A Lesson in Passion

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A Lesson in Passion Page 9

by Jennifer Connors

  “I wouldnae have asked if I werenae willing to listen.” Ian realized that this woman could very well be the death of him. He had the urge to pull her to him and kiss away the insolence. He smiled at the notion that would be so shocking to someone so innocent.

  “I am trying, Laird. But in the time since our arrival, I've been yelled at, spit on, made into some kind of pariah, given nothing to eat or drink, made to sleep like an animal and beaten by a man twice my size. Every time I try to do something, you come along and tell me I've done something wrong. I don't know your ways and I don't see how I've done anything so horrible to deserve the treatment I've received from both you and your clan,” Ginny could feel her composure breaking, but she would be damned before she cried in front of the likes of him.

  “If you don't want me, can someone take me back to England and dump me off somewhere. I'll figure out what to do from there and you and your people will never have to deal with me again,” Ginny was sincere, but was utterly empty inside. She knew she'd reached her limit.

  Ian stared at her for a time. He was amazed that someone so young and small could be so brave. He also knew that she was his and he was unlikely to let her go. He carried such a strong need to keep her safe, and could not understand why he was trying so hard to push her away. Ian was not ready to admit how much he wanted to bed her. How just seeing her made him hard. He knew that was why he was so surly to her most of the time.

  “Yar not going anywhere,” Ian could see the disappointment in her face. “Ya will learn our ways and the clan will eventually accept ya.”

  Ginny made a noise that indicated that she did not believe that would ever happen. Of course, if this situation was like the romance novel, Ian should be seducing her soon and the clan will come to love her. As far as Ginny could remember, no women get back handed in the books she'd read, so maybe she'd already changed the storyline.

  “And...” Ian spoke just above a whisper...”Ya must be punished.”

  Ginny had been waiting for the other shoe to fall. She lifted her face and met his eyes. She tried to maintain a stoic look. “How am I to be punished? I can't imagine how it could get worse.” That was the wrong thing to say, as things can always get worse.

  “Ya'll be paddled in front of the entire clan. It will be a demonstration that no disrespect will be tolerated,” Ian stated.

  “And what will be Frank..., I mean, Broderick's punishment?” Ian looked incredulous. Did she mean to indicate that Broderick had done something wrong? Surely he misheard her.

  “Broderick has done nothing wrong,” Ian said putting an end to the discussion. But, of course, Ginny could not let things lie.

  “Done nothing wrong? He attacked me!” Ginny could feel her blood starting to boil. She was disgusted that he could think it perfectly alright for the big bully to beat up the defenseless. All of sudden, Ginny stopped. “What am I being punished for... exactly?”

  “Ya laughed at my command. I take my leadership seriously, as ya should as well.”

  “So, Broderick hitting me...”

  “You hit him back. It seems the matter has resolved itself.”

  Ginny was about to laugh, but didn't want to insult the laird again. She wondered if Ian actually admired how she handled the situation. She didn't go crying to him, but defended herself. She could see that he looked at her differently, perhaps with a little more respect than an hour ago. Somehow, it made the episode more tolerable.

  “Very well... let's go and get this over with.” Ginny stood up and started walking back up the hill. If she had to be paddled for laughing, she might as well get it done with. She might not agree with their rules, but they were their rules and she was not the one to change things.

  Ian could not believe his ears. This young, impetuous English girl was going to take her punishment without argument. It seemed that the last few days were nothing but arguments when it came to her. She stopped and turned around to look at him. “Are you coming?” she asked indignantly.

  “Aye, I'm coming.” Ian stood and followed her up the hill. She had no idea what she was in for and he did not relish making her cry, especially in front of the entire clan.

  * Chapter 12 *

  Word spread quickly about the punishment to be meted out to the Englishwoman. Clansmen dropped everything they were doing for a chance to witness it. Some commented on how it would be more fun than a festival. Others pulled out stools and blankets to make a picnic of it. Almost everyone was excited to witness the suffering of one of the English, everyone except Maude. She had never appreciated the need for such humiliation.

