Made in Hell

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Made in Hell Page 35

by Logan Jacobs

  “Okay,” she said with a curt nod.

  Ashe and I stepped out from our hiding place and slipped over to a side street. This one led to the next street, and from the direction the Red Witch turned, I knew we could intercept her path from here.

  “Can you run down this street and cut off her path as she passes by?” I whispered to Ashe with an arm pointed toward the side street. “I’ll follow behind her, but if you see the carriage up ahead, then stay exactly where you are. I’ll know not to follow if I don’t see you coming out.”

  “You got it, Master.” My silver-haired goddess winked.

  “I’ll meet you on the other side.” I smirked.

  I gave Ashe a quick kiss before she trotted down the side street, and I followed the Red Witch down the one she was already on. She made one final stop at the house of an orc, and once she’d collected his payment without too much arguing, she heaved it up to hang it over her shoulder.

  “Finally,” she sighed under her breath.

  This confirmed my suspicion that she was done for the night, and the graceful step the witch had in her gait when the night began was long gone now. She slumped her petite frame under the weight of the loaded satchel of pieces, and she trudged around the next corner while the moonlight cast everything in stark shadows around her.

  Now that we were alone on the darkened street, and I was certain no one else was going to see me, I closed the distance between us a little more but still kept enough room so as to not draw attention to myself.

  This deserted road held nothing but trees on one side, and the backs of the houses on the other, but no carriage waited at the other end. Then I saw Ashe saunter out from a side street a few feet ahead of the Red Witch, and my adrenaline spiked in anticipation.

  Then Ashe turned and made sure to run almost directly into the tired witch.

  “Oh, I do apologize,” Ashe lied perfectly. “I should have watched where I was going.”

  She kept her head down to try and hide her bright irises, but the pink glow added color to Ashe’s cheeks.

  “Let me pass, woman,” the Red Witch replied with a sigh.

  That tiny interaction gave me the chance to dash behind the witch without her hearing, and I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the side street before she had the chance to react. Her satchel crashed to the ground as I pushed her body up against the wall, and I held her there with one arm and covered her mouth with my hand to stifle her scream.

  Then my violet eyes met her amber ones, and a look of anger crossed her features.

  “Keep quiet,” I ordered firmly. “You will not scream or call for your carriage. You will listen to everything I have to say.”

  A dark red and swirling cloud began to cover the witch’s amber eyes, and instantly, my limbs began to tingle. A faint numbness began traveling through them, and I knew she was casting one of her spells against me.

  Just like Ashe had said, though, her powers didn’t seem to have a very strong effect on someone like me. I wasn’t sure what the spell was supposed to do, but I still had the same strength, and the numbness was only irritating until it began to vanish, and her eyes returned to their original color.

  The Red Witch jolted against my strong hold on her, and I heard her fuming beneath the muzzle of my palm.

  “Yesssss…” I grinned. “Charms don’t quite work on us, I’m afraid. Now, I suggest you do as I say and stay quiet while I discuss a few things with you. Otherwise, we can do this the hard way, and I don’t think the priest would be pleased to hear you disappeared along with all his payments.”

  The witch’s amber eyes flared with fury, but she stopped trying to wriggle out of my hold. I felt her muscles relax while I noticed her ample cleavage rising and falling more steadily beneath my arm. Then the fury ebbed from her eyes, and she nodded just once.

  So, I slowly removed my hand from her mouth, and I found her plump lips pursed in irritation.

  “You know about the priest?” she whispered.

  Ashe smothered back her laugh as she glanced over her shoulder from the mouth of the street.

  “We know a lot more than that,” she retorted.

  “Then what do you want?” the Red Witch huffed.

  “Master,” Ashe suddenly hissed, and she stepped backward into the shadows with us.

  From further up the street, a rattling noise began to echo. It sounded like the clattering of wood mixed with the gentle trotting of two horses, and I instantly knew what had caused it.

  “Get back,” I said to Ashe as I dragged the Red Witch further down the side street.

  The carriage would pass here any moment, and while I figured I could send the Red Witch out a little late without drawing too much suspicion, I wanted to keep this as quick and as clean as possible.

  “I have a business proposition for you,” I informed the amber-eyed woman as the rattling drew closer.

  “A business proposition?” the Red Witch repeated, and she arched a slender, dark purple eyebrow. “I’m already employed. Obviously.”

  “Yes, I know.” I nodded, but then a grin hitched at one corner of my lips. “But how would you like a way out of the priest’s clutches. How would you like it if we worked out a perfect escape for you that would set you up in much better conditions for the rest of your life?”

  “Oh? And who are you?” The Red Witch narrowed her pretty eyes.

  “It’s not about ‘who’ I am, but ‘what’ I am,” I chuckled. “And you aren’t a very good witch if you can’t figure that out.”

  “I…” she started to say as her gaze drifted over the clothes I wore.

  The clean, crisp, and clearly expensive clothes I had stolen from the dark elves I’d recently slaughtered.

  I let her think it over as the carriage rattled past the side street without stopping, and I took the opportunity to admire how soft and supple her long purple hair was, and how nicely it fell around her ample cleavage. By the time I finished memorizing the pillowy view of her breasts wedged under my arm, the Red Witch was looking me in the eyes again.

  And she had a soft smirk on her plump lips.

  “I think I’d like that very much,” the Red Witch murmured at last. “I think I like your eyes, too… demon. I think I’d like more than your eyes, also.”

  “Yes… you will indeed,” Ashe snickered beside me as the distant carriage clattered to a stop somewhere further down the road. “Soon you’ll call him Master.”

  “Hmm…” the Red Witch hummed as her eyes roamed over my face and chest. “Perhaps… If you can do what you say you can… then…”

  “You are a prize worth taking. There won’t be a problem. Trust me.” I didn’t take my gaze off the pretty witch.

  “Then… when can we begin?” The beautiful Red Witch blushed in the moonlight.

  “Soon,” I said.

  End of book 1

  End Notes

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’
s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2021 by Logan Jacobs




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