Terregon (Book Two of The Red Diamond Saga)

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Terregon (Book Two of The Red Diamond Saga) Page 6

by Jennifer Janne

  Lisa's eyes were filled with tears, and the odd sensation was very unsettling for her. She shook her head as she stormed off down the sidewalk.

  “I will not stop until I find him!” She declared.

  “Well, at least, somebody cares.” A gruff voice said from a darkened alley just past the perimeter line of the explosion.

  Aaron was propped up against the wall of the alley. Beside him, Amelia, rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Aaron!” Lisa cried joyfully as she threw her arms around his neck and squeezed.

  “Oh, ouch!” He growled as his arm was hanging oddly from his shoulder, quite obviously broken. He had rolled when he hit the pavement, hugging his charge so that he could protect her from as much injury as possible. As a result his arm had nearly been ripped off by the force of the blast driving him against the pavement.

  Together they had crawled as far from the wreckage as they could, fearing additional explosions. In the alley, Aaron had been overcome by pain and exhaustion, so that he could not walk. Only then did he discover that Amelia had been injured, she had a gash on the side of her head that made her drift in and out of awareness. He expected medics to come looking, but they did not.

  Lisa reached out to lay her hands on Aaron's shoulder but he shook his head firmly.

  “Her first.” He said with a grimace. “I did not go through all of that just to have her die in an alley.”

  Lisa frowned and wished that for once he would be serious, but she obeyed his wishes as she was so happy to have found him. While she tended to Amelia, Daniel pressed his hands against the open wound on Aaron's shoulder where a bone had poked through, to try to slow the bleeding. Aaron growled at him as the touch inspired even more pain.

  No matter what issues had come between Aaron and Daniel before, he could not deny how amazed he was by the man's bravery. He had been reckless, as Corinne often complained, but in the end he had done everything he could to resolve the situation, and was willing to sacrifice himself not only for a busload of people, but also just for one woman.

  He portrayed himself as an indifferent even cruel person at times, but Daniel could see the truth. He was a lost little boy, with the same fear and hesitation he had seen in Corinne's eyes when he first met him.

  Once Amelia was well enough to think clearly, Lisa asked Daniel to take her to the medics. She knew if Amelia witnessed her heal Aaron's arm that their secret could be exposed. Daniel understood, and did as she asked. Even though Amelia was still out of it, she refused to leave until she had the chance to thank Aaron.

  “You could have left me there.” She said with a trembling voice.

  He smiled faintly despite the excruciating pain he was experiencing.

  “Never. Not someone as beautiful as you.” He cast her a playful wink that made Amelia giggle despite the trauma of her day.

  As Daniel led her away Lisa laid one hand on Aaron's shoulder. She used the other to guide his bones back into place. Aaron's screams were ground out by the clenching of his teeth. Lisa wished she could ease all of the pain immediately, but with a wound this great, it took time. She laid her forehead against his, and as tears spilled past his tightened closed lashes, her own, fell to mingle with his as they raced down his cheeks.

  Lisa's hands smoothed over Aaron's shoulder and arm as her body was shaken by sobs. The thought of losing him, had made her one hundred percent human, sensitive heart and all. Even as his wound healed to the point of only appearing to be a bad case of road rash, Lisa whispered furiously to him.

  “I hate you for doing that. I hate you for it.” When she pulled her hands away, Aaron grasped them. He looked deeply into her tear filled gaze.

  “Lisa, it's okay, I'm okay.” He said with confusion.

  “This time!” She said, her face crumpling as a fresh wave of tears washed over her. “Don't you know, if you are not here, I have no reason to be?” She asked desperately. “You act like you have nothing to live for.”

  She swallowed thickly as she struggled to get control of her grief. “Am I nothing to you?”

  Aaron was stunned by her words. He had never thought of it that way. He had never realized how much he was hurting Lisa by not considering her when he took the risks that he did.

  “I'm sorry.” He murmured as she shook her head.

