Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Grae McTavish

  Her nipples grew impossibly harder, and Willa arched into him. “Ah!” she cried as he lightly bit first one then the other. His tongue was hot and wet as he soothed each sting in turn, before doing it all over again. He feasted on her breasts, nibbling, sucking, and licking.

  “You like it just a little rough, don’t you, baby?” It wasn’t really said as a question, but she answered anyway.

  “Yes, please, Jake, take me, make me…”

  “Make you what?”

  “Ah! Make me scream!” All those nights of dirty fantasies were converging, merging in her overloaded brain. She wanted him to do every nasty thing she’d ever dreamed of.

  “You want to be fucked, don’t you, sweetheart? You want my hard cock driving into that hot, wet little pussy, don’t you?” He yanked her skirt up, bunching it around her waist.

  “Yes!” She sobbed, beyond pride, completely consumed by need, his coarse guttural language making her even hotter.

  He stood long enough to shove his jeans down his narrow hips and then leaned forward to catch the side of her plain cotton underwear. “These don’t do you justice,” he told her as he ripped them from her. “Something this pretty needs lace and silk, or maybe leather.” He threw the torn fabric aside and moved to kneel between her sprawled legs. He froze suddenly. “Fuck, I don’t have a rubber,” he said, cursing his unpreparedness.

  Willa’s eyes widened. She’d been so caught up in the moment she hadn’t even thought about protection. She chewed her lip, trying to decide. It was dangerous. “I… um, I’m on the pill, and I haven’t been with anyone in almost two years. I swear I’m clean.”

  She watched a slow smile spread across his face. “They ran every test known to man on me while I was in the hospital, and it was a long time before that for me, too. I don’t screw around while I’m undercover. It’s not fair, not to mention against the rules. I’m clean, too.”

  “Then do it.”

  He didn’t need any further urging. He was on her, kneeling between her legs as he stroked himself, spreading pre-cum over the head of his engorged shaft. Willa took in the size of him for the first time and nearly froze. Oh my! Her eyes flashed from the thick stalk of his cock to his face, and he must have read her uncertainty.

  “Don’t worry, darling. You can take me.” He caught her knees and spread her legs wide, opening her to him. She blushed, feeling his gaze on her exposed flesh. The lips of her pussy parted, inviting him in. He reached down, sliding a finger between the soaked folds of her labia, drawing back glistening fingers. “You’re dripping, and damn if that isn’t the sweetest thing I’ve ever smelled.” He ran his fingers under his nose before sliding them into his mouth to lick the cream from them. “And sweet as honey. Later I’m going to bury my face in your hot little snatch and drink my fill of you. But not now. Right now, I’ve got to get inside of you.”

  That was all the warning he gave her. His weight settled over her, and his mouth took hers. She felt the broad head of his dick prod her entrance, and then he surged forward, burying himself completely within her in one long, hard stroke. White-hot pleasure and pain exploded through her. It felt like she’d been impaled by a telephone pole. A sob escaped her as she her body struggled to adjust to his unbelievable girth. She knew logically she was too wet to have suffered any real damage, but it felt like she’d never sit comfortably again.

  He didn’t give her any more time to adjust. He withdrew and slammed back home. Willa saw stars. Electric pleasure surged through her. The discomfort was still there, but it was nothing compared to the pleasure washing over her. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

  “Yes!” she screamed. Arching up, she slammed her pelvis into his, the sounds of smacking flesh filling the room. His coarse pubic hairs rasped her swollen clitoris, and she threw her head back as her orgasm crashed into her with the force of a freight train. She knew she left gouges in Jake’s back, and it was only his mouth covering hers that kept her from screaming the roof off.

  He reared up, taking her with him so that she straddled his arched body. He grasped her hips as he lifted and slammed her down onto himself over and over again. The tendons in his thick neck stood out, and sweat poured off him as he used her oh-so-willing body. He thrust up, once, twice, and on the third thrust, he threw his head back and growled deep and fierce as he exploded, hot jets of cum striking her G-spot and throwing her over the edge yet again.

