderick harrumphed. No one referred to Broderick as a “gentleman.” Of course, Ian was right. She might be English, but she was still defenseless. Broderick was not the type of man who wouldn't come to the aid of a woman. Finally succumbing, he rolled his eyes. In one last ditch effort he said, “Maybe I could take her to the nearest keep and dump her off there.”

  Ian laughed. “Yar effort is relentless. We dinna know who her enemies are. I'm sure ya would agree that any manor lord would not be forthcoming if he was in league with her father's enemies.”

  “Fine,” was all Broderick said. He'd known all along that Ian planned to keep her. It was plain as day that he found her attractive, although Broderick could not figure out why. She wasn't hard to look at, but she was English and there was no overcoming that. Broderick went off to prepare the men for their departure.

  “Before sunrise, then, Laird?”

  “Aye, before sunrise.”

  * * *

  Ian went off to look for Ginny. He found her in Aileana's tent, talking softly to the woman. He walked into the tent and asked, “Where is Alec?”

  Ginny jumped at the sound of his voice. That man moves like a cat , she thought again. “He went looking for you and asked that I stay with Aileana.”

  “We will be leaving before sunrise. Ya should get some rest. The journey to my keep can be strenuous.” And with that, he was gone.

  “He likes ya,” Aileana stated. She'd barely said a word since Ginny came to sit with her. Ginny had been yammering on, but had to be careful about what topics she brought up. Aileana didn't need to hear about the future, so she pulled some of the memories she had from Lady Chatham. Unfortunately, Lady Chatham lived a sheltered and boring life, not much in the way of good stories to tell.

  Ginny stared at Aileana incredulously. “Really. I think you read too much into it.” Even as Ginny spoke the words, she knew Aileana was right. Isn't this the romance novel set up? The mega hunk hero can't resist the heroine and is forced to fall in love with her.

  “Ian could use a good woman in his life.”

  “Probably. Do you really think I'm that good woman. I'm English and he hates the English,” Ginny said trying to play the part.

  “Aye, ya could be. He and his brother are so different. Alec is tender, where Ian is... not,” she said, wistfully.

  “Alec... tender? Really? I haven't seen that side of him yet.”

  “Ya will. Indeed.”

  * * *

  “We leave before sunrise. Ya need to do whatever to make yar wife ready,” Ian was informing his younger brother.

  “Aye, it would be best to leave this place, for everyone, especially Aileana,” Alec was staring at the sky, not really in the conversation.

  Ian regarded his brother with care. He knew the enormous guilt Alec shouldered. He allowed his wife to visit her family in the south. Alec had too many responsibilities to go with her, so he sent a few men to escort her. The ambush left all the men dead and Aileana missing. It took weeks to discover where she'd been taken, although they were never able to discover who was behind it. Ian had vowed to discover the perpetrators and mete out his own justice. Questioning and torturing a few of the lowlanders proved ineffective.

  Now, his brother was not the same. He was distant and preoccupied. Since her disappearance, Alec had been on a rampage. Indeed, until the moment they found her with the Englishwoman, he was fierce and determined. Now, he was anything but. Ian waited to see if Alec would confide in him.

  “Do ya know what she asked me?” Alec would not look at his brother when he spoke.

  “Nay, what does she want?”

  Alec turned to his brother with his eyes on fire. “She wants to die and she wants me to do it!”

  Ian was stunned. He was not a fan of religion or the church, but he believed suicide was a sure pathway to Hell. And, as far as he was concerned, asking another to commit the act, didn't change what it was. He stared at this younger brother for a moment before responding. “What did ya tell her?”

  That set Alec off like a roman candle. “What do ya mean? What do ya think I told her? Do ya think me capable of murdering my own wife?” Alec's face dropped. Soon after, he fell to his knees and covered his face in his hands. His punishment for allowing her to go to her family on her own was worse than he could imagine. And it did not come close to comparing to hers.

  Ian was not accustomed to dealing with such feelings. As far as he was concerned, there were few emotions worth visiting. Fear and rage were his two top favorites, obviously with fear being the other man's problem. In battle, he would concentrate his rage to make him a powerful killing machine. Love and sadness were two emotions he avoided as much as possible. When Alec first met Aileana, he was so besotted that Ian could hardly avoid it. Eventually, he was able to turn a blind eye to it and Alec was able to continue as a skilled warrior.

  Now, Alec was tortured over his guilt and Ian had little to offer to assuage it. He waited patiently for his brother to compose himself. The sun had completely set and the only light was from some fires and the moon. Soon enough, Alec stood back up and turned to his brother, “We will be ready.” With that, he walked away.

