Torrid Teasers Volume 40

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Torrid Teasers Volume 40 Page 3

by Rusty Wicks, Annmarie Ortega

  Jason traced the fullness of her breasts with his tongue before he put his mouth on her pert pink tips and suckled. Moaning beneath his touch, Cheyenne pushed herself closer to his touch. Her legs parted, and his mouth moved lower.

  It wasn't until the passion rose to a nearly unbearable level, his cock so hard it was almost painful, that Jason slid inside her warmth. The snug fit they made stole his breath, and for an instant he thought he would lose control. He looked into her eyes and saw reflected all the emotions swirling through him. Slowly, Jason began to move. Together, they danced the age-old dance of love, finding a rhythm that took them sweetly to the edge of reason. Then, they fell as one into a shared, world-shattering orgasm. When it was over, they lay in a tangled, sweaty, satisfied heap, both gasping for air as they fought to rein in their galloping hearts.

  As they fell asleep, neither of them cared whether or not they got out of the cabin alive. The last few minutes chased away all thoughts beyond here and now.

  * * * *

  It wasn't until they made love twice more, once on the rug and again in the tiny bunk, that they realized what day it was.

  Cheyenne figured it out first. “Merry Christmas,” she said, wiggling until they nestled like spoons on the narrow bed.

  Jason smiled against her hair, his spent cock nestled against her ass.

  "Merry Christmas to you, too.” With a grin he added, “So I guess I spent this Christmas in Cheyenne. Just in case anyone asks where I spent my holiday, you know."

  She laughed. “I guess you did at that. And Cheyenne hopes that you come back sometime, too. Visit soon. Visit often."

  "Is that an invitation? And is it good only on holidays, or any day?"

  "Hmm...” Cheyenne ran a hand along his forearm, pulling him tighter. She held him as if she would never let go. “The invitation holds for any day. Every day. For as long as you want it to last."

  A lump rose in Jason's throat. “I want it to last forever, darling. Do you mind?"

  "Not a bit. Come back anytime."

  He pressed his limp penis against her backside with a chuckle. “I'm grateful for the invite. Maybe in a while, but I'm not sure I'm ready for visiting again just yet. But Merry Christmas, Cheyenne. When we get out of here we'll have to celebrate properly."

  "This is as proper as I need. This suits me just fine, Jason."

  "Me too. But I thought you might want to have a holiday dinner that features more than canned soup. By the way, have you noticed? The snow's stopped falling. We should be able to get out of here anytime now."

  "Not yet.” Cheyenne snugged herself tighter against him. “Let's wait until the holiday's over. Besides, don't you already have somewhere to be?"

  The undulations of her soft, round cheeks were working magic on his cock. He grew hard, his arousal returning as the warmth in his chest amplified. Covering Cheyenne's body with his, he angled his cock so it grazed her slick folds before slipping into her. “You've got a point, darling. I do have somewhere to be this Christmas."



  Annmarie Ortega

  Laura walked on the crunchy hard snow that was packed on the dirt road, remembering how her father always used to tell her, “There's a reason why they call it an idiot light, kid.” She hated to admit he was right, but this time she had been an idiot. She breathed out hard in exasperation, her breath white frost, angry for getting herself stuck out here in the middle of nowhere.

  She was going to meet her best friend, Sara, along with some other friends at the vacation house of Sara's parents for the Christmas weekend. When she'd left her apartment in the city she was already running late and Laura had been so focused on packing her bags and loading her car with presents, she hadn't remembered to stop at the gas station to fill up her car's tank with gas.

  Laura had never been to this house of Sara's before, but she knew it was at the end of this road. She was amazed at how cold it had gotten so fast. The temperature hadn't seemed so bad when she started walking down the tree-lined road after her car had sputtered and died. But now, half an hour later with her leather jacket and noninsulated boots she was really starting to freeze. She pulled her fleece hat down over her ears, thankful she'd found her missing glove this morning so at least her hands weren't freezing.