  Ginny watched as two men wheeled out a contraption made of wood. It was simple... just a box with a rope strung across the top. It had a sturdy base, so it wouldn't tip over. It occurred to Ginny that it was meant for her paddling and the rest of the day would really suck. When am I going to learn to keep my big trap shut! Ginny thought despairingly as she walked over to the box.

  Ian walked next to her and explained that when the time came, she was to bend over the box and hold onto the rope. He held a vicious looking wooden paddle in his hand. The paddle, smooth from careful sanding, was the size of the cricket bat, but a little wider. It had an intricate design on it, probably Scottish in nature, Ginny surmised. It looked well used and was probably what they used on willful children.

  Ian spoke to the clan calmly. “It gives me no pleasure to do this, but as ya know, we have rules that must be followed. Lady Chatham has broken a very important rule by disrespecting me and this clan.” The crowd began to boo Ginny and she felt the hate like needles being pushed into her skin. She kept her head high and bore it without complaint. Ian was feeling even worse for what he was about to do.

  “QUIET!” Ian roared at the booing clan. “She is willing to take her punishment for her transgression. She is here of her own accord, no one needed to drag her here or hold her down. She will take her punishment and it will be done.”

  Ian nodded to Ginny, who quickly took her place on the box. She held the rope, although Ginny didn't think he would paddle her so hard to send her flying. Of course, she didn't know for sure.

  “You will receive three whacks,” Ian announced right before the first one hit.

  Ginny had never experienced anything like it. She imagined that it was how it would feel being hit by a ram. Ginny was certain that Ian wasn't holding anything back just because she was a woman. All that was heard was a small grunt from Ginny. She'd be damned again if she would cry. These people didn't deserve her tears, only her contempt.

  The second whack was worse since it was hitting sore skin and the third was nearly unbearable. When it was over, Ginny stood up slowly. She fought to keep down the wave of nausea that was building up inside her. Ginny knew that crying would be bad, but throwing up would be unforgivable. As she passed Ian, he stopped her with his hand.

  “Ya have done well, little one. Ya took it like a warrior,” Ian whispered in her ear. Ginny, who had been looking straight ahead up until that point, turned her head and looked right into his eyes. It was clear that she was angry, but trying to contain herself to avoid another whack.

  “Thank you, Laird. That means so much to me,” Ginny managed to say before pushing his hand away and walking into the keep. Sarcasm had always been something of an art form for Ginny. She wielded it like a sword against the stupid. Right now, she could think of no one more stupid than Laird Ian and the whole McKenna clan.

  * * *

  Maude followed Ginny into the keep. She closed the door and came to her side. “Please let me help ya,” was all she said as she took Ginny's arm and led her the large table in the middle of the room. “I know ya don't want to sit, so lean over the table and I will fetch ya some water.”

  Maude's kindness was almost Ginny's undoing. After all the hate she received since her arrival, this one young girl proved that she was not some kind of monster. Ginny leaned over the table and wondered if the sting would subside soon.

  As if reading
her mind, Maude said, “It won't sting forever, my lady. It will hurt for the first hour or so, but it will get better before evening supper.”

  Ginny received the water gratefully. It seemed that poor Maude had received the same punishment at some time herself. “What did you do?” was all Ginny said.

  “I can get myself into some mischief on occasion. The last time I accidentally set fire to my family's hut.”

  Ginny looked at her incredulously. “Really... all I did was laugh. How many did you get for the fire?”

  “Five,” Maude turned her face away, but Ginny could see that she was laughing. “It was an accident, but no one would listen. That was before Laird Ian. His father was much more brutal.” More brutal? Dear God , thought Ginny, he must have been the devil himself.

  Ginny could hear the giant wood door opening and the light from outside pouring in. She knew who it would be without turning around to look. She wondered if she would hear about her snide remark before leaving him outside. The “emperor” couldn't possibly be happy with her insolence.

