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Crossroads Page 2

by K. M. Liss

  Jesus and holy mother....

  I was as hard as iron at the memory of being inside her and dying for some more of the same.

  Right fucking now...

  My hands covered my aching cock. Once was nowhere near enough to satisfy my needs.

  I wanted to get close to her, clothes off, on a proper bed.

  I'd show her the other side of me.

  One she'd like a whole lot more than the 'wham bam, thank you ma'am', she'd got tonight on the table.

  I'll sort it out somehow, get her interested.

  I'd never met a girl so disinterested and resistant before. She was emotionally distant, like I was on the 'no-way-Jose' list before she even knew what I was like.

  She may well find the physical side of me appealing but I knew she wasn't interested in me as a person.

  I guessed it was the rep. I knew I had a bad one. A lot of it was lies and exaggeration, but yeah, I'd got through quite a few girls in town. But no bar girls, as a rule. I steered clear of dating bar girls because I didn't drop shit where I drank. A simple rule which worked well, with the exception of Christie. One drunken night and one little slip of my no-bar-girl resolution and she wouldn't leave me alone. I wasn't interested in her at all. I wasn't interested in any of the girls in Riders... until Tiffany threw me a curve ball. I was prepared to forsake all my resolutions for her.

  She'd hit me like a girl tornado, ripping the ground from beneath my feet and expelling all the air from my lungs. That kind of reaction was hard to deny.

  I'd take it slow for a while, if I could. And she was gonna resist... no doubt about it... but I wasn't one to take no for an answer. I'd keep on trying, no matter. The word quit wasn't an option where she was concerned.

  Oh fuck my mind to hell... stop thinking and analyzing... too fucking tired to think straight... must sleep...

  My brain and body finally started to relax, after a good deal of sexually frustrated tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable.

  I had a revelation... I could get her some flowers...

  She likes flowers... gotta get some serious flower power apologizing going. Somethin' pretty and pink.

  I'd never bought a girl flowers before, but I suppose it had to happen some time.

  I sat up, remembering to set my alarm for eight. That gave me a three hour lie in.


  Finally, hallelujah, I drifted off to sleep.


  It was nine in the morning when I returned from Olson with my apology. It was pretty sweet apology at that. I'd taken a while thinking what to write on the card the florist had given me.

  I settled on 'I loved what we did. But I'm sorry it happened that way. Give me another chance to do things right.' Nothing more or less. It said it all without being slushy. Slush and Joshua Lyle didn't mix very well. I was slush free territory. The fact I was buying flowers and writing any note at all was pushing my limits beyond comfort.

  My stomach was in strange knots as I rode over to her place to deliver my heartfelt bunch of floral persuasion.

  I headed up her driveway and parked behind the white truck. It had a distinct sideways lilt, like the suspension had gone. I didn't know a ton about cars or bikes, mechanically, I left all that to Col. He knew everything. I was sure driving that truck was a bumpy ride, if it was roadworthy at all, legally.

  I stood at the door and pressed the door bell button and waited.

  I was a strong guy. I could face any amount of adversity. I'd been known to wrestle a heifer to the ground and had faced a raging bull a few times without the kind of fear I experiencing that moment.

  Fear of rejection. A sickening, knee-weakening, pulse-throbbing fear.

  A buzzer sounded loudly. I cleared my throat ready to deliver my few... very few... words. It was best I didn't say much. I didn't trust the right words to come out of my pathetic mouth.

  I could see a shape through the glass, long fair hair, and the door swung open.

  A sweet young girl stood before me in her One Direction sweater. Some guy smiled at me like an idiot from her bright red top.

  She had a certain look about her, facially, particularly around the eyes. I wasn't sure what it was... possibly Down's syndrome or something like that.

  “Hello,” she said shyly, blushing, wringing her hands.

  “Hi, is Tiffany around?” I asked her.

  But before she could reply, someone else called out. “Who is it, hon?”

  I recognized the voice but it sounded different...deeper.

  An older version of Tiffany appeared behind her.

