The Good Son

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The Good Son Page 3

by K'wan

  Tommy hadn’t been given a chance to mourn his father let alone recover from his injuries before he found himself locked up on a slew of charges, including multiple homicides. They were charging him with the bodies he had dropped trying to save Poppa.

  To make matters worse, because of Tommy’s reputation, the D.A. moved to have him held without bond. They stated that because of the Clark’s vast resources he represented a flight risk, which was laughable. The bullets Tommy took had made him a quadriplegic and he needed round the clock medical attention, which made fleeing unlikely, but the judge went for it anyhow and honored the district attorney’s request. The Clark lawyer, Martin Scott, had filed several appeals, but the ruling stuck and Tommy had to fight the case from the prison infirmary. It was obvious to all of them that someone very well connected was pulling the strings that kept Tommy locked up. With Poppa dead and Tommy caged, the streets reasoned the Clark empire would be easy pickings, but Shai had other ideas about what would become of his father’s legacy. It took close to three million dollars in bribes and backdoor deals for Shai to get the charges reduced to manslaughter and Tommy’s bail reinstated so that they could bring him home, but Shai had already been crowned king and the war was dying out. The battle in the streets was over, but the one to heal Tommy’s broken body was just beginning.

  “After all that bullshit and being crippled to boot, I might be sour at the world too, Slim,” Swann continued.

  “Had I known the big chair would come between me and my brother, I’d have never accepted it,” Shai said honestly.

  “And that’s probably what stings the most. You’ve got something that Tommy has craved all his life and you don’t even want it.”

  Shai slunk in his seat, seeming to shrink under the weight he was carrying. “I never asked for the crown, Swann.”

  Swann shrugged. “Yet on your head it sits. Ain’t much left you can do about it at this point except wear it as best you can.”

  Shai didn’t reply; he simply nodded. Swann was right, as he usually was when it came to those matters. Whether he wanted it or not, the mantle of leadership had fallen to him and he had a responsibility to his father’s legacy.

  “Oh, before I forget, I saw old man Chance and his family out on the lawn.”

  “Really? I wasn’t sure they’d attend,” Shai admitted.

  “C’mon, Slim. Everybody who received an invitation knows it would’ve been taken as a personal insult not to attend. Old man Chance is a lot of things, but a fool isn’t one of them. Besides, you and I both know why he made it his business to show up.”

  “To butter me up about this expansion,” Shai sighed. “The King family has been content to rule over Five-Points for decades and now all of a sudden they wanna stretch their legs into Brooklyn. This sudden change of heart is puzzling.”

  “Ain’t too much of a puzzle if you really think about it. Chance is a politician, but his bread and butter has always been real estate. Brooklyn is on the come-up. The same run down tenements they were selling for under a hundred grand ten years ago are being priced at close to a million dollars now. If I’d been smart, I’d have invested some of my bread into real estate when Poppa tried to get me to. The old man is probably trying to score one last big payday before he turns everything over to his son, Ghost.”

  The mention of the eldest King male made Shai shiver. Ghost King’s exploits in the streets were the stuff of legend. He moved like a shadow, snuffing out life wherever he went. Rumor had it that Ghost’s body count in New York City alone was somewhere in the double digits. It was all speculation because no one could ever positively I.D. him as the killer. He moved as silently as the grave, which is how he had earned the nickname Ghost.

  “I ain’t never been no big fan of Ghost or his people, but his little sister Lolli can get it,” Swann said thirstily. “I hope she takes advantage of all this free liquor you setting out so I can try my hand with her tonight.”

  “Nigga, you playing with fire trying to push up on that girl with Giselle out there,” Shai warned him.

  Swann sucked his teeth. “Man, you know wifey a square. By seven o’clock she’ll be on my nerves to take her home. I’ll drop her off and double back, telling her you need me for something tonight.”

  “Oh hell nah. If I get caught up in your bullshit, she’s gonna tell Honey and set off her paranoia meter and I’ll be stuck arguing about shit I did two years ago all night. I love you my nigga, but you better find another scapegoat.”

  Swann gave Shai a funny look. “After all the bullets I took, and still take, for your ass? My G, you can’t be serious.”

  “That was the old me, Swann. Lately I been trying to keep my spoon out of hoe soup,” Shai said honestly. It was common knowledge that Shai was a player. Before and during his time with Honey, Shai had knocked down women from all across the globe. He was young, fly and powerful, which drew females to him like flies to shit. Shai played modest, but he loved the attention. Adoration from women fed his ego more than being rich or running the empire could have. He’d slowed down after he met Honey, but his tipping out hadn’t stopped all together. Honey was a good woman who held him down and kept his secrets, but Shai was used to having a variety in his life. With age came wisdom and Shai had purged all the side-chicks from his life, but he’d be lying if he said his craving for new pussy wasn’t still lingering.

  “So, if you ain’t gonna help me fuck Lolli, are you at least gonna grant her old man’s request?” Swann asked.

  “I haven’t decided yet. There are other things to factor into his expansion, like the Wongs. I gave them a little patch of land out there to play with and the King expansion might step on their toes,” Shai said. The Wongs, Billy and Max, were a pair of Chinese brothers who the Clarks did business with. Tommy’s decision to start buying heroin from them instead of Fat Mike was what had inadvertently sparked the war with the Italians.