  “Maude, would ya be so kind as to leave us alone for a moment?” Ian's voice, for once, didn't sound surly.

  Maude bowed her head and headed toward the kitchen. Before she left, she called back, “Please let me know if I can be of service this evening, my lady. I've some experience and can be helpful in yar comfort.” Ginny couldn't help but smile. Despite Ian's presence, she'd made her displeasure known. Maude was a braver girl than she.

  In a uncharacteristically soft voice, Ian asked, “How are ya faring?”

  Ginny was in no mood to speak to him. However, she did not wish to endure another paddling session. With her teeth gritted, she said, “As fine as to be expected, Laird.” It almost killed her to hold back the smart ass response she so wanted to give him. Ginny also had quite a few names she wished she could call him. Many he would have never heard before, and may not even know were insulting. Ginny considered this while Ian continued to stare at her.

  Ian went quite easy on her. He did not swing with as much ferocity as he had in the past on other members of his clan and he certainly wasn't as vicious as his father. He wanted her to know of his compassion. “Ya should be thankful that I was so gentle with ya.”

  What? Ginny thought. He has to be kidding!

  Despite the pain, she stood up and faced him dead on. Biting back the worst of the comments that came to mind, Ginny smiled and said, “I will forever be grateful for your kindness and the kindness of your clan. I have never been so welcomed in my life. Your restraint with the paddle was most appreciated. I can honestly say, without a doubt, I barely felt it.”

  At this, Ian smiled. Her audacity was starting to please him greatly. Since the moment they met, she never shrank from him. Oh, he knew there were times she feared him and what he was capable of, but she never backed down. Ian loved watching the play of emotions on her face as she held back the worst of her thoughts. Yes, this woman would please him greatly.

  Ginny stared at Ian's face as he smiled. Yes, he was a handsome man, but most of the time it was hard to notice with the constant snarl he wore. Now, with his smile, Ginny noticed a strange stirring. Sexually appealing, she began to wonder what it would be like to sleep with him. Ginny was no virgin, although the body she possessed most likely was. She began to smile thinking about what it would do to him if she responded with as much ardor as a 21st century woman.

  Her smile was Ian's undoing. His mind shouted for him to stop, but his body moved closer to hers. His large, calloused hands grabbed her face and pointed it up to meet his gaze. “You please me, Lady Genevieve. You belong to me now and forever.” With that, Ian bent his head to meet his lips with hers. Gentle at first, he didn't want to scare her.

  Ginny couldn't believe he was kissing her and so gently. It was her chance to shock and horrify him. Now, Laird Ian McKenna, you'll find out what it was like to kiss this woman who's not afraid of men and not ignorant of sex . She reached her hand behind his head, laced her fingers in his long hair and pulled him even closer. Opening her mouth, her tongue reached out and traced his lips.

  Ian pulled back abruptly and just stared at Ginny. He could not believe her boldness. Shock flashed on his face before he couldn't hold back any more. With a grunt of pleasure, Ian pulled Ginny to his mouth and kissed her. His tongue reaching into her mouth to take possession of her. His hands caressing her face and shoulders. Ian knew that he would not likely be able to stop himself.

  Just as his hands reached down to caress her breasts, Ginny pulled away abruptly. She quickly ran around to the other side of the table to put some distance between the two of them. Her plan to shock and horrify him went terribly wrong. Ginny knew that he was turned on. She was no prude, but damn if she would sleep with him after he took a paddle to her ass. Wiping her hand across her wet, swollen lips, Ginny had trouble drawing a breath.

  Neither said a word for a long time. They just stared at each other from across the table. When Ian could trust his voice again, he spoke gently, “Did I scare ya?”

  What! , Ginny thought, he has got to be kidding? It occurred to her that that thought was becoming her mantra. Ginny dropped her face to her hands and was shaking. She immediately controlled her laughter, since that was what got her paddled in the first place. She took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes.

  “I'm sorry, Laird, but I thought it was I who scared you!” Ginny retorted. She couldn't help but smile at the look of indignation on his face. There was a part of her that just couldn't help herself when it came to baiting him.