  “Corinne tries to tell you, I try to tell you, but it doesn't matter. You still do everything you can to risk your life.” She threw her hands up above her as she growled in frustration.

  “Who are you trying to impress?”


  Conner was sound asleep. He was completely exhausted by the activity he had engaged in, but at the same time he was invigorated. He had felt Corinne's energy again, and it was like tasting ice cream after a long sabbatical. It was so potent that it made him feel like an addict, craving for more.

  As he slept Mr. Reynolds stood beside his bed. He was not pleased. Conner's assignment had been to get Aaron off the bus, not the passengers. He had expected loss of life, and loss of property, as his client had requested. Luckily, Wayne had not been the only one equipped with a remote for the bomb. When Mr. Reynolds had heard that hostages were leaving the bus, he had instructed his man on the scene to detonate the bomb. Poor Wayne would never see his pay day, but that was only fair, since Mr. Reynolds would have to return a portion of his client's money.

  For now he would let Conner rest. Despite his failure to do as he asked, what he and Corinne had accomplished together was no small feat. The connection he had made with Corinne could be quite useful to Mr. Reynolds.

  He left the room, placing guards at the door. Conner would remain sedated even when he woke up, to make sure that he did use his abilities against Mr. Reynolds or his men.

  In an opposite wing of the house Cori was just beginning to stir where she lay on a small couch. Mrs. Reynolds was perched on a chair close to her, long legs crossed at the knee, and her shoulder length black hair was cinched back with sterling silver clip. In the position she appeared statuesque. Mr. Reynolds smiled to himself as he observed her for a moment before stepping into the room.

  “How is she?” He asked warmly as he settled one hand to his wife's shoulder and let the tips of his fingers massage at the point between her neck and her spine that he knew she harbored all of her stress within.

  Mrs. Reynolds purred at the release of pain and smiled dreamily. “She snores.” She said flatly as her dark eyes fell shut.

  Mr. Reynolds ceased his massage to crouch down beside the young girl. Mrs. Reynolds frowned as her pampering had ended far too soon.

  “I really don't know why you are going to so much trouble for these miscreants.” She pursed her lips as she shook her head. “I mean really, what are they but freaks?”

  Ice blue eyes struck hers with such irritation that she realized she was walking a very dangerous line not with her husband, but with the man he truly was, one of the most powerful men in the world.

  “Freaks?” He repeated with disgust in his voice. “What you call freaks, are human life altered to perfection.” He shook his head as his memory of the rooftop returned to him, of his desire to simply spread his arms and fly, to soar above the world he had such a large hand in creating. He smirked a little as he returned his attention to his wife. “Careful, Brianna or you may find yourself being the freak in a world full of extraordinary humans.”

  Brianna lowered her eyes swiftly. He did not have to threaten her to make his point. Her husband did not threaten, he simply told the truth. If she displeased him, she would be left behind, for the sake of his pursuit of greatness.

  His knowing gaze lingered on Brianna for a long moment as he watched her squirm, at times, though he respected how powerful and intelligent she was, she had to be reminded of who she was compared to him- a plaything.

  When he swung his eyes back toward Corinne, he noticed that her lashes were fluttering. It was remarkable how much she looked like her counterpart, only younger. He reached up with a soft touch to
brush back some of her blonde hair. She did not shy away from his touch, nor did she seem to appreciate it. Instead she simply stared at him.

  “Do you know who I am?” He asked in a mild tone. Young Corinne's dark green eyes searched his, and her memory at the same time. She recalled meeting this man once before, briefly, when she was much younger. He had stared at her through bulletproof glass as she displayed her skills. He did not speak, nor did he smile, he only offered a slight nod of approval. She had not known it then, but that nod was the only thing that had kept her from being terminated.

  “My name is Simeon.” He said in a kind tone. Brianna was surprised by his manner with the girl. They had never had children of their own, though it was still quite possible. Brianna had very little patience for kids, and no interest in pregnancy. She had never even considered how Simeon would be as a father. “It's my job to keep you safe.” He added, his eyes shining as if his words were genuine. “So if you need anything, just let me, or Brianna know.” He glanced over at his wife who offered a strained smile.

