Legend of the Oceina Dragon (The Dragons Saga)

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Legend of the Oceina Dragon (The Dragons Saga) Page 1

by Jenkins, J. F.

  The Dragons Saga: Legend of the Oceina Dragon

  By J.F. Jenkins

  Published by Astraea Press, LLC


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2011 J.F. JENKINS

  ISBN 978-1-936852-03-1

  Cover Art Designed By Elaina Lee

  Edited By Stephanie Taylor and Jane Paxson

  To my family

  Chapter One

  There are a multitude of rules that must be obeyed when finding the perfect sacrifice for the great water dragon, Lord Oceina. The sacrifice must be female. She may not be older than eighteen years of age. She must be pure like the snow - un-tainted in any way.

  The priests watched all of the girls who grew up on Little Oceina Island. They watched for potential candidates for the next sacrifice, because it was to their advantage to have a girl ready rather than to be caught off guard. The great dragon was quite spontaneous with his demands, though for the past fifty some years each sacrifice was spaced apart by exactly eight years. This time, they would be ready when the great lord called on them for aide.

  The priests had suggested many fine young women. Each beautiful and smart in their own way and containing several different talents. One girl in particular the priests favored more than any. She was a beautiful blonde with sparkling blue eyes and a body that made many other women jealous. The dragon, however, was not impressed.

  “I don’t like her.” He said bluntly in that strange speech the dragons used with the human priests. Few humans could understand the dragon tongue. This skill separated the average person from the priesthood. It was a holy gift, which helped with the bonding between the two species.

  The dragon lord flew through the sky with the aid of his magic and the head priest of the island clutched to his dark blue scales for dear life. It was well known that there was more than one water dragon in existence. This specific dragon, however, was the lord over all the others of his kind, or so the priests believed. His happiness was the most important of them all, as their very lives depended on it.

  These dragons ruled over the continent, which was named after them as appointed to them by God. If the dragons ever became displeased, the island would lose its protection the creatures provided. Protection from the other species of dragon who might invade the island or otherwise try to harm its inhabitants. There were four dragon species in all. The Oceina (water dragons), the Aero (wind dragons), the Inero (fire dragons), and the Terran (earth dragons).

  The Oceina dragons all had long, well muscled, snake like bodies and four legs to support themselves with on the ground. Their scales were always a shade of blue. More often than not a deep, rich, dark, blue that shimmered in the light like precious stones. They were elegant and strong, quick to anger and wise, and thus amongst the most highly revered species of dragon in the world.

  Without the blessing of the great dragon lord of the water, the island would lose its protection and be outcast as a rebel nation, or one unaffiliated with one of the four great dragon lords. The island was too small, and far too passive to risk such a venture. Often, this resulted in the priests being too agreeable, unwilling to assert their true opinion. The dragon lord had been told they would be by his kin, but he was amazed at how annoying this was. Generally, he was very patient, but the priests he had spoken to today were beginning to wear him thin.

  “You don’t like her?” The high priest stammered. “Forgive my doubt, my lord, but what is there not to like about her? Surely she cannot be that displeasing?”

  “I don’t like her,” he repeated. “I have another in mind. Now of course if you wish to go against my wishes and not provide for me the sacrifice of my choice, I will simply kill them both and leave your temple for the Inero to set ablaze. There should be as little bloodshed as possible.”

  “Yes, of course my lord.”

  “I am pleased we agree. Now, as for my chosen sacrifice....”

  Her name was Tai Dawson, and in the great dragon lord’s eyes, she was by far the most beautiful human female he had ever seen. Few would argue with him on the matter, and not simply because he was the lord, but because she was indeed a rare beauty. She radiated with purity, and not just in the sense that she had never known the touch of a man, but rather because she had the same sort of beauty a waterfall or a sunset had. She was natural and confident. Her hair was long and dark, and it looked so soft. The dragon lord wanted to touch it, so badly, but he would have to wait until the sacrifice.

  What really drew him to her was neither her long, wavy, dark hair, nor her petite but delightfully curved body. It was her eyes. It was not often he saw a human with eyes that matched the color of his scales. He’d always had a strange attraction to the color blue. The sparkle of her eyes made him wonder if what the humans felt when they saw him fly was the same as how he felt when he stared into her eyes - lost, amazed, and out of breath.

  The dragon lord was surprised the priests had not chosen her from the beginning, but then he would remind himself of what his kin had advised him. The priests didn't know anything about what he truly wanted. Thus, he should reject any sacrifice that wasn’t her. He only wanted this girl. He had chosen her nearly six years ago. His heart was set on it.

  “If you’re sure, my lord.” The priest said, bowing his head down humbly against the dragon’s skin.

  “I’m positive.”

  “When do you wish for this sacrifice to commence?”