  “Fuck them sneaky ass slants!” Swann spat. “For as much as we sacrificed for them, you’d think at the very least they could’ve shown up today.”

  “Be cool, Swann. You know Billy has had his hands full trying to get his brother back into the country after his deportation. Besides, Billy sent a gift with his apologies days ago.”

  “Well if he couldn’t make it himself, at the very least they could’ve sent a representative,” Swann countered.

  “Billy gets a pass, and let’s leave it at that,” Shai said, letting him know it wasn’t up for discussion. “Where’s Sol? I’d like to bounce this Chance King thing off him before I make a ruling.”

  “Lansky called ahead earlier and said he’d be late. He had to take care of something before coming out,” Swann told him.

  “I wonder what was more important than coming here and standing as my left hand, as you’re my right?” Sol was one of the Clark family’s oldest and dearest friends. He had been a business partner and advisor to Poppa, and now he lent counsel to Shai.

  Swann shrugged. “Who knows? You know he plays his hand close to his chest. He assured me that he’d be here though. As far as this thing with the Kings, I’m sure me and you can put our heads together and figure it out.”

  Shai smirked. “I love you for always being there for me, Swann, but this isn’t your area of expertise. I come to you in matter of war, but it’s Sol who I consult in matters of finance. Just keep an eye out for him and have him find me when he arrives. On another note, did Louie get here yet?”

  “So far, no meatball sightings, but you know he ain’t gonna pass up no free food or drink. Why’d you even invite that cat when the Italians don’t really fuck with us like that and we sure as hell don’t fuck with them?”

  “I didn’t invite him; he reached out through a friend. It has something to do with Gee-Gee and he wouldn’t talk about it on the phone.”

  “Sounds like some heavy shit needs to be hashed out. You need me to put a few of the boys on standby in case this nigga comes in here talking crazy?” Swann asked eagerly.

sp; “I doubt if it’ll be all that. Our families really don’t care for each other, but my arrangement with Gee-Gee keeps everybody at least civil.”

  Swann shook his head. “I still can’t believe you got that sour old bastard to play nice. So you ever gonna tell me what went on in that meeting?”

  “I’ve already told you, at least as much as you need to know. Trust me Swann, it’s better this way,” Shai said honestly. “Leave it at that.”

  “You got it, boss.” Swann stood to leave. “So you gonna keep hiding in here reliving your past, or put your crown on and come embrace your future?”

  “I’ll be along in a few.” Shai grabbed his autumn-colored tie from the arm of the chair and began looping it around his collar. “Keep the party going until I get there.”

  “Well don’t take too long. I hear the guest of honor is getting antsy.”

  Shai ran his hands over the five o’clock shadow growing over his cheeks and sighed. “When is she not? Her ass will be okay for a few more minutes.”

  “If you say so, Slim. I’m a tough muthafucka, but I’d sooner take on one hundred Italians than an angry pregnant woman,” Swann capped before leaving Shai to his thoughts.

  After Swann had left, Shai went to stand in front of the full-length wall mirror to finish tying his tie. As he stared at the image, he couldn’t help but to think how much different he looked than the gangly, doe-eyed kid who had carried N.C. State to the Division 1 tournament. He had put on ten pounds (mostly fat,) was sprouting the first signs of a beard on his cheeks and the youthful glint that once danced in his eyes was gone. The boy had become a man. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he headed for the door. Before making his exit, he stopped short, eyes landing on a large oil painting that hung over the loveseat. It was a portrait of him, Poppa, Tommy and Hope. “Heavy is the head,” he whispered before slipping from the room.


  “Where the hell is he?” Honey mumbled to no one in particular. She was in the master bedroom, peeking through the curtains of her picture window that looked out over the rear of the property. No matter how many times she saw the rolling green hills beneath the midday sun, it was always like the first time. Growing up as a poor little girl in Harlem, the closest she had ever come to something like that was the class trip to the Great Meadow in Central Park. Now she had only but to step off her back porch.

  The normally quiet backyard was now abuzz with activity. At least two-dozen tables, and four times as many chairs, were scattered across the manicured lawn. Between the furniture and all the people trampling through her prized backyard, she would need to call the landscapers when it was all said and done. Power players dressed in all their finery helped themselves to the buffet tables and open bar. She could imagine the phony conversations being had about how happy they were for her, but it was bullshit. Had it been a few years ago, some of the people in attendance wouldn’t have pissed on her if she was on fire, so to see them now going out of their way to earn her favor made her smile. Whether the love was genuine or not, they all had to pay homage to the new queen. Not bad for a girl who once had to sell pussy to put food on the table.

  Melissa, affectionately known as Honey, had been a hard luck story. Poor choices and an even poorer upbringing had made Honey a teenage mother to a little girl that she would do whatever she had to in order to make sure she didn’t go hungry. She made no apologies for being way too young doing way too much, and lived her life according to how she saw fit, but that all changed when she met the man who would be her salvation, Shai Clark. Back then, he was still a semi-square dude trying to figure out how to become a circle, but he had an undeniable swagger about him that intrigued her. What had started out as just some good dick on the side evolved into a ring on her finger and the sole heir to a multimillion-dollar enterprise growing in her belly. Everyone in attendance that day had come to pay homage to the new prince or princess of the Clark family. It was Honey’s baby shower.

