Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One)

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Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One) Page 12

by Alina Popescu

  “Welcome home, Dragon,” Sera said, pushing her old body up from the simple bed she was sitting on.

  “Why are you still alive, daughter of the Interfectrices?” Storm grabbed the top of her shirt, pulling Sera close. He towered over her, but the old woman didn’t flinch. “You were by his side for one purpose only. Protect him!”

  Sera gently patted Storm’s shoulder. “Unfortunately, Dragon, I am but a mere servant. There are places in this castle where I cannot follow him. I armed him, and that is the only reason we found out so quickly. He wounded one and killed another of his kidnappers. That is why they were delayed and Eagle stumbled across them as they were fleeing. A few moments faster, and we wouldn’t have found out as quickly.”

  Storm released her, his frown deepening. “There is only one area in the castle where you cannot go.”

  “Sky had been summoned to see the queen. When roused and told what had happened, she claimed to have been in her room and never asked for Sky.”

  “Who told Sky?”

  “A servant girl. Not even sixteen. Eagle found her body discarded in her room. She’d been stabbed.”

  “My spies are trying to unveil the traitors within my house.” Storm sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was exhausted, crippled by worry, but he knew he had to push through and follow the kidnappers until he found Sky.

  “You go find that boy, Dragon. Leave your spies here, let us continue with our own inquiries. There are others who can track those responsible.”

  Storm turned to look at Sera, who was now standing next to Cloud. “Yes, brother, do as she says. I won’t rest until I find out why this has happened.”

  With a final nod, Storm left them and made his way back to the higher levels. He should have been surprised by Cloud’s attitude, but he wasn’t. Ever since she was a squirt, she’d followed Storm and Sky around. But Storm knew, it wasn’t because she wanted to play with her brother. She’d never done that before Sky’s arrival at the castle. Like almost everyone who got to know Sky, Cloud worshiped him.

  Storm would trust his men, Sera, and Cloud to deliver the guilty to him. He’d take his time devising their punishments. Until then, he’d turn into what Sky needed him to be: a tracking dog.


  The Dragon’s Fury

  EVERYTHING HURT. Each muscle in his body felt either strained or asleep, the spots where Sky’d been hit were burning. His wrists and ankles stung from the coarse ropes used to tie him up. Sky was cold. They’d stripped him naked, forced him face down, and spread-eagled on some old but sturdy wooden table. Splinters pierced through his skin when he moved, trying to cause the table to fall over. He hoped this old, ragged thing would break, but failed.

  Sky couldn’t tell how long he’d been in the tent. The stench was only getting worse. He’d been alone since he’d been tied here. Despite his attempts at not sleeping, he had passed out. He’d awaken shivering, disoriented, and in pain.

  Sky squeezed his eyes shut and thought of Storm. His only doubt was when Storm would arrive. Would his Dragon be too late? Of Storm finding him, he had no doubt. Storm had conquered the world for Sky. He’d turn every stone and question every human being alive until he found Sky.

  Hurry up. Hurry up, my love. Sky was terrified of dying. It was more than natural fear of the great end. He knew what his death would do to Storm. How it would break his beautiful husband. Would he destroy the entire world in a pain-induced rage? Would he leave everything behind and go somewhere to wallow in sorrow after bringing about the end of civilization? Or would he be hurt too deeply to do anything? Whatever it was, Sky didn’t want it for Storm. If they died together on a battlefield, or of sickness or old age, that was bearable. But like this? How much guilt would Storm feel? How deeply would he blame himself for not allowing Sky to follow him?

  A cold gush of air hit Sky. He shivered, making his wrists hurt even more. His heart was pounding, hitting hard against his ribcage. Someone was inside.

  The smell of a man standing around open fires and alcohol hit Sky as the aggressor approached. He dragged his feet, taking his time to walk towards the end of the table where Sky’s head was resting. Sky shut his eyes, trying to control his breathing. Maybe if the stranger thought he was asleep, he’d leave him be.

