“Men, Sex, & Deception”
“The Dating Site Games We Play”
Sherry J. Cook
1663 Liberty Drive
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© 2012 by Sherry J. Cook. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 06/29/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4772-2775-6 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-2777-0 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-2776-3 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012911082
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Upcoming Book!
“Hello Gorgeous” was his pick-up line. Camille had fallen for it immediately.
How was she to know that Connery had been the same man she had viewed from her workplace windows months before?
Connery Jackson relocated to the Island after fleeing Louisiana and the destruction of the Katrina storm in 2005 and just prior to the deadly hurricane Ike, that hit Galveston in 2008.
Camille Bella had just moved into her vacation home after the Ike storm and the recent separation from her long time husband. She had just begun dating for the first time since high school and signed up with one of the free local dating sites for meeting men. Her taste in men was different now, from what they had been when she had married William thirty-nine years ago.
She decided to go all out, have the time of her life, holding back nothing and enjoy all the sex she could have. Connery would end up being much more than just a lover to Camille. Would he end up losing more than he anticipated? Only time would tell.
Camille was devastated with the news of her husband William, his affair and the embarrassment it caused her. She was having a difficult time living with the fact that William had been with someone else. Camille was on the road to destruction, and in the process could possibly destroy many lives, hers as well. But she never set out to destroy Connery’s life, she adored him dearly, and was appreciative of all he had done for her since that day in June when they stowed away making love in her bedroom while on his lunch break on their very first encounter.
Who would have known that the entangled lives of Camille Bella and Connery Jackson would share so much in the future and it all started with those two little words “Hello Gorgeous”.
“Hello Gorgeous”
In Loving Memory of
Walter E. Welch
Walter you would have so “gotten” this book. With
Your love of women and all your worldly adventures,
You of all men would have enjoyed this beyond my
Wildest imagination”
“Hello Gorgeous”
Is dedicated to my own, “Mr. Bond” My “Inspiration”
“Geographically Convenient Living Sex Toy”
With no regrets, you are forever a part of my life.
Camille had no idea where the journey might take her, but the thought of being with Connery no matter what the cost, was to temping to over look at the moment. Camille would find out soon enough that he might be completely out of her reach but she would give it all she could to win his love.
In the process of dating, Camille met many men in the first year alone. There would be weekends that she would date up to four different men at any given time. Things were getting complicated especially when several of the men had the same names, common names such as James, Jimmy or Jim. So she decided to keep a log of the men she was meeting. The log’s list would consist of the men she met for drinks and dinner, and sex. Camille wanted to know just how many she could meet. How many she would have sex with. How many men would want her!
None of the encounters could take the place of losing William, the love of her life all those years, the only one she had ever loved. The things she’d done to try and save her marriage would damage her beyond recognition.
The men Camille met would offer her sex. For the moment sex was all she needed to reclaim her sanity. To know she was still desirable to a man, a real man.
This was the confirmation she sought. Knowing nothing else, if she could offer nothing more, she could at least offer sex to them all.
After time and many dates, Camille’s log showed sixty-eight men she had met, had dinner with, but most of all, had sexual encounters with.
Connery would be the one she would grow to know the best the one she would end up being his, secret, “Jo Ellen.” They would continue to have a lasting affair. Would it all be to no avail? The secrets they had shared together would become public in time and could destroy all they had built over the months. Camille’s life could be forever changed.
Had Camille, known in the beginning, the events that would transpire she would have never set out to live this wild life style, or would she? Only to know she could possibly lose it all in the end.
More important would she lose Connery?
Camille Bella tells her story as it happened, event by event, date by date, man by man, the Sex, the Deception and the dating site games they all play.
Chapter 1
I always wanted to write a story, so when William and I divorced, and I began dating, I knew it was finally time to write. I was now free to tell of my many adventures, the good along with the bad. Knowing many lives would be changed after my book became public, for my eagerness to proclaim the affair I was having with Connery, in hopes of eventually winning his love, was all I longed for, and just maybe it was about to become a reality.
Because of my deep desire to write, to tell of my dating site adventures, many of my friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members and lovers would finally know my life as it played out over those years and how it evolved. Everyone would be able to read my words, know my thoughts, and feel my deepest desires. See the pain I had been through. The things I had endured as William’s wife. The hurt and loneliness I had gone through and the happiness I had finally achieved and the love of the man I hoped I would eventually win as my own, and the other man, Connery, whom I would secretly always love, a
dore and forever desire to be with.