  “The seventh day of the first month of the new bloom.” His eighteenth birthday. The day he would be entering into adulthood amongst his brothers and other kin. He couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with the sacrifice. The sacrifice that was really a marriage ceremony between him and this chosen girl. He had to be wed. It was the way of his kind. He wanted to be wed, and he only wanted her or no one. No one was not an option for him. He had to do his part to continue on his species. He loved this girl though, a lot. The priests did not know this of course. The priests believed that the dragon lord would eat the girl. All of the humans believed this actually. What the humans didn’t realize was the dragons walked amongst them.

  His family had thought the idea of celebrating his birthday with the sacrifice odd. In the rare chance something was to go wrong, it would be horrible for the day to be spoiled, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Things would go how he planned them, and they would be perfect. He refused to accept any less and he was far too stubborn to give up.

  “Yes, the first day-.”

  “No, your grace. I said the seventh.”

  “But why the seventh?” The high priest paused to gasp at the realization he had once more questioned his lord and proceeded to bury his face back against the dragon’s skin. “Forgive my doubt once more. I should not question your ways. You know far more than we in the mysteriousness that is our God.”

  “You too can learn the same mysteries if you open your faith to the possibility.” The dragon said gently. “Seven has always been a holy number and it is the day which strikes me the most for this ritual. We will not be performing the ceremony for hopes of a bountiful harve
st this year. I have already foreseen the crops will be ripe on time and plentiful. This sacrifice is a sacrifice of thanks for safe passage through the terrible winter storms, and for safety through the summer months. I worry the tropical storm systems we experienced recently will only strengthen as time presses on. Perhaps we will be able to gain favor. Gain favor through obedience.” He clarified. “Not through ritual.”

  “Yes, my lord. That gives us two weeks to prepare for the ceremony. Do you know the specific arrangements already, or have they not yet been spoken to you?” The priest lifted his eyes and his grip on the dragon’s back weakened. Which was good because the dragon feared he might break a scale with such a hold.

  “I have all of the arrangements now. I shall take you back to the temple and dictate them to your fellow brothers and sisters. I am very pleased with your obedience. It will not go unrewarded.” The dragon had the ceremony in his mind for the past year. He’d been dreaming of this day for so long. Two weeks was far too long to keep waiting, but it would be unethical of him to perform the sacrifice before he was of age. It would defeat the purpose of bringing him into adulthood.

  “Thank you, my lord.”

  “After this sacrifice, I do believe there will be no need for one again for quite a long time.” If he could smile, the dragon lord would have. “Your island has always been so faithful. I do hope it stays that way. Even without such a regular tradition.”

  “Of course, my lord. We will forever be faithful to you.”

  The dragon lord hoped the priest was telling him the truth. The island was an important asset to their empire. Enough thinking about politics, he thought. After all, there were much more pleasant things that should have been dancing through his mind.

  “I will return in two weeks time, and I shall see for sure then. Do try not to embarrass the poor girl, though I do make a small request.”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “How can I put this delicately? I much prefer to not remove clothing from my teeth. I don’t like the taste of fabric either, but it would be disrespectful to the sacrifice to have her lie around completely nude.” He was trying not to sound too eager about the idea, but he couldn’t help it. The images of the girl that were now in his mind were enough to make him blush. Thankfully, the priest wouldn’t be able to notice from where he was riding on the dragon lord’s back, but anyone who was familiar with the physical attributes of his species would have noticed the slight purple tint to the skin on his face. He couldn’t help it. The girl was beautiful. The dragon lord had never touched a woman before in his life. The idea of being able to soon gave him tingles, made him giddy with excitement. Waiting would be hard.

  “Yes, we are well familiar with the custom, my lord.” The priest said softly. “Is there anything else that you request of us at this time?”

  Two weeks. The dragon lord said again. Have everything ready by then.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  It wouldn’t pass fast enough for him. He knew it. As he flew home, he was already beginning to feel the drag of the hours, and those hours would extend into days. He wondered if the same would be true for Tai Dawson.

  Chapter Two


  Tai Dawson turned towards her friend Natalie with a smile. She was just on her way home after high school got out. She waited for Natalie to catch up to her. “Yes?”

  “Virginia and I are going to watch Joel and Nathan’s soccer match. Do you want to come with us?”

  Tai slowly shook her head, smiling politely at her friend. “Maybe next time. I’ll see you tomorrow. I have a lot of homework.”

  Natalie didn’t look surprised by Tai’s rejection. She had only asked to be polite because that was just the way Natalie was. Boys had never interested Tai, at least none of the guys from her school did, and her friend knew this. Instead of taking the opportunity to make new friends and getting to know the guys around her, she blew them off. She didn’t want to get to know them. She didn’t want to set herself up for a goodbye. Besides, the guys at school were jerks and self-absorbed from what she did know of them and that was more than enough to turn her away.