  “Yo, it’s hella people out there,” Paula said coming to stand next to Honey. She wasn’t quite as discrete as Honey had been in her guest-watching. Paula was one of her oldest and dearest friends and had been with her through all her lows, so it was only right that Honey kept her close during her highs.

  “I know, right? From the turnout, you’d think a celebrity wedding was about to go down,” Honey said.

  “Shit, you and your man are celebrities and this is better than a wedding. All these people have come to pay homage to the young king of kings growing in your belly.” Paula rubbed her stomach.

  “You’re worse than Shai,” Honey swatted Paula’s hand away. “For all the two of you know, this could very well be a girl.”

  “Nah, you’re not carrying high enough for it to be a girl.”

  “So you’re a doctor all of a sudden?” Honey asked sarcastically.

  “No, but I’ve been pregnant enough times to know. Besides, I don’t think it’ll too much matter the sex of the life growing inside you; that baby is going to inherit the earth,” Paula motioned to the crowded backyard.

  “Yeah, and hopefully not the bullshit that comes with it.” Honey’s eyes landed on one of the guests on the lawn. He was tall with long dreads that touched his back. The man slithered through the crowd seemingly invisible to the rest of the guests. Something about the way he carried himself rang familiar to Honey, but she was sure she had never seen him before that day. He must’ve felt her eyes on him because he looked up at the window. His lips parted into a half smile that made her shiver.

  “You okay?” Paula asked, noticing her tense.

  “Yeah, I’m cool,” she answered her friend. When she turned her attention back to the lawn, the man was nowhere to be found.

  “So now that we got the baby shower in full swing, when are we gonna start planning your bridal shower?”

  Honey sucked her teeth. “Bitch, we ain’t even set a wedding date yet.”

  “Then you need to!” Paula shot back. “You and Shai been engaged almost two years already. What the hell is he waiting for?”

  “With all that’s going on with his transition, it just isn’t the right time,” Honey said, repeating what Shai had told her the last two times she pressed him about setting a date.

  “And you bought that shit?” Paula shook her head. “These niggas is all the same. They want the milk for free but drag their feet about buying the cow. You been riding with this nigga since he was still wet behind the ears, and now that he’s sitting in the big chair he wanna act funny about giving you your just reward? Couldn’t be me.”

  “This coming from a single chick with three baby daddies,” Honey snorted.

  “You got that, but it beats throwing stones at the penitentiary on a promise,” Paula shot back. The response was reflexive, and the minute the words left her mouth and she saw the hurt flash in Honey’s eyes, she regretted it. “Look, boo,” she took her hand, “You and me go back too far for me to start sugar-coating shit now. You’ve got a dream life, but don’t act like you don’t know what this dream was built on. If things ever went sour, as the girlfriend you wouldn’t be entitled to any of this, but the wife gotta be taken care of.”

  “You know I ain’t in this for the money,” Honey insisted.

  Paula waved her off. “Tell yourself whatever you like that helps you sleep at night, but don’t overlook the point I’m trying to make. It ain’t about the money, ma. It’s about insurance. If you can hold his secrets, then you can hold his last name.”

  Honey wanted to argue with Paula, but she knew that she was right. Granted, Shai had given her a life greater than she could have ever dreamed of having, but at the end of the day, none of it was hers. The house, the cars, the trips, their entire lifestyle had been provided by Shai. Honey had a reputation for being a hustler and was never without her own money, but becoming Shai’s girl had put an end to her hustling days. He had promised to always take care of her, and she believed him when he said it, but what if the choice was strippe
d from him? The Clark family made millions off their legitimate businesses, but their foundation was built off drug money and they still maintained heavy ties to the streets. Shai was now far removed from the dirty side of the business, but the threat of prison would always linger. If the rug were ever snatched out from under them, Honey would find herself without a pot to piss in. She couldn’t do that to herself or her kids. After the baby shower, she and Shai were going to revisit their conversation about a wedding date.

  There was a soft knock on the door that seemed to irritate Honey. “I swear if one more muthafucka comes in here asking me where Shai is, I’m going to shoot them!” she stormed towards the door.

  As if on cue, Shai poked his head in the door. “I heard someone speak the king’s name,” he said jokingly.

  “Boy, where the hell have you been? Did you forget we’ve got a backyard full of people waiting for us?” Honey snapped.

  “They’ve waited this long, I don’t think a few more minutes will kill them. Besides,” he stepped into the room, “I had to stop and pick up some precious cargo.” He turned to reveal the little girl clinging to his back. It was Honey’s daughter, Star.

  “Hi mommy! Shai was giving me a piggy-back ride!” Star squealed.

  “Girl, quit horsing around before you ruin your dress!” Honey pulled her down and smoothed over the green satin fabric. “We paid too much money for this dress for you to ruin it before you get a chance to show it off.”


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