Night Cries (Hunters of the Dark #2)

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Night Cries (Hunters of the Dark #2) Page 3

by Dave Ferraro

  Shanna lowered her gun, her hand a little shaky as the adrenaline slowed in her bloodstream. Without a word, she walked over to Cameron and gave him a hug. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, squeezing tightly. “I just...couldn’t be sure. I needed to be sure.”

  Hugging her back, Cameron put his cheek against hers. “It’s alright. I would’ve probably done the same. Don’t feel guilty.”

  Shanna smiled and pulled back to look him over. “God, I’m glad I didn’t shoot you.”

  Cameron smirked. “Me too.”

  “That’s what you get,” Jade murmured as she kicked the unconscious Cameron hard in the stomach. “I hope you feel that when you wake up, Asshole.”

  Shanna suppressed a shudder. “Okay, guys. Let’s load him up and get him back to HQ. Maybe he’ll have some information and this night will have been worth it all.”

  Jade nodded and helped them tie the doppelganger up and stow him securely into the van, out of the way. She then clambered up to the front seat, opting to drive this time.

  Cameron nodded his approval and sat beside Shanna the whole drive home, holding her hand affectionately.

  Chapter Two

  “I can’t believe you brought that thing in here,” Jordan grumbled as he stepped into the lounge with Amelia.

  Brett looked up briefly from the television before returning his eyes to the screen and chuckling at what he saw there.

  “How long…” Jordan looked down at his watch and shook his head. “An entire hour wasted in restraining that thing. Valor told you-”

  “To kill it,” Amelia interrupted as she swept into the room, her red hair flowing behind her fiery as her mood. “Yes, well Valor has another thing coming if she thinks I’m going to roll over and let her scratch my belly if I do her bidding.” She walked hastily toward the back of the room and opened the refrigerator door before pausing to make a decision. She grabbed an iced tea and looked up. “Do you want anything to drink? No? Brett?”

  “Hmmm? M’good,” Brett mumbled, sitting forward in his chair.

  Jordan flopped down onto the sofa adjacent to Brett’s loveseat and glanced over at the blonde hunter, taking in his slightly crooked nose that had been broken a month earlier. He’d been in rough shape after he’d gotten his ass kicked by a girl, something Jordan was never going to let him forget. But it was nothing that could take away from his handsome features. If anything, it added to the surfer boy, jock image he had going for him. He was the kind of guy who was always going to bars, playing pool, so he couldn’t imagine many people that he came across would think twice about the mark left behind.

  Jordan, in contrast, was a fashion-conscious pretty boy. He could have easily built a life on modeling for Hollister over hunting and killing monsters, but in wake of particular events, it seemed his fate was decided for him. Behind those strong, classic features was a trained marksman, swordsman and combatant. Beyond those designer jeans and company logos were knives and bullets.

  “It was a ghoul,” Jordan said, exasperated, as Amelia sat down beside him. “A ghoul! Not a cat. A monster!”

  “I don’t make it a practice to kill cats either,” Amelia glared at him. “And a ghoul is basically an animal. It’s slow and dumb. It feeds off of the dead, for Christ’s sake. It doesn’t hurt anyone! It scavenges to live, just like a raccoon or a…a wild cat.”

  “Jesus, can you guys keep it down?” Brett mumbled, his eyes never leaving the flat screen TV.

  Jordan peeked at The Simpsons and smirked before returning his attention to Amelia.

  Amelia was looking back at him expectantly as she opened her iced tea bottle with a hiss and sipped timidly. Behind her shock of flowing red hair and porcelain skin laid a powerful force. As a sorceress who hunted witches for a living, Amelia had many spells at her disposal. It was a way of life for her, to be connected to the Earth, and in particular, the air, her element of choice. Jordan had witnessed her pin powerful creatures against a wall by creating a wind, without breaking a sweat. It scared him a little that they had this powerhouse, this superhero, in their midst. But over the past month, he’d been in her company a lot; Watched movies with her, went shopping with her…and she was just Amelia. A normal girl like the rest of them. But what he saw when they were hanging out was just the surface of the girl.