  “Oh...hi...” she said.

  I couldn't help but think Tiff's mom was a whole load of hot mama. Her curly blonde bob and overall good looks couldn't be ignored. I beat back the bad words and bad thoughts flying around in my head. It was an ongoing problem men had to deal with around attractive women, and normally I let my thoughts lead where they wanted to lead. By this was a highly inappropriate time for that.

  “Hi there. I'm Josh. Can I have a word with Tiffany please?” I said in my best meeting-mama tone of voice. I hoped to God she hadn't told her mom anything about last night, or I could be dead meat. She could have a shotgun behind the door for all I knew.

  Her eyes took in the flowers and my hopeful expression and she softened visibly, a smile breaking out. A pretty hot smile.

  “Yeah, sure... come in. I think she's finishing up in the bathroom.”

  She beckoned me inside I followed her into her living room.

  I stood there awkwardly, with the young girl staring at me.

  “Philipa, go get your sister will you, sweetheart?”

  She giggled and skipped off.

  “Nice home you have Mrs Johnson.” I wasn't lying. Although it was very feminine, it appealed... pastel colors... a white enamel wood-burning stove... pretty pictures hung on the cream walls.

  “Oh... well thank you. I consider a nice home to be a necessity. It's the one place in the world that you can make your own. Don't you agree?”

  “Definitely.” Sadly the last time I felt at home, in the ranch house, was years ago, before my Ma died. It was a beauty of a house inside. But she'd made it feel like home, not the decor.

  Tiffany arrived through the door―her long hair was wet and brushed through―not a scrap of make up on her face―tight faded jeans hugging her curvy hips and a white t-shirt hugging the other beautiful assets.

  I tried not to stare too hard at the vision of female perfection which had arrived. She was so goddamn beautiful―a goddess. I could have dropped to her feet in worship.

  “Hello Josh.” she said coolly. Her expression was anything but perfect. She took in my presence and the flowers and raised her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

  “How are you?” I asked pleasantly.

  “I'll leave you two alone.” Her mom thoughtfully left the room, closing the door.

  I thrust the flowers in one hand and the small card in the other, hoping to distract her and occupy her hands, to keep them from slapping me, or worse still, landing a punch, which her angry expression lead me to believe was very possible.

  “How am I? Let me see... how does dirty, used, possibly pregnant... oh, and the letters STD keep popping in my head. That's how I am.”

  I didn't know what to say... she'd thrown the whole barrel at me in one go.

  “Real bad, would have done. And I'm sorry..”

  “You're sorry? Are you really?”

  “Yes, and it seems we have some talking to do. Open the card and read it.”

  “I don't want to. And you can have your flowers back.” She threw them at me.

  I caught them and placed them on the sofa. Then I swiped the card from her hand and opened it and placed it back in her hand, bringing it up to eye level. Her eyes scanned the words. I saw a tiny thaw going on. It wasn't much to speak of but it gave me hope.

  “What d'you want me to say? That it's okay, everything's fine?”

  “You have no
reason to think you've been used or that I've slipped you an STD. I'm clean. Like I told you, I'm choosy and very careful, normally. You caught me at a weak moment.”

  I immediately realized I'd said the wrong thing. I should have kept the useless man-trap shut.

  “Oh, I was a weak moment was I? Wrong girl, wrong place. I'm sorry too...”

  “Don't twist my words, read the card. I've said it all there.”

  “She read the card again. Then looked up at me.

  “What I see is you asking to have sex with me again. Somewhere else.”

  Damn my inability to communicate on a level higher than my pants. But I was gonna try some more.

  “No, I'm asking for a chance to prove I'm better than that. I'm not what you think I am.”

  “Oh you're good. But I know all about sweet talking guys. Words are just words. You've said your piece, and rubbed out your guilt. You can go now. I'll let you know if any tests prove positive.” She spat ice all over me.

  I baulked at the idea of her being pregnant. It wasn't the best way to begin a relationship. But whatever fate threw at me, I'd do the right thing. “I'd stand by you whatever happened and whatever you chose to do.”