I decided to tell of my many encounters with the men I met on the dating sites exactly as they unfolded. The feelings I would develop for many of them and the one’s that would become lasting friends. Confessing of my indiscretions with the men who only enjoyed me sexually and the ones that frequented my door even after years passed by, so many men I would never forget.
Connery was the one man, I wanted forever to be a part of his life, and he mine. Connery Jackson, was an attractive man, middle aged, and for obvious reasons available. I fell for his line from the beginning, but little did I know so would another woman, and our paths would cross in a most unusual situation. I eventually would find out about Connery’s past, and his secret lifestyle, a lifestyle, well known to many women.
Chapter 2
“Hello gorgeous!” That was how he started every message that I received from him. He was clever with words, swift and charming. His online picture resembled that of James Bond. Bond’s appearance and style had always been one of my most preferred looks in a man. When I saw him on the dating site weeks before, I had dreamt of meeting him, wondering what it might be like to know him, to be with him. My mind wandered, always wondering what kind of man he was. I knew I would never have a chance with him; I was not his type. He would require a more erudite woman than I was.
His eyes were blue and deep set. At a glimpse they appeared as if they could be looking into the soul of any woman that might be admiring his picture. He was fully clad in tux and tie as if he were attending an important function at the time the photo had been taken. His hair was salt and pepper and he sported a full beard, and mustache that was almost entirely gray. His facial hair was well groomed, trimmed to perfection. His skin was tan, as if he might be outside in the sun often. His smile was soft, and projected an enticing gentleness about him. His looks were what I had always liked in a man. I vowed that I would do all that I could to meet him, or just have a short conversation on the phone perhaps, just to hear his voice.
I knew a meeting most likely would never happen. So I would just continue to dream of him and always wonder what it might have been like to have been in his arms, to kiss his lips, to have him look into my eyes and to see my shameless desires to be one with him. I knew it would never happen. I just felt it in my soul.
After a few days of contemplation I decided to go a step further and send him a message on the dating site, asking to meet him. I compiled the message over and over again; it had to be just right. After assembling the words I wanted to use and after weeks of admiring his picture and countless instant messages, I finally decided to send him the request and a brief note. I wanted to him know how handsome I thought he was, as if he didn’t know. What could it hurt, I had nothing to lose, and besides, I would just be giving him a compliment, a compliment among all the many I was sure he received daily. I desperately wanted to meet him.
I typed in the well selected words nervously, and then anxiously I hit the send button on the keyboard never expecting any type of reply.
To my astonishment, he replied,
“Hello gorgeous, how are you today?”
I couldn’t believe my eyes! He must have been online at that very moment and saw my message immediately. I replied back to him, with some trepidation,
“Well hello handsome, how are you doing?”
He replied again. “Right now I am just enjoying how incredibly unique you are…” “YOU have no idea how wonderfully beautiful you are.” “I so want to meet you… and meet you soon!”
Chapter 3
If Connery only knew how long I had waited to hear those words. I was so desperate to meet him. But my mind kept taking me back to the years with William and the hurt I had endured the last few months. So to have feelings so strongly for a man that I had never met yet was nothing shy of frightening to me at this moment. To want a man so desperately, a man that looked like Connery could be a dangerous move.
William and I had a wonderful marriage. He had been a wonderful husband, he had provided for me in every way. We shared the joy of children together and for obvious reasons I thought we were very much in love.
So I was crushed when William told me of his “other” life. I did all that I possibly could to hold the marriage together after his confession, but it was all in vain for it would end in destruction, hurt and unsurpassable pain. I tried every venue to keep the marriage in tact but when I walked in on William and his lover in those early morning hours I knew it was over I could never turn back, and must move forward from that day on.
Putting myself out there on the dating sites was something I had never dreamt I would ever be doing. But in this day and time that was about the only way to meet a man. Given the way society was now, if you didn’t meet them in a bar or in church, the dating sites were the safest most effective way to go. But it was always a gamble and I would find out soon enough how the game was played. The sex games they all wanted to play. The deception so many of them hid until they had you in their arms.