  “Okay,” Jordan conceded. “You did what you thought was right. Just don’t get me involved in the repercussions next time. That thing smelled like a dumpster full of rotten food…that baked in the sun for a good month. It’s going to take a dozen showers to rid myself of that stench.”

  Brett suddenly wrinkled his nose and hunched deeper into his chair, refusing to look over at them.

  “Deal,” Amelia brightened. “Next time I need to bring something to the holding pens, I’ll go right to Brett.”

  “Don’t drag me into this,” Brett protested happily.

  “So, how’s hunting without your sister been?” Amelia asked casually after a moment, watching Jordan carefully as she waited for an answer, knowing that it had been a major adjustment period for him.

  Jordan swiveled to the television for something to focus on and watched Lisa impart some wisdom unto Springfield before replying. “It’s…fine. Good even. I mean, it was strange at first, but it’s nice.” He turned one of his charming smiles on her and winked. It had been a struggle, at first. His twin sister Jade had been his security blanket, ever since their parents had been taken from them abruptly. But once he’d gotten used to the others fighting alongside him, he’d rather enjoyed it. Jade and he had reached a decision together that they didn’t want to rely on each other so much…that they needed to be able to work with others. With that in mind, he’d been able to bear the separation from her and felt a lot stronger for it.

  Something else he’d been able to do since then was cope with his contradictory feelings about his orientation. He was gay. He was. Just like his sister was gay. Just no one else really knew about him yet. Except for Shanna and Noel, the hot vampire he’d met in New York (and had sneaked out into the night to visit a few times since). He wanted to let other people know, but he was afraid of their reactions. Some people, like Amelia and his sister, he was sure would be just fine. Brett, on the other hand… He looked at Brett’s profile again. Brett was such a guy’s guy. Pure testosterone. He hunted monsters for sport, for Christ’s sake. But he was his friend. Things would be different between them when the truth came out. Strained and awkward. Jordan didn’t want that.

  He still wasn’t sure where his religion fit into things. He was raised a Christian and while that had fallen by the wayside over the years, was he ready to abandon it altogether? There were other churches, other interpretations to the Good Book that were inclusive to gay lifestyles, but he just wasn’t sure…it felt like he was turning his back on something he’d grown up with. But then again, if he hadn’t been a practicing Catholic for years anyway, hadn’t he already turned his back?

  Sensing that Jordan didn’t want to talk about the topic she’d introduced, Amelia focused on Brett. “So, Brett, when’s your first day back in the field?”

  Brett sat up in his chair. “I’m ready. Just waiting for the word, you know?”

  “Yeah. So you’re all healed up? In good working order?”

  At this, Brett predictably leered at her. “You looking for a test drive?”

  Amelia looked disgusted and didn’t know how to respond, so she just turned away, her cheeks flushed. A murmured “I don’t know why I even try” fell from her lips as she watched Jordan try not to laugh with a look that said “you asked for it.”

  Brett seemed oblivious to what had just transpired under his nose, his eyes rounding back on the TV. It seemed that most everyone thought of Brett as a pervert, but there was something inherently charming in the dumb jock that Jordan just liked, nonetheless. And the guy’s enthusiasm for a good time was infectious.

  “So, I’
m surprised we haven’t had any instructors come through to impart monster wisdom to us. Valor did say we would be instructed, didn’t she?” Amelia asked as the door to the lounge opened.

  A blonde girl stepped inside, a little older than the rest of them, an air of superiority about her as she scanned the room. She was extremely pretty with perfect hair and expensive-looking clothing. When her eyes landed on them, they narrowed. “Oh, hi,” she murmured, just loud enough for them to have heard, but not welcoming enough to encourage engagement. Not to be deterred by their presence, however, she strode over to the refrigerator and scanned the shelves as Amelia had done only moments earlier.

  “Hey, Rachel,” Jordan greeted in an over-friendly manner.

  Rachel glanced at him and smiled tightly. “Hi, Jordan. And others.” She grabbed a bottle of milk and quickly walked over to the door. “You guys do realize we have more strenuous training at five o’clock in the morning?”