  “Aren’t you all pretty, exposed like that.” The man laughed. It was a cruel rumble that promised nothing good. “I wonder what princely skills you’ll delight me with. I heard you’ve fucked your way through Vis, but that stupid heir to the throne is still enthralled with you.”

  “That’s not true,” Sky yelled.

  “Awake, then, are we? Right, then, we’ll have time to play.”

  The man had whispered those last words close to Sky’s ears, his stench now overpowering the alcohol and making Sky’s stomach turn.

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. When I’m done with you, you’ll beg for my cock every night. You won’t get it, though, I’ll have another of my men fuck you and when we’re all done, we’ll send you to your princeling. I’m sure he’ll wash away the dirt and take you back.”

  Panic hit Sky, cutting his air and paralyzing his limbs. He wouldn’t be able to survive that! And he’d never survive Storm’s kindness afterward. He’d take his own life before smearing Storm’s house and name.

  The man pressed his palm to the middle of Sky’s back, the difference in temperature burning Sky’s skin.

  “Oh, how your heart beats! You really are looking forward to riding so much cock. The men are hungry for you. They’ll make it worth your while.”

  Sky growled and pulled on his ties, trying his best to wiggle and gain some purchase. It stung, the rope digging into his skin, but he couldn’t stop. The growl turned into a cry of pain, fear, and something feral. He’d fight them, even if it killed him. He’d fight with everything he had.

  “Aww, bad kitty!” The man slapped his buttocks, hard enough to make Sky yelp. “We’ll have to keep you tied up then. Bring my men to you. We can’t have you using those claws to scratch anyone’s eyes out.”

  The fake concern and sweetness in the man’s voice and the meaning of his words sent Sky into a frenzy. He shouted, cursed, and pulled on his ties as hard as he could. It didn’t do much, except hurt and exhaust him, but he couldn’t just lie there and take whatever fate the man has decided for him.

  “You sit there and wait for me, pretty prince. I’ll be by later, to give you that dicking I promised.”

  Sky shouted until he lost his voice. Even then, he resorted to grunts and whatever sounds he could still make. He kept pulling on his restraints until he felt warm blood on his skin. He couldn’t stop. Sky couldn’t lie there, waiting for them to come and rape him. He was going to pull on those damned ropes until they budged. Too soon, he passed out.


  WHEN SKY AWOKE, he was alone. The room seemed less cold, which should have made him feel better, but it didn’t. If they suddenly decided to take care of him, that would ruin his plans of dying before they got their ugly hands on him.

  Sky listened for any sounds, but there was nothing to reveal where his enemies were. There was the general clanging, neighing, and trudging mixture of sounds that was normal for a battle camp, but nothing else. No clear voices for Sky to at least know who they were or from where. Or at least where he was being held. If he was good for nothing but a body to be used to them, Sky would at least get all the information he could. Maybe he’d hunt them down and kill them one by one before ending his own life.

  This was pure torture. Knowing what was coming, but not knowing when. Sky strained to pick any move outside, to guess when they’d head for his tent to enforce the threat the man from earlier had made. The more time passed, the more Sky allowed himself to believe the stranger had only meant to scare him. Then he remembered the harsh slap and that he was tied up, spread out and naked. Or, the most frightening truth, that this wasn’t about Sky. It was about hurting Storm. Their recent bliss had shown everyone what or who was
the most important in the world to the Dragon. It might have made Sky’s heart swell, but it had also shown all Storm’s enemies how to hurt him the deepest.

  If he were honest, Sky didn’t understand why some people hated Storm. Of course, there were former rulers who seethed with a need for revenge, but these people weren’t noblemen. They were dirty soldiers who would have been treated much better under Storm’s rule.

  Because Vis had been on such a long conquering campaign and afterward needed to leave troops behind to defend conquered lands, it didn’t pay to be a mercenary. It paid better to be part of Storm’s army. With so many subjects to feed, farmers always had somewhere to sell their goods, and Storm’s and his father’s policy had always been fairness.