  Laura's nose ran and her eyes stung from the cold air while tiny tears escaped the corners. She pulled her cell phone out of her purse. Looking at the display screen, she saw there was absolutely no reception. She exhaled another puff of white frost and realized there'd be no calling Sara for help so she just kept on walking.

  The sky was darkening fast and Laura could tell the temperature had really started to plummet because of her face growing numb. She started to worry that when it got totally dark she wouldn't even be able to see the road anymore since there were no streetlights. She decided to go to the next house she found, even if it wasn't Sara's. The idea of freezing to death on some dark road by herself on Christmas Eve was not a happy prospect. Laura pulled her faux fur trimmed hood up over her hat, trying to get warmer.

  She only had on a long sleeve shirt under her jacket and blue jeans, not the ideal winter wardrobe. Her leather jacket crackled in the cold every time she moved her arms and wasn't doing a good job of keeping her warm.

  She continued crunching down the road when she noticed a driveway that went off the road to her left. Laura knew this wasn't where she wanted to go, but she was so cold and didn't want to walk anymore. She turned and started down the driveway hoping there'd be a house at the end with someone who would let her in.

  The driveway ended and there was a log cabin in front of Laura. There was no car parked in the driveway, but it was obvious someone was home. There were lights blazing through the windows and the large front window framed a Christmas tree. Laura saw smoke billowing from the chimney against the night sky. She walked up the front porch and knocked on the door with three hard knocks. As she waited for someone to open the door, she shuffled back and forth, holding her gloved hands up to her cheeks, trying to warm them. She noticed they were already numb.

  Laura heard someone opening the door and turned toward it, ready to beg to be let inside and out of the cold. The door opened wide and a rush of warm air covered Laura like a warm blanket. She looked inside at the man who had opened the door and Laura's stomach dropped down to her frozen toes.

  The man who stood in the doorway was the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen. In fact he would have taken her breath away if the freezing night air hadn't already done so. He was tall, six foot two easily, with dark hair and equally dark eyes. Wearing a cream-colored thermal undershirt that hung out of his faded blue jeans and brown hiking boots, he looked like he would be an outdoorsman. It seemed right he was at home in a log cabin in the middle of the woods. He held a glass Christmas ornament in his hand as if he had been disturbed while decorating his tree.

  The man looked startled to see her on his porch; clearly he wasn't expecting company tonight.

  "I am so sorry to bother you on Christmas Eve,” Laura started, “but my car ran out of gas down the road. I've been walking for a while, but it's getting dark and I am freezing,” she explained as she shifted from one foot to the other, trying to detect some feeling where she knew her toes should be.

  He looked at her from head to toe, and then seemed to realize she had told him she was freezing.

  "Come in, you're not interrupting anything,” he told her, stepping back out of the doorway to let her in. “I've got a good fire going for you to get warm."

  Laura stepped into the brightly lit cabin, thankful to be out of the cold. As she pulled off her gloves a chocolate Labrador came running into the room from the kitchen, wagging his tail as his tongue hung out of his mouth. He went up to Laura and nudged her hand with his cold nose.

  "Cocoa, leave our guest alone,” the man warned with a grin as he closed the front door. He walked to the dining room table to put down the ornament next to others that were lying there
. He walked to the fireplace and placed another log onto it, then turned to look at Laura.

  "Thanks again. My friend's house is supposed to be down at the end of the road and I wasn't sure I'd make it. I couldn't even see the end of the road, and I'm not exactly prepared for a freezing walk,” explained Laura as she shoved her gloves inside her purse.

  "To get to the house at the end of the road would take you at least another forty-five minutes. I heard that the temperatures are supposed to drop even more tonight, so another forty-five minutes in the cold might be brutal,” he told her. “I'm afraid I don't have any gas here to give you for your car, either. You could just stay here overnight and start walking again in the morning."

  Laura was apprehensive about spending the night with a stranger, but she didn't want to go back outside; she was just starting to get the feeling back in her toes and cheeks. She didn't think she could handle any more walking outside in the frigid cold.

