Of Winged Creatures & Nesting Grounds: (A Quirky, Sexy, Dirty Doctor Romance)

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Of Winged Creatures & Nesting Grounds: (A Quirky, Sexy, Dirty Doctor Romance) Page 21

by A. Wilding Wells

  My body jerks forward when he yanks the towel off me.

  “Then my tongue is going to make love to you, and you’re going to paint my face with your cum. Then I’m going to paint yours with mine.”

  “Hunt,” I mutter when his fingers wrap around the cone and he smears the cold cream across my breasts.

  He looks at me with hooded eyes as my nipples stand tall. Pink streams river down my belly while butterflies zip through it.

  He presses my shoulders against the roughhewn wood wall. “Hands behind your ass.”

  I swallow my nerves as his gaze travels along my body. And, when it lands where the stream of cream is heading, he yanks his briefs down with one hand while licking the ice cream.

  “Spread your legs.”

  I step my legs apart. Then he taps them open farther, his foot nudging my ankles as his tongue continues to work the cone.

  “I would have hunted you down, would have found you. This is not ever going to end, this thing between us. I will never say goodbye to you. You got that?”

  “Yeah?” I pinch my skin, praying that those words are his truth.

  He coaxes my ass off the wall with one hand, my hips tilting toward him. His groan when he kneels sends a tremor of arousal through me so strong that I gasp. He opens my cream-covered lips with one hand, all the while watching my face. Then he strokes ice cream between my legs. And, oh fuck, do I call out a string of words at the crazy sensations of hot and cold, right and wrong, that course through me. It’s perfect times a million.

  “Sweet little strawberry, I need to lick your cream, and when I do, I want you to tell me all the dirty things you’re thinking….but you never say aloud.”

  My body aches for his touch, his tongue, and the thrust of it entering me as his fingers meander then slip into me. But to ask for it? Soon, it’s time. Time for me to take claim of this man, time for me to ask for all the things I want. In the next few days I’ll do just that.

  Chapter 46



  Her chest rises. Then she holds her breath—one, two, three—before it comes out in a whoosh. She’s so nervous to ask for what she wants, and it only makes me want to give her more. Is she afraid I’d say no? I wouldn’t say no to anything she might want.

  “Tell me what you want. Ask me for it.”

  “Everywhere, I want you all over me.”

  My tongue licks the remains of the ice cream from her folds. With a tender touch, I wander, and she takes my hand in hers and guides it, teaching me what she wants. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever done with a woman. Like we’re dancing, we take turns. She moves, and I follow, the dips, the sway of her hips, the way her hands thread through my hair and yank my mouth to her then push me away. We’re creating our own language of love.

  “More now,” she whispers.

  She’s a teacher, an artist, and a consummate lover who’s blind to her own expertise. I’m so worked up and about to release, but trying to hold off. I grip my cock, pre-cum coating my fingers. Then I slip them inside her. Deep. So very deep inside her that she wilts on my hand, my wrist aching as I hold her up and find every bit of undiscovered pleasure she holds. And, when my tongue laps between her legs, she weeps out a sound so exquisite and rich with passion that I stand, and she grips me to finish me and my endless pulses. Then she slides her coated fingers inside her pussy. If only I could be the one to give her what she wants.

  Two days pass in a blink. Each morning was filled with as much anticipation as the night before. I’m convinced there isn’t a topic we haven’t discussed or a spot on her body I haven’t kissed. This is a woman who’s leaving marks on my heart and burning an imprint on my soul. Maybe I’m a dreamer, or just a pigheaded optimist, because I know this much with everything I am. Yes, she has a chaotic past filled with pain and unforgettable memories, but her future is going to be filled with magic.

  In the afternoon, as we ride horses alongside one another, a gentle rain dots the trail. The velvet, meandering sky sits at the horizon as silver swords of light pierces the clouds. We journey to the top of the ridge, the only sounds the shuffle and clomp of hooves, the trill of insects, and the clutter in my brain as our days evaporate.