  Stars danced before her eyes, and as they tumbled to the bed. She lay tangled with him on the old quilt.

  She didn’t even realize she was crying until he sat suddenly up. “Oh shit, baby, I’m sorry I hurt you. I forget how big I am, and you’re so tiny.” He rolled from her, but she caught his hand when he would have leaped from the bed.

  “Wait,” she sobbed. “I–I’m n–not…hurt.” She managed to force the words past her trembling lips.

  He settled back onto the bed and pulled her onto his lap. “Please, sweetheart. Tell me what’s wrong. I promise I’ll fix it.”

  “N–nothing to f–fix. It’s just I’ve never…I didn’t know…” Sobs wracked her body, and she knew she was stammering like an idiot. He was going to think she was nuts. She forced herself to take several deep, calming breaths. Breathe, just breathe. In through the nose…out through the mouth. She repeated it over and over, forcing herself to calm down.

  Willa wasn’t sure how long it took, but she finally felt herself relaxing and the tears slowing. Reluctantly, she raised her gaze to his. She expected to see disdain or even disgust in his eyes. She knew men hated weepy females, but his stormy-gray eyes only held concern.

  Talking a final deep breath, she tried to explain. “I’m so sorry. I swear I don’t know what the heck that was about. It’s just that I never knew it could be like that. I’ve never, you know…” She paused, blushing. “I’ve never come like that before.”

  A grin of pure manly pride split his face. “That’s what you were crying about? Lord, baby, you’re going to be crying a lot then because I’m going to make you come like that over and over again.”

  “Oh Lord!” she gasped, playfully. “I’ll never survive.”

  He tumbled her back onto the bed, nuzzling her neck. “But what a wonderful way to go, huh?”

  * * * *

  Willa wasn’t sure what woke her. She immediately registered the warm, comforting feeling of a body next to her. Memories of the night before came flooding back in a hot wash of desire.

  Jake, wow! That had been beyond anything she could have imagined. Even her darkest fantasies didn’t compare. She thought orgasms like that only existed in the e-books she downloaded.

  Rolling toward him, she realized what had woken her. He was dreaming, his gorgeous body twitching, his eyes darting wildly behind his eyelids. He rasped harsh murmured words. “No! Stop! It’s a trap! Maggie, wait!” He thrashed to the side, as if trying to get away from the demons chasing his mind. “Blood, oh God, so much blood. Gotta stop the blood. Fuck! Ah! Damn leg’s on fire. What the hell! Can’t move. Damn it! Get up, move! Don’t be a pussy! Move, damn it!”

  Willa couldn’t stand it anymore. She leaned over him as he started to flail wildly. It was the first time in her life she was glad to not be little, like the petite girls she’d always admired. Still, her weight didn’t do much to bring him from his private hell. It was like riding a bucking bronco. Placing her hands on either side of his head, she got right into his face, pressing her lips right to his, shaking him as gently as possible.

  “Jake!” she cried, trying to make her voice firm but soothing. “Jake, wake up. You’re having a nightmare, baby.”

  He came awake with a start, his eyes flying open, taking a second to focus. He looked wildly around the room.

  “Shh…” she soothed, running her fingers through his long, tousled hair. “It’s okay. I’m here. It was just a dream.”

  “Fuck!” he cursed, as if realizing what had happened.

  Their eyes met, and this time she realized
she was sprawled naked on top of his equally naked body. The adrenalin rushing through her surged, changing focus, sending a rush of blood southward. She was instantly hot and wet, and she felt the sudden hardness of his cock and knew he was as turned on as she was.

  He pounced, rolling, burying her beneath him, thrusting into her in a fast, hard slide, instantly forcing himself balls deep. The ride was quick and hard. His lips savaged hers, and his body slammed into her, giving no mercy, no respite. “I’m sorry, I swear I’ll make it up to you,” he rasped. “I need you now.”

  But she was overwhelmed by his need. It carried her with it, and the first wave of orgasm slammed into her. His mouth muffled her scream as he continued to pound into her. There was nothing gentle in his taking. There was no finesse. It was fucking in the rawest form, pure, animal.