Following the many disastrous, emotional months I had gone through, I finally decided to file for divorce. In August it would be final. After this difficult decision and much deliberation I decided I needed to get away, take a trip, and I knew the perfect place to go, a place where few would know me, or would be familiar with my situation. I could recompose my thoughts, my feelings, gain new direction. Knowing my life as I knew it now was virtually over and a new exciting one would soon begin.
Little did I know at this time, the events that would take place on my escape from reality! Or that, Connery Jackson, the man whom I had instant messaged for weeks and longed to meet so desperately, prior to my departure, I would finally get to meet upon my return!
I needed to tell my story, a story many other women I knew could relate to. For I knew many had gone through similar events as I had in my life, but I hadn’t planned on destroying anyone’s life.
The trip I planned drew closer and I left the security of my current life and drew strength from within and found a safe harbor to hide away in for as long as I saw fit. Leaving behind Connery and the messages we wrote daily, still having not met him. The fear of leaving for a long period of time made me wonder if he would still be on the dating site when I returned, only time would tell.
The events that took place for the next few weeks months and eventually year’s, would be the direct result of my adventures on internet dating sites. And the remarkable acquaintances of all the many breathtaking, alluring sexy men I could ever meet.
Chapter 4
So with no specific date to meet with Connery as of yet and the divorce only weeks away, the option to just pack up and leave was the decision I finally went with. So this would be my vacation from reality, my escape to another world, a distraction from the deep desires to meet and be with Connery and a time to deliberate the loss of my husband. Free myself from the dating site for a short time and find myself. Contemplate the things I really wanted for my life and how to obtain them.
I had decided to make this an early summer vacation and visit the beaches of Central America. I planned out my trip, purchased my tickets, and readied myself for a month in the Caribbean sun. I packed the bare necessities and would purchase any other items I might need once I arrived at my destination. I was so ready to leave the city and get away for a while. I had decided to stay for at least a month and enjoy all that I could. I desperately needed some fun and romance in my life, something to shock my world, something out of the ordinary, some-one who could enjoy me as I was, without holding back, without any reservations.
I set out on this adventure not knowing what to expect in the weeks ahead, but I was ready and willing for whatever or whoever crossed my path. I had planned for visits in the rain-forest of Guatemala and the white sandy beaches of Belize and possibly a short stay in Roatan, Honduras, for snorkeling, if time allowed. I wanted very much to get a
way, and forget about what changes would be affecting my life in the near future. My life was about to change drastically, and I was afraid of being alone. I was dreading the fact that I would be losing so much, the man who had been beside me since my teen years, through all the heartaches, sorrows, and good times. I was afraid of not having a husband anymore. What would I do without a man by my side?
I had always had a husband, it seemed like; I had only been eighteen when I married and always had a man for all those things that a woman couldn’t do. Life would be different from the way I knew it now, and I was well aware of what my losses would be.
The time spent on my vacation, my escape from reality had been a wonderful time, but little did I know when I left the States, that this time spent away would be the beginning of a new and fascinating era in my single life to come. Although thoughts of Connery never left my mind, I was always wondering if he would be there when I returned. The escape came and went before I realized it I was back home in the States, back to the real world.
Upon returning from this well-deserved, relaxing vacation that had lasted just over a month, I rested in my bed and reminisced over the events that happened in the past weeks. I had a wonderful time while on the beaches of Central America. I made many new friends while there, along with a torrid love affair, something I never factored into the equation. I had decided that it would be ridiculous not to live a little, since the men of my dreams, Connery and William, currently still my husband were doing no-telling-what while I was away.
The summer escape had brought me a surprise, Rolando Banchara, a beautiful man, the man I would indulge myself with for the time being. He was a perfect specimen, I thought, of what a Latin man should look like, to say the least. He had a rich, creamy, caramel-colored complexion, huge dark-brown eyes, fluttering long eyelashes, which any woman would die for, and perfectly spaced white teeth that appeared to almost sparkle when he smiled. His hair was dark brown with soft curls. It was not long, but not short. It was well groomed, but had a careless, tossed appearance to it as well. He also had a five o’clock shadow and a full mustache that encircled those perfect lips and white teeth. He had been on the shore when a local acquaintance and I had pulled up in the little boat, which we had borrowed from a neighbor, to take us to a parcel of property I had promised a friend in the States, I would visit while in Guatemala. I had noticed Rolando immediately.
Hello Gorgeous Page 1