  “You can call me Mrs. Reynolds.” She corrected. Very few people had permission to address her by her first name, and this little brat was not one of them.

  Simeon grimaced at her argumentative nature but he ignored it. When he looked back at the girl, she reached up to rub at her head a little, still woozy from the sedative.

  “Where's Corinne?” She asked with a touch of confusion. She had gotten used to Corinne, Aaron, and Lisa always being around her. It was not exactly that she was attached, they had just become part of her usual routine.

  “Oh she'll be along soon.” He patted her head lightly. “Until then, just rest up, I have some exciting games for you to play.”

  Cori furrowed her brow at his words. “I do not play games.” She said matter-of-factly.

  Simeon laughed and clapped his hands with appreciation. “Of course not, forgive me Corinne.”

  The little girl sat up slowly as she took in the opulence of her new environment from the luxurious bedroom set to the gold accents that littered the bedroom.

  “It's Cori.” She said in a whisper as she began to realize what had happened. She was not anywhere that Corinne would approve of. This did not bother her of course. Cori had been trained from the time she was an infant, to simply accept things as they were, without argument.

  “Are you going to keep me?” She asked, as if she were a stray pet that could be claimed by anyone.

  Brianna rolled her eyes and bit back her words.

  Simeon smiled patiently.

  “Oh my dear, you have always belonged to me.” He rustled her blonde hair with a grin. “Now you're finally home.”


  “Whose going to tell her?” Aaron asked anxiously as they stood outside of Corinne's hospital room. She was being held for observation but her condition was improving. She had started to become aware and after being reassured that Aaron was safe and well, her first question was about Cori. Luckily she had been too woozy to realize that no one answered her clearly. Lisa frowned as she peeked in through the small window on the door.

  “She's not going to be happy.”

  Daniel ran his hand through his dark brown hair and sighed. He knew it would have to be him, and he was the one who had convinced her that Cori would be fine if they had left her.

  “Hey guys.” A hesitant voice called as Stanley approached the small gathering. His cropped hair was hidden by the hat he wore, and his brown eyes sought Lisa's from beneath the shadow it cast. “You okay?” He asked with concern.

  Lisa nodded and hugged him awkwardly. She was still not that comfortable with open displays of affection.

  “Any news?” Daniel asked hopefully.

  “I'm afraid not.” Stanley said with a frown as he reached up and took off his hat. He scratched his fingers through his hair as he frowned. “It's like she just disappeared.”

  Aaron snorted at that as he leaned his shoulder against the wall. His frown deepened. In his world people 'just disappeared' all the time. What he could not figure out was who would have taken Corinne.

  Conner was out of the picture, and as far as Aaron knew all evidence of his research and his projects had been eliminated. Still, he had always been certain there was someone beyond Conner who ran the show.

  Certainly, someone took her that knew of her value. Although none of them knew the extent of Cori's abilities, it was clear that she was extremely intelligent. What she lacked in verbal communication she more than made up for by solving puzzles in mere seconds.

  “Any ideas?” Daniel asked Aaron crossly as he was irritated by his reaction. “Because if you have some, I'd love to hear them.” His blue eyes flashed with frustration. It was not really Aaron he was upset with, he knew, but still he was an easy target with his superior attitude.

  “Yeah, I've got one.” Aaron said as he stood from the wall and stepped closer to Daniel, daring him to speak to him so dismissively again. “Stop looking.” He laughed after his words, an infuriating mocking laugh. “Your people can't find our people.” He said with a grim smile.

  “Aaron.” Lisa warned, as she could tell there was quite a bit of tension building between Daniel and Aaron.

  Daniel squared his shoulders and met Aaron's gaze head on, not showing any sign of backing down.

  “At least we're trying.” He said shortly.