  Alec walked back into the tent to find his wife fast asleep and Lady Chatham snoring next to her. He didn't know what to do for his wife, but knew he needed to sleep next to her tonight. The time she was missing had burned his soul beyond repair. All he wanted was what time he had left, since his wife seemed content to give up and die.

  Ian had set up the other tent for Ginny, so he went to pick her up and put her in it. Right before he could lift her, Ian's voice, menacing though just a w
hisper, came from behind. “What are ya doing with her?”

  Alec turned around to look at Ian. “I was going to carry her to her own tent. I mean to sleep next to my wife tonight.”

  “Aye, I will do it. Be with yar wife.”

  Ian walked over and gently lifted the sleeping form from the ground. She weighed little more than a feather. When he had her securely in his arms, Ginny turned to him and began to cuddle closer to his body. Ian nearly dropped her. The wave of passion hit him so hard, he hardly recognized it for what it was. Lust, pure and simple.

  He walked to the other tent and put her down on the makeshift bed. He found a blanket to cover her with, but soon she was shivering. Perplexed, he watched her try to get comfortable. Soon the shivering got worse and she looked as though she would wake up, so Ian did the only thing he could... he warmed her up. He laid down next to her and threw his enormous arm over her body. Still wrapped in the blanket, he hauled her body as close to his as he could without waking her. In her sleep, Ginny let out a small sigh of relief and fell back into a deep sleep. Ian, on the other hand, got more uncomfortable, due to his increasing erection. He had never slept this close to a woman who he didn't have sex with first. This will be a long night , he thought glumly, trying without success to get some sleep.

  * * *

  The next morning Ginny woke up with that uncomfortable feeling of wondering where she was. In this case, it was also when she was, but first things first. It was still dark, she was having a wonderful dream about being warm on the beach, when she was shaken awake. Opening her eyes, she immediately went on the defensive and started to yell. A giant hand covered her mouth and a disembodied voice stated, “Calm down, it is just me.” The Scottish burr reminded her of all that had transpired in the less than twenty-four hours since she arrived here.

  It was cold and damp outside as she slid from the tent. Her eyes could barely make out anything, since the moonlight was now covered over with clouds and there was a light drizzle coming down. It was a miserable feeling being cold and wet and half asleep. Add to that the fact that she was in a different time and strange place, and it was nearly unbearable. Ginny kept her hopes up for a better day.

  “Ian, where can I... uh...” Ginny was at a loss for words. Obviously, there were no bathrooms, but as far as she could see, there wasn't anywhere she could go to be private. Although she barely drank anything, she needed to go badly.

  “What is it?” Ian asked with no shortage of contempt.

  “Where might I relieve myself?” she asked, embarrassment forgotten, when she heard his tone.

  Suddenly, Ian felt bad. He knew he sounded surly, but after spending a sleepless night, frustrated and denied, he was bad company for anyone. Obviously, Lady Chatham was desperate. He endeavored to be more kind.

  “Ya may go behind the tent. I will make sure that no one disturbs ya,” he said as gently as possible.

  Ginny sensed the change and was immediately leery. Ian had been almost entirely grumpy to her and now he sounded nice. She knew she shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but she had to wonder what he was up to. Trying to remember the romance novel rules, she considered that maybe he was just in a bad mood, just like she was, and he was trying to behave better. Of course, she wouldn't take it that way, as the heroine, and it would lead to some misunderstanding. Better to just take it for what it was, a kindness.

  “Thank you, Laird. I'll only be a few minutes.” Ginny ducked behind the tent and went about trying to urinate while squatting on open ground. Truth was, Ginny was never a “pee in the woods” kind of girl. The few times she went camping she insisted on facilities. She could live without a shower for a couple of days, but did not like using the world as her toilet. Fortunately, she wasn't wearing any panties to get in the way. After a few frustrating minutes, and some near misses with her only clothing, she finally came out from behind the tent. Thankfully, she could not see Ian to tell how angry he was for her taking so long.

  “Ya'll be riding with me today. Ya might want to get some water and a bit of something to eat before we leave,” damn if he wasn't sounding surly again.

  “Where can I get some food?” Ginny kept her voice even, since she wasn't in the mood for an argument.

  Ian gave an exasperated sigh. How much trouble would this girl be? he thought to himself as he led her towards one of the fires. There, one of his men was making oat cakes. This might be a first for her , he thought more merrily than earlier.