  When he went over the edge, he roared his triumph, taking her with him.

  Chapter Four

  Willa gave a sigh of relief as the last of the Ladies Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary descended the front steps of the bed-and-breakfast. They were a fun group that met the first Sunday afternoon each month. They were also high maintenance. She’d realized quickly this was more of a social event than anything else. But they did good work for the fire department they supported, plus it was good money and a good way to get her business’s name out there. Normally she didn’t mind it, but today, she was anxious, tired, and more than a little sore in places she’d never imagined being sore before.

  She grinned at the soreness. She couldn’t help it. Good lord, the man was every bit as dark and dangerous in bed as he was out of bed. He’d kept her up most of the night, and she’d lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had. It was a wonder her brain wasn’t scrambled from pleasure overload.

  There’d been a few knowing smiles this morning from her guests, but they’d seemed truly happy for her, wishing her well as they checked out. The professor had made his normal reservations for the next month, and the man had actually winked at her. Winked!

  The only cloud to her happiness was Jake. He had been quiet and distant this morning. She hadn’t forced it, not wanting to appear clingy. And it wasn’t like they’d made any promises to each other.

  He’d taken her truck to the hardware store, again refusing her credit card, and then spent the rest of the day moving from one project to the next. It was now late afternoon, and other than a quick thank-you for the sandwich she’d brought him at lunch, he hadn’t said a word to her.

  She’d give him a little time, but they couldn’t keep tiptoeing around each other. She had a business to run, and she needed him. She needed to find a way to make things right, even if it meant apologizing for throwing herself at him.

  The ringing of the phone caught her attention. She answered as professionally as possible, considering she just wanted to say. “What!”

  “Soooo?” came Danny’s expectant voice.

  Willa couldn’t help but laugh. Her friend was irresistible.

  “So, what?” she teased.

  “Come on, I know he got there yesterday. What do you think?”

  Willa cringed. Had it only been yesterday? Had she actually fallen in bed with him that fast?

  “What do you mean?” she asked, hiding behind ignorance. “He’s done a good job, just like you promised. He’s a wiz with plumbing.”

  “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Girl, I send you a prime piece of man like that, and you set him to work on plumbing? You’re supposed to put him to work on you, if you get my meaning.”

  “Danny!” She was glad you couldn’t see a blush through a cell phone. Danny would see right through her.

  “You’re not telling me you don’t find that man a little hot?”

  “That’s like saying the sun is a little hot, Danny,” she blurted out before she had a chance to censor herself. “The man’s scorching.”

  “I knew it!” She laughed. “Something told me you two were perfect for each other.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Willa whispered, looking around to make sure the subject of their discussion wasn’t anywhere within earshot. “I…I might have kind of thrown myself at him.” She was embarrassed but desperate enough to need a little advice.

  “Excellent! So how was it?”

  “You’re assuming he was interested.” He’d seemed interested, but now, she wasn’t so sure.

  “Well, duh, he’d have to be blind not to be. Come on, Willa, if I were a guy, I’d do you.”

  “Danny!” But she laughed. She’d never had a friend like Danny before. She was so refreshing.

  “Oh, don’t ‘Danny’ me. Come on. Tell me if it was as good as I know it was. Hurry up before Gabe gets back and catches me on the phone. He’ll fuss at me for meddling.” She paused. “Hmm, that could be good though.”

  “You’re awful. I think you enjoy getting caught. You’re so twisted.”

  “You know it, so fess up.”

  “Oh, all right.” She laughed. Danny was a force of nature. “He was incredible. I’m probably bowlegged, but oh, it was so worth it. I didn’t know it was possible to have so many orgasms in one night.”

  “I knew it. He just had that look. I want every little de—” Her words were cut off as there was a sudden tussle on the other end of the phone. Willa heard Gabe’s deep voice right before Danny came back on the line whispering, “I’ll have to call you back, Willa.” The line disconnected, and Willa couldn’t help but laugh. Her friend was in for it now.

  She’d just tucked her phone back into her pocket when it rang again. Laughing, she answered. “Shouldn’t you be over someone’s knee right now?”