  My thoughts are interrupted when we come to a bevy of twenty or so doves flits around on the trail in front of us. They scatter like paper snowflakes—lacy, delicate wings and whispers of song—as we near, and then they disappear amongst the trees.

  “You doing okay? You’ve been so quiet,” Happy says, reaching a hand out to me.

  I interlace two fingers with hers. “I’m good. Just thinking about how fast everything can change. How every day seems to fly. How some people linger in our memories and others barely leave a trace of themselves. You ever think about that?”

  “Deep. But understandable since we’re going to scatter your grandfather in the wind. Maybe the people who linger are those you knew in another time. You know, like a reincarnation thing.”

  “Maybe. So, if that’s the case, who were you to me?” The word eternal drifts through my mind.

  “Maybe I was the girl you loved and lost. Maybe something separated us that was impossible to disregard. Maybe there’s something we can’t see, some force that brings some people together and pushes others apart.”

  The way her heart ricochets back and forth must exhaust her. One minute, I’m certain I’ve caught her. The next, she’s off, a paper kite floating into a sky filled with her burning demons. I want to tell her how much we have now and how time can steal everything. But, every time I open my mouth to say those words, I remember how terrified of time she already is and what it might do to her body.

  “And you came back in this form? I guess that makes me lucky.” I squeeze her fingers.

  She nods and gives me a cheek-eating grin. “Yes. A million pieces.” She waggles her eyebrows and laughs. “Lucky you.”

  “Lest you forget I’m a puzzle lover.”

  “I’m well aware. Good luck. I might put you to the test.”

  “We’ll see about that. Maybe I’ll be the one putting you to the test.”

  “And what test would that be?” she asks.

  Ten feet from the edge of the ridge, we stop. I reach into the saddlebag for the silver tin that holds my grandfather’s ashes.

  “Maybe neither of us knows yet. Isn’t all of life a test? Questions with no answers.”

  “I’ve never been a good tester,” she says.

  “I love tests.”

  “Of course you do. Maybe that’s it with you and me! I’m your puzzle and test. Two things you love. Solved!” While looking across the valley, she smiles, calm settling on her face.

  Pieces of her hair lash her mouth as the wind whips around. She drags her fingertips along mine, drawing a line over each knuckle, tracing the length up and down each finger until she comes to the next. At my ring finger, she draws a circle. Her gaze drifts up my body when I touch her in the same way. It’s then, when a twinkle glimmers and turns her sky-blue eyes dark, that I know I’ve solved it. Another puzzle, the twenty-four hours escape into another identity, and who I want each of us to be.

  “My gramps and I always came here for my birthday, so I figured it would make the most sense to do this today.”

  “Your birthday?” Happy’s mouth falls open, and she squeezes my arm. “Today? Why didn’t you say something? I would have baked you a cake!” She shifts in her saddle and smiles, her cheeks reddening.

  “My birthday isn’t that big of a deal to me. But it has turned out pretty nicely.” I stroke her cheek then journey my fingers down her neck to land on her silk collarbone.

  She licks her lips as a smile finds its way onto her mouth.

  “I’m spending it with you,” I tell her, “and we’re doing something very meaningful. I was planning on coming up here alone. I didn’t know I’d have such gorgeous company tonight.”

  “Thanks for including me in something so special.”

��I was going to ask Clara to come, but I thought she might want to do her own thing. I had a silver vial necklace made, and I filled it with some ashes so she can do what feels right for her.”

  Happy’s eyes shimmer when I pull the chain from my saddlebag. Sunlight kisses the glistening vial as it spins. Maybe she doesn’t know she’s mouthing words, or maybe she’s doing it and hoping I’ll read them. How could I miss it? Anything about her.

  “I’m falling too,” she mouths.

  I lean toward her, my forehead against hers. My heart beats in a rhythm that’s new, stronger than anything I’ve ever felt. Another shift.

  “I know you are, and I told you already. I am too,” I say, my voice hoarse. “Falling so in love with you.” My lips float onto hers, featherlight. Teasing, soft, tender. Slow.