  “We’re aware,” Amelia confirmed, holding her bottle of tea up to her as if in a cheer.

  “Hmmm. I guess if beauty sleep didn’t help me, I wouldn’t bother either.” She opened the door and looked back casually as Amelia blinked in light of her comment. “Oh, and there’s quite a ruckus outside if anyone cares.” She closed the door in time to cut off the giggle that escaped Amelia.

  “I can’t get enough of her,” Amelia confessed. “Snobbery like that has to be practiced.”

  “I can see her coming up with comebacks to her reflection,” Jordan nodded in concession. “Her bureau mirror to be exact. Brushing out her hair, trying out wrinkling her nose and cold stares.”

  “A mirror, of course,” Amelia agreed. “Narcissism and snobbery exercises are done at the same time that way. You’re just a genius, Jordan.”

  “I try,” Jordan shrugged.

  Brett suddenly stood up, taking the other hunters by surprise.

  “Hey, I thought you hated Rachel,” Jordan got up after him. “I didn’t mean to-”

  “I do hate her. I just want to see if the others brought anything good in.” He looked pointedly at Amelia as he said “Since no one else did.” Then he turned and left the room, leaving Jordan and Amelia staring at one another.

  “That was pretty good for Brett,” Jordan admitted, nearly proud.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Amelia nodded. “Shall we go offer our assistance?”



  “Well, that was a nightmare,” Shanna shuddered, running a hand up over her arm to chase off the gooseflesh. “I never thought I’d have to fight someone I was dating.”

  Jade looked back at her, amused. “I know. A few pecks between the two of you over the past month and suddenly you’re getting hand-to-hand all at once. Like you're role-playing. And here I thought you were all innocent and virginal. How coy.”

  Shanna punched her lightly in the arm as they watched a nondescript black van pull away with the imposter. “I just hope we aren’t treated to this kind of thing again anytime soon. Cameron…Cameron said once that that’s how he lived…not trusting anyone because anybody could be replaced. That’s just not how I want to live. I can’t. I’d be paranoid and watching every corner…I don’t know how he did it.”

  “Some people just can.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I lived alone for so long that…I don’t know, I thought that that’s how I was. But I wasn’t that far gone. And I don’t believe Cameron can be that indifferent about the people around him.”

  “So…he’s changed then?”

  “I know I have. I know I can’t be alone like I was. But Cameron…I mean, he doesn’t watch his shadows or anything, but it’s not like we’ve gotten extremely close over the past month. It’s a slow progression, even if we do feel a lot more comfortable with each other now.”

  “But you…have kissed at least, right?”

  “Yeah,” Shanna looked away, embarrassed. “Barely. But maybe he won’t ever be able to look at me and be happy to see me without wondering if I’m not me…God, tonight must have really reinforced some unhealthy thoughts in him.”

  “Look, I’m sure you’re just imagining the worst,” Jade comforted her. “I think you should just sit down and talk to him.”

  “And see if he watches my eyes through the conversation.”


  “Oh, nothing. Just…he said once that a shape-shifter’s eyes were the first thing to go. They don’t notice it reverting back or something. It’s…just a thing.”

  “Hmmm. You guys do talk about normal things on your dates, right?”

  “Normal things?” Shanna laughed. “Of course. Well, it’s mostly me talking, I think. It’s been so long since I’ve had someone that I can actually share every aspect of my life with that I think it just kind of bursts out of me. He’s kind of a captive listener. He doesn’t really…share much.”

  “Well, the sooner you talk to him about this, especially after tonight, the better I think you’ll both feel.”

  “Yeah…” Shanna smiled. “Thanks, Jade.”

  “So, what’d you bring me?” Brett suddenly joined them, rubbing his hands together excitedly. “Rachel said there was a commotion.”

  “Oh,” Jade waved her hand in the air. “A couple of scholars were just here securing their new prisoner. A shape shifter tried to take Cameron’s place.”



  “So where are they taking it?” Jordan asked, suddenly among them with Amelia.