  “Really? I find that hard to believe.”

  Her eyes held mine in a hard stare, but her lip trembled. I could see a glassiness in her eyes. She was upset more than angry. I tried once more, in my limited way, to appeal to her.

  “You don't know anything about me. Why don't you try and learn a little before you make judgments about things like that.” I moved toward her and picked up her hand. I kissed it as the first tear rolled down her face. I wiped it away with my finger and kissed the wet trace mark on her cheek. I was feeling that pull, that need to hold and touch... I needed to be very careful. “We'll talk about it tomorrow. I wanted you to know I was sorry, that's all. For behaving that way. But I'm not sorry we got intimate. It's all I've thought about since it happened.”

  “Josh, look...” she began, with a heavy sigh.

  “No... listen up. I like you. You may not like me at the moment but I hope you will. I'm taking you out to tomorrow. Dress down, it's very casual. What you have on will do fine. You look beautiful.” Another tear rolled down her cheek. “Goddammit, you even cry beautiful.” I lost it for a moment, held her close and kissed her like she was the whole reason for my being. She started to respond and then suddenly pushed me away.

  “No more. No more kissing. No more compliments and flattery. No more lies. Just no more, Josh... please?”

  I stood back raking my hands through my hair in frustration.

  “Give me a chance? One date... that's all I ask.”

  Her eyes held mine for a long moment. “One date. That's all. But there's a condition.”

  “What's that?”

  “I'm bringing my sister with me.”

  I opened my eyes in surprise.

  “I'm not sure that's a good idea, considering what I have in mind.”

  “Exactly. That's why I'm bringing Philipa.”

  “No... I wasn't planning on a great seduction routine, I was gonna take you somewhere special. It's a three mile ride on horseback.”

  “I'm sure she can manage it.”

  “Okay. If you're sure.”

  “Philipa isn't physically disabled. She's fit and healthy. Her chromosomal abnormality doesn't restrict her from riding a goddamn horse.”

  I smiled widely. “In that case it would be my pleasure to have the both of you along for the ride.”

  Her lips twitched into a smile. And she looked even more beautiful than ever, her eyes crinkling up at the corners.

  “I'm sure one of us will love it, anyway.”

  “I hope the both of you will. I'm fucking making sure of it.”

  “No swearing in front of my sister.”

  “I'll do my best to behave. Be ready at four. Is she okay on your bike?”

  “She's been on my bike dozens of times. She has her own helmet.”

  “Cool. It's a date then.”

  I turned to go.


  I turned back to her. “The flowers, they're lovely. Thank you.” She looked at me coyly, with a little flutter of her eyelashes and a lick of her soft lips.

  “So are you. Real lovely.” My heart lurched painfully. It was something unfamiliar. It wasn't a thrill, any kind of excitement, or sexual desire... what it was I couldn't say... but she was very much the reason for it.

  I opened the door and left, smiling like a stupid fucking bastard, saying goodbye to the other two blonde bombshells, who were sitting waiting curiously in the kitchen.

  “Bye y'all...nice to meet you both, ladies.”

  I made my way to the door. As their bye's echoed in my ears I felt elated. Strangely so. My feet floating on air.

  That one little look.

  That was all it took to wrap me around her finger, so tight, I had no chance whatsoever of escaping. And for once in my life, I didn't feel like I wanted to.


  Kicker arrived just as we were leaving. I gave him a look.

  “Sorry, Cherry's alarm didn't go off,” he said, passing us by and parking his bike in the barn. I waved the others on and waited for him.

  He saddled up his horse and five minutes later we set off for the pick up in Daisy field. I don't have a clue why it was called that, because there wasn't a daisy in sight... kinda stupid...but whatever. That's where we were headed. The dust was just settling on the trail, after the other guys who were just head of us. I looked up at the sky. Bright blue and cloudless. It was gonna be a hot day.