  Every nerve ending tingles as she says, “I want something with you. Something pure and simple. Something that’s only ours. I don’t know what you’ve done to me that I can say those words so soon, but I’m telling you the way I feel. I can’t deny it anymore, even though I know there are tomorrows I can’t predict.”

  “Something everlasting? I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.”

  Happy pins her lips in her teeth. Her laugh bubbles over when shakes her head then says, “Somehow, I believe you.”

  As I open the box of ashes, the wind swirls and lifts a layer of my grandfather’s remains into a whirl between us. My gaze follows the tiny tornado until it disappears.

  “Do you also believe there are lots of kinds of love?” I ask with a tight throat as I sink one hand into the velvety powder.

  “Of course I do. There are more kinds of love than almost anything. It’s infinite, because every person you meet has the potential to claim some of you.”

  I cock my head and crack a smile. “But not all of you?”

  “That’s impossible.”

  Or not, I think as pink flames across her cheeks and she looks away.

  “I don’t believe in impossibility,” I say. “And, as you know, I also don’t believe in goodbyes.” I lift a handful of ashes and hold it above my head, then open my fingers and let his silken dust slip through them. “Onward, Grandpa. Here’s to your next journey.”

  I never was going to allow the scattering of his ashes to be something cheerless. But I did think I would be alone, and not with a woman who has my heart making a collection of all things I adore about her. Every kiss and smile, every story-filled teardrop. Brave and getting more so. I keep telling her that brave is who she is, and I know she has it in her to embrace her missing pieces and make them come alive again.

  With the sun beginning to fade and anticipation whirling inside me, we head down the hill.

  I sidle next to Happy and ask, “Are you ready for your new identity?”

  Her mouth forms an expectant O. Her eyes widen then probe me. “We’re escaping into another reality tonight?”

  “Yes, we are. I’m calling the shots for the next twenty-four hours. Just as soon as we get down to the tent, I’m stealing you away.”

  Breaking down that final wall—is that what tonight will hold? She smiles. It’s beautiful and sure, and it hits me hard in the gut when she answers, “I’m pretty sure you began the process of stealing me away the night we met.”

  Chapter 47

  Shine and sparkle


  Despite my jittery gut, I’m smiling. Okay, it’s a shit-eating grin. Whatever! With a marker in my trembling hand, I cross it off my list knowing I will give it to him later tonight. IT. Look at that.

  Lose my virginity

  I whip my clothes off then dig through my bag. Sure, I thought the deed would be done in the dark. I have to laugh that I convinced myself it would be a one-time, meaningless thing. So, how is it I’m pulling skimpy, red lace underwear up my thighs? Red lace edged in sequins. Here we go.

  Even though I’ve bumped off and on this road more than a few times, I’m trying to steer this thing forward. Tonight’s a big one. This whole relationship-and-love thing is turning out to really be something. I guess I had it wrong all along. I didn’t know it was without rules or boundaries. I didn’t realize it was uncontrollable and a force to be reckoned with. That it was alive and crazy and fiery. That love can find you no matter what you’re going through or how much denial you may be swimming in. Love is one strong motherfucker! We can’t plan love like I thought we could. Can’t plan on finding it or holding on to it for eternity. If I’ve learned anything since I met Hunt, it’s that. Well, that and the fact that maybe I am braver than I’ve given myself credit for.

  I hear a tap, tap, tap on the canvas wall of our tent.

  “Hey, you ready to fly, little bluebird?” he says from the other side.

  When we were up on that ridge, he had a look in his eyes that said something wild. It said, Surrender and dream a little. It said, Let me. And, in my heart of hearts, I’m saying, Yes, I will.

  “So, just an overnight bag? Right?” I answer.

  “And a marker.”

  I swoop a black marker off my nightstand and toss it into my bag. “Okay. Got it. I’m ready.”

  The screen door slams behind me, and Hunt hauls both of our bags over one shoulder then hooks an arm around my body. His fingertips sneak under the fabric of my sundress at my underarm, causing goose bumps to scatter.

  “You look pretty,” he whispers at my ear. “You also look nervous. What’s up with the rash on your neck?”