  “Is that the type of people you associate with now, Willamena?” The pompous voice of Jeffery Montgomery almost caused Willa to drop the phone. Lord, what could her father-in-law want? It had been months since he’d called, though it was usually to harass her. He felt it was a blight on the Montgomery family name to have his former daughter-in-law working in such a menial task as an innkeeper.

  Well, she was done being bullied by him. “What do you want Jeffery?”

  “I was calling to try and talk some sense into you, yet again. Your poor mother is beside herself. Stop this foolishness and come home.”

  “We’ve been through this. I’m done with that life. If my mother was really that distraught, she could call me herself instead of sending her lover to do it.”

  “Now just a minute, young lady. You will not talk about your mother like that.”

  “What, you thought I didn’t know? Well, news flash, Jeffery, everyone knows. They are just too polite to say anything. However, as you’ve pointed out, I don’t have that problem. Leave me be.” That said, she hit the disconnect button on the phone, feeling liberated. Who’d have thought fucking like wild rabbits would free her of more than just her morals.

  The sound of clapping brought her up short. She spun around to find Jake standing in the doorway behind her.

  * * * *

  Jake knew he’d been a dick ignoring her all day, but after his little nut-job performance the night before, he wasn’t sure how to approach her. He’d woken up practically screaming like a pansy, and then how’d he reacted? Like a Neanderthal. He’d all but fucked her brains out. He’d felt like shit when he’d seen her wince when she moved this morning. She was a beautiful classy lady, and he’d treated her like a cheap hooker he’d picked up on a street corner.

  He’d made up his mind to come apologize, but then her phone had rung. He hadn’t really intended to eavesdrop, but when he’d realized it was Danny, he hadn’t been able to help himself. It was obvious they were talking about him. His ego had been doing much better when she’d hung up the phone. When it had rung again, he thought, like she had, it had to be Danny again, but the frosty tone in her voice told him otherwise. He’d been ready to go grab the phone from her when she’d given the caller hell.

  And just like that, the sex-starved Neanderthal was rearing his head. He pushed it down. She didn’t
need him all over her like a dog. He’d come to apologize, not throw her over the table and shove her skirt up, again.

  “Ah…” she began, blushing at his applause. “Did you get everything done you wanted to do today?”

  “Hmm? Oh yes. I made a lot of progress.” He struggled for something to say that didn’t sound inane. “Are all the guests gone? You had a crowd here this afternoon.”

  “What? Oh yes, they are a handful. Sweet ladies though.” She began fiddling with the centerpieces on the tables in the dining room. He watched her move from table to table, adjusting each candle, though to him they looked exactly the same.

  “And the rest of the guests checked out? Everyone seemed to go crazy over your blackberry scones this morning.”

  “Thanks. They are always popular.” She’d moved on to adjusting the pictures around the room.

  He hated that things were so awkward and knew it was all his fault. It was time to man up. “Look, I’m sorry for…” He fumbled for the right words, not sure what to apologize for first.

  “For treating me like a bad booty call?” she suggested, though she seemed as surprised as he was by her boldness. Her hand went to her mouth, and a bright blush colored her cheeks.

  “Well, yes, that. I didn’t mean to be such a jerk this morning. I....” Damn, this was hard. He’d rather face an entire gang of pissed-off bikers. “I should have treated you better last night. I know you’re a lady, and…”

  She moved so suddenly he was stunned into silence. Her elegantly boned hand covered his lips. “Please don’t apologize for last night. I don’t think I could handle it if you regretted it.”

  “Regretted it? Are you nuts?” He stepped closer, loving the heat coming off her curvy body. “Last night was unbelievable. I was apologizing for being so rough. I promise I’ll be gentler from now on.”

  She stared at him for a second, and then to his complete shock, she actually stomped on his foot. “Don’t you dare! If you want back into my bed, you better bring the badass. If I wanted some prissy hand-holding excuse for a man, I’d be dating one of the fools my family keeps trying to set me up with.” She stomped across the room and began mangling a silk-flower arrangement.


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