  The dragon flew over Tai’s head as she walked home. She shivered as she watched it fly, and disappointment filled her when she realized even it wouldn’t be keeping her company today. Normally when the dragon was in the same neighborhood as her, it followed her or at least lingered for a few minutes before continuing on its way. The dragon made her feel safe while she walked the mile between her house and school, or wherever she was going. Tai did a lot of walking to get around town. Her island was small, and her hometown was as well. She didn’t need a car to travel to most places.

  She had just walked through the doorway when she was pulled aside by her mother and forced to sit down with three members of the priesthood.

  “We don’t mean to startle you, but we have come to bring you both some great news. As you know, the dragon lord wishes for a sacrifice every few years or so, and he has chosen Tai for his,” one of the priests said. She was blonde and small and the manifestation of a ray of sunshine in human form. She spoke with so much animation, as if her news truly was the best news for the Dawson family.

  Tai could feel her whole body become tense. The words didn’t sink in until after a minute or two of silence had passed. “Oh?” Was about all she could manage before forcing a smile on her face. “That’s great! Really, really, great.”

  Only it wasn’t great. She didn’t want to die for religion. She didn’t want to leave her family for a tradition, which was part of a religion she wasn’t sure she believed. She was certainly grateful for the dragon lords and all of the help they offered her island, and she respected that they were divine creatures, but she didn’t feel like her faith in God Himself was great enough to be chosen for this kind of an honor. Surely, He would much prefer someone more pristine and devout than her? Beyond that though, her mother was her only family. The thought of her mother being all alone made her queasy.

  “Isn’t it? Two weeks. So exciting! There’s so much that needs to be done. We knew you’d accept,” the priest rambled. She didn’t seem to be catching on to Tai’s discomfort with the idea. The other two noticed and were smiling weakly at Tai and her mother.

  I had to, she wanted to say, but she held it back. It wouldn’t get her anywhere to be rude to them. They were just doing their job after all. It was selfish of her to even think of the idea of running away. Too much was at stake for not only her family, but also the island. The bigger picture of the situation was far too grand for her to ignore for her own pride. She had to resist the urge to beg for more time.

  Two weeks didn’t feel like it was long enough to say goodbye to her whole life. What would she do? She couldn’t even begin to make a list of all the things she wanted to experience, and all of the places she could go. Those days needed to count. Would it be right for her to go off on her own to explore the world for a brief period of time? Or would it be better for her to stay at home and take the time to be with her mother? There were too many choices and possibilities. Her head started to spin.

  “It’s an honor,” Tai said at last. She looked over at her mother sadly and sat through hours worth of information. She’d have to be fitted for a ceremonial gown of course, and there was a long list of things that were now forbidden for her to do. Most were things Tai would never have considered doing anyway: hard drugs, heavy drinking, breaking the law. The only item on this list that disappointed her was the one that stated she could not touch a man. This was heavily emphasized to the point where she was now afraid to even look at a guy for fear of having God smite her Himself. She would be watched. This was told to her many times during the meeting.

  “It was so nice to meet you Tai! You’re so lovely!” The priestess shook Tai’s hand for several minutes, and if it hadn’t been for her mother stepping in, Tai was certain her hand would fall off.

  As soon as the door closed behind the priestesses, Tai moved into her mother�
�s arms. This couldn’t be happening to her. The whole meeting, all she could think about was what would happen to her mother after she was gone. What would happen to her mother? Her father walked out on the family before Tai could walk. It had always been just the two of them. Her mother never dated again, and Tai never had period.

  Men, while nice to look at, scared her. She couldn’t trust any of them, not after seeing how one had devastated her mother. At the same time, they intrigued her. Part of her wanted to know what was so great about love, or while a lot of her female classmates were so obsessed with boys. Sex in general intrigued her, but only because she didn’t understand everyone’s fixation on it. That one act alone caused wars.

  Tai would never know, but she didn’t care. Her mind kept going back to what would happen to her mother. What would happen to her? The priests were generally good about making sure the family of the sacrifice was well cared for. Would they give her companionship too though? Would anyone love her in Tai’s place? The only thing Tai could be certain about was now she would finally get to embark on a great adventure. Too bad it would lead to her death.

  Chapter Three

  The sacrifice consisted of three parts. The first was the public ceremony in which the chosen sacrifice stood in the temple and spoke the vow of allegiance as the representative for the entire island. The vow was simple, stating the island would remain loyal and true to the dragon lord. The vows were much like a marriage ceremony. In a way, it was a bit eerie. The second part of the ceremony was purification.

  Tai was led to a rather luxurious bath where she was waited on hand and foot. Whatever she wanted, she pretty much had. She was washed, given a pedicure, a manicure, and an all around make over. By the end of it all, she had never seen herself look so amazing in all of her seventeen years of life. Her hair was curled and piled on her head in a messy but beautiful bun, and she wore many expensive pieces of jewelry: diamond studded earrings and necklaces she couldn’t believe existed. They were entrancing to look at, and yet, there weren’t so many she felt as though she were wearing too much.


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