  “Surely, ya jest,” was all Ian could say. This girl, this Englishwoman, had the audacity to think she could inflict fear on him. Of all the gall , he thought. Once again, his desire turned to rage. When he saw the look on her face, he realized that he was scaring her again and immediately calmed himself down. What was it about this woman , he thought grimly.

  Ginny could see that she'd made him angry again. She wasn't up for another confrontation. She just wanted to find some middle ground that they could both live in. Ginny was tired, hungry, dirty and in pain. She knew she should suck it up and placate him before he went on a rampage once again.

  “I'm sorry, Laird. I didn't mean to insult you... again. I know whenever I speak, I say the wrong thing and make you angry. Maybe I should find Maude and she can bring me to her house. I don't wish to inconvenience you any longer,” Ginny said forlornly. She knew she sounded pathetic, which was so unlike her, but at this point, she was pretty pathetic.

  “Ya must be tired,” Ian was trying to be more accommodating.

  “I'm exhausted. I'm also starving and thirsty and filthy and my bottom is on fire. I am not having a good day!”

  Immediately, Ian strode from the room toward the kitchens. Ginny could only imagine what he had in store for her. She prayed for a little kindness, which all the romantic novels would offer, but she knew that she'd irretrievably changed this story for the worst.

  Ian came back with a tray of ale, bread and cheese. He held the tray in one hand and grabbed her arm with the other. He walked briskly up the stone steps to the upper level where he stopped in front of an enormous wood door, with big metal studs and door pull. Ian used his shoulder to push open the door and dragged Ginny inside.

  Inside the room, was a giant hearth, two holes for windows with heavy fabric curtains. The stone floor was covered with rugs and on the one side was a giant bed with a canopy and more heavy curtains. Ginny could imagine how cozy it would be when all the curtains were drawn. Before she could take in the whole room, Ian dragged her to the bed and released his grip. He put the tray down next to the bed and turned to Ginny.

  “This is my bedchamber. Please partake of it until ya feel better. Have a bite to eat and get some rest. I'll fetch Maude to attend ya.”

  With that, he left the room. Ginny stared at the doorway and began to cry.

  * * *

  Maude found Ginny, still standing in the same spot, staring at the door. Someh
ow, Ginny managed to stop her tears before Maude came in, but it was obvious from her red eyes and tear stained cheeks that she'd been crying. “My lady, are ya unwell?”

  Ginny laughed. “That would be the understatement of the century.”

  Maude tilted her head slightly and looked at her funny. “Ya say the strangest things, my lady. Let me assist ya so ya can get some rest. Everything will seem much better tomorrow.”

  “Why, are they finally sending me away?” Ginny was only half kidding.

  Maude helped Ginny undress. Two women from the kitchen began to arrange for a bath. There was a small tub, more like a bucket, that was placed next to the hearth. While Maude built a fire, the two women began to fill the tub with hot water. Leaving two buckets of water behind for rinsing, the women disappeared through the door. Maude then had Ginny kneel in the tub so she could help her wash. Such a personal activity, Ginny was slightly embarrassed, but not enough to ask Maude to leave. With a sweet smelling soap, Maude washed the spit and mud from Ginny's hair.

  After she was rinsed, Maude had Ginny dry herself by the fire and began to clean up after the bath. Finally, clean and dry, except for her hair, Ginny felt a thousand times better.

  It was only then that Ginny realized how cold it was. Waking from her shock, Ginny's mind railed against this situation and place she found herself in. She knew that she should be enjoying herself. Obviously, the smell, the unsanitary conditions, the lack of clean anything was wearing thin. But she knew that she was living someone else's life and should be free to do whatever stupid things she wanted, consequence free.

  As it was turning out, she was living very much as she had, in a time that had little tolerance for any freedom afforded the female gender. And, she was paying for it. Ginny couldn't help that the clan hated her for being English, but she could help by being more demure and accommodating. It might just save her ass from being paddled again.


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