7. Eta and eta prime are isospin singlet pseudoscalar mesons that are made of a mixture of up, down, and strange quarks and their antiquarks. The mass of the eta is 548 MeV, and the mass of the eta prime is 958 MeV.
1. J.W. Moffat, “Superluminary Universe: A Possible Solution to the Initial Value Problem in Cosmology,” International Journal of Modern Physics, D2, 351–366 (1993).
2. J.W. Moffat, “Quantum Gravity, the Origin of Time and Time’s Arrow,” Foundations of Physics, 23, 411–437 (1993).
3. A. Albrecht and J. Magueijo, “A Time Varying Speed of Light as a Solution to Cosmological Puzzles,” Physical Review, D59, 043516 (1999).
4. J.W. Moffat and D.C. Tatarski, “Redshift and Structure Formation in a Spatially Flat Inhomogeneous Universe,” Physical Review, D45, 3512–3522 (1992).
5. J.W. Moffat and D.C. Tatarski, “Cosmological Observations in a Local Void,” Astrophysical Journal, 453, 17–24 (1995).
6. C. Clarkson, “Establishing Homogeneity of the Universe in the Shadow of Dark Energy,” Comptes Rendus de L’Academie des Sciences, Tome 13, No 6–7 (2012).
7. R.C. Keenan, A.J. Barger, and L.L. Cowie, “Evidence for a ~300 Megaparsec Scale Under-density in the Local Galaxy Distribution,” to be published in the Astrophysical Journal (arXiv:1304.28840).
8. From Isaac Newton, Papers & Letters on Natural Philosophy and related documents, edited, with a general introduction, by Bernard Cohen, assisted by Robert E. Schofield (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958), 302.
9. A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?” Physical Review, 47, 777–780 (1935).
10. R.P. Feynman, “Space-time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics,” Physical Review, 76, 769–789 (1949).
11. J.W. Moffat, “Finite Quantum Field Theory Based on Superspin Fields,” Physical Review, D39, 3654–3671 (1989).
12. G.V. Efimov, Fiz. Elem. Chastits At. Yadra [Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei, 5, 89 (1947)].
13. J.W. Moffat, “Finite Nonlocal Gauge Field Theory,” Physical Review, D41, 1177–1184 (1990).
14. D. Evens, J.W. Moffat, G. Kleppe, and R.P. Woodard, “Nonlocal Regularization of Gauge Theories,” Physical Review, D43, 499–519 (1991).
15. A complex variable in mathematics extends a real function f(x) to complex functions f(z), where z equals x + iy, where x and y are real variables, and i equals the square root of −1. With the exception of entire complex functions, the function f has singularities in the finite complex plane z. The entire function f must have a singularity at infinity, or else it is a constant.
16. The idea that the masses of the elementary particles could be produced by their self-energies was originally proposed by Schwinger and Salam independently in 1962, and was developed further by Roman Jackiw, Kenneth Johnson, and Heinz Pagels in 1973; John Cornwall and Richard Norton also in 1973; and Estia Eichten and Frank Feinberg in 1974.
17. J.W. Moffat, “Finite Electroweak Theory without a Higgs Particle,” Modern Physics Letters A, 6, 1011–1021 (1991).
18. M.A. Clayton and J.W. Moffat, “Prediction of the Top Quark Mass in a Finite Electroweak Theory,” Modern Physics Letters A, 6, 2697–2703 (1991).
19. J.W. Moffat and V.T. Toth, “The Running of Coupling Constants and Unitarity in a Finite Electroweak Model,” arXiv.org/0812.1994.
20. J.W. Moffat, “Ultraviolet Complete Electroweak Model without a Higgs Particle,” European Physics Journal Plus, 126, 53 (2011).
21. E.C.G. Stueckelberg, Helvetica Physica Acta, 11, 299–312 (1938).
22. T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang, “Theory of Charged Vector Mesons Interacting with the Electromagnetic Field,” Physical Review, 128, 885–898 (1962).
23. A propagator in quantum field theory enables a particle to be created at point A in spacetime and absorbed at point B. A particular propagator invented by Feynman (the Feynman propagator) plays a starring role in local quantum field theory calculations.