  No, Sky doubted these people lived under Storm’s rule. He’d even began to doubt the recent rebellions. These were hungry mercenaries, people sent to disrupt Vis. Otherwise, it made no sense.

  Laughter outside snapped Sky out of his thoughts. It sounded familiar. Was it the man from earlier, coming to fulfill his promise? Sky shivered and braced himself, he wasn’t going to make it easy for him. He would move around, and clench and make it impossible for the man to ever feel like Sky offered or enjoyed it.

  A long time passed before the tent flap door whooshed open. His throat went dry and his heart picked up speed, drumming a hectic rhythm against his chest.

  “Were you waiting for me, princeling? Looking forward to this?”

  The table under him creaked.

  “Struggle and scream all you want, no one will come.” The man laughed and Sky felt coarse leg hair brushing against his skin.

  Fuck, he was getting on the table! No, this couldn’t happen. Sky put all his remaining strength into pulling on his restraints. It was now or never. He either pulled his hands free or he’d be soiled by this brute.

  The man’s hands landed on either side of Sky’s head. His stench was unbearable this close. The man pressed down, his cock brushing against Sky’s butt. Sky’s stomach turned. If it hadn’t been empty, he would have vomited. Sky stilled, all his muscles tensing. Sky looked away from the man’s disgusting hand, dirty, battered, and reddened by the cold outside. He focused on the dirty tent cloth, straining to keep everything tight and clenched.

  “Relax, you useless piece of shit!” The man slapped Sky’s ass.

  The pain only made Sky wind up tighter, suddenly thankful for the grueling training he’d been forced through by Eagle. Before that, he would have given in much sooner.

  “Do it, or I will whip you bloody,” the man threatened.

  Sky grunted and shut his eyes, shaking his head. He didn’t care what happened. He’d take the pain, whatever it took, but he wouldn’t be a willing participant. No one would dare say Sky had ever wanted it.

  Warm liquid spilled on Sky’s back. His eyes snapped open just as the weight of the man on top of him fell to the ground. His shoulder and arm blocked his view.

  “I found you, my love,” a voice cracked by pain and tears said. Storm’s voice.

  Sky sobbed, tears rushing down his face. Relief and shame warred inside him, and beyond that conflict, an unmatched happiness at knowing Storm had arrived on time lingered.

  “He… he didn’t touch me,” Sky said. “I didn’t let him. I didn’t want it.”

  Sky’s ties were cut free. Strong arms picked him up. A cloak was thrown and fastened around his body, but all Sky could focus on was the muddy, unclear sight of Storm. Sky wanted to stop crying, to see Storm’s face. But he couldn’t, the sobs wouldn’t stop.

  “Of course you didn’t want it.” Storm kissed Sky forehead and held him closer.

  “Dragon, what do you want us to do with them?”

  “Kill them all,” Storm grunted.

  “No!” Sky yelped. “No, you can’t.” His voice broke, his words almost silent.

  “Why, my love?”

  “They’re not rebels. They were paid. You have to find out who.”

  Storm buried his face into Sky’s hair. “Ever the strategist. All right. Save a few to question them.”


  As they walked through the mercenary camp, Sky struggled to see anyone moving. There were bloody corpses everywhere. He hadn’t expected anything different nor would it be something he desired. He knew Storm and his rage.

  “We found tracks leading to the nearby forests, my Dragon,” Fury said.

  Storm tensed and growled. Sky knew he’d want to follow them, find them and cut them down. But with Sky in his current shape, Storm couldn’t leave.

  “If it settles you, go chase them,” Sky murmured. In truth, he needed Storm there, holding him. He needed his husband to ground him.

  “I am not leaving your side,” Storm said, his voice warm and deep.

  Sky sighed, relieved. “Thank you,” he whispered, resting his head on Storm’s large shoulder.

  “Fury, take as many men as you need, and go find them. We’ll burn the bodies here and take the wounded with us for questioning. Once you catch those who fled, make your way back to Vis.”

  “Yes, Dragon.”