  “I didn’t ask,” Shanna frowned. “I guess I don’t really care. I hope they...” She paused as she noticed Amelia’s look. “Hope they don’t…hurt it much.”

  “Smooth,” Jade laughed. “But even if they cut off the thing’s balls, it’ll just grow another pair, remember?” She winked at Amelia. “But I’m sure they’re just going to ‘chat’ with it.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes. “Guys. It tried to infiltrate The Agency. That spells ill intentions. I’m not advocating buying them all Happy Meals and turning them back into the wild. I do hunt for a living, you know, often with lethal force. And frankly, the scholars can do what they want with the thing.”

  “I hope they kill it,” Cameron materialized from the shadows.

  Shanna looked across the cluster of hunters at him and found him staring at her. She sent him a smile, but it was feeble. The look he was giving her was dead, like he was sick or something. Maybe he had been affected by the creature more than she’d thought and he was freaking out. God, why did she talk so much on their dates? She should have really been helping him with his trust issues instead of prattling on. And…he hadn’t been there the whole time her and Jade had been talking, had he? She was sure she would have noticed…because she was oh so observant about things. She looked away guiltily.

  “Well, we bumped into Valor on the way in and you’re supposed to see her in the library when you’re done here.” Amelia glanced at Cameron as she added “All three of you.”

  “Well, I suppose we should get this over with, eh?” Jade asked with a wide grin as she broke away from the group.

  Shanna nodded to herself and followed, pausing by Cameron’s side for a moment until he acknowledged her and joined her in a walk up the long wide staircase to the front entrance doors of the mansion where they lived.

  “Well, I’m going to follow Rachel’s example…” Jordan announced.

  Amelia smirked. “The pretty boy needs the beauty sleep, hmmm?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “Man, I didn’t even get to see the Cameron-monster-thing,” Brett murmured as he walked away. “What a gyp.”

  Jordan shrugged. “I, for one, am okay with that.”

  Chapter Three

  “It was definitely an ambush,” Shanna insisted as she paced the floor of the immense library, the two-story structure that Shanna had been in complete awe of when she’d first come to Lime Bay. S
ince then, she’d frequently read on the comfortable sofas before the fireplace, or in an obscure corner of the room upstairs, depending on her mood. She’d grown quite familiar with the large, lonely room. Having always loved books, being surrounded in a massive structure overflowing with classics and contemporary novels, obscure books on mysticism and martial arts…it was both overwhelming and comforting to her. And it was easily her favorite place to be when she wasn’t in her own room.

  Valor sat nearby in a straight-back chair listening carefully, a thick book of Shakespeare closed in her lap, a cigarette lazily burning in the ash tray at her elbow.

  Shanna glanced at her, her short raven hair and piercing eyes, and was shocked by the woman’s maturity once more, given that she was probably only ten or eleven years her senior. And in charge of them all. How did someone get to be that powerful, especially within a government cell when the government itself was dominated by a bunch of old men? She forced such thoughts to the recesses of her mind and forced herself to focus on the present situation. There were plenty of things she still wanted to talk to Valor about, but now wasn’t the time. It never seemed like there was a good time, but the present certainly demanded that her thoughts be elsewhere.

  “And you say Lupe blew powder at you?” Valor asked.

  “Yes. But it was nothing. It just choked me up for about fifteen seconds. If there had been more of them, or if Jade had gone down right away, I would have been in serious trouble, but as it was, it turned out alright.”

  “Hmmm. Yes. Well, just to be on the safe side, why don’t I have Jade attend to you in the infirmary since Felicia’s away.” She turned to Jade. “You can handle this, I assume?”

  “Ah - yes,” Jade affirmed. “No problem. I’ll run all of the usual tests.”

  “But shouldn’t we try to find out…” Shanna felt her voice trail off as Cameron rested a warm hand on her arm. It was such an intimate touch that it took her by surprise.

  “We’ll have plenty of time to reexamine events later,” Valor said, picking up her cigarette and putting it to her lips. “For now, I would make sure that you are in perfect health. I’ll explain the situation to the scholars and interview each of you tomorrow morning.”


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