  “How'd it go with blondie?” he asked. I gave him a sideways look and took in the grin. Kicker always had a grin on his face, like the whole world was amusing. The only time he wasn't grinning and smiling was the time he got kicked in the head by a really fucked off bull. Col had declared that the scar on his forehead was a beaut, a hell of a kicker, and the name stuck. And we all agreed, silently, it suited him far better than Simon.

  “Some good, some bad,” I replied.

  “What's that s'posed to mean?” he probed. I was in two minds if I should tell him or not.

  “This is between me and you, right?”

  “Like I'm gonna tell anyone. C'mon fess up, pal.”

  “She's got under my skin. Just a little bit.”

  “Hell, no? It's a fuckin' miracle! I'm gonna call CNN... Put a poster up in town. World breaking news...” This was why I didn't tell Kicker much, he always poked fun at me.

  “Shut up,” I snapped.

  “Whoa... sorry... kinda touchy ain't ya? What happened?”

  “I kinda screwed up... real bad... we got acquainted on her mama's porch table... and it was, ummm, fast and furious... and let's just say, we didn't stop to think about the consequences.”

  A deep belly laugh rumbled out of him. “Well fuck! Sounds pretty damn hot to me.”

  “It's not funny. She's pissed, like really pissed, on account of my pushing her too fast. But I have managed to persuade her out on a date tomorrow. I'm taking her to the the creek for sunset. But her baby sister's comin' along for the ride.”

  “You can't have screwed up that bad or she'd have kicked you in the balls, man. You'd never have got her on a date if she wasn't interested.”

  “I hope you're right. I really like her; she's cute and hot... and she's real smart.”

  “Aww, dying for some more sweet, smart pussy, are ya?” His tone was back to the usual fun poking.

  “Shut the fuck up...” But I couldn't stop the smile, because... hell yeah... I was definitely dying for some more of that pussy. Hardly a second passed by where I didn't think of it. The way she felt... so tight, wet and hot. But her effect on me went far deeper than that. I was kinda stuck on her pretty face, the long legs, she'd wrapped tightly round me, the smell of her hair, like apples, and the sweet sound of her voice... and the way she made me feel inside. All fired up, wanting and protective. I guess that's how guys w
ere supposed to feel about their girl. But that was something I wasn't about to discuss with Kicker. Or anyone.

  I rode off fast, leaving him in the wake of my dust as punishment for being an annoying bastard.

  A half hour later we reached the herd.

  After a fair amount of persuasion, we managed to get them rounded up and moving. Cattle could be hard to handle some days. If they weren't in the mood to walk, they wouldn't go very fast. It seemed to be one of those days.

  By four we'd managed to coax them, with a lot of frustration, to their new pasture. It was in the middle of the estate. One side bordered the creek, the other our good neighbor's property. They were as safe as they could get here.

  We made camp and sat down, sorting out a fire. Col got the coffee on and produced a bottle of JD Honey. We all took a long slug of it, straight from the bottle. We were hot and tired and hungry. But a half hour later we'd been fed and we all found our place around the fire.

  Pete was playing guitar and trying to sing. If that was the proper word. God... he had a shit voice. He should just stick to guitar, he was good at that. Not that I was gonna tell him, his singing stunk. I lay back on my bedroll and lit a cigarette. I inhaled deeply watching my smoke kisses rise into the air.

  I wondered what she was doing tonight. Then I remembered, she was working at the bar. Hopefully that creepy fucker Mickey wouldn't paw her too much. He was a real jerk. Most of the Riders girls despised him. I'd sort him out when I next saw him.

  I'd given Mickey a lot of loose rope because of my dad taking advantage of the Greens when they were down. But it was time for the nice guy act to come to an end.

  I should have done it a long while back, but I'd felt guilty the way dad had had him over a barrel, buying him out of the bar and his folks out of their garage and their house. The two businesses had been poorly managed for years by Mickey and his dad Reid. Dad had got all that for a steal, because they were desperate... and in a whole load of debt.

  But Mickey had been getting away with far too much.


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