  Sky listened to Fury’s retreating steps, hearing his voice from afar as he shouted orders. Fury and his men wouldn’t stop until those mercenaries were found. They’d be caught, brought back, and have the truth tortured out of them. Then they’d die.

  “You’re going to kill them all in the end.”

  “Them and all those who plotted to send them after you. Yes, they will all die by my hand.” Storm sighed and stopped, holding Sky against his chest. “Unless I do, others will think it a good idea to come after you. I can’t let that happen.”

  “I don’t disagree with you. They all wanted to torture me and hurt you. Your enemies will always try to use me to inflict the most damage. I know what you have to do and why. It is not my place to criticize what you must do.”

  Storm tilted his head and smiled. “You still wish there was another way.”

  “I wish for a lot of things. That people wouldn’t be so desperate to do anything for money. That you hadn’t been forced to conquer so many and make enemies along the way. That those who planned and offered the gold for this would be punished…”

  “Why are you feeling sorry for these mercenaries?” There was no accusation in Storm’s voice, only curiosity.

  Sky reached out and cupped Storm’s face. “Do you believe there are so many choices to be made in other lands? Do you think they employ as many soldiers as you? That they strive so hard to feed their subjects?” Sky released storm and turned around, pointing at the piles of bodies. “Look at these men. Do they look well trained and well fed? Do their weapons seem effective to you? They only know war and need to make a living off it.”

  “As always, you are right. Still, they are soldiers. They chose this path with its risks. And they will suffer the consequences.”

  Sky nodded, his eyes still focused on the corpses. “As they should. But remember this, how they looked, and that they were sent here. When you find out who, go after them. But don’t punish those they rule, they have no choice other than obey.”

  Storm sighed and turned Sky’s face up so their eyes could meet. “I thought of it. Wipe out the very nation that spawned these scourges. The rulers who sent them, the women who birthed them, the people who knew them… I thought of you, though, of your kind eyes, and how you’d tell me not to. I’ve already thought of all the arguments you’d present.”

  “You know me well,” Sky said, smiling up at his husband.

  “I do, and I don’t care if your arguments would convince me. I can do this for you, reign in my anger and do as you advise. So even if my mind and heart and blood cries for revenge, I’ll be the man you want me to be. That man is far better than the blood-thirsty, avenge-driven Dragon that I was before you came back into my life.”

  Sky smiled, tears streaking down his face. He’d cried a lot since Storm had found him. He imagined it did not portray quite the manly demeanor. Sky wasn’t bothered thoug
h. He was cold, he was tired, and his stomach rumbled with hunger. His rope cuts and burns hurt, and his heart still pounded with fear. Despite it all, he was happy. Sky was in Storm’s arms, a man who tried so hard to be better, just to please Sky.

  “I love you, Storm. Now take me home, please.”


  The Guilty

  VIS WAS EERILY QUIET when they arrived. Like the owner and dwellers of the castle had fled. It was dusk when they passed through the outer gates, but that didn’t explain the lack of activity.

  Storm shrugged it off. All his men had been sent out to reinforce their outposts, while the elite riders, the Montes forces, and a quarter of the Vis native forces had joined Storm in his quest to retrieve Sky. The spies had been put to work, and he imagined most noblemen were afraid of the consequences such an offense would entail. Waging war meant they’d lose their lives or those of their children. No wonder everyone was tucked into their homes, enjoying the remaining time of peace.

  “It’s too quiet,” Sky said, burrowing deeper into Storm’s embrace. Storm had been holding him tight all through their ride back to Vis. At first, Sky had tried to ride his own horse, claiming he didn’t want to be a burden. His nerves were too frayed to stand it and he kept trying to stick close to Storm. Sky’s eyes switched to this panicked, lost look every time there was too much space between them.

  Storm admired Sky’s desire to forget what had happened to him and move on, but trauma this deep wasn’t something to discard the moment you were released. Who knew how long Sky had waited there, scared out of his mind, for an entire army to rape him? The threat had been real, and Storm imagined the wait had been torture. If Sky needed to be always touching Storm to get through this, then, by gods, Storm would give him that.


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