  “Maybe, once you tell me what the plan is, I won’t be. I know it’s all in good fun, but where are we going?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  After walking down a short trail, we reach a small, blue, weather-worn barn. Screeching metal wheels sing as Hunt slides the door open. A musty smell smacks my senses, and an old, white pickup greets us, as dust dances in the sunlight beams.

  We drive for twenty minutes on winding roads that I can only imagine will lead to more winding roads. That is, until we turn into a magnificent stone fence entrance and continue along a driveway lined with craggy, berry-filled cedar trees, which sweep up and kiss the cloud-dotted sky.

  “Wow. What is this place?”

  Through a thick bramble, a small herd of fuzzy, antlered deer sprint. Hunt slams on the brakes as they charge across the pebbled drive.

  “Am I entering a fairytale? Am I Cinderella? Come on. Tell me already. You’re killing me!”

  “I’m glad I’ve created so much suspense!” Hunt squeezes my thigh and I squeal in reaction. “Be patient. We’re almost there. A buddy of mine owns this place.”

  “Wow. Some place.”

  We traverse a dusty trail that splits a wildflower meadow, insects dancing merrily across the sea of vivid colors. Hunt abruptly stops the truck and shuts the engine off when we reach the center of the meadow.

  “Get your marker,” he says, his smile yanking my heart from my rib cage.

  “My marker? Okay. Are you getting weird or fun?” I dig through my bag, searching blindly for my marker as I check his face for clues.

  “Getting permanent. For the next twenty-four hours, I’m all yours. And you, shmoop, are all mine.”

  “Yeah, I got that part, but who are we?”

  He hops out of the truck and comes around to my side. After opening the door, he lifts me, takes two steps to the left, and, helps me over the side of the pickup’s bed. He jumps up to meet me. And, my god, his smile when he goes down on one knee, takes the marker from my hand, then entwines his fingers with mine, well… It is beyond any smile I’ve ever had flashed my way.

  Holding my hand in his, he kisses my ring finger as he glances at my eyes then back down. He bites the cap off the marker, pinching it between his teeth like one would a cigarette, and draws a diamond shape on my finger. Then he connects it around the backside to form a ring.

  “My wife,” he says.

  My heart—oh, Jesus… It flies and zips and leaves me momentarily, or at least it feels that way. A smile curves up
on one side of his mouth as he stands. He then hands me the marker and kisses my mouth in a soft, sweet second.

  “And I’m your husband, if you’ll have me for the next twenty-four hours. Maybe you’ll like me so much you’ll decide to keep me. Permanently.”

  My mouth falls open. Then I cover it, giggling. Butterflies flit like an untamed circus through my belly. And damn, do my eyes sting when the hair on the back of my neck prickles. It’s a crazy beautiful emotion. It’s lightning meeting sunshine meeting love.

  “We’re married? I’m…” I swallow over a patch of something so gorgeous and unrecognizable that I choke on it. “I’m your wife?”

  “Yes, you’re my wife. And I’m the one who loves and cherishes you. Your husband, the one who will be yours as long as you’ll have me. I’d rather not stop the spell after twenty-four hours. That’ll have to be your choice.”

  I clutch my throat, where everything is sitting in a jumble. My nerves, my heart, my... yes, everything. “You don’t seem like you’re acting. That or you’re really good at acting.”

  “I’ll let you decide what I’m good at, Mrs. Hardick. Now, if you’ll please do me the honor of placing a ring on my finger so that I may kiss my bride and possibly consummate this thing finally. I’d rather like to deflower my virgin bride tonight if she’ll have me.”

  I snort out a laugh and then burst into tears. Shuttling between emotions, I bite my quivering lips and take his hand in mine.

  “A wedding band. Yes,” I say, as the earth stops spinning for long moments.

  He nods, a smile tugging at his lips as he kisses my cheek. Then he whispers, “Thank you, my beautiful wife.”

  While drawing a line as smoothly as my shaking fingers allow, I take a deep breath. After I’ve drawn one line to form a single ring, I add another. This is crazy. And I like it. This is a free fall of wonderfulness.

  “C’mere.” Hunt wraps his arms around my waist.


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