  Aaron shrugged, his lips curling into a smirk. “Feel free to waste your time. Cori's gone, Danny.” He reached up and knocked lightly on the other man's forehead, which caused Daniel to clench his fists with anger. “Get it through your head, your badge means nothing to the people who have Cori.” Aaron finished, his own muscles tensing in reaction to Daniel's defensive stance.

  “Enough!” Lisa insisted as she stepped between the two. “Everyone's just a little upset.” She said softly as she lightly pushed Aaron back away from Daniel. “What he means is, we're going to have to work together to find her.”

  Aaron glowered down at Lisa, his dark green eyes meeting her hazel spheres as he wondered when she had become so sensitive.

  “That is not what I mean.” He barked. “What I mean is, she's probably better off where she is.” He turned on his heel and stalked off out of the hospital.

  “Wow.” Stanley said as he crossed his arms. “That guy's got a real chip on his shoulder, doesn't he?”

  Lisa frowned as she watched Aaron walk away. “He's just,” She paused and glanced over at Stanley before looking back down the hall. “Not used to this world.”

  Daniel had a few choice words to say about what Aaron's problem was, but he did not have the chance, as Corinne was opening her hospital room door.

  Her expression was dark and her eyes were intense as they met Daniel's. “Where is Cori?” She demanded.

  Daniel frowned and lowered his head as he spoke. “She's gone Corinne. She was gone before Stanley got there.”

  Corinne used the door jamb to hold herself up as she was still fairly weak. “Before?” She surveyed Daniel's expression. “But you never told me.”

  Daniel shifted uncomfortably.

  “Come on Lisa, let's take a walk.” Stanley said as he grasped her elbow lightly.

  “A walk? Why?” Lisa asked with confusion. Stanley tugged her along with him, while she continued to question the reasoning behind wandering around the hospital.

  “Corinne, I was worried if you knew it would distract you-” Daniel began to explain, his heart beat speeding up as he spoke.

  “So now you get to make choices for me?” Corinne asked with a sharp tone. “You had no right to keep that from me.” Then beyond her anger her fear began. The memories of what had happened to her as a child flooded her, and her panic rose through her like a speeding train. “Oh no, where is she?!” She demanded as she pounded her hands against Daniel's chest. “You promised she would be fine!” She screamed, so that the hospital staff turned their heads to watch the scene.

  Daniel grasped her hands by the wrists and held the
m against his chest. He was still in uniform and the security officers nearby were watching the situation closely.

  “Corinne.” He tried to get her attention, but he knew that she was regressing. He could see her faith in him disappearing from her eyes as she ripped her hands from his grasp and turned away from him.

  “What are we going to do?” She whispered to herself as she stared hard at the floor. She could not sense Cori at all. She could not feel her anywhere.

  “She's gone.” She murmured as her hands clenched and relaxed intermittently a technique she had taught herself to manage the panic attacks she sometimes experienced when she was younger. Daniel's hands slid over the tops of her shoulders reassuringly.

  “We'll find her, Corinne.” He promised, though he knew that Aaron was right. There was no sign of who had taken Cori, no evidence left behind to follow. It was almost as if someone had known they would be gone, that Cori would be alone, and it would be the perfect time for them to strike.

  “Conner.” Corinne suddenly said as her recollection of what had happened came surging back to her. “Conner can help us.”

  “Conner?” Daniel asked with shock. “Why would you say that?”

  Corinne looked up at him with widened eyes. “He helped me today.” She said quickly. “Aaron never would have survived if it was not for him.”

  “I don't understand.” Daniel said as he observed her closely. A part of him wondered if the stress had been too much for her. “Conner's off in some mental hospital somewhere, he can't get to you now.”

  Corinne tapped her temple lightly. “No he was here.” Her eyes were wild as she spoke. “We joined energies, it was the only way to save everyone.”

  Daniel wrapped his arm around Corinne protectively as he knew that there were other ears listening and they would not understand Corinne's talk of energy and mental connection.


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