  The warrior, a man named Duncan, happily invited her to sit down with him. He handed her a cask to drink from, filled with weak ale. He was regaling her with stories of his life and skill. Duncan told her that he was unmarried and did not have the same prejudices against the English as the rest of his clan. Ginny could do nothing but smile. She thought he looked awfully young, but knew that she was probably pretty young looking too.

  Ian noticed the two from across the camp, laughing and flirting. His jaw clenched at the sight. What is that boy doing? he thought as he walked back over to the fire.

  Ginny had just taken her first bite of an oat cake and was surprised at how it tasted like nothing, no flavor at all. Still , she thought, when in Rome, any port in a storm, beggars can't be choosers.

  When Ian came back, Ginny noticed that first, he looked downright pissed off and second, he was amazingly handsome in the firelight. The angular lines of his face were more pronounced and his hair looked like it was on fire. She could see the set line in his jaw and immediately wondered what she'd done this time. Dear God, I was just sitting here , she thought, closing her eyes and lifting her face to the sky.

  “If yar ready to go, come wit' me,” Ian said as he was walking away.

  “Thank you for breakfast, Duncan. I hope to speak to you again sometime.”

  Ian was getting more perturbed. Surely she wasn't interested in Duncan. Why, the boy couldn't even fight that well and was skinny. “Now! Lady Chatham,” he screamed at her to get her moving.

  Ginny ran after him with a smile on her face. Could the laird be jealous? She certainly hoped so. It would probably be the brightest point in her day. As she followed behind Ian, she began to sing Do You Believe in Magic by the Loving Spoonful: Do you believe in magic? In a young girl's heart, How the music can free her, Whenever it starts.

  As she continued to sing, Ian was rethinking taking her with him. She's obviously daft or she wouldn't be singing to herself. What could I be thinking?

  * Chapter 8 *

  Ginny began to realize that this dream may be some sort of purgatory. How else could you explain that she had not awoken to find herself in a hospital bed without any memory of the strange goings on she had experienced.

  Also, how could you possibly explain that she could feel and smell and taste this “world” she found herself in. Is God just messing with her for being too picky about men, or is he punishing her for reading a handful of romance novels on her worst vacation ever?

  Riding on Ian's lap for the better part of the day, Ginny was reminded why she always hated horses. Of course, they smell, but worse, they had minds of their own. Riding them made your ass hurt and there is always the fear they will start to gallop and pop your butt right on the ground. Ian was kind enough to balance her on his lap, but the lack of control was something Ginny had always hated relinquishing.

  “Are we close to your home yet?” Ginny asked hoping for either a reprieve or a quick end to her suffering.

  Ian continued to ride without comment. Perhaps he didn't hear me , she thought.

  “Excuse me, Laird. I was wondering if we were close to your home or is it possible to take a short break?” Ginny asked again in a louder voice.

  Still, Ian said nothing.

  Now, perhaps girls during this century would have taken the hint and let it be. Ginny, however, was not from this century. She decided that his rudeness could be matched with her own. And so, she began to squirm and wiggle on his lap, trying to find a more comfortable position.

This isn't working , she thought. Maybe if I hang my legs on the other side. That would relieve the pressure on the left side of my ass.

  Ginny began to shift so her legs were on the other side. First she maneuvered her right leg under Ian's arm holding the left rein. Now she was straddling the horse.

  Wait, this is much more comfortable. Maybe I should ride like this for a while , she thought happily.

  Ian couldn't believe what this girl was doing. First she started shaking her bottom back and forth against him in the most provocative manner. Now she was straddling the horse, butt up against his manhood. Ian was trying to control the erection she was causing him. This ride was going to be long indeed if she didn't stop moving around so much.

  She shifted back so her ass was on the saddle. Oh yes, much better indeed .

  Before she could enjoy it too long, Ian kicked his horse into a full gallop and headed for a grove of trees to the right. Ginny tried to reach behind her to hold onto Ian, but realized that she couldn't quite get a good grip. Just as she thought she was going to slip off, Ian wrapped his arm around her middle to keep her in place. This was definitely the part she hated about horses the most.

  Once they reached the trees, Ian hopped off the horse and dragged Ginny into the woods. He was trying unsuccessfully to control his temper, but this was his last straw. He knew damn well that English girls did not ride astride. She was either trying to seduce him or she was truly simple minded. It made no difference, he wouldn't and couldn't take much more.

  “Excuse me, Laird... am I to be afforded some time to refresh myself?” Ginny asked Ian's back as he dragged her further into the woods.

  Suddenly, Ian turned around and glared at Ginny. “What were ya doing on my horse?” His question was full of anger, like he would hit her out of rage. His face was bright red and he was panting like an animal.


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