  "Yeah, that sounds like the best thing,” she decided after weighing her options. “Do you have a phone I can use?” she asked him.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, it doesn't work right now,” he told her. “My name is Jack by the way, and that,” he said, pointing to the dog that was now curled up in front of the sofa, “is Cocoa."

  "I'm Laura,” she said, and reached out her hand to him, and he hesitated before he took hers in his. When he touched hers she was surprised at how cold he was and he pulled his hand away from her and shoved it in a pocket. Laura imagined he must have just come in from the outside, perhaps from getting more wood for the fire blazing in the fireplace.

  "Do you want me to take your jacket?” he asked her.

  Laura pulled off her purse, putting it on the floor and then took off her coat, handing it to Jack. He went to put it away as Laura pulled off her fleece hat and tried to smooth her unruly hair. She placed her hat next to her purse on the floor by the sofa.

  Jack came back from putting her coat away. “Your hair looks fine, really,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

  "Thanks,” Laura said, embarrassed he had caught her attempting to control her shoulder-length mass of curls. When he had smiled at her it made her more aware of being alone with this gorgeous stranger. It looked like it had the possibility of being a very interesting night.

  "Do you want help decorating the tree? I don't mind,” she told him as she walked over to the table with the decorations as a distraction to stop staring at him. She saw he had some really wonderfully unique ornaments. It was obvious some were very old and delicate.

  "Thanks for helping. By the time I'd get done, Christmas will be over,” he joked as he joined her at the table.

  They took turns handing each other ornaments and placing them on the tree. Laura picked up an ornament and reached out to hand it to Jack, but dropped it before he had it in his hand. Embarrassed she quickly bent down to pick up the broken pieces of glass and felt a shooting pain in her hand. Laura looked at her hand and saw a line of blood bubble up from the cut and she sucked in her breath. She did not handle seeing blood well, especially her own and was immediately lightheaded.

  Jack held her by the arm and led her quickly into the bathroom. He ran the water over the cut, inspecting it closely as Laura leaned over the sink.

  "It doesn't look like there's any glass in your hand. Are you okay? You look really pale. You're a fainter, aren't you?” he asked her with a teasing tone in his voice.

  "I'm fine. I just don't do blood very well,” she replied and smiled weakly at him, trying to show him she was tougher than she really was.

  Jack took a bandage from the medicine cabinet and put it on Laura's hand after he was finished cleaning the wound.

  He put his arm around her and started to lead her back into the living room, stopping in the doorway, looking up. Laura's eyes followed his and she smiled when she saw the mistletoe hanging over them. She looked back at him and he was smiling the most adorable smile at her.

  "We're under the mistletoe,” he said, suddenly looking serious.

  Laura cleared her throat before she answered him. “I can see that."

  "Do you believe in mistletoe, that you're supposed to kiss under it?” he asked her.

  Laura smiled at him as she nodded. “As a matter of fact, I do."

  Jack turned her toward him, putting his hands on her waist before leaning in to place his lips on hers. She breathed in his scent, a combination of spice, cinnamon and pine. Laura thought he even smelled like an outdoorsman. It was the most delicious kiss she'd ever had.

  His lips were cool against hers, but they were soft and gentle. Laura kissed him back and opened her mouth to him, letting him slide his tongue against hers. Their kissing was so natural and relaxed that she wrapped her arms around his neck without hesitation. Her fingers combed through his hair at his neck. Jack moaned, and she responded by slipping her tongue into his mouth and stroking his.

  They finally parted lips and Laura took her hands off of him with reluctance. She thought he was so easy to just melt into, and she could easily lose herself.

  "Got to love that mistletoe,” he told her, smiling down at her, his hands still on her waist.

  "Yeah you do,” she replied, a silly grin on her face. She knew then this was going to be one Christmas Eve she would never forget.

  She looked down at his hands still on her waist, and saw that she'd bled on his thermal shirt.

  "I'm so sorry I ruined your shirt,” she said, pointing to the blood spots.

  "Don't worry about it, really. This shirt doesn't matter, but your hand being okay does."

  Laura thought he was very sweet to say that to her. He took his hands off her waist and stepped back to pull off his shirt. Laura tried to keep her startled “oh” from escaping her lips as she saw his chest when he pulled the shirt up over his head.