24. A. Salam, “Renormalizability of Gauge Theories,” Physical Review, 127, 331–334 (1962).
1. This claim is controversial because the Tevatron has inherently less sensitivity for Higgs searches than the LHC.
2. M. Chalmers, “Physicists Find New Particle, but Is It the Higgs?” Nature News (July 2, 2012).
3. J.W. Moffat, “Has a 125-GeV Pseudoscalar Resonance Been Observed at the LHC?” arXiv.org/1204.4702 [hep-ph].
4. This branching ratio is measured by the ratio of the predicted partial width of the diphoton resonance bump divided by the total predicted width of the resonance resulting from all the particle decays.
5. J. Maddox, “CERN Comes Out Again on Top,” Nature, 310, 97 (1984).
6. When the spin-0 boson decays into either two photons or two Z bosons and then into four leptons, the decaying particles can be analyzed in terms of the angles at which they deviate from each other in their decays. For the case of the two pairs of leptons in the ZZ decay, five angles can be constructed from the data. The results of such analyses demand precise, statistically significant data, which have not yet been obtained and may not be available before 2015/2016.
1. M. Veltman, “The Infrared-Ultraviolet Connection,” Acta Physica Polonica, B12, 437–457 (1981).
2. J.D. Barrow and F.J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Oxford Paperbacks (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).
3. Roger Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics, Vintage edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 560–561.
4. Alfred Russell Wallace, Man’s Place in the Universe: A Study of the Results of Scientific Research in Relation to the Unity or Plurality of Worlds, 4th ed. (London: George Bell & Sons, 1904), 256–257.
5. The term quantum correction is misleading because a correction contribution in perturbation theory is supposed to be smaller than the term that it is correcting. This may not be the case with a quantum energy “correction”; the correction can be actually larger than the initial classical value in the perturbation theory.
6. S. Coleman and E. Weinberg, “Radiative Corrections as the Origin of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking,” Physical Review, D7, 1888–1910 (1973).
7. P. Ade et al., “Planck 2013 Results. XXII. Constraints on inflation,” arXiv.org/1303.5082.
8. A. Ijjas, P.J. Steinhardt, and A. Loeb, “Inflationary Paradigm in Trouble after Planck 2013,” Physics Letters, B723, 261–266 (2013).
9. A. Linde, “Eternally Existing Self-Reproducing Chaotic Inflationary Universe,” Physics Letters, B175, 395–400 (1986).
10. J. Garriga and A. Vilenkin, “Prediction and Explanation in the Multiverse,” Physical Review, D77, 043526 (2008).
11. A. Guth, “Eternal Inflation and its Implications,” Journal of Physics, A40, 6811–6826 (2007).
12. A consequence of eternal inflation is that quantum matter fluctuations that are the seeds of stars and galaxies become “runaway” and very large, and the universe becomes increasingly inhomogeneous as it expands, contradicting observation and the original motivation for introducing inflation models.
13. Guth made this statement to journalist Mike Martin of United Press International at a cosmology conference in Boston on March 23, 2001.
14. A. Albrecht and J. Magueijo, “Time Varying Speed of Light as a Solution to Cosmological Puzzles,” Physical Review, D59, 043518 (1999).
15. P. Steinhardt and N. Turok, “Cosmic Evolution in a Cyclic Universe,” Physical Review, D65, 126003 (2002). In both the VSL and cyclic alternative models, the quantum matter fluctuations do not exhibit runaway, uncontrolled growth leading to a multiverse scenario. Moreover, they predict that gravitational waves will not be observed as a relic of the Big Bang. Inflationary models predict that gravitational waves will be detected by experiments such as the Planck mission.
1. CMS Collaboration, “Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via its Decay to Z Boson Pairs,” Physical
Review Letters, 110, 081803 (2013).
2. ATLAS Collaboration, “Evidence for the Spin-0 Nature of the Higgs Boson Using ATLAS Data,” Physics Letters B 726, 120 (2013).
3. The integrated luminosity reached 20.7 fb-1 at the energy of 8 TeV, with an additional 4.6 fb-1 at 7 TeV.
4. A good example of the Monte Carlo method entails the use of a simulated roulette wheel that can be spun a large number of times. The recorded outcomes of the ball landing on a particular number will eventually approximate accurately the theoretically expected probability distribution of the final result. Indeed, this method of statistical analysis was named after the famous Monte Carlo casino.
5. Although relatively new, the BDT algorithm has been used successfully in the past decade in such diverse areas as optical character recognition, speech recognition, neural networks, and cancer detection.
Cracking the Particle Code of the Universe Page 33