  The man was built big time. She had known his shoulders were wide, but his chest and abs were sculpted like a model's from the cover of a fitness magazine. Laura thought it ironic that she lived in a city with millions of people and she'd never seen a man with a body like his. All she had to do was get stranded in the middle of nowhere to find the perfect abs.

  Jack glanced at her as he pulled his arms out of the sleeves, catching her stare at his bare chest and he smiled at her. “Are you checking me out?"

  Laura turned away from him quickly, the blood rushing to her face. She walked over to the fireplace and squatted down to look at the flames, tilting her head slightly forwards so her shoulder-length hair would hide her face. Once she wasn't looking at him she was able to answer his question.

  "No, I wasn't checking you out,” she said still staring at the flames, embarrassed he had caught her staring at him.

  "If you were, it's okay,” he told her.

  She immediately turned to look at him and stood up. “What?” she asked.

  "If you were checking me out, it's okay. I did the same thing to you when we were decorating the tree,” he confessed to her with a boyish grin.

  "Really?” She hadn't noticed him looking at her at all and was shocked he'd be interested in her. “When?"

  "Every time you bent over to hang an ornament or reached up to hang the garland, I thought of kissing you, touching you or seeing you naked,” he explained as he threw his shirt in a ball onto the sofa and walked toward her.

  He stopped when they were literally toe-to-toe. Laura looked down at his muscular chest and rippled abs right there in front of her.

  "You can touch me,” he told her, trying to catch her eye.

  "This isn't happening; this can't be real,” she told him, shaking her head in denial. A hot man like him did not offer himself to a regular girl like her in a romantic, secluded cabin in the woods.

  "Who says it is real?” he asked her back. “I've always thought Christmas was a magical time of the year. Look, it's Christmas Eve and I'm here alone, you're here alone, so why not have a Christmas Eve together we'll both never forget?"

  Laura's mind raced at his pro
position and the fact she was actually considering it. Jack reached for her hand and placed it on his chest over his heart and her body made the decision for her.

  She felt a little weak in the knees touching his cool skin, and she felt an ache start between her legs. He wanted her and she wanted him and they had the whole night ahead of them. Laura felt like she had stepped into a magical dream. As she closed her eyes, she felt the warmth from the fire next to her, the smell of pine and cinnamon, and Jack's muscles moving under her hand. The ache for him still there between her legs. Yes, the decision was made.

  She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her expectantly, waiting for her answer.

  Laura stepped back from him, taking her hand off his chest. Jack looked disappointed. Laura slowly reached up and started unbuttoning her white shirt, button by button, until it was hanging open.

  "I already know this is a Christmas I'll never forget,” she whispered.

  He smiled then stepped toward her, sliding her shirt from her shoulders and down her arms. As he looked at her breasts covered in white lace that allowed him to see her erect nipples through the material his eyes ignited. Her shirt fell to the floor behind her and Laura reached up to touch Jack's chest again, this time running both her hands over his pectorals. His nipples pebbled under her palms; his skin still cool to her touch.

  "Why are you so cold?” she asked. They were standing next to the fireplace, and even with her own shirt off she was warm.

  "I just can never get warm,” he explained. “That's why I like to get a good fire going. I've been like this for a while, but I'm pretty used to it by now. It doesn't really bother me. It's just the way I am."

  Jack raised his hand and traced the nipple on one of Laura's breasts through the lace with his finger. It hardened under the thin material. She reached around and unhooked her bra for him, shrugging her shoulders forward so the straps slid down her arms. Jack took the bra and slid it off her, dropping it on the floor on top of her shirt.

  "You're beautiful,” he said to her before he leaned over and kissed one of her breasts, circling the nipple first with kisses before taking it in his mouth, sucking on it and causing Laura to close her eyes and sigh. His hand caressed her other breast, sending ripples of pleasure down her spine. As he sucked on her nipples Laura knew there was only one way to extinguish the fire that spread from her core. She couldn't wait for him to touch her there and find out how